C (ЛГ-t зкжс - - ^-e СВОБОДА JfcSVOBOBA at О Я — Ж О -сг" УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ ЩОАІННИК ЧвИр икшлі tt Ik NO МІ V -4 3) t/` ОяО UkroinioENGLISH-LANGUAGnE WEEKLY EDITIOWeeN k V ш VOL. LXXXVII. No. 16 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY JANUARY 20. 1980 25 CENTS President Carter hosts Sichkos get three years each civic leaders at White House WASHINGTON. D.C. - President have been open with them and we have Jimmy Carter, in an effort to keep the been right. We have continuously varied sectors of the American society condemned international terrorism. informed on developments in Iran and "As to Afghanistan, the Soviet action Afghanistan, as well as the attitudes of has caused us and the North Atlantic the United States government towards alliance to reassess our attitude toward the rapidly changing events, summoned the Soviet Union. Our actions have some 175 activists to the White House been compatible with international Friday, January 11, for a briefing over a desire for peace. breakfast. "We have gained the support of all The event was also attended by the segments of the American people. There secretaries of commerce, energy, agri­ is unity in our country. Our economic culture and treasury. sanctions against the Soviets are justi­ fied and adequately moderate, but Representing the Ukrainian National serious enough to show the Soviets that Association at this breakfast was its they cannot take such actions with Supreme President John O. Flis. impunitv. There are legal and proper Secretary of State Cyrus Vance, furtner counteractions which . w;!' who presided over the briefing, stated take. that insofar as the U.S. actions in Petro Sichko dealing with the Iran crisis the U.S. "The U.S. will reassess its commit­ NEW YORK, N.Y. - Petro and brings to І-2 the total number of mem­ followed four basic objectives: ment to a strong defense posture and Vasyl Sichko, father and son members bers of the Ukrainian Helsinki group increase defense expenditures." of the Ukrainian Public Group to who have been imprisoned since the ' to protect America's long-range Mr. Vance went further by stating national interests; Promote the Implementation of the group's formation in November 1976. that,the U.S. "willjise its military might Helsinki Accords, have been sentenced The Sichkos were arrested in the f to protect the lives of the hostages; in order to protect its vital interests." ' to bring about release of the hos­ to three years' imprisonment each, town of Dolyna, Ivano-Frankivske tages at the earliest possible date; Mr. Vance also indicated that a reported the press service of the Ukrai­ oblast, on July 5, 1979. Reports from ' to secure and retain strong support boycott of the Olympic Games is under nian Supreme Liberation Council Ukraine indicate that the arrests were of the international community. consideration. (abroad). connected to their addresses at the grave (Continued on page 3) The sentencing of the two Sichkos of Volodymyr Ivasiuk. The U.S. has been successful to a great extent even though the hostages are still in captivity. Mr. Vance also informed those pre­ Al concerned over new arrests in USSR sent that the U.S. has used different NEW YORK, N.Y. - Amnesty dressed an open letter to Soviet Presi­ - Among others arrested or tried were channels in confronting this challenge, International said Tuesday, January 15, dent Leonid Brezhnev, emphasizing Nikolai Nikitin, a member of an inde­ such as the United Nations, the world that a major crackdown on dissenters international concern about human pendent workers' group; Igor Kor- court and individuals who have been in appeared to be taking place in the rights violations in the USSR. chnoi, a would-be emigrant; Reshat contact with or visited Iran. He said the Soviet Union. "We had hoped that the authorities Dzhemilev, activist for the rights of the U.S. is ready to listen to Iran's griev­ would release a significant number of Crimean Tartars; and Valery Abramkin ances and that America's effort con­ More than 40 people are known to prisoners of conscience," an Al spokes­ and Viktor Sorokin, editors of an tinues despite obstacles to bring about have been arrested in the past three man said, "but so far the major develop­ unofficial literary journal. peaceful resolution of this problem. months for the non-violent exercise of ment has been an increase in the number Al drew particular attention to the Turning to the Afghanistan problem, human rights, the organization said. In of arrests and trials." severe sentences given recently to five he stated the action of the Soviet Union the same period, several human rights In Ukraine those arrested include human rights activists: Yuriy Bad/io, a constitutes clear aggression which has activists have been given long sentences Helsinki monitors Vasyl Striltsiv (Oct­ Ukrainian writer, was sentenced on and will continue to draw a firm and of imprisonment and at least two are ober 25), Petro Rozumny (October 19), December 21 to seven years' imprison­ resolute response from the U.S. and the known to have been confined to special Yaroslav Lesiv (November 15), Vitaliy ment and five years' internal exile for Western democracies. The action is psychiatric hospitals, the harshest form Kalynychenko (November 25) and an "anti-Soviet agitation and propa­ going to affect the. U.S. relations with oi^psychiatric detention in the USSR, it associate of the group, Mykola Horbal ganda"; Oles Berdnyk. a Ukrainian Moscow. Those present were informed added. (October 23). In December four other science fiction writer and member ol a that President Carter has thus far ruled Among those picked up or tried members of the Ukrainian monitoring Helsinki monitoring group, was sen­ out military action and has opted to act recently were nine members of unoffi­ group, Yuriy Lytvyn, Petro Sichko, tenced on the same date to six years in politically and economically. The U.S. cial groups which monitor Soviet com­ Vasyl Sichko and Oles Berdnyk, were prison and three years of internal exile; has cut off export of grain and higher pliance with the human rights provi­ tried and given sentences ranging from Baptists Ivan Kyryliuk, Viacheslav technology to the USSR, and this is sions of the agreement reached at the three to nine years' imprisonment and Zaiats, Viktor Lytovchenkoand Viktor expected to hurt the Soviets. The cut-off 1975 Helsinki Conference on Security internal exile. Draga were given sentences on De­ of fishing rights is also expected to have and Cooperation in Europe. Eight of Those arrested in Moscow include cember 3 totaling 12, 10, seven and three its effect them were members of the Ukrainian the prominent human rights cam­ years, respectively, after being convict­ The action by the Soviets presents an monitoring group. Others arrested or paigner Tatiana Velikanova (arrested ed on criminal charges ostensibly unre­ immediate danger not only to Afghanis­ tried included members of the' indepen­ November I), Helsinki monitor Viktor lated to their religious activity. tan and Iran but also to the adjoining dent trade union groups, religious Nekipelov (December 7) and religious AI also expressed concern that at countries, and constitutes a threat to the believers, would-be emigrants, activists campaigners Father Gleb Yakunin least two more dissenters have been U.S. and the industrially developed for the rights of national groups and (November 1) and Lev Regelson (De­ forcibly confined to special psychiatric nations. conscientious objectors to military cember 24). hospitals. They are Anatoly Pozniakov. President Carter walked in at 9:20 service. In Lithuania, two well-known human member of an independent trade union and spoke for 25 minutes. The arrests and trials reported in the and national rights activists, Antanas group, and Anatoly Runov, a dissenting .He said: "We have the support of the AI statement have all taken place since Terleckas and Julius Sasnauskas. were Baptist majority of the JreenatUrns because we October,, when the organization ad­ .arrested,. (Continued on pace 31 - '`" .v-` . 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY - SUNDAY JANUARY 20. 1980 No. 16 Sichkos spoke at Ivasiuk's grave Lukianenko wishes to emigrate, during Feast of the Pentecost seeks suspension of sentence NEW YORK. N.Y. - Speaking at - NEW YORK, N.Y. - Lev Luki­ live and they wanted me to grovel. But, the grave of Volodymyr Ivasiuk, a anenko. the Ukrainian Helsinki moni- .not eliciting any groveling from me. young Ukrainian musician who was ter sentenced in July 1978 to 10 years' they arrested me. killed by the KGB last spring, Vasyl imprsionment and five years' exile, The sentence, as well as my persecu­ Sichko, a member of the Ukrainian appealed to Soviet officials to suspend tion before the arrest, is a complete Helsinki group, said that May 22, the his sentence and allow him and his wife contradiction of the most elementary day Ivasiuk was buried, should be to emigrate from the USSR. democratic and national rights and commemorated as a day of sorrow in Lukianenko wrote the appeal on freedoms of man. In my July 10, 1978, memory of all Ukrainian cultural acti­ August 2, 1978. to the judges'collegium addedum to the record concerning vists Who died under mysterious cir­ for criminal cases. familiarization with materials from the cumstances, reported the press service He pointed out in the appeal that in proceeding investigation of June 28, of the Ukrainian Supreme Liberation December 1977, long before his trial, he 1978. I, in 20 pages, pointed to the Council (abroad). had renounced his Soviet citizenship injustice of persecution and the hypo­ Sichko, who in his early 20s is the and had applied for. permission to crisy of the investigation. youngest member of the Ukrainian emigrate.
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