Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Social and Political Issues Sanur, 29-30 October 2018 “Rethinking Nationalism: Looking Back and Looking Forward” Edited by: Dody Prayogo & Ida Ruwaida Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik UI 2020 2 Prosidings of the 2nd Internaonal Conference on Social and Polical Issues “Rethinking Naonalism: Looking Back and Looking Forward” Dody Prayogo | Ida Ruwaida (Editor) Prosidings of the 2nd Internaonal Conference on Social and Polical Issues, Sanur, 29‐30 October 2018 “Rethinking Naonalism: Looking Back and Looking Forward” Ed. 1— Cet. 1—Depok, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Polik UI, 2020, 264 hlm. ISBN No. : 978‐602‐71839‐3‐3 Layout [email protected] Cetakan ke‐1, Juni 2020 Hak cipta dilindungi undang‐undang. Dilarang menggandakan sebagian atau seluruh isi buku ini dengan cara apa pun, termasuk dengan cara penggunaan mesin fotokopi, tanpa izin resmi dari penerbit Penerbit Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Polik UI Gedung MBRC Lt.1 Kampus FISIP UI—Depok 16424 Jawa Barat, Indonesia 3 The 2nd International Conference on Social and Political Issues (ICSPI) 2018 “Rethinking Nationalism: Looking Back and Looking Forward” Prime Plaza Hotel & Suites Sanur Bali, 29-30 October 2018 Keynote Speakers: Prof. Karen Farquharson Dr. Petrus Reinhard Golose Invited Speakers: Prof. Vedi Hadiz (University of Melbourne) Prof. Mari Elka Pangestu (Universitas Indonesia) Prof. Timo Kaartinen (University of Helsinki) Prof. S.U. Changhe (Fudan University) Prof. Iwan Gardono S. (Universitas Indonesia) Prof. Chalidaporn Songsamphan (Thammasat University) 4 The Committee Head : Dr. Ida Ruwaida Program Committee: Broto Wardoyo Ph.D. & Bhakti Eko Nugroho, MA. Member : Evi Fitriani, Ph.D. Drs. Raymond M. Menot Christoforus Agveriandika S.IP. Rr. Shatiti Sakuntala, M.Si. Rr. Devi Desca M. Nurul Ulfa, SE. Astrid Fasnasya, S.Sos. Ranny R.M. Soeharnis, M. Kessos Dadang Sudiadi, M.Si. Fajaruddin Widodo, S.Kom Anggiarini, SE. Astuti Utaminingtyas, SE. Arie Aditya, M.Si. Fajar Rizki Reviewers: Prof. Ilya Revianti S. Prof. Adrianus E. Meliala Prof. Iwan Gardono Prof. Vedi Hadiz Phillips Kalantzis-Kop Prof. Timo Kaartinen Prof. Bambang Shergi Laksmono, M.Sc. Prof. Hamdi Muluk Prof. M. Mustofa Dr. Valina Singka S. Evi Fitriani, Ph.D. Dr. Ricardi S. Adnan, M.Si. Johanna Debora Imelda, Ph.D. Dr. Tony Rudyansjah Dr. Ani Widyani Suraya A. Aϐiff, Ph.D. Dr. Irwansyah Dr. Indera Ratna Irawati Endah Triastuti, Ph.D. Deasy Simanjuntak, Ph.D. Meidi Kosandi, Ph.D. Aditya Perdana, Ph.D. Fentiny Nugroho, Ph.D. Dr. Sari Viciawati Machdum F.S.S. Ery Seda, Ph.D. Broto Wardono, Ph.D. Dr. Ida Ruwaida Dr. Iqrak Sulhin Herlina Permata Sari, M.Crim. 5 FOREWORD The 2018 International Conference on Political and Social Issues (ICSPI), organized by the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of Universitas Indonesia (FISIP UI), on October 29 to 30 in Bali, is the second in a series of social science conferences, after the first was held in the same location in 2016. This event is held as a venue for scientific presentations of international scholars, both students and lecturers, to present the results of their latest research and studies according to the focus of their respective studies. The main purpose of the conference is to provide such a venue, as well as to encourage the scientific productivity of lecturers and students of the social sciences and humanities groups internationally. In this current conference, the scope of the issues covers important issues that have become the center of attention in contemporary studies of social sciences and humanities, namely issues with "nationalism" as a keyword. Rapid global changes, as well as regional political reforms, make the concept of "nationalism" relevant to be revisited in various iterations. For this reason, the issue of "nationalism" is associated with 7 topics including: Conflict, Terrorism and Nation Building Identity Politics, Citizenship and Nationalism Transnationalism, Globalization and Nationalism Nationalism in the Digital Era Social Justice and Social Well-Being Nationalism and Social Movement Gender and Nationalism The papers presented are the results of field research and desk studies, done individually and collaboratively between lecturers or lecturers with students. Some of the papers are theses or dissertations or results of independent research by lecturers, which are planned to be published in international journals. All papers have been selected because of their relevance to the 7 topics above and the academic importance of the substance for further publication in indexed journals. Through this rubric, I, as Deputy Dean for Education, Research and Student Affairs of FISIP UI, express the highest appreciation to all speakers who present their study results at 2018 ICSPI. The development of perspectives in the social sciences is no longer determined in a unipolar manner, but has developed on a polarized manner, closely related to the differentiation of changes in social phenomena it faces. Moreover, social science will develop if it can provide a solution for the society and the state. I hope that through the ICSPI activity, scientific productivity of social science scholars both in Indonesia and internationally continues to increase, both quantitatively and qualitatively, as well as its ability to provide solutions to social problems, and nationhood and statehood problems as well. Regards, Prof. Dr. Dody Prayogo MPSt. Deputy Dean for Education, Research and Student Affairs Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Indonesia 6 TABLETable OF of CONTENTContent The Committee ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5 Foreward ..………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6 Table of Content …………………………………………………………………………………………. 7 Conlict, Terrorism, and Nation Building ………………….………………………….………….… 14 The Effectivity of International Cooperation towards the Prevention of FTF Arrival in Indonesia … 14 Arief Akbar Mohammad, Puspitasari, and Broto Wardoyo Prevention of Uighur Terrorist Developments in Southeast Asia …………………………………… 15 Laila Indriyanti Fitria, Puspitasari, and Broto Wardoyo Terrorist Prisoners and De-radicalization in Indonesia ……………………………………..……….. 16 Dadang Sudiadi Pattern of Social Media Using in Terrorist Action of Bombastic Serves in Indonesia, 2016 ……….. 17 Budi Prasetya, Benny J. Mamoto & Jerry M. Logahan Terrorism Criminogenic Risk Factors ……………………………………………………………….. 18 Zora A. Sukabdi Transformation and De-ideologisation of Terrorist Ideology in Indonesia ………………………….. 20 Robertus Robet and Rusfadia Saktiyanti Indonesian Returnees: Deconstruction of Terrorism Ideology …………………………………..….. 21 Didik Novi Rahmanto Organized Crime and State Relationship in the Counterfeit Drugs Business ………………….…….. 23 Bismo Teguh Prakoso Women’s Involvement in Terrorism: Case Study a Research on Indonesia …………………………. 25 Idealisa Fitriana Aina and Siti Maryam Ibrahim From A Terrorist to A Nationalist (A Study of a Terrorist Convict’s Perception on Jihad within the Micro Communication Perspective) ………………………………………………………. 26 Rosy Tri Pagiwati Istiadi The Buton People in Taliabu: The Formation of Society and the Integration of the Nation …………. 28 Haliadi Sadi, Susanto Zuhdi, and Didik Pradjoko Disremembering Ethnic Conflict toward Peace Resolution: Sambas, Sampit and Poso Case ……….. 31 Bismo Teguh Prakoso The Reproduction of Conflict in the Middle-up Class a Case Study: Five Majlis Taklim in Cibubur, East Jakarta …………………………………………………….…… 32 Aziz Fasya The Downfall of a Common Enemy: Making Sense of the US’s Policy Shift in Syria through the Perspective of Structural Realism ………………………………………………….……. 35 M. Rizky Prawira Shift of Securitization Priorities of the French Government Concerning Migrants in 2015-2017 …... 36 Rizky Aulia Zulkarnain Strategies for Preventing the Role of Indonesian Women in Marawi Conflict ………………….…… 37 Bunga Anggia Prameswari, Puspitasari and BrotoWardoyo Resiliency and Vulnerability of National Values Through Geo-Pancasila Mapping in the Community Borders and Coastals in Sangihe Island ………………………………………..… 42 7 Marlon S. C Kansil, Ringking Marina Korah, Eko Aditya Meinarno, and Yuslikha Kusuma Wardhani Empathy, Fairness and Intergroup Bias ………………………………………………………,,,……. 43 Rizky Q. Fatria, Rasikhansa Kholda Brantakesuma, Irene Surya Dwi Roswita, and Muhammad Akhyar Contemporary Terrorism and Indonesia's Future …………………………………………………….. 46 Meutia Irina Mukhlis Comparison of National Values in Two Special Groups …………………………………….………. 48 Marlon S.C. Kansil, Yuslikha Kusuma Wardhani, Ringking Marina Korah, Sapto Priyanto and Eko Aditya Meinarno Identity Politics, Citizenship and Nationalism .................................................................................. 50 What's driving the 2016 Islamist-Mass Mobilization? Aksi Bela Islam and the Limits of Islamic Right-Wing Populism in Indonesia …………..….………. 52 Hurriyah Ahmad Suryani Family Communication in Development of Child's National Identity ……………………….….…… 57 Donna Asteria and Ken Reciana Adaptive Structuration Process in the Education of Indonesian Migrant Workers' Children: Case study in 9th Grade of Junior High School in CLC Kundasang, CLC Ribu Bonus, and Sekolah Indonesia Kota Kinabalu Sabah Malaysia ……………………………………………..……. 59 Asro Budi and Eriyanto Contesting Nationalism with Freedom: The Strategy of the Government of Indonesia in Controlling Radical Social Organizations ………………………………………………...……….. 60 Sri Yunanto and Evi Saspi The Irony of Penal Populism in Indonesia: Southeast Asian Comparative Perspective
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