Volume 23, Number 2 fall 2019 NEWSLETTER OF THE Mozart Society of America Inside this Issue: “A Previously Overlooked Manuscript of La clemenza di Tito in Strakonice and the Opera’s Early President’s Message, by Bruce Alan Brown 1 Reception in Bohemia,” by Martin Nedbal 5 Announcements 2 “Costume Innovations in the Parody Les amours MSA Panel at the Mostly Mozart Festival 3 de Bastien et Bastienne,” by Enrique Oliver 11 Introducing Bruce Alan Brown, President, Mozart in Prague, ed by Kathryn Libin, reviewed by and Laurel E Zeiss, Vice President 3 Mary Sue Morrow 14 American Bach Society and Mozart Society of Mozart in Context, ed by Simon Keefe, reviewed by America Joint Conference 4 Beverly Wilcox 15 President’s Message Bruce Alan Brown Embarking on a term as MSA President, I am honored to Also looking forward: as you read this, we will be final- have been entrusted by the Society’s members with the task izing the program and arrangements for the MSA’s joint of guiding its activities, and simultaneously grateful to out- conference with the American Bach Society (ABS) at Stan- going President Paul Corneilson, who has not only done a ford University (February 13–16, 2020), “Bach and Mozart: superb job of leading MSA over the last four years, but has Connections, Patterns, Pathways ” In addition to papers on also been enormously generous with his time while helping such topics as social contexts, reception, Bach-Mozart con- me get up to speed with all that is involved in keeping this nections, and digital resources, the conference will include complex machine running smoothly I have also benefitted a round-table discussion of Karol Berger’s 2007 book Bach’s from the help and advice from MSA’s officers and committee Cycle, Mozart’s Arrow (winner of that year’s Emerson Award members, who together constitute a formidable brain trust from the MSA) Stay tuned for further details As announced in the spring issue of this Newsletter, the A bit further into spring (March 19–21, 2020), MSA will theme of this year’s MSA panel at the Mostly Mozart Festival be sponsoring a panel at the annual conference of the Amer- at Lincoln Center in New York City, in July, was “Mozart’s ican Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS), in St Magic Flute: In His Time and Ours,” inspired by perfor- Louis: “Charles Burney’s Tours in Perspective,” marking the mances at the festival of the innovative production of Mo- 250th anniversary of the British music historian’s first conti- zart’s Die Zauberflöte by the team of Barrie Kosky, Suzanne nental tour, during which he met father and son Mozart (in Andrade, and Paul Barritt Three MSA members (since Bologna, in August 1770) The panel will be chaired by MSA everything Zauberflöte comes in threes!)—Thomas Bauman, Vice President Laurel Zeiss Martin Nedbal, and Catherine Coppola—presented short Following up on Martin Nedbal’s 2017 MSA publication papers on the panel (which I moderated), and Catherine’s on the Estates Theater in Prague (site of the premieres ofDon will appear in an upcoming issue of the Newsletter MSA will Giovanni and La clemenza di Tito), we have commissioned present another such panel at next year’s Festival—we’d love a study of the Cuvilliés-Theater in Munich, where Mozart’s to see you there! Idomeneo had its first performances in 1781 The author is continued on page 2 Membership Reminders Newsletter of the Mozart Society of America Volume 23, Number 2 If you have not already renewed your membership for 2019– Fall 2019 20, please do so You can find the membership form on the ISSN: 1527-3733 MSA website, along with calls for papers and information on other Mozart topics Thank you for your continuing support The Newsletter is published twice yearly (spring and fall) by the Mozart Society of America Guidelines If your address has recently changed, please make sure to for submission are posted on the website: notify MSA Secretary Samuel Breene at sbreene@gmail com www mozartsocietyofamerica org Editor: Emily Wuchner emwuchner@gmail com Review Editor: Katharina Clausius kclausius@uvic ca MSA at ASECS Designed by Dean Bornstein Mozart Society of America MSA will have a presence at the annual meeting of the Amer- c/o Alyson McLamore ican Society of Eighteenth-Century Studies in St Louis, Mis- 708 Avenida de Diamante souri, March 19–21, 2020 Laurel Zeiss will chair a session on Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Charles Burney and Edmund Goehring will lead a round-ta- ble on mimesis To learn more about the conference and see the full program visit: https://www asecs org/ continued from page 1 Charles Burney’s Tour in Perspective, Karl Böhmer, director of the Villa Musica in Mainz, Ger- chaired by Laurel E. Zeiss many, and a specialist on Italian opera at the Munich court This richly illustrated booklet will be sent to MSA members 2020 marks the 250th anniversary of Charles Burney’s tour as soon as it is published, probably late this year of France and Italy, which resulted in his book The Present If you enjoy such special publications of the Mozart Soci- State of Music in France and Italy (1771) and eventually his ety of America, you might consider making a donation to the multi-volume A General History of Music (1772, 1782, and Society’s Daniel Heartz Fund, proceeds from which are used 1789) This session seeks to examine Burney’s first European primarily in support of MSA publications trip, his writings, and his influence from a variety of perspec- tives MSA Business Meeting and Study Session On Mimesis, led by Edmund Goehring The annual business meeting of the Mozart Society of Amer- Robert Pippin, taking up Hegel’s claim that art had become ica will take place during the American Musicological Soci- a “thing of the past,” proposes that, with Modernist French ety conference in Boston, Massachusetts, on Thursday, Octo- painters, representational art ceased “to compel conviction, ber 31, from 8:00 to 11:00 pm in the Stone Room of the Westin to arrest attention, to maintain credibility” (After the Beauti- Waterfront Hotel The study session will include a four-hand ful) Wye Allanbrook, in laying out a poetics of the music of piano program with UK-based duo Emma Abbate and Julian Mozart’s era, is still more emphatic that something irrevo- Perkins Abbate and Perkins have given duet recitals at pres- cable happened at the beginning of the nineteenth century tigious venues in the UK and they have recorded Mozart’s By her account, a curtain came “down on habits of thought complete sonatas for piano duet on period instruments The about music’s nature”—that is, the mimetic tradition—“that program will include music by Mozart and his contempo- had been sustained in one mode or another since antiquity” raries After the performance, Adeline Mueller will lead an (The Secular Commedia) These observations (and similar informal discussion with the artists Please invite your col- ones could be added) indicate how the question of represen- leagues and graduate students to join us for this wonderful tation in the arts is still a lively one and how much it is sus- concert tained by eighteenth-century thought and practice 2 Announcements MSA Panel at the Mostly Mozart Festival For the seventh consecutive year, MSA held a panel discus- sion in association with Lincoln Center’s Mostly Mozart Fes- tival in New York City It took place on the afternoon of July 20, at the Stanley H Kaplan Penthouse Despite a heat wave in the city, close to 160 people were in attendance This year’s theme was “Mozart’s Magic Flute: In His Time and Ours ” The paper topics were coordinated with the Ko- mische Oper Berlin’s production of Die Zauberflöte, which had its New York premiere at the David H Koch Theater on July 17 The staging of the opera mixed live action with ani- mations Bruce Alan Brown with panelists (from left) Martin Nedbal, Cath- New MSA president Bruce Alan Brown (University of erine Coppola, and Thomas Bauman at the Mostly Mozart Festival Southern California) served as moderator of the panel Thomas Bauman (Northwestern University, emeritus) began with “The Magic Flute as Parable: A Triple Alliance ” Mar- “In Defense of the Text for The Magic Flute ” Audience mem- tin Nedbal (University of Kansas) followed with “From the bers participated in a lively question-and-answer period fol- Court to the Suburbs: Die Zauberflöte’s Links to Viennese lowing the presentations Court Theater and to German Enlightenment Theater Re- —Suzanne Forsberg form ” Catherine Coppola (Hunter College) concluded with Advancing Scholarship in the Humanities and Social Sci- ences program (USC) He is a member of the Akademie für Mozart-Forschung, Salzburg Zeiss is an associate professor of musicology at Baylor University She has published her research in The Cambridge Companion to Opera Studies, the Cambridge Opera Journal, Introducing Bruce Alan Brown, President, The Journal of Singing, The Cambridge Haydn Encyclopedia, and Laurel E. Zeiss, Vice President and the Cambridge Companion to Die Zauberflöte She also has contributed essays to several edited collections, including Taste in the Eighteenth Century: Aesthetics and the Senses. Her In its spring 2019 elections, MSA members elected Bruce book Engaging Opera is forthcoming Some of her most note- Alan Brown as president and Laurel E Zeiss as vice president worthy engagements include being the opening speaker at Brown is a professor of musicology at the University of the British Library’s celebrations of Mozart’s 250th birthday Southern California where his research and teaching inter- (2006), speaking at the Mostly Mozart Festival at Lincoln ests are music in the late eighteenth century, particularly Center (2015, 2016, and 2018), and holding a visiting research opera, ballet, and performance practice His publications in- fellowship at the Centre for Opera Research at the University clude Gluck and the French Theatre in Vienna, W.
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