i28 journal o] Nematoiogy, Volume 13, No. 2, April 1981 choidea (Nematoda). Indian J. Nematol. 1:25-43. 19. Triantaphyllou, A. C., and H. Hirschmann. 18. Tarjan, A. C. 1973. A synopsis of the genera 1980. Cytogenetics and morphology in relation to and species in the Tylenchorhynchinae (Tylen- evolution and speciation of plant-parasitic nema- choidea, Nematoda). Proc. Helm. Soc. Wash. 40:123- todes. Ann. Rev. Phytopathol. 18:333-359. 144. Description and SEM Observations of Dolichodorus marylandicus n. sp. with a Key to Species of Dolichodorus ~ Stephen A. Lewis and A. Morgan Golden -° Abstract: Dolichodorus marylandicus n. sp. is described and illustrated from grass (Zoysia japonica) in College Park, Maryland. Specimens have also been collected from perennial blue- grass (Poa pratensis) pasture at Beltsville, Maryland, and from pine (Pinus sp.) in North Caro- lina. This new species is related to D. heterocephalus Cobb, D. similis Golden, and D. aestuarius Chow g: Taylor. Females are distinct in having a longer styler and shorter body length than D. aestuarius. The excretory pore is at the level of the isthmus or slightly posterior and the tail is abruptly reduced in diameter, tapering to an acuminate terminus. The tails of D. similis and D. heterocephalus conically taper to a median point, with D. similis having an especially long tail. D. marylandicus does not possess the rounded, sclerotized accessory structures adjacent to the vulva observed in lateral views of D. similis and D. heterocephalus. SEM observations of D. heterocephalus and D. marylandicus revealed details of the head of males and females, and species difference in shape of the oral disc. Key words: taxonomy, morphology, Doliehodorus, awl nema- tode, new species, SEM ultrastructure, grass, Zoysia japonica, Poa pratensis, Pinus, pine. The genus Dolichodorus was established coconut, weeds, and grasses. Dolichodorus by N. A. Cobb in 1914 from specimens ob- spp. are commonly collected from moist tained primarily from Silver Springs, Flor- habitats, but they have also been found 1.2 ida, when he described D. heterocephalus m deep in sandy soil lying 20-40 cm above (6). No other species were described for the water table (15), in dry, shale soil at the more than 40 yr, until D. obtusus Allen in top of a mountain (9), and in coastal sand 1957 (1) and D. similis Golden in 1958 (10). dunes in New Zealand (5). Since then, additional species have been de- Dolichodorus heterocephalus is impor- scribed and placed in this genus. However, tant in Florida agriculture (4,16). In 1975 in 1976 Andr;issy (2) established Neodoli- D. minor Loof g: Sharma was associated with chodorus to accommodate the species with galled roots of diseased cocoa and rubber bluntly rounded tails and four lines in the trees (13), and D. silvestris Gillespie & lateral field; and at the same time trans- Adams was found in 1962 surrounding un- ferred D. obtusus to tiffs new genus as the thrifty white pine tree roots (9). The type and only species. In 1977 Siddiqi (17) Dolichodorus species described herein was shifted five other species from Dolichodorus found (with other associated plant-parasitic to Neodolichodorus. Presently, there are nematodes) in sparse, chlorotic stands of eight Dolichodorus spp. associated with zoysia and perennial bluegrass. The turf varied hosts including corn, celery, turf, stands improved in vigor after nematicide white pine, cocoa, rubber, pepper, clove, application (8). Received for publication 29 July 1980. 1Contribution No. 1800 of the South Carolina Agricul- MATERIALS AND METHODS tural Experiment Station. 2Respectively, Assoicate Professor of Plant Pathology and Specimens used in this description were Physiology, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29631; and Nematologist, Nematology Laboratory, Plant Protection In- obtained from a zoysia lawn and from cul- stitute, USDA SEA AR, Beltsville, MD 20705. This study tures originating from the lawn and grown was performed while the senior author was on sabbatic leave in the laboratory of Dr. Golden. Appreciation is ex- on zoysia in an isolated area of a green- tended for the financial support of the USDA and to Bruce house. Ingber of the Electron Microscope Laboratory for SEM tech- nical assistance. Males, females, and larvae were collected Dolichodorus Description and SEM Observations: Lewis, Golden 129 from soil by commonly used methods, heat area (labial rib) on each side of the open- relaxed, and fixed in 3% formaldehyde. ing (Figs. 12, 13, 18, 21, 22). Cavities or The procedures used in measuring, drawing, clefts appear under the oral disc in the and preparing specimens were those used dorsal and ventral sectors. Stylet with conus by Golden and Birchfield (11). Living speci- longer than shaft and with slightly pointed mens were prepared for scanning electron knobs sloping posteriorly (Fig. 1). Guides microscope (SEM) observation by fixing in for both the stylet shaft and extension very 3% glutaraldehyde in 0.01 m phosphate faint. Esophagus typical from the genus with buffer pH 6.7, dehydrating in ethanol, the nerve ring encircling the basal portion critical-point drying, and sputter coating of tile isthmus. Excretory pore clearly visible with gold-palladium. and located slightly anterior to the basal bulb but occasionally located from the level of tile upper half of the basal bulb to the SPECIES DESCRIPTION anterior of tile isthmus. Hemizonid 17.4- Dolichodorus marylandicus n. sp. 26.1 /zm and hemizonion 23.2-34.5 /~m be- Females (30): Length 1646-2489 ~tm low excretory pore, respectively. Anterior (average 2120.2 tzm, standard deviation [SD] cephalids opposite, 4-5 annules posterior to 245.7/zna); width 39.2-54.6/~m (45.3 ~tm, SD constriction at lip region. Vulva a transverse 4.0); a = 36-54 (45.5, SD 5.0); b = 6.0-10.1 slit (Fig. 6) without sclerotized accessory (8.5, SD 0.8); c = 30.2-51.4 (38.8, SD 4.9); pieces observed in lateral views of D. V = 50-61 (55, SD 5.0); total styler 83.5- heterocephalus and D. similis. Vagina 92.4 /~m (88.8 /zm, SD 3.0); stylet conus strongly sclerotized near vulva, with ser- 46.6-51.3 /zm (49.3 ttm, SD 1.9); dorsal rated opening and with well-developed, esophageal gland orifice (DGO) 3.8-5.8/~m convoluted cuticular lining extending to (4.9 /zm, SD 0.8) from base of stylet; center almost half the body width (Fig. 7). Am- of median bull) 134.8-154.8 ~tm (147.9 ttm, phidelphic, with o6cytes in several rows in SD 8.7) from anterior end; excretory pore germinal zone. Proximal end of oviduct 156.6-193.9 #m (180.9/xm, SD 11.0) from an- with conspicuous spermatheca. Cuticle terior end; anal body width 29.9-41.8 ~m finely striated with areolated lateral field having three lines, occupying about 1/5 (36.6 t~m, SD 2.9). Holotype (female): Length 2038.4 t~m; body width (Fig. 3). Center line more 40.1 t~m; a = 50.8; b = 8.8; c = 34.8; V = prominent than outer lines and extending 52; stylet 86.7 /zm; stylet conus 47.5 t~m; from a point adjacent to anterior 1/3 of DGO 4.4 /~m from base of stylet; center of stylet to a deeply-cut line just anterior to median bulb 137.2 ttm from anterior end; the phasmid after which tile line becomes excretory pore 181.4 t~m from anterior end; uneven. Outer lines not as distinct, extend- phasmids 46.6 tzm from tail terminus; anal ing from the level of the procorpus to a body width 35.6 ttm. point just anterior to the level of the anus, Description of [emales: Body long and and appearing more faint posterior to the cylindrical, slightly arcuate. Lip region vulva. Phasmids opposite, pore-like, averag- prominent, markedly offset from body (Fig. ing 46.2 ~tm from tail tip in a cleft formed 1), bearing seven very fine annules (Figs. by center line in lateral field (Fig. 3). Tail 10, 13). Lip region en [ace with four lobes 54.9 /~m (50.6-63.8), abruptly tapering to and with an offset oral disc (Figs. 2, 9, 12, an acuminate, often spikate, terminus with 13). Anterior portion of head with strong more reduction in diameter ventrally than cephalic framework and massive basal plate. dorsally or laterally. Tail shape generally Observations of the smooth elongate lips appearing as in Figs. 3, 4, 5, 14, 17 but also with a transmitted-light microscope revealed occurring as in Figs. 15, 16. Juveniles with curved lines in the lateral sectors which tails conically tapering to a long median could not be definitely identified. However, point. SEM micrographs revealed the presence of Males (25): Length 1685.6-2114.1 t~m wide (0.8/zm) amphid openings 2.9-3.3 #m (1950.4 /~m, SD 130.3); width 35.5-44.4 #m long. The shape and width of the openings (42.3 /~m, SD 3.3); a = 41.1-55.8 (46.3, SD may be partially determined by a raised 4.2); b = 6.7-9.4 (8.3, SD 0.6); c = 47.1- i30 .Journal o/ Nematology, Volume 13, No. 2, April 1981 :-r ;, -7-, ~r- 4 5 0 ju.m I I 25F, m p I 2-8 I ] ,'" L,: ,'.: O I :: , tO :, ,, 0 " I ' I I, : °-. :') [ ° u ',,,; \Li Figs. 1-8, Drawings of Dolichodorus marylandicus n. sp. 1) Anterior region of female (note location of excretory pore and massive basal plate of sclerotized labial framework). 2) En face view of head. 3-5) Tail shapes of females (note reduction in tail diameter and location of anus).
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