Database of Sanad holders in the Quran Western Cape – South Africa Al-Tanzīl’s Database of Sanad Holders Eighth Print 2019 Al-Tanzīl Institute of Quranic Sciences Western Cape South Africa Email: [email protected] www.al-tanzil.co.za 2 Al-Tanzīl’s Database of Sanad Holders Contents System of transliteration 11 About al-Tanzīl Institute of Quranic Sciences 12 Reasons for a database of sanad-holders 14 About the database 16 Some Statistics Regarding the Database 2012/2013 18 2013/2014 19 2014/2015 20 2015/2016 22 2016/2017 24 2017/2018 26 2018/2019 29 2019/2020 33 Sanad and Ijāzah What is sanad and ijāzah 37 Brief history on sanad and ijāzah 38 Comments of scholars regarding the isnād system 42 Diagrams depicting a link from the Prophet to present-day Sanad from the Prophet to Ibn al-Jazarī 45 Sanad from Ibn al-Jazarī to Ibrāhīm al-ʿUbaydī 46 Ibrāhīm al-ʿUbaydī: the axis of the world’s sanads 47 From Ibrāhīm al-ʿUbaydī to the Egyptian Qurrāʾ 48 Local links to Sheikh al-Zayyāt 49 3 Al-Tanzīl’s Database of Sanad Holders Local links to Sheikh ʿĀmir al-Sayyid ʿUthmān 50 Local links to the Desouki Qurrāʾ 51 Local links to the Syrian Qurrāʾ 52 Local links to the Indo-pak Qurrāʾ 53 Sanad of ʿAbd Allah ibn Ṣāliḥ al-ʿUbayd 54 Profiles of Sanad-holders 1) ʿĀbidah Sheik* 56 2) ʿĀdil Arnold 58 3) ʿĀʾishah (bint Ḥanīf) Abrahams 62 4) ʿĀʾishah Alexander 74 5) ʿĀʾishah Ceres* 77 6) ʿĀʾishah Damon (N) 78 7) ʿĀʾishah Hassen 79 8) Āminah De Wet* 84 9) Āminah Hendricks 86 10) ʿAbd Allah Achmat* 91 11) ʿAbd Allah Allie* 92 12) ʿAbd Allah Bayat 96 13) ʿAbd Allah Forbes* 111 14) ʿAbd Allah Petersen 105 15) ʿAbd Allah Taliep* 112 16) ʿAbd al-Malik De Vries 114 17) ʿAbd al-Raḥmān Davids 118 18) ʿAbd al-Raḥmān Khān* 131 19) ʿAbd al-Raḥmān Nieftagodien 133 20) ʿAbd al-Raḥmān Parker* 136 21) ʿAbd al-Salām Kenny 138 4 Al-Tanzīl’s Database of Sanad Holders 22) Abū Bakr Abdurouf (N) 143 23) Abū Bakr Abrahams 147 24) Abū Bakr Abrahams (N) 152 25) Abū Bakr Karriem 156 26) Abū Bakr Qāsim Ismail* 161 27) Abū Bakr West* 165 28) ʿAdnān Gatiep (N) 169 29) Afḍal Hatia 171 30) Aḥmad Abdul Azīz (N) 175 31) Aḥmad Mahdi Nackerdien* 177 32) Akhlāq Oldey* 181 33) ʿAli Davids 183 34) Amīr Brinkhuis * 188 35) ʿAmmār Nackerdien 194 36) ʿAmmār Roopen 196 37) Anīs Omar 198 38) Anīsah Jabaar* 203 39) Anwar Adamson* 207 40) Aslam Kamaar* 211 41) Ayyūb Allie (N) 212 42) Dhākir Salie (N) 216 43) Fāris Hendricks 218 44) Fārūq Stemmet (N) 221 45) Fāṭimah Parker 223 46) Fahmī Londt* 229 47) Fuzlin Sonday Girie 231 48) Ḥāfiṭḥah Adams* 237 49) Ḥārith Williams* 238 5 Al-Tanzīl’s Database of Sanad Holders 50) Hārūn Moos 241 51) Hāshim Gamieldien 246 52) Ḥafṣah Jacobs (N) 249 53) Ḥamīdah Parker Dawood (N) 253 54) Ḥamzah Forbes* 256 55) Ḥasan Leak* 257 56) Ḥasan Ramadan 259 57) Ḥudhayfah Gallant (N) 264 58) Ḥusayn Dalvie* 266 59) Ibrāhīm Darries 268 60) Ibrāhīm Floris 275 61) Ibrāhīm Gaffoor 281 62) Ibrāhīm Moos* 284 63) Iḥsān Abrahams 288 64) Iḥsān Basserdien* 292 65) Iḥsān Davids 294 66) Iḥsān Smith 304 67) Iḥsān Taliep (1 April 1971 – 11 August 2016) 307 68) Iʿjāz Mukaddam 314 69) Ikrām Solomons 319 70) Imān Jumat (N) 322 71) Imtiyāz Isaacs* 326 72) ʿĪsā Rylands (N) 336 73) Ismāʿīl Berdien 338 74) Ismāʿīl Davids* 344 75) Ismāʿīl Londt 346 76) Ismāʿīl Scott* 354 77) Isrā Cummings (N) 355 6 Al-Tanzīl’s Database of Sanad Holders 78) Isrā Jacobs 357 79) Juwayriyyah Slarmie 361 80) Kāshif Isaacs* 364 81) Karīmah Jassiem 368 82) Khadījah Bester 374 83) Kouthar Brenner 382 84) Kulthūm Davids (N) 384 85) Laʿīq Hattas* 386 86) Laylah Khan 389 87) Laylah Siers 394 88) Luqmān Ben 397 89) Māhirah ʿAbd al-Razzāq* 405 90) Maryam Gallant (N) 408 91) Maryam Girie Londt (N) 411 92) Masrūr Rylands 415 93) Mubīn Parker (N) 421 94) Muḥammad ʿAbbās Moerat* 424 95) Muḥammad ʿAbd al-Karīm Davids* 427 96) Muḥammad ʿAlawī Alexander* 431 97) Muḥammad ʿAlī Frydie (N) 436 98) Muḥammad Amīn Floris 441 99) Muḥammad ʿArīb Isaacs* 444 100) Muḥammad Craig* 446 101) Muḥammad (ibn Fuʾād) Davids* 452 102) Muḥammad (ibn Iḥsān) Davids* 455 103) Muḥammad Dīn Samuels 458 104) Muḥammad Faqīr Khān* 461 105) Muḥammad Mayet* 464 7 Al-Tanzīl’s Database of Sanad Holders 106) Muḥammad Munīb Johaadien 469 107) Muḥammad Muṣṭafā Sydow (N) 474 108) Muḥammad Nūr Adams* 476 109) Muḥammad Philander* 478 110) Muḥammad Qāsim Dramat 481 111) Muḥammad Rāfiq Salie* 485 112) Muḥammad Riyāḍ Devan* 488 113) Muḥammad Riyāḍ Jardine 492 114) Muḥammad Riyāḍ Obaray 494 115) Muḥammad Ṣabīḥ Philander* 508 116) Muḥammad Salīm Gaibie 511 117) Muḥammad Samuels* 531 118) Muḥammad Shafīq Ebrahim 533 119) Muḥammad Shahīd August* 539 120) Muḥammad Shuʿayb Mohamed (N) 541 121) Muḥammad Shuʿayb Stemmet* 544 122) Muḥammad Ṭalḥah Cozyn (N) 546 123) Muḥammad Yūsuf Davids* 548 124) Muḥammad Yūsuf Hendricks* 551 125) Muḥammad Zayn Alexander 552 126) Muḥammad Zubayr Karan* 556 127) Mujāhid Toefy* 559 128) Mukhtār Aḥmad Thebus 562 129) Munawwar Harneker 564 130) Munīb Dawood 571 131) Munīr Bester* 574 132) Munīr Satardīn* 577 133) Muṣʿab Mohamed* 581 8 Al-Tanzīl’s Database of Sanad Holders 134) Mustaqīm Paulse 583 135) Nadhīr Majiet 589 136) Nūr al-Dīn Dawood 596 137) Nurānah Mohamed Truter* 611 138) Rāḍiyah Bawa 602 139) Raʾīs Nackerdien* 606 140) Raʾīsah Karīmah Abrams (N) 609 141) Razīn Gopal 612 142) Riḍwān Rhoda* 617 143) Riḍwān Saiet 622 144) Rifqah Jacobs-Stemmet (N) 628 145) Ruqayyah Samsodien 632 146) Rushdah Floris (N) 635 147) Sājidah Abrahams* 637 148) Ṣāliḥah Solomon 642 149) Sālim Peck 647 150) Ṣafiyyah Galant (N) 652 151) Saʿīd Abrahams* 656 152) Sakīnah Jacobs* 657 153) Shākir Davids* 659 154) Shafī Aḥmad Salie* 661 155) Shafīq Roberts* 663 156) Shafīqah ʿAbd al-Razzāq* 665 157) Shahīd Martin* 668 158) Sirāj Appels* 671 159) Sirāj Cassim* 671 160) Suhayl Abrahams 673 161) Sulaymān Mohamed 675 9 Al-Tanzīl’s Database of Sanad Holders 162) Ṭāhā Ibrāhīm Truter* 679 163) Ṭāhirah Brown* 682 164) Ṭāriq Mohamed 685 165) Taʾsiyah Hendricks 687 166) Ṭḥāfir Lee 691 167) ʿUmar Muḥammad Ahmed* 696 168) Wardah Mohamed 711 169) Waṣfiyyah Altalib 707 170) Yāsīn Fakee 711 171) Yāsīn Solomon* 713 172) Yāsīn Taliep 715 173) Yumnah Jacobs* 718 174) Yūsuf Karaan 721 175) Yūsuf Philander* 724 176) Zahīr Kamaldīn 726 177) Zāhidah Majiet 734 178) Zākirah Palmer* 738 179) Zahrāʾ Abrahams (N) 741 180) Zakiyyah Baba (N) 743 181) Zayd Dante 747 182) Zaynab Ismail (N) 751 183) Zubayr Mohamed 752 184) Zuhayr Pather* 757 Glossary of terms 761 10 Al-Tanzīl’s Database of Sanad Holders SYSTEM OF TRANSLITERATION Nr Arabic English Nr Arabic English ṭḥ ظ ʾ 17 أ 1 ʿ ع b 18 ب 2 gh غ t 19 ت 3 f ف th 20 ث 4 q ق j 21 ج 5 k ك ḥ 22 ح 6 l ل kh 23 خ 7 m م d 24 د 8 n ن dh 25 ذ 9 h ه r 26 ر 10 w و z 27 ز 11 y ي s 28 س 12 ā َ ا sh 29 ش 13 ī َ ي ṣ 30 ص 14 Ū َ و ḍ 31 ض 15 Ay َأ ي ṭ 32 ط 16 Ou َأ و 33 N.B. Arabic words are italicised except in four instances: 1- When possessing a current English usage. 2- When part of a heading. 3- When the proper names of humans. 4- When appearing in diagrams or quotations. .which is *ʾ] will be omitted when the former appears at the beginning of a word + أ] N.B. The sign for 11 Al-Tanzīl’s Database of Sanad Holders Al-Tanzīl Institute of Quranic Sciences VISION Creating a holistic scholar of the Qurʾān, ultimately loving the Eternal Word of Allah, al-Qurʾān. In the words of ʿAbd Allah ibn Masʿūd : ِ ِ ََن فَِ َنَ َك َ ََ ُونََيـ ح َ َىَ ُالؼ َ ر َ ََ َآنََفَِ كنَ َُ ُهََيـ ح َ َىَاهللََ َو َ َر َ ُش َ َول َ َُهَ ‚For if he loves the Qurʾān, then surely he loves Allah and His Messenger.‛ MISSION • Teaching the correct recitation of the Qurʾān, with Tajwīd. • Equipping the student with the 10 and 14 Qirāʾāt. • Understanding the Qurʾān. • Aspiring to live the Qurʾān. • Proliferation of Qurʾānic Sciences. CURRICULUM Al-Tanzīl offers a uniquely devised training-course which aims to enhance students - specifically huffath - reciters and all ardent learners or Qurʾān lovers in all aspects of Qurʾānic study. This course provides the student with understanding of the Arabic language, allowing him to grasp this communiqué, al-Qurʾān. It will also offer in-depth discussions on Tajwīd and Qirāʾāt, utilising classical works while comparing it with contemporary studies. Ulum al-Qurʾān is one of the pivotal subjects introduced so that students may understand basic and necessary facts about the Qurʾān: when certain verses were revealed, why they were revealed, how the Qurʾān was revealed, compiled, the history of Qirāʾāt, etc. 12 Al-Tanzīl’s Database of Sanad Holders The program allows students to study various specialised texts in the field of Qirāʾāt and Tajwīd, the likes of the Tuḥfah, the Jazariyyah and ultimately the Shāṭibiyyah as well as the Seven, 10 and 14 Qirāʾāt. Sanads and ijazāt are issued to students who have successfully fulfilled the necessary requirements and achieved satisfactory results.
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