WEIGHT!!! DON’T OVERLOAD THE ROAD Overall Length N.W.T Overall Length Box Length Box Length Trailer Length Kingpin Setback Hitch Offset Tandem Tridem Drive Axle Weight Classification Axle Spread Spread Wheelbase Wheelbase Primary Weight 9 Month Primary Weight (Secondary Weight in April, May & June) Primary Weight by Minister’s Order (15 Km rule does not apply) Interaxle Interaxle Spacing Interaxle SpacingSpacing Interaxle Spacing Wheel Base Hitch Offset Trailer Wheel Base 962 75% of Primary Weight Limited G.V.W. 41,500 kg or weight shown in restrictions, whichever is lesser Weight Weight Interaxle Spacing Interaxle Spacing Wheelbase Axle SpreadRestriction 1 Restriction 2 Axle Spread 968 Bridge Restriction 8000 Kg Restriction Not Allowed "Winter Weights" Steer axle weights are Configuration Maximum Steer axle weights are Configration Maximum Secondary Weight subject to the tire size GVW 905 subject to the tire size GVW Allowed Primary Weight Permit Available of Hwy 102, 905 & 915 Allowed Inspection Station Tractor & semi-trailer Straight truck 3 axles 5 axles W Weigh Deck Primary 7 300 17 000 24 300 905 Primary 6 000 17 000 17 000 40 000 Secondary 5 500 14 500 20 000 BRIDGE AND HIGHWAY RESTRICTIONS Secondary 6 000 14 500 14 500 35 000 Winter Primary 7 300 18 000 25 300 Winter Primary 6 000 18 000 18 000 42 000 Winter (S) (M) 5 500 18 000 23 500 Hwy 2 The St. Louis bridge from St. Louis to 1 km N of the South Winter (S) (M) 6 000 18 000 18 000 42 000 Saskatchewan River - Max GVW 20 000kg Hwy 312 The Gabriel Dumont Bridge - Secondary Weights, No Winter Straight truck Weights and pony trailer Hwy 905 Max GVW 41 500 kg 905 Hwy 909 Turner Lake Bridge located south east of Turner Lake - Max A Train Primary 7 300 17 000 17 000 41 300 GVW 34 500 kg 7 axles Secondary 5 500 14 500 14 500 34 500 Hwy 919 From Junction Hwy 21 to North Boundary of Meadow Lake Winter Primary 7 300 18 000 18 000 43 300 Provincial Park - No Winter Weights Winter (S) (M) 5 500 18 000 18 000 41 500 Primary 6 000 17 000 17 000 9 100 9 100 53 500 Hwy 919 Bridge over the Cold River approx 20.9 kms NW of Jct Hwy 21 Secondary 6 000 14 500 14 500 8 200 8 200 49 000 - No Winter Weights 995 Winter Primary 6 000 18 000 18 000 10 000 10 000 53 500 Winter (S) (M) 6 000 18 000 18 000 10 000 10 000 53 500 Straight truck and Hwy 955 From South of Douglas River Bridge to North limits of Hwy NOTE: See Table 5 for minimum and maximum interaxle spacing limits. The weight on a full trailer is 955 - Max GVW 41 500 kg full trailer 6 axles restricted. The rear trailer cannot exceed the weight of the lead trailer Old Nipawin On the Prov Road between its Jct with Hwy 35 in Bridge Nipawin and its Jct with Hwy 35/55 NW of Nipawin - Primary 7 300 17 000 9 100 17 000 48 300 Max GVW 8 000 kg; No Winter Weights Secondary 5 500 14 500 8 200 14 500 42 700 955 Roche Percee From Roche Percee to Jct Hwy 39 - No Winter Winter Primary 7 300 18 000 10 000 18 000 49 300 Weights Winter (S) (M) 5 500 18 000 10 000 18 000 47 500 905 B Train NOTE: Maximum allowed weight on full trailer is restricted FOR BRIDGE AND STRUCTURAL CLEARANCE TABLE GO TO 7 axles www.highways.gov.sk.ca/trucking Primary 6 000 17 000 17 000 17 000 57 000 Tridem drive straight Secondary 6 000 14 500 14 500 14 500 49 500 truck 4 axles Winter Primary 6 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 60 000 Winter (M) 6 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 54 500 Primary 7 300 22 000 29 300 Winter (S) 6 000 18 000 18 000 18 000 60 000 Secondary 7 300 20 000 27 300 994 Winter Primary 7 300 22 000 29 300 Winter (S) (M) 7 300 21 000 28 300 NOTE: See Table 1 for tridem drive axle group spreads (no pusher, tag or lift axles allowed) Drive axle locking devices must be unlocked while operating on a public highway. B Train 8 axles Tridem drive straight truck and tandem 955 Primary 6 000 17 000 23 000 17 000 62 500 Secondary 6 000 14 500 20 000 14 500 54 500 pony trailer 914 Winter Primary 6 000 18 000 23 000 18 000 62 500 As above As above Refer to Table 3 for pony trailer weight Winter (M) 6 000 18 000 23 000 18 000 54 500 909 905 Winter (S) 6 000 18 000 23 000 18 000 62 500 NOTE: The maximum spread on a tridem axle group is 3.1 m. When operating on Provincial highways 956 listed inAppendix E of the regulation, the maximum allowed weight on a tridem axle group on a Twin steer tandem drive B train is 24 000 kg straight truck 155 102 Primary 13 600 17 000 30 600 Secondary 11 000 14 500 25 500 Winter Primary 13 600 18 000 31 600 Winter (S) (M) 11 000 18 000 29 000 C Train 8 axles Twin steer tandem drive 925 102 Primary 6 000 17 000 17 000 9 100 17 000 60 500 straight truck and tridem Secondary 6 000 14 500 14 500 8 200 14 500 55 000 pony trailer Winter Primary 6 000 18 000 18 000 10 000 18 000 60 500 Winter (S) (M) 6 000 18 000 18 000 10 000 18 000 54 500 Primary 13 600 17 000 21 000 51 600 NOTE: See Table 5 for minimum and maximum interaxle spacing limits. The weight on a full trailer is Secondary 11 000 14 500 20 000 45 500 908 restricted. The rear trailer cannot exceed the weight of the lead trailer Winter Primary 13 600 18 000 21 000 52 600 918 Winter (S) (M) 11 000 18 000 21 000 50 000 903 155 914 915 135 Twin steer tandem 907 165 910 102 drive straight truck 965 165 Tridem drive truck tractor 935 and full trailer La Ronge semi-trailer combination Primary 13 600 17 000 9 100 17 000 53 500 Primary 7 300 22 000 24 000 53 300 Secondary 11 000 14 500 8 200 14 500 48 200 165 Secondary 7 300 20 000 20 000 47 300 Winter Primary 13 600 18 000 10 000 18 000 53 500 2 106 Winter Primary 7 300 22 000 24 000 53 300 Winter (S) (M) 11 000 18 000 10 000 18 000 53 000 912 Flin Winter (S) (M) 7 300 21 000 24 000 52 300 Creighton NOTE: Maximum allowed weight on a full trailer is restricted 934 911 Flon NOTE: See Table 1 & 4 for maximum weight on both tridem drive and tridem trailer axle groups depends 155 165 919 106 on axle spread 904 917 937 2 929 912 951 Tandem steer tridem 916 921 167 drive straight truck 950 924 939 21 954 224 903 916 933 Tridem drive Primary 13 600 23 000 36 600 55 916 969 truck tractor Secondary 11 000 20 000 31 000 927 923 967 B train Winter Primary 13 600 23 000 36 600 4 55 924 920 combination Winter (S) (M) 11 000 23 000 34 000 912 26 55 106 NOTE: See Table 2 tridem drive axle group spread W 922 21 913 Primary 7 300 22 000 23 000 17 000 62 500 Meadow Lake 55 2 913 920 Secondary 7 300 20 000 20 000 14 500 61 800 304 Winter Primary 7 300 22 000 23 000 18 000 62 500 963 Tandem steer tridem 942 Winter (M) 7 300 21 000 23 000 18 000 61 800 943 drive straight truck Big 926 123 Winter (S) 7 300 22 000 23 000 18 000 61 800 River 120 928 and pony trailer 945 943 264 NOTE: See Table 1 & 4 the maximum spread on a tridem group on a semi-trailer for a B train is 3.1 m. The 21 922 265 maximum allowable weight on a tridem axle group on a B-train is 24000 kg on provincial highways As above As above Refer to Table 3 for pony trailer weight 946 or portions of provincial highways listed inAppendix E of the regulations 959 106 St. Walburg 4 952 926 9 953 3 120 263 55 AXLE GROUP LOADINGS 17 24 Choiceland 35 LEGAL DIMENSIONS LLOYDMINSTER 303 Turtleford 240 123 Spiritwood 55 255 21 3 355 55 9 303 55 Tire loading is 10 kg per millimetre (560 lb per inch) width of Nipawin 26 Carrot River 378 2 6 tire, as stamped by the manufacturer, to a maximum of Lashburn 12 3 PRINCE Width (Maximum) Maidstone Shellbrook 302 23 3000 kg (6,600 lbs) per tire and subject to axle regulation 302 ALBERT weights 335 Arborfield • Any vehicle, building, or object, 2.6 m (8’6”) 17 21 324 Birch Note: Wide base tires (Super Singles) allowed 3 850 kg on 40 11 Hills 3 Kinistino 4 378 MELFORT 35 • Mirrors may extend on each side of the vehicle an NORTH Duck 25 Star Primary Highways (3 000 kg on Secondary) City 40 BATTLEFORD 376 212 Lake 20 3 W Hudson additional 30 cm (12”) Blaine Bay Lake 3 Tisdale 981 Cut Knife Battleford 40 225 320 41 17 Table 1: Tridem Drive Axle Group Weights for Hafford 23 21 12 2 Wakaw Porcupine 312 Plain Truck Tractor and Single Steer Tridem Drive 340 Rosthern 312 Waldheim 6 23 980 Height (Maximum) Straight Trucks 29 9 982 17 11 41 368 Primary 14 Unity Radisson Wilkie 12 Cudworth 984 983 • Any vehicle, building, or object, 4.15 m (13’6”) W Macklin 376 349 349 Axle Spread Weight Scott Dalmeny Naicam 305 Osler Vonda 982 MANITOBA 2.7 m - 2.8 m (8’10” - 9’2”) 22 000 kg 374 Langham 27 Martensville Warman Aberdeen Bruno Rose 2.4 m - <2.7 m (7’8” - 8’10”) 21 000 kg 14 4 Valley SASKATOON 38 Length (Maximum) Secondary/Municipal 20 000 kg Asquith 5 Kelvington 9 8 Luseland 21 HUMBOLDT Watson 317 Biggar 14 W Axle group weights vary according to axle spread 31 51 49 316 • Truck, pony trailers or single vehicle, 12.5 m (41’) Kerrobert 5 Leroy 35 60 20 51 Wadena Sturgis Table 2: Tridem Drive Axle Group Weights for 51 Delisle Colonsay Preeceville 397 Norquay • Tandemsteer tridem drive, 14 m (45’9”) Allan 49 Tandem Steer Tridem Drive Straight Trucks Lanigan 7 2 365 9 Primary ALBERTA 307 Wynyard • Bus or motorized RV, 14 m (45’9”) Axle Spread Weight 31 Dundurn 219 Canora 45 Watrous 5 57 3.0 m - 3.10 m (9’8” - 10’2”) 23 000 kg 317 Hanley 6 Rosetown Zealandia Foam 47 • Box length, Semi-trailer or full trailer 16.2 m (53’) 2.7 m - <3.0 m (8’10” - 9’8”) 22 000 kg Kindersley 11 20 Lake 15 Kamsack 2.4 m - <2.7 m (7’8” - 8’10”) 21 000 kg 7 7 15 Nokomis 229 5 Outlook • Box lengthA, B, or C train, 20 m (65’7”) 21 42 357 Secondary/Municipal 20 000 kg 15 Raymore 310 Semans Springside 309 8 Axle group weights vary according to axle spread 4 44 Imperial Govan YORKTON 369 • Box length on a truck and full trailer, 20 m (65’7”)
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