A B C D E F G Call Subject Heading 1 Author Title Copyright Number Heading 1 2 Ref 220.3 Bible - 2 Achtemeier, Paul J. Harper's Bible Dictionary 1985 Ach Dictionaries Lent - 3 Adam, David Forward to Freedom ( 2copies) 2001 242.34 Ada Meditations 4 Adam, David The Open Gate 1994 242.8 Ada Prayers Bible - Ref 220.2 Commentarie 5 Adams, A.D. Cruden's Complete Corcordance of the Old Testament 1968 Cru Bible s Mercy Teenage Girls 6 Alcorn, Nancy Echoes of Mercy 1992 259.23 Alc Ministries Ministriesq Bible- Handbooks 7 Alexander, David & Pat Eerdman's Handbook to the Bible 1973 220.02 Ale and Manuals Homosexuality - This Far By Grace: A Bishop's Journey Through Questions Religious 8 Alexander, J. Neal About Homosexuality 2003 261.8 Ale Aspects - Bible - New The Orthodox Study Bible: New Testament and Psalms - New Theology, Testament 9 Allen, Joseph, et. Al King James Version 1993 225.5 All Doctrinal and Psalms 10 Althauser, Doug You Can Free Yourself from Alcohol & Drugs 1998 362.29 Alt Addiction Alcoholism Bible. O.T. Andersen, Francis I. and David Noel Ref 220.7 Hosea - 11 Freedman Hosea: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary 1980 And Commentaries Ref 220.6 Bible.O.T. - 12 Anderson, Bernhard Understanding the Old Testament 2nd edition 1975 And Old Testament History Spiritual Patients - 13 Anderson, Greg The Triumphant Patient 1992 362.1 And Healing Religious Life 14 Anderson, Joan Wester Where Angels Walk 1992 291.2 And Angels A B C D E F G Call Subject Heading 1 Author Title Copyright Number Heading 1 2 15 Anderson, Lynn If I Really Believe, Why Do I Have These Doubts 1992 234.2 And Faith Jesus Christ - Anglican 16 Armstrong, Donald The Truth About Jesus (2 copies) 1998 232 Arm Communion Bible - NT, 17 Arthur, Kay The Call to Follow Jesus 1994 226.4 Art Luke The Harper Collins Study Bible Fully Revised and Updated: New 18 Attridge, Harold W., ed. Revised Standard Version 1989 Ref 220.5 Att Bible Study Skills Kings and Hezekiah, 19 Austin, Lynn Gods and Kings 2005 F Aus Rulers King of Judah Evangelistic 20 Azariah, K. and David J. Rowe Christ-Likeness: Love as Evangelism 2006 232 Aza Work Jesus Christ Gardeners - 21 Bahnson, Fred Soil and Sacrament, a Spiritual Memoir of Food and Faith 2013 261.8 Bah Religious Life Bible - 22 Banks, James Praying the Prayers of the Bible 2013 242.7 Ban Bible - Prayers Christian 23 Barbour Publishing Light for my Path (2 copies) 1996 220.5 Lig Bible Bible, NT, Acts, 24 Barclay, William The Acts of the Apostles 1976 225.6 Bar commentary Bible, NT, Matthew, 25 Barclay, William The Gospel of Matthew 1975 226.2 Bar commentary Bible, NT, Bible, NT, Philippians, Colossians, 26 Barclay, William The Letters to the Philippians, Colossians and Thessalonians 1975 227 Bar commentary commentary Bible, NT, Corinthians, 27 Barclay, William The Letters to the Corinthians 1975 227.2 Bar commentary A B C D E F G Call Subject Heading 1 Author Title Copyright Number Heading 1 2 Bible, NT, Bible, NT, Galatians, Ephesians, 28 Barclay, William The Letters to the Galatians and Ephesians 1976 227.4 Bar commentary commentary Bible, NT, Hebrews, 29 Barclay, William The Letters of Hebrews 1976 227.8 Bar commentary Bible, NT, Bible, NT, Pastoral Philemon, 30 Barclay, William The Letters to Timothy, Titus and Philemon 1975 227.8 Bar Epistles, commentary Bible, NT, Bible, NT, Epistles of Jude, 31 Barclay, William The Letters of John and Jude 1976 227.9 Bar John - commentary Bible, NT, Bible, NT, James, Peter, 32 Barclay, William The Letters of James and Peter 1976 227.9 Bar commentary commentary suffering and 33 Barnum, Thaddeus Where is God in Suffering and Tragedy 1997 248.8 Bar bereavement Theology, 34 Barth, Karl Evangelical Theology - An Introduction 1963 230 Bar Doctrinal Colossians: A New Translation with Introduction and Ref 220.7 Bible. N.T. 35 Barth, Markus and Helmut Blanke Commentary 1994 Bar Colossians Ref 220.7 Bible - 36 Barton, John & Muddiman, John The Oxford Bible Commentary 2001 Bar Commentaries Church 37 Bass, Diana Butler The Practicing Congregation: Imagining a New Old Church 2004 250.9 Bas Renewal Bass, Diana Butler and Joseph Stewart- Parishes - 38 Sicking From Nomads to Pilgrims 2006 277.3 Bas United States Family - Church Year 39 Batchelder, David All Through the Day, All Through the Year 2000 249 Bat Religious Life Devotions Salvation - 40 Batchelor, Doug At Jesus' Feet 2001 232.9 Bat Jesus Christ Christianity A B C D E F G Call Subject Heading 1 Author Title Copyright Number Heading 1 2 41 Beall, Mary K. Singing in the Spirit 1998 242.6 Bea Choirs - Music The Compassionalte Visitor: Resources for Ministering to Church work 42 Becker, Arthur H. People Who Ar Ill 1983 259.4 Bec with the sick church History - Civilization - 43 Bede A History of the English Church and People 1968 274.2 Bed Middle Ages Anglo-Saxon Salvation - 44 Bell, Rob Love Wins 2005 234.23 Bel Faith Christianity Baptism in the Gifts - 45 Bennett, Dennis and Rita The Holy Spirit and You 1971 231.3 Ben Holy Spirit Spiritual AIDS - Religious 46 Bennett, Thaddeus and Robinson, Gene Being a Christian in the Age of AIDS 1995 616.9 Ben AIDS - Disease Aspects Literature - Conduct of 47 Bennett, William J. The Book of Virtues (2 copies) 1993 808.8 Ben Collections Life Bible. O.T. Zephaniah: A New Translation with Introduction and Ref 220.7 Zephaniah - 48 Berlin, Adele Commentary 1994 Ber Commentaries Bible - Ref 227.1 Commentarie 49 Best, Ernest The Letter of Paul to the Romans 1967 Bes Bible - Romans s 50 Bettenson, Henry Documents of the Christian Church 1963 270 Doc Church History Christianity 51 Bevere, John The Holy Spirit, an Introduction ( 2 copies) 2013 231.3 Bev Holy Spirit Aged - 52 Bianchi, Eugene C. Aging as a Spiritual Journey 1987 248.8 Bia Religious Life 53 Billheimer, Paul E. Destined for the Throne 1975 262.7 Bil church prayer A B C D E F G Call Subject Heading 1 Author Title Copyright Number Heading 1 2 Bible - Ref 220.5 Criticism, 54 Birch, Bruce et.al editors The Discipleship Study Bible 2008 Dis Interpretation, Crucifixion of 55 Bishop, Jim The Day Christ Died 1957 232.96 Bis Jesus Christ Jesus Christ christianity and politics - United 56 Black, Amy Honoring God in Red or Blue 2012 261.7 Bla States Fresh Encounters: Experiencing God Through Prayer, Humility King, Claude 57 Blackaby, Henry T. and Claude V. King and a Heartfelt Desire to Know Him 1996 269 Bla Revivals V. Bible, Gospels, The Synoptic Gospels: A Journey into the Kingdom, vol.1 (2 Criticism, Synoptic 58 Bleynat, Edward L. copies) 2004 226 Ble Interpretation Problem Spiritual Life - 59 Bloom, Anthony Beginning to Pray ( 2 copies ) 1970 248.3 Blo Prayer Christianity Bible, OT, 60 Boadt, Lawrence Reading the Old Testament 1984 221.6 Boa Introductions Reformed Church - 61 Boesak, Allan Walking on Thorns 1987 252.042 Boe Sermons Sermons Jesus Christ, history of Bible, NT, 62 Boismard, Marie-Emile Moses or Jesus, an Essay in Johannine Christology 1993 232.09 Boi doctrines, early John Television in 63 Bolz-Weber, Nadia Salvation on the Small Screen 2008 269 Bol religion - US Theology - Bondi, 64 Bondi, Roberta C. Memories of God - Theological Reflections on a Life 1995 230 Bon Doctrinal Roberta 65 Bonhoeffer, Dietrich Meditating on the Word 1986 248 Bon Mediatation Sermons Hooker, 66 Booty, John Reflections on the Theology of Richard Hooker 1998 230.3 Boo Richard A B C D E F G Call Subject Heading 1 Author Title Copyright Number Heading 1 2 67 Booty, John The Church in History 1979 270 Boo Church History Anglican Episcopal Communion - 68 Booty, John What Makes Us Episcopalians 1982 289 Boo Church Doctrines Theology - 69 Borg, Marcus J. The Heart of Christianity 2003 230 Bor Doctrinal Jesus Christ - Jesus Christ - Historicity - History of 70 Borg, Marcus J. Jesus in Contemporary Scholarship 1994 232.09 Bor Study and Doctrine - 71 Borg, Marcus J. Meeting Jesus (Again) for the First Time 1994 232.9 Bor Jesus Christ 72 Bowden, John Karl Barth B Bar Barth, Karl Church 73 Bowen. V.S. A Vestryman's Guide (2 copies) 1972 and 1976 254.03 Bow Officers Vestry 74 Braden, Gregg Walking Between the Worlds 1997 158.1 Bra Caring Compassion Body Human - Religious 75 Brand, Paul & Philip Yancey In His Image 1984 262.77 Bra Church Aspects - Christian 76 Brill, Earl The Christian Moral Vision 1979 241.04 Bri Ethics Men, Religious 77 Briscoe, Stuart Men of Honor and Influence, a Biblical Model for Manhood 1996 248.8 Bri Life Spiritual 78 Brooke, Avery Healing in the landscape of Prayer 1996 234.13 Bro healing Prayer Christian 79 Brown, David Signs of Grace: Sacraments in Poetry and Prose 1995 820.80 Bro Sacraments Literature A B C D E F G Call Subject Heading 1 Author Title Copyright Number Heading 1 2 Jesus Christ - 80 Brown, Raymond E. A Risen Christ in Eastertime 1991 226 Bro Resurrection Bible The Gospel According to John I-XII: A New Translation with Ref 220.7 Bible, N.T., 81 Brown, Raymond E. Introduction and Commentary by Raymond E. Brown 1966 Bro John Ref 226.5 Bible - N.T. - 82 Brown, Raymond E. The Gospel According to John I - XII 1966 Bro John I-XII Bible - N.T. - Ref 226.5 Bible - N.T. - John - 83 Brown, Raymond E. The Gospel According to John XIII - XXI 1970 Bro John XIII - XXI Criticism, Church and 84 Brown, Robert McAfee Saying Yes and Saying No: On Rendering to God and Caesar 1986 261.7 Bro State Holocaust, 85 Brown, Robert McAfee Elie Wiesel-Messenger to all Humanity 1983 813.54 Bro Wiesel, Elie Jewish Bible - 86 Brueggeman, Walter Finally Comes the Poet 1989 251 Bru Preaching Language United States - Moral 87 Brueggeman, Walter Cadences of Home 1997 251 Bru Preaching condition Evangelistic work - biblical 88 Brueggeman, Walter Biblical Perspectives on Evangelism 1993 269.2 Bru teaching 89 Bryan, Jonathon Nonetheless, God Retrieves us 2006 248 Bry Spirituality Christianity - 90 Bryant, Charles Jung and the Christian Way 1983 201.9 Bry Psychology Jung, C.
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