Б w D DIVISION OF PERIODICALS LlBRAR"Y OF CONGRESS WASHINGTON DC 205-15 1 Ht published by the Ukrainian National Association inc.. tfraternal non-profit association! Ukrainian Weelcl ї vol. Llll Na 45 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER IO, 1985 25 centi --И—---Щ Furor continues over Medvid incident Senate Committee Subpoenas Seaman; Ukrainian Americans raise voices by Roma Hadzewycz senting the UABA and its co-plaintiffs, House subcommittee hears testimony with Mykhai!o Bociurkiw and including the Ukrainian Human Rights by Roma Hadzewycz freighter. Marshal Koniev, at about Marts Kolomayets in New York Committee and the Ukrainian Congress with Eugene iwanciw in Washington 11:30 p.m. (Eastern time) to serve the and Marianna Liss in Chicago Committee of America, filed a petition JERSEY C1TY, N.J. - As"the Soviet for a stay, or temporary injunction, on JERSEY C1TY, N.J. - in an 11th subpoena, which was translated into the Ukrainian and Russian languages by freighter Marshal Koniev awaited its' Thursday, November 7, at 1 p.m. before hour attempt to prevent the Ukrainian cargo of grain at Reserve, La., north of Chief Justice Warren E. Burger, the sailor who twice jumped ship near New the Library of Congress. - New Orleans on the Mississippi River, Supreme Court justice whose jurisdic– Orleans from leaving the United States - As The Weekly was going to press, on Friday morning, November 8, it was and more details emerged about U.S. tion is the District of Columbia. before being given another chance to authorities' handling of Ukrainian The UABA et al said in their petition state his case, the Senate Agriculture reported that the captain of the Soviet freighter had been instructed not to turn sailor Myroslav Medvid, Ukrainian that it is doubtful that Mr. Medvid's Committee chaired by Jesse Helms (R– Americans across the land continued to decision to return to the USSR was N.C.) late Thursday afternoon, Novem– over Mr. Medvid and to wait for the arrival of Soviet Embassy officials. The make their voices heard. voluntary and, therefore, his departure ber 7, issued a subpoena for Myroslav - Even as President Ronald Reagan should be delayed until UABA lawyers Medvid. Customs Service announced that it would not allow the freighter to leave was surmising that the Medvid in– can interview him about his intentions. Sen. Helms, who signed the sub– the United States until the ship complies cident was a pre-summit ploy The .petition was initially filed in a poena, immediately sent two members with the subpoena, which requires that by the Soviets - along with the case of Philadelphia district court, but the of his .staff, Terry Wear and David Mr. Medvid testify before the Senate vitaly Yurchenko, the KGB man who court declined to hear the case, it was Sullivan, to Louisiana to serve the Agriculture Committee on Tuesday, re-defected to the Soviet Union, and then refiled in the District Court for the subpoena. November 12. that of a Soviet soldier who entered the District of Columbia on November 1, and was The staffers left Washington at about President Ronald Reagan also an– U.S. Embassy compound in Kabul rejected the same day. Mr 4 p.m., and they boarded the Soviet (Continued on page 16) saying, "1 don't like this war and 1 want Fylypovych then took his case to the to go home"— the Ukrainian American Court of Appeals on November 2, and on Bar Association went to the Supreme November 4 a three-judge panel ruled Senate subcommittee holds hearings Court to seek an order barring the against granting the stay. Soviet ship from leaving U.S. waters. Mr. Fylypovych told The Weekly Based on report from Washington was not present. Attorney Andrew Fylypovych, repre– (Continued on page 10) filed by Eugene iwanciw Also present at the hearing was Sen. Gordon Humphrey (R-N.H.), who has WASHINGTON - The senate Ju– spearheaded the Congressional effort to Coalition formed in New Orleans diciary Committee's Subcommittee on ensure that Mr. Medvid is given the immigration and Refugee Policy held opportunity to state his desires in an to help Ukrainian sailor hearings on U.S. government handling atmosphere free of coercion. Sen. of the Myroslav Medvid case on Humphrey was allowed to testify before by Mykhailo Bociurkiw Americans seeking asylum for the Tuesday, November 5. the subcommittee and to direct ques– Ukrainian seaman who twice jumped Testimony was heard from officials (Continued on page 11) JERSEY C1TY, N.J. - Ukrainian ship near New Orleans have joined of the State Department, the immigra– forces with other grourg in New Orleans, tion and Naturalization Service, vowing not to rest until he is interviewed. Customs and the Coast Guard, as well Scholar Kubijovyc dead at 85 No one knows for sure just how many as from irene Padoch, the Ukrainian Ukrainians gathered in New Orleans lo woman who served as Ukrainian-lan– PAR1S - Renowned scholar, author join in efforts lo help the 22-year-old guage interpreter for the young sailor and anthropogeographer Dr. volodymyr Ukrainian who first jumped from the on the night of October 24-25 after he Kubijovyc died here on November 1 at Marshal Koniev on Oclober24. What is first jumped ship. the age of 85. known is that Ukrainians from such Mrs. Padoch, who submitted an Dr. Kubijovyc was best known for his cities as New York. Chicago and De– affidavit, stressed in her remarks before work on the monumental "Entsyklo– iroit have played a key role in New the subcommittee that there was no pedia Ukrainoznavstva" (Encyclopedia Orleans in efforts to publicize the question in her mind that Mr. Medvid of Ukrainian Studies), which was pub– Medvid case and help get the young wanted asylum in the United States and lished first in a three-volume format in man off the ship. that she had made it perfectly clear to 1949, then in a 10-volume edition. He "One of the most powerful weapons immigration officials that this was his was the initiator and editor of both we have is this group of beautiful intention. (Text of Mrs. Padoch's projects. He was also the editor of the Ukrainian women who really drove affidavit appears on page 3.) two-volume English-language Ukraine: home the point that Mr. Medvid should The State Department reiterated its A Concise Encyclopedia published by be allowed to stay in the U.S.." said a position that Mr. Medvid had every the Ukrainian National Association. member of Save The Oppressed People opportunity to state that he wanted to Most recently he served as editor of - a Washington-based anti-Com– remain in the United States and that he the four-volume Encyclopedia of U– munist group. repeatedly said he wanted to return to kraine, an updated and revised English- The STOP group organized a "free– the Soviet Union. The department did language version of the"Entsyklopedia dom flotilla" — involving some 30 acknowledge that the case was mis- Ukrainoznavstva," the first volume and vessels'— to slow the passage of the handled at the beginning by immigra– gazeteer of which are already available. Soviet ship downriver. A large group of tion officials, but continued to insist Work on the other three volumes is Ukrainians talked to the Soviet sailors that the case was considered closed. continuing. on November 7 with bullhorns from a The subcommittee hearing was Dr. Kubijovyc was born in the village small boat alongside the Marshal chaired by Alan K. Simpson (R-Wyo.) of Matiyeva, in the western part of Koniev. They were able to ask about and attended by subcommittee members Lemkivshchyna, Ukraine, on Septem– Mr. Medvid's condition and instruct Charles E. Grassley (R-lowa), Jeremiah ber 23. 1900. He completed studies at other crew members how to defect. Demon (R-Ala.) and Paul Simon (D– Dr. Yolodymyr Kubijovyc , t ontinued on page 2) Meanwhile, three Ohio women who 111.). Sen Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) (Continued on page 15) 2 . THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER ЇО, 1985 - - . -–'NQ.45 Senate resolution calls on president Bonner to travel to ltaly JERSEY C1TY, N.J. - Yelena G. United States took place on November to discuss Afghanistan with Soviets Bonner, the wife of Soviet physicist 4 from a post office telephone in Gorky. Andrei D. Sakharov, is expected to Dr. Sakharov was banished to Gorky in WASHINGTON - A day after most Afghan citizens; and the possibility leave the Soviet Union in late Novem– January 1980 after Soviet authorities President Ronald Reagan's United of large-scale famine; ber for medical treatment. charged him of issuing statements Nations speech which called for re- Whereas, Soviet troops and their in a telephone conversation with critical of Soviet policy to Western solution of regional conflicts, the Afghan proxies have employed the use relatives in Newton, Mass.. Ms. Bonner journalists in Moscow. Since May 1984, Senate on October 25 unanimously of chemical weapons against innocent said she would be going to Sienna, ltaly, Ms. Bonner, too, has been confined to passed a resolution, authored by Sen. Afghans; for an extensive check-up with an eye Gorky, a center of defense industries Gordon J. Humphrey (R-N.H.), calling Whereas the human-rights abuses surgeon, reported The New York which is closed to foreigners. on the president to discuss the oc– perpetrated by the Soviet troops against Times. Ms. Bonner added that she cupation of Afghanistan with Soviet- the Afghan population, including wo– would travel to the United States after The telephone conversation marked leaders. men, children, and the elderly, have her treatment in Sienna. the first time in almost six years that Dr.
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