Appendix Comprehensive Table of Quranic Variants ∵ Shady Hekmat Nasser - 9789004412903 Downloaded from Brill.com10/05/2021 04:52:41PM via free access All audio files referred to in this Appendix can be accessed by scanning this QR code or via the following link: https://qr.brill.com/748fc1. 262 (Q. X:Y) Arabic Variants Transmitters Notes Variant types uṣūl: major assimilation (al-idghām ‿r-raḥīm_maliki AA al-kabīr) ‿r-raḥīm。 māliki A ‿r-raḥīmi māliki K Assim ا �ل �ح� �م��ل�ك 4–1:3 IK ر يم ‿r-raḥīm。 maliki N ‿r-raḥīmi maliki IA H A No one applied imāla, i.e. mēliki Supported by (Q. 3:26), which only māliki K reads mālika l-mulki Transmitted on behalf of the Prophet IK Downloaded fromBrill.com10/05/2021 04:52:41PM N Long vwl (±ā) Supported by (Q. 114:2) maliki n-nāsi, IA (Q. 59:22) l-maliku l-quddūsu maliki �م��ل�ك Shady Hekmat Nasser-9789004412903 1:4 AA Transmitted on behalf of the Prophet AA → al-Yazīdī → Abū Ḥamdūn H Appendix AA → ʿAbd al-Wārith → Abū Maʿmar malki → Muḥammad b. Shuʿayb al-Jarmī IM: This is because of the ikhtilās AA taskīn via free access → Madyan b. Shuʿayb → IM often applied milki AA → ʿAbd al-Wārith vowels Comprehensive Table ofQuranicVariants Comprehensive Table (Q. X:Y) Arabic Variants Transmitters Notes Variant types IK → Shibl → al-Qawwās [→ Qunbul] Throughout the Qurʾān IK → Shibl → ʿUbayd b. ʿAqīl ‿s-sirāṭa … sirāṭa AA → ʿUbayd b. ʿAqīl Doubt from Hārūn whether AA read ‿ AA → Hārūn al-Aʿwar ‿s-sirāṭa or ‿ṣ-ṣirāṭa IK → [X] → Ibn Fulayḥ Throughout the Qurʾān IK → [X] → al-Bazzī Doubt from Hārūn whether AA read AA → Hārūn al-Aʿwar ‿s-sirāṭa or ‿ṣ-ṣirāṭa AA → ʿAbd al-Wārith Throughout the Qurʾān AA → al-Yazīdī N ibdāl ا �ل���صرا ط … �صرا ط 7–1:6 IA (s↔ṣ↔z) A Downloaded fromBrill.com10/05/2021 04:52:41PM ‿ṣ-ṣirāṭa … ṣirāṭa K K: sirāṭa with sīn is more common in Shady Hekmat Nasser-9789004412903 K → Khalaf → Muḥammad b. Yaḥyā Arabic speech. Nonetheless, I read l-Kisāʾī l-Ṣaghīr ṣirāṭa with ṣād following the rasm of the muṣḥaf Khallād: Sulaym had always read ‿ṣ-ṣirāṭa with ṣād; however, during H → Sulaym → Khallād → Muḥammad prayers he would articulate it closer to b. ʿĪsā l-Iṣbahānī → Ḥasan al-Jammāl 263 via free access zāy. Sulaym used to do so only in this (cont.) (Ibn [Abī] Mihrān) → IM verse, but he would articulate a pure ṣād throughout the Qurʾān (Q. X:Y) Arabic Variants Transmitters Notes Variant types 264 ‿z-zirāṭa … zirāṭa AA → al-Aṣmaʿī A pure zāy A hybrid sound between ṣād and zāy AA → ʿUryān b. Abī Sufyān ishmām IM: This reading cannot be determined H ‿ṣz-ṣzirāṭa … ṣzirāṭa by the rasm (lā yaḍbiṭuhā l-kitāb) H → Sulaym (Q. 16:9), (Q. 28:23), (Q. 6:46), (Q. 52:37), H → Khalaf (Q. 88:22) H → K Khallād: Sulaym had always read ‿ṣ-ṣirāṭa with ṣād; however, during H → Sulaym → Khallād → Muḥammad ‿ṣz-ṣzirāṭa … ṣirāṭa prayers he would articulate it closer to b. ʿĪsā l-Iṣbahānī → Ḥasan al-Jammāl zāy. Sulaym used to do so only in this → IM verse, but he would articulate a pure ṣād throughout the Qurʾān ‿z-zirāṭa … ṣirāṭa H → al-Farrāʾ Downloaded fromBrill.com10/05/2021 04:52:41PM ʿalayhum H uṣūl: ṣilat mīm al-jamʿ Shady Hekmat Nasser-9789004412903 ʿalayhimū IK (Q. 2:7) N → Ismāʿīl b. Jaʿfar N → Ibn Jammāz One has the choice to read ʿalayhimu Appendix ʿalayhimu N → Qālūn or ʿalayhim N → al-Musayyabī via free access N → Ismāʿīl b. Jaʿfar ع������ه�� (.cont) vowels ي � م 1:7 Comprehensive Table ofQuranicVariants Comprehensive Table (Q. X:Y) Arabic Variants Transmitters Notes Variant types N → Ibn Jammāz One has the choice to read ʿalayhimu N → Qālūn or ʿalayhim N → al-Musayyabī Qālūn: N did not consider ʿalayhimu to be wrong. N → Qālūn → Aḥmad b. Qālūn IM: This statement shows that N’s ʿalayhim reading was ʿalayhim; and this is how I was instructed to read N → Warsh (Q. 2:6) AA A (Q. 2:61), (Q. 28:23), (Q. 36:14), (Q. 8:16), IA (Q. 6:1), (Q. 2:142) K N Downloaded fromBrill.com10/05/2021 04:52:41PM A AA Shady Hekmat Nasser-9789004412903 ghayri IA H غ K iʿrāb ع�ي�ر 1:7 IK IK → al-Khalīl b. Aḥmad → Bakkār b. IM: According to al-Akhfash, ghayra ʿAbd Allāh b. Yaḥyā l-ʿŪdī → Naṣr b. ʿAlī in the accusative could be justified as 265 via free access ghayra (cont.) → Anas b. Khālid Abū Ḥamza al-Anasī istithnāʾ, but this is wrong → IM Sabʿa: al-ʿAwdhī, Ghāya: al-ʿŪdī (Q. X:Y) Arabic Variants Transmitters Notes Variant types 266 fīhī hudan IK uṣūl: hāʾ al-kināya N (Q. 20:32), (Q. 19:15) IA madd غ (fīhi hudan A (Q. 18:63), (Q. 48:10), (Q. 25:69 �ي���ه �ه�د �ى 2:2 K H fīh_hudan AA uṣūl: Major assimilation Assim N IK A A → Shuʿba → al-Aʿshā → Abū Hishām yuʾminūna al-Rifāʿī → Muḥammad b. ʿĪsā b. uṣūl: al-Hamz Ḥayyān → IM IA غ غ Downloaded fromBrill.com10/05/2021 04:52:41PM H Hamz �يو�م��و� 2:3 K Shady Hekmat Nasser-9789004412903 yūminūn。 H waqf mode N → Warsh AA During prayers and fast recitation (idrāj) Appendix yūminūna During prayers AA → al-Yazīdī → al-Sūsī (Q. 2:106), (Q. 5:101), (Q. 18:10), (Q. 17:14), (Q. 18:16), (Q. 6:39), (Q. 15:51) via free access (cont.) A → Shuʿba → al-Aʿshā → al-Shammūnī Comprehensive Table ofQuranicVariants Comprehensive Table (Q. X:Y) Arabic Variants Transmitters Notes Variant types H → Sylaym → Abū Hishām al-Rifāʿī → During prayers Muḥammad b. ʿĪsā b. Ḥayyān → IM uṣūl: al-madd wa-l-qaṣr N → Qālūn → al-Ḥulwānī (Q. 2:22) bi-mā unzila IK AA A → Shuʿba → al-Aʿshā A → Shuʿba → al-Aʿshā → al-Shammūnī → Abū Muḥammad al-Qāsim b. Aḥmad al-Khayyāṭ → al-Ḥasan bi-mā̄。 unzila al-Jammāl → IM al-Sabʿa: Abū Jaʿfar b. Muḥammad al- A → Shuʿba → al-Aʿshā → al-Shammūnī أ غ Firyābī. It should be Abū Bakr Jaʿfar b. madd �م�ا ا � غ ل 2:4 .Abū Muḥammad al-Qāsim b → غ ر Muḥammad al-Firyābī Aḥmad al-Khayyāṭ → IM Downloaded fromBrill.com10/05/2021 04:52:41PM A → Shuʿba → ʿAbd Allāh b. Ṣāliḥ al-ʿIjlī A → al-Qāḍī Sharīk [b. ʿAbd Allāh] Shady Hekmat Nasser-9789004412903 → Minjāb b. al-Ḥārith → Jaʿfar b. Muḥammad al-Firyābī → IM bi-mā̄ unzila [A → Shuʿba] → ʿAbd Allāh b. Ṣāliḥ al- ʿIjlī → al-Ḥulwānī → al-Jammāl → IM (Q. 7:47), (Q. 23:99), (Q. 2:21), (Q. 2:114), H (Q. 2:31), (Q. 2:40), (Q. 2:5) 267 via free access (cont.) (Q. X:Y) Arabic Variants Transmitters Notes Variant types 268 K bi-ma̿ unzila madd wasaṭ IA N IK ȧ-ºandhartahum uṣūl: two consecutive hamzas in one N → Warsh word K IK’s reading sounds more like madd N → Abū Qurra a-ºandhartahum, without prolonging the first hamza N → al-Musayyabī → Khalaf ā-ºandhartahum N → al-Musayyabī → Ibn Saʿdān غ ي ا غ��د ��ه�� 2:6 (AA (Q. 3:15), (Q. 54:25), (Q. 38:8 ر � م A H K a-andhartahum IA → Ibn Dhakwān Hamz Downloaded fromBrill.com10/05/2021 04:52:41PM IA → Hishām b. ʿAmmār → Abū l-ʿAbbās Aḥmad b. Muḥammad b. Shady Hekmat Nasser-9789004412903 Bakr → IM IK Appendix N غ ش ي ghishāwatun IA (Q. 45:23) iʿrāb �����و� 2:7 via free access (cont.) AA A Comprehensive Table ofQuranicVariants Comprehensive Table (Q. X:Y) Arabic Variants Transmitters Notes Variant types H K ghishāwatan A → al-Mufaḍḍal N yukhādiʿūna IK AA Vrb frm غ A �م�ا �غ��د �� 2:9 (I↔III) و ي و� IA yakhdaʿūna H K shēʾa, jēʾa, khēba, ṭēba, ḍēqa, khēfa, ḥēqa. (Q. 33:10) zāghat and (Q. 61:5) azāgha H Downloaded fromBrill.com10/05/2021 04:52:41PM fa-zēdahumu but (Q. 61:5) zēghū. (Q. 83:14) rēna but (Q. 19:23) fa-ajāʾahā Shady Hekmat Nasser-9789004412903 IA shēʾa, jēʾa N → al-Musayyabī → Khalaf (Q. 20:61) khēba by N → Khārija → fa-zǣdahumu N → Ibn Jammāz ʿAbbās b. al-Faḍl → Abū Mūsā l-Harawī N → Ismāʿīl b. Jaʿfar → ʿAbd Allāh b. Aḥmad b. Ḥanbal → IM rǣna by N → al-Musayyabī → Ibn Saʿdān and N → al-Musayyabī → Khalaf 269 via free access N → al-Musayyabī → Ibn Saʿdān rāna by N → al-Musayyabī → Ibn غ (.cont) �غاد�ه fa-zādahumu al-Musayyabī imāla ر م 2:10 (Q. X:Y) Arabic Variants Transmitters Notes Variant types 270 IK uṣūl: al-imāla AA rēna by A → Shuʿba and rāna by A A → Ḥafṣ rēna K shǣʾa and jǣʾa by K → Abū ʿUbayd shāʾa and jāʾa by K → Nuṣayr b. Yūsuf N IK yukadhdhibūna AA Vrb frm غ غ IA ��ك�� � 2:10 (I↔II) ي غ و� A yakdhibūna H K Downloaded fromBrill.com10/05/2021 04:52:41PM K (Q. 11:44) ghuīḍa, (Q. 11:77), (Q. 29:33) u u u Shady Hekmat Nasser-9789004412903 s īʾa, (Q. 67:27) s īʾat, (Q. 34:54) ḥ īla, quīla IA → Hishām → al-Ḥulwānī (Q. 39:71,73) suīqa, (Q. 39:69), (Q. 89:23) wa-juīʾa u u u u IA → Ibn Dhakwān s īʾa, s īʾat, ḥ īla, s īqa Appendix IK qīla A ي via free access (cont.) � AA vowels �ي���ل 2:11 Comprehensive Table ofQuranicVariants Comprehensive Table (Q. X:Y) Arabic Variants Transmitters Notes Variant types H N suīʾa, suīʾat IK → Shibl → ʿUbayd b.
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