Years from Adam (Anno Mundi – Year of the World) 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 Adam 0-930 Genesis 5:3-5 Seth 130-1042 Genesis 5:6-8 Enosh 235-1140 Genesis 5:9-11 Cainan 325-1235 Genesis 5:12-14 Mahalalel 395-1290 Genesis 5:15-17 Jared 460-1422 Genesis 5:18-20 Enoch And Enoch walked with God; 622-987 and he was not, for God took Genesis 5:21-23 him. Genesis 5:24 Methuselah Genesis 5:25-27 687-1656 Abel Lamech The Flood The Dates Unknown Genesis 5:28, 30-31 874-1651 Cain Noah Dates Unknown Genesis 5:32 1056-2006 Enoch Japheth Creation Dates Unknown Genesis 5:32, 10:21 1556-? Irad Shem Dates Unknown Genesis 11:10-11 1558-2508 Ham Genesis does not provide dates for the birth Mehujael or death of Cain or Abel or any of Cain’s Dates Unknown Dates Unknown descendants. The genealogy of Cain is Methushael shown here based on Genesis 4 with an assumed average lifespan of 900 years and Dates Unknown age of 75 at the birth of the next generation Lamech Dates Unknown Jabal Dates Unknown Father of those who dwell in tents. Genesis 4:20 Jubal Dates Unknown Father of those who play the harp and flute. Genesis 4:21 Tubal-Cain Instructor of every craftsman in Dates Unknown bronze and iron. Genesis 4:22 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 Key Messianic Line Key Events Mentioned in Scripture References are to actual event Other historical figures ¶ Indicates prophetic reference Prophets 3300 BC 3200 BC 3100 BC 3000 BC 2900 BC 2800 BC 2700 BC 2600 BC 2500 BC 2400 BC 2300 BC 2200 BC 2100 BC 2000 BC 1900 BC 1800 BC 1700 BC 1600 BC 1500 BC 1400 BC Noah C 3775-2825 Shem C 3273-2673 Arphaxad C 3173-2638 Salah C 3038-2578 Flood Eber 1656 AM (Masoretic) C 2898-2494 2242 AM (Septuagint) Genesis 41:46 The plentiful years 3175 BC (Septuagint) Peleg C 2774-2435 began when Joseph was 30-31 and Jacob arrived in the second Reu year of famine 9 or 10 years later C 2636-2297 (Genesis 45:6, 11) Serug Joseph Moses C 2504-2174 C 1913-1803 Nahor Moses in Moses in Egypt Midian C 2374-2166 Note: Ages and dates for the period Terah Israel Terah dies in Haran between the flood and Abraham are C 2295-2090 Hezron Ram Amminadab Nashon (Genesis 11:32) derived from the Septuagint (not Abraham including the extra Canaan) which C 2165-1990 adds 658 years vs. the Masoretic text that is the basis for most Isaac C1446-1406 Christian Bibles C 2090 BC Abram C 2065-1885 departs from Haran Genesis 47:28 – 1876 BC (Genesis 12:4) Jacob C 2005-1858 Judah Abram in Egypt +/- Dates Unknown Genesis 12:10 Perez Dates Unknown Four hundred thirty years in Egypt (Exodus 12:40-41) “And there arose a new king in Egypt, who did not know Joseph” (Exodus 1:8). This would be expected after the Second Intermediate Period and suspicion of the Israelites would be natural after a period Years of Plenty Lean Years where Lower Egypt was independent XVII: Kings I: 10 Kings from Thinis II: 11 Kings from Thinis III: 5 Kings from Memphis IV: 8 Kings from Memphis V: 9 Kings from Memphis VI: 7 Kings from Memphis XI: 8 Kings from Thebes XII: 8 Kings from Thebes XIII: Kings from Thebes XVI: Kings from Thebes XVIII: 14 Kings from Diaspolis from Thebes Egypt Narmer Sekhemkhet Shepseskaf Neferefre Nebhepetre Nebtawyre Kheperkare Khakheperre Nimaatre Sobekkare Amenhotep I / Menes Huni Khufu Khafre Sahure Nyuserre Ini Djedkare Isesi Teti Pepi I Pepi II Mentuhotep I Intef II Mentuhotep II Mentuhotep IV Senusret I Senusret II Amenemhat III Sobekneferu Thutmose II Amenhotep II 2637- 2613- 2589- 2532- 1991- 1897- 1878- 1550- 2558-2532 2414-2375 2375-2345 2331-2287 2278-2184 2118-2069 2060-2010 1971-1926 1929-1895 1860-1815 1506-1452 1455-1418 Mizraim Genesis 10:6, 13-14 2613 2589 2566 2503 1962 1878 1860 1529 Djoser Khaba Sneferu Djedefre Menkaure Neferirkare Menkauhor Unas Userkare Merenre I Intef I Intef III Sankhkare Sehetepibre Nubkaure Khakaure Maakherure Sobekhotep I Kamose Thutmose I Thutmose III Exodus in year 9 of the Kakai Kaiu Mentuhotep III Amenemhat I Amenemhat II Senusret III Amenemhat IV Userkaf Shepseskare VII & reign of Amenhotep II IX X: 4 Kings from Heracleopolis XIV: Kings from Avaris (Caananite/Semitic) XV: Kings from Avaris (Hyksos) VIII Queen Hatshepsut Senusret II is the likely Pharaoh of Genesis 41. Imhotep Great Pyramid built Likely the “daughter of Exodus 2:23 The Bahr Yussef or Joseph Canal was built Pharaoh” (Exodus 2:5-10) during his reign connecting the Nile with the The kings of Dynasty XIV have Caananite or West Semitic names. This dynasty was based in the Nile delta. Possible Faiyum Oasis period of Israelite self rule? Old Kingdom First Intermediate Period Middle Kingdom Second Intermediate Period New Kingdom I: Amorite Kings III: Kassite kings Babylon Sumu-la-El Apil-Sin Hammurabi Abieshu Ammisaduqa 1767- 1748- 1582- Tower of Babel 1817-1781 1728-1686 1686-1648 1648-1620 1620-1583 1562-1531 Ham Cush Nimrod Genesis 10:8-12 1749 1729 1562 Su-abu Sabum Sin-Muballit Samsu-iluna Ammi-ditana Samsu-Ditana Sack of Babylon Code of Hammurabi by Hittites While Genesis 10:10 states that Nimrod founded World Empires World Babylon, the first dynasty of kings were Amorites and thus descended from Caanan (Genesis 10:15) Ilum-ma-ili Ea-gamil Key II: Sealand Messianic Line Key Events Mentioned in Scripture References are to actual event Other historical figures ¶ Indicates prophetic reference Prophets 3100 BC 3000 BC 2900 BC 2800 BC 2700 BC 2600 BC 2500 BC 2400 BC 2300 BC 2200 BC 2100 BC 2000 BC 1900 BC 1800 BC 1700 BC 1600 BC 1500 BC 1400 BC 1500 BC 1400 BC 1300 BC 1200 BC 1100 BC 1000 BC 900 BC 800 BC 700 BC 600 BC 500 BC 400 BC 300 BC 200 BC 100 BC 0 100 AD Hosea Ezekiel Obadiah Zechariah John Moses Elisha Amos Micah Jeremiah The Baptist John Prophets Samuel Elijah Joel? Jonah Isaiah Nahum Zephaniah Daniel Haggai “The Elder” Nashon Salmon Boaz Obed Jesse Nathan Menan Eliakim Joseph Simeon Matthat Eliezer Er Cosam Melchi Shealtiel Zerubbabel Joannes Joseph Mattathiah Naggi Nahum Mattathiah Janna Levi Matthat Heli Joseph Rhesa Judah Semei Maath Esli Amos Joseph Melchi Rahab Servitude to Cushan- Ruth Mattathah Melea Jonah Judah Levi Jorim Jose Elmodam Addi Neri Luke 3:23-38 (Matt 1:5) Rishathaim king of (Ruth 4:13-17) Ahaziah Uzziah/ Jehoiakim Shealtiel Jesus Mesopotamia - 8 years Zerubbabel Abiud Eliakim Azor Zadok Achim Eliud Eleazar Mattan Jacob Joseph Hazor destroyed c1200 Eli Saul Solomon Abijah Jehoshaphat Joash Azariah Ahaz Manasseh Josiah Zedekiah The Christ Judges, Kings, & C1446-1406 931- 792- 911-870 872-847 836-797 716-687 697-643 641-609 586 End of Kingdom of Judah Matthew 1:1-16 5-33 Rulers 915 740 Joshua & Othniel Ehud Shamgar Deborah & Gideon Tola Rehoboam Asa Jehoram Athaliah Amaziah Jotham Hezekiah Amon Jehoahaz Jehoiachin Nehemiah Elders 40 years rest Barak Israel Servitude to Jabin 925 Shishak besieges Jerusalem, (Judges 3:11) 701 Sennacherib 597 First captivity king of Caanan - 20 carries away treasures (I Kings 586 Destruction of Jerusalem Abimelech Jair besieges Jerusalem (II Kings 24:14) Servitude to Eglon king years Servitude to Midian 1049-1009 1009-970 970-930 14:25-26) (II Kings 18:13-19:37) (II Kings 25:8) Seven and sixty-two weeks of years (¶ Daniel 9:25-26) Servitude to Samson - 7 years (Herodotus II. 141) of Moab - 18 years Philistines - 40 years Shallum 609 Josiah slain by Herod Selucid Empire Maccabees or Hasmoneans Elah Tibni Zechariah Menahem Pharoah Necho Selucus III Selucus IV “The Great” 80 years rest Selucus I Antiochus II Archelaus Agrippa I Conquest of Canaan 40 years rest 40 years rest Jephthah Elon Nadab Omri Ahaziah Jehu Jehoash Pekah Nicator Theos Ceraunus Philopater Judas Simon Aristobulus I Aristobulus II d. Mar 4 BC (II Kings 23:29) Phillip 931- 814- 750- 538 Decree of Cyrus to 445 Decree of Artaxerxes to 281- 246- Amarna letters from Abdi-Heba, king of Servitude to Philistines 909-886 874-853 841-814 793-753 312-281 261-246 223-187 -143 134-104 103-76 76-48 37-4 70 Destruction of 910 798 730 723 End of Kingdom of Israel 261 226 Jerusalem, requesting help against “Habiru” + Ammon - 18 years rebuild Jerusalem rebuild the walls of 4-39 Jerusalem by Titus Ibzan Abdon Ishbosheth David Jeroboam I Zimri Ahab Jehoahaz Jeroboam II Hoshea Antiochus I Seleucus II Antiochus III Antiochus IV John Alexander 70 years in captivity (¶ Isaiah 44:28) Jerusalem (Nehemiah 2:1-5) Soter Callinicus The Great Epiphanes Hyrcanus Janneus Antigonus Herod Antipas Baasha Joram Pekahiah (¶ Daniel 9:25) Ventidius Regnal dates for the Kings of Israel and Judah following Thiele 723 Israel carried into captivity (¶ Jeremiah 25:9-11) 168 Desecration Jonathan 63 Conquest of Jerusalem Cumanus Pontius Four hundred eighty years from Exodus to year four of Solomon’s reign (I Kings 6:1) of the Temple 165 Maccabean by Pompeii Portius Wilderness 841 Jehu pays tribute (Black by Shalmanessar V Pilate Festus Gessius 853 Battle of Qarqar Florus Period “Israel” stele records Merneptah’s obelisk of Shalmaneser III) (II Kings 17:6) (¶ Daniel 11:31) Revolt campaign in Canaan against Philistines Esther Amenhotep campaigns in Canaan, takes Jehoash pays tribute to Adad- 743 Menahem pays tribute to Tiglath- (Gaza and Ashkelon) and Gezer nirari III (Tel er-Rimah stela) Antonius Albinus 100,000 slaves pileser III (II Kings 15:19-20) Felix XVIII: 14 Kings from Diaspolis XIX: 7 Kings from Diaspolis XX: 12 Kings from Diaspolis XXI: 7 Kings from Tanis XXII: 9 Kings from Bubastis (Libya) XXV: 6 Kings from Ethiopia (Cush) XXVI: 6 Kings from Sais XXVII: 8 Persian Kings XXIX XXX XXXI Ptolemaic Dynasty + Egypt Smenkhkare Ramesses I Amenmesses
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