National Circulation, 4481)38; Denver Catholic Register, 21J08 WASHINGTON, D.C., MADE SEAT OF ARCHDIOCESE Contents Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1939— Permission to Reproduce, Excepting 3-Day Observance to Mark Little Sisters’ on Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue Archbishop Curley Centenary; Bishop Will Sing Mass Of Raltimore Will A three-day celebration of their Very Rev. Wm. Coyne, president Vincent’s home will give plays and DENVER CATHOLIC order’s centenary will be held by of St. Thomas’, will preach and a other entertainment. the Little Sisters of the Poor in choir from St. Francis de Sales’ Came to Denver in 1916 Denver Oct. 26, 27, and 28. A pari.sh, under the direction of Ar­ The Little Sisters of the Poor Rule New District Solemn Pontifical Mass to be cele­ thur Alcorn, will sing. A .special came to Denver in 1916 at the re­ brated by Bishop Urban J. Vehr invitation to attend the services quest of the Most Rev. Nicholas in the chapel of the J. K. Mullen this day is extended to all bene­ C. Matz, second Bishop of Denver. home for the aged conducted by factors and friends of the home The modern home for the nuns and Same Curia Will Serve Both Sees, Which Are the nuns will open the observance. and to the general public. Bene­ their 170 charges at W. 30th ave­ REGISTER The Very Rev. Wm. Higgins of St. diction will be held at 4 p. m. nue and Newton street was erected The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We Have Of tma\ Rank; American Gapitai Philomena’s parish will preach and Solemn Mass will be offered by through the generosity of the late Also the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service, Seven Smaller Services, t St. Thomas’ seminary choir will the Very Rev. Monsignor John R. J. K. Mullen, built in thanksgiving Photo Features, and Wide World Photos. sing. The services Oct. 26 will Mulroy, diocesan director of Cath­ for the many blessings he had re- Given Honor by Change conclude with Solemn Benediction olic Charities and pastor of Holy (Tum to Page 2 — Column S) VOL. XXXV. No. 8. DENVER, COLO., 'raURSDAY, OCT. 12, 1939. $2 HER YEAR at 4 p. m. Ghost church, the third, day, Oct. Washington.— Creation of the Archdiocese of Washing­ A Solemn Mass will be cele­ 28, at 9:30. The Very Rev. H. V. ton, including all the District of Columbia, was announced brated at 9 -.SO Oct. 27 by the Rt. Campbell, pastor of Blessed Sac­ of Charity Will Be Marked Rev. Joseph Bosetti, V.G. The rament parish and a former chap­ 100 Years Thursday in word from Rome. The new archdiocese is lain at the home, will give the ser- the aged conducted hy the Lillie Sisters of the Poor. The order was founded in 1839 in France hy Jeanne Jugan. It has joined “ aeque principaliter" (of equal rank) with the Arch­ 1 mon. The choir from the Mullen spread to almost all parts of the world and it is estimated that a half-million aged persons have been cared for in the order’s diocese of Baltimore, which was the first ecclesiastical see ; home for boys will sing. A special history. The nuns came to Denver in 1916. established in the United States, and will have as its Metro­ i invitation is extended to all reli- politan the Most Rev. Michael J. Curley, who becomes Arch­ Registorials . gious communities and school children. bishop of Baltimore and Washington. One curia will serve In addition to the religious ob­ both archdioceses. servance an entertainment, lunch­ St. Matthew’s church here be­ MARK TWAIN ON HOW eon, and open house will be held comes the Cathedral of the Arch­ W AR GETS UNDER W AY r- each day. Miss Anne O’Neill and diocese of Washington. It-ris one Benedict Elder reproduces in Joseph Flood will be among the the Ixtiiisville Record a passage of the nation’s most beautiful singers to appear. The Boys’ band urilten by Mark Twain in the churches. from the Mullen home at Engle­ My»terinuf Stranger long before wood will play and children from Establishment of the new Metro­ the first W'orld war, let alone the St. Clara’s orphanage and Mt. St. politan see brings high honor to IIIIIEIBEITIB one now raging. It is wise for the American capital and recog­ all of tis to meditate on it: nizes the distinguished career of “ There has never been a just Sodality Union to Archbishop Curley, who has been war, never an honorable one, on a priest for 35 years and a Bishop the part of the instigator. I can Aid Out-of-School for 25 years. It marks one more see a million years ahead, and this long stride in the history of the rule will never change in so many Youths’ Program cradle of Catholicism in the United To promote the growth of the as half a dozen instances. The States. Catholic theater movement in loud little handful— as usual— will Until the action of the Holy Plans for the Diocesan Parish Denver the Catholic Drama guild, shout for the war. The pulpit will, See on Thursday, the city of which last year staged the Passion warily and cautiously, object— at Sodality union’s statewide rally in Washington was probably the only Denver Sunday, Oct. 22, are play, Barter, has taken the initi­ first: the great, big, dull bulk of major capital in the world .which ative in combining prominent the nation will rub its sleepy eyes rapidly being perfected by the offi­ was not the seat of an archdiocese cers, under the direction of the Catholic dramatic clubs of the city and try to make out why there or a diocese. in the production of a Little Thea­ should be a war. Then the Rev. Hubert Newell, M.A., chap­ lain. According to Father Newell, District Founded in 1790-91 ter tournament to be presented the handful will shout louder. A few latter part of November. fair men on the other side will approximately 700 youths from The city of Washington, co­ Present plans call for the pres­ argue and reason against the war Denver and other cities of the extensive with the District of Co­ entation of three one-act plays on with speech and pen, and at first state are expected to participate in lumbia and boasting an estimated two successive nights with a trophy will have a hearing and be ap­ the rally at St. Francis de Sale.s’ population of 635,000 persons, to be awarded the winner. plauded; but it will not last long; school hall. ■ Miss Dorothy Will- was not in existence at the time mann, national organizer of the of the erection of the Diocese of ■ 1 those others will outshoiit them, Talks Given Over Radio The clubs have been chosen for I and presently the anti-war au­ sodality from St. Louis, Mo., will Baltimore. Baltimore was erected the excellence of past presenta­ diences will thin out and lose be the principal speaker, and will in 1789, while the District of Co­ tions, the variety of talent, and popularity. Before long we will assist the diocesan officers in for­ JESUIT SHOra [ rilEILL IB lumbia, brought into existence to skillfulness of direction. The" dra­ see the speakers stoned from the mulating a program for the con­ Spread of Faith Prime be the seat of the United States matic units already engaged in latform and free speech strangled templated organization. government, was established by preparation of their plays include Sy the hordes of furious men who The Parish Sodality union is be­ acts of congress in 1790 .and Loretto Heights college, Regis col­ in their secret hearts are still at ing organized in the diocese pri­ [ Motive for Columbus [ 1791. The government was not lege, the Stagehands of Annunci­ one with those stoned speakers— marily to enlist out-of-school moved here until 1800, and at ation parish, the Cathedral Young as earlier— but do not dare youths in recreational, social, and that time there still existed within People’s Dramatic club, and the the 100 square miles designated Catholic Drama guil4. If previous And then ihe whole nation co-ordinated religious activities Discontent, motivated by the over a National Broadcasting com­ within each pari.sh. Except in iso­ as the District of Columbia the production plans do not interfere, — pulpit and all— will take up the restless urge to enlarge the Chris­ pany hook-up, which included sta­ war cry, and shout itself hoarse, lated in.stances no specific program IN CANGEII D [m U corporation of the city of Alex­ the Aquinas players of St. Dom­ tian horizon, to bring a knowledge tion KOA, Denver. and mob any honest man who under Catholic auspices has been andria and the corporation of the inic’s parish, long known in city The Rev. James A. Doyle, S.J., of God to unnumbered heathens in Monsignor McMenamin’s ad­ city of Georgetown. ventures to open his mouth; and effectively developed in the diocese Miss Anne O’Neill, an active dramatic circles, will become the 40, an instructor in physics at a world beyond the European dress in part follows: presently siieh mouths will cease to capture the interest and central­ Catholic and a leading Denver In 1846,' the government gave sixth member in the proposed ize the activities of out-of-school Regis high school, who died Mon­ shoreline, prompted Columbus to “ Let us grant that Columbus tournament.
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