WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION OCTOBER 1964 VOL.XIII N0.4 THE WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION (WMO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations of which 124 States and Territories are Members It was created : - to facilitate international co-operation in the establishment of networks of stations and centres to provide meteorological services and observations to promote the establishment and maintenance of systems for the rapid exchange of meteorological information - to promote standardization of meteorological observations and ensure the uniform publication of observations and statistics to further the application of meteorology to aviation, shipping, agriculture and other human activities to encourage research and training in meteorology The World Meteorological Congress is the supreme body of the Organization. It brings together the delegates of all Members once every four years to determine general policies for the fulfilment of the purposes of the Organization The Executive Committee is composed of 21 directors of national meteorological services, and meets at least once a year to supervise the programme approved by Congress Six Regional Associations are each composed of Members whose task is to co-ordinate meteorological activities within their respective regions Eight Technical Commissions composed of experts designated by Members, are responsible for studying the special technical branches relating to meteorological observation, analysis, forecasting, research and the applications of meteorology EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE President : Dr. A. NYBERG First Vice-President : Mr. L. DE AzcARRAGA Second Vice-President : Academician E. K. FEDOROV Regional Association presidents Africa (I) : Mr. RAMANISARIVO North and Central America (IV) : Asia (II) : Mr. S. N. NAQVI Ing. ELLIOTT COEN (acting) South America (III) : South-West Pacific (V) : Mr. F. L. FERNANDEZ Mr. J. L. GIOVANNELLI Europe (VI) : Ing. M. PEROVIc (acting) Elected members Mr. F. A. A. ACQUAAH Dr. P. R. KRISHNA RAo Mr. N. A. AKINGBEHIN Prof. J. V AN MIEGHEM Mr. M. AYADI Srr GRAHAM SUTTON Dr. G. BELL Mr. M. F. TAHA Mr. A. GARcfA S. Mr. A. VrAuT Mr. W. J. GIBBS Dr. R. M. WHITE (acting) TECHNICAL COMMISSION PRESIDENTS Aerology: Dr. G. P. CRESSMAN Hydrometeorology: Mr. M. A. KoHLER Aeronautical Meteorology : Instruments and Methods of Observa­ Mr. W. A. DwYER tion : Dr. L. S. MATHUR Agricultural Meteorology : Maritime Meteorology : Mr. L. P. SMITH Climatology : Mr. C. C. BouGHNER Synoptic Meteorology: Dr. S. N. SEN SECRETARIAT Secretary-General: Mr. D. A. DAvms Deputy Secretary- General : Mr. J. R. RIVET The Secretariat of the Organization is located at 41, Avenue Giuseppe-Motta, Geneva, Switzerland ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THE WMO BULLETIN The second column gives the full title in English (though the abbreviation may derive from the French title) followed by the initials of the parent or sponsoring body (in brackets) ACC Administrative Committee on Co-ordination (ECOSOC) CAe Commission for Aerology (WMO) CA eM Commission for Aeronautical Meteorology (WMO) CA gM Commission for Agricultural Meteorology (WMO) CCIR International Radio Consultative Committee (!TU) CCITT International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee (!TU) CCI Commission for Climatology (WMO) CCTA Commission for Technical Co-operation in Africa CHy Commission for Hydrometeorology (WMO) CIG International Geophysical Committee (ICSU) CIMO Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation (WMO) CIRM International Radio Maritime Committee CMM Commission for Maritime Meteorology (WMO) COSPAR Committee for Space Research (ICSU) CSA Scientific Council for Africa South of the Sahara (CCTA) CSAGI Special Committee for the International Geophysical Year (ICSU) CSM Commission for Synoptic Meteorology (WMO) ECA Economic Commission for Africa (UN) ECAFE Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East (UN) ECE Economic Commission for Europe (UN) ECLA Economic Commission for Latin America (UN) ECOSOC Economic and Social Council (UN) EPPO European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization EPTA Expanded Programme of Technical Assistance (UN) FAGS Federation of Astronomical and Geophysical Permanent Services (ICSU) FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FID International Federation for Documentation IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency IAF International Astronautical Federation IAGA International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IUGG) IAH International Association of Hydrogeologists (lUGS) IAMAP International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics (IUGG) IAPO International Association of Physical Oceanography (IUGG) lASH International Association of Scientific Hydrology OUGG) lATA International Air Transport Association IAU International Astronomical Union (ICSU) ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization ICES International Council for the Exploration of the Sea ICID International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage ICNAF International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries ICSU International Council of Scientific Unions IFALP A International Federation of Air Line Pilots Associations IF.AP International Federation of Agricultural Producers IGC International Geophysical Co-operation (ICSU) IGU International Geographical Union (ICSU) IGY International Geophysical Year (ICSU) HOE International Indian Ocean Expedition (SCOR) IMCO Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization IMO International Meteorological Organization (predecessor of WMO) IOC Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (UNESCO) IQSY International Years of the Quiet Sun (ICSU) ISB International Society of Biometeorology ISO International Organization for Standardization ISSS International Society of Soil Science ITU International Telecommunication Union IUGG International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (ICSU) lUGS International Union of Geological Sciences (ICSU) PAIGH Pan American Institnte of Geography and History PlOSA Pan Indian Ocean Scientific Association SCAR Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (ICSU) SCOR Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (ICSU) TAB Technical Assistance Board (ECOSOC) TAC Technical Assistance Committee (ECOSOC) TAO Bureau of Technical Assistance Operations (UN) UN United Nations UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNSCEAR United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UN) URSI International Scientific Radio Union (ICSU) WFUNA World Federation of United Nations Associations WHO World Health Organization WMO World Meteorological Organization WPC World Power Conference WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION w~~ m~[[~i~~ OCTOBER 1964 EDITOR: 0. M. ASH FORD VOL. XIII No. 4 THE PICTURE ON THE COVER TABLE OF CONTENTS Page At the time when this issue of the Bulletin Technical reorganization of the U.S.S.R. is distributed, the WMO Technical Com­ Hydrometeorological Service . 182 mission for Hydrometeorology (CHy) will be holding its second session in Warsaw. The Sixteenth session of the Executive Committee 187 article on p. 191 by Professor H. Amorim Hydrology as one of the earth sciences . 191 Ferreira will give some idea of the back­ ground to the problems to be discussed on Forecasting by numerical methods . 197 this occasion. Implementation of the WMO/IQSY STRATWARM One of the main items on the agenda is programme . 200 the International Hydrological Decade, the Microclimatological problems in banana cul- purposes of which have already been reviewed tivation In Ecuador . 206 by the president of CHy, Mr. M. A. Kohler, World Meteorological in an earlier issue of the Bulletin (Vol. XII, Day 1964 in Tunisia 210 No. 4. p. 193). This vast international pro­ Technical co-operation . 212 ject, which begins in 1965, will undoubtedly Activities of lead towards fuller knowledge and under­ the regional associations . 220 standing of the world's water problems; at Activities of the technical commissions . 222 the Warsaw session delegates will wish to Collaboration with bring forward constructive proposals to other international organ- izations . .224 ensure that Members of WMO - and hence the national meteorological and hydro­ Membership of WMO . 228 meteorological services of the world - will Obituary . .229 play their full part in these vital develop­ ments. News and notes . 231 In some areas of the world most of the News from the WMO Secretariat . 236 main rivers are already fully harnessed for Reviews . .238 hydro-electric power production, irrigation and navigation. The fact that some mighty Selected list of publications . 242 reserves of water power still remain untapped Members of WMO . 246 is however illustrated by the picture on the cover, which shows the Nile pouring over the Calendar of coming events . 247 mighty Murchison Falls in Uganda. Index (1964) .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 248 The purpose of the WMO Bulletin is to provide a summary of the work of the World Meteorological Organization and of developments in international meteorology of interest to Members of the Organization and others concerned with the application of meteorology to human activity. The WMO Bulletin is published quarterly in two separate editions : English and French. The price is r Swiss franc per copy, including postage. Annual subscriptions (4 Swiss francs) and all other correspondence about the Bulletin should be addressed to the Secretary-General, World Meteorological Organization, 41, Avenue Giuseppe-Motta, Geneva, Switzerland. Permission to publish extracts from the WMO Bulletin is granted,
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