FREEDOM OF INFORMATION » AND PRIVACY ACTS SUBJECT: ABBOTT H. HOFFMAN I HQ FILE: 176-34 SECTION 6 OF 10 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION LEE. THE BEST COPIES OBTAINABLE ARE INCLUDED IN THE REPRODUCTION OF THE FILE. PAGES INCLUDED THAT ARE BLURRED, LIGHT OR OTHERWISE DIFFICULT TO READ R ARE THE RESULT OF THE CONDITION AND OR COLOR OF THE ORIGINALS &#39; PROVIDED. THESE ARE THE BEST COPIES AVAILABLE. L SUBJECTi *AB13fOTT H. HOFFMAN FILE um i __ SECTION _ N _01:&#39; if I /| _ 1 i-I4 Flew. 1-:1-an , 4 _ _ or-new-an--0 no am-M &#39; ......:..":&#39;.&#39;..&#39;..X! IO .. M ~ , __ UNITED STATESGOV|,:&NMENT "~ Memorandum T0 = Assistant Attorney General DATE 1°/9/59 92&#39;&#39; -- CRIHIHAL DIVISION Ill-JI"l---- - 2 - __- ---------- ATTENTION; IR- -~-- ~__GUY L--_- f- GOODWIH sus_1£c&#39;r; LBBOTIHOWARD HOFFMAN,AKA LNTIRIU1 LAYB FILE copy 1-3| =. - - - 1-,-.I . , -- - ..._,,___1 s s .j - -1; ",",e1a M _L your file Referenceto I; is!madesmog-aggum dated5!-{;a¢/29559 There is enclosed one copy of the report of Special dated 1 ~- Q _Ii 4] A. [::]This covers the preliminary investigation and no further action concerning a full investigation will be taken by this Bureau unless the Bepartment so directs. Q B. Eij The investigation is continuing and you will . 0 be furnished copies of reports as they are received. C. [::] The investigation requested by you has now been completed. Unless advised to the contrary no further in- quiries will be made by this Bureau. D. [__1 Pursuant to instructions issued by the Depart= ment, no investigation will be conducted in this matter unless specifically directed by the Department. S 1 E. I lfleaae advise whether you desire any further in ,._,., a vestigation. __.,__e-.- ;- c &#39; *2, F. [:1 This is submitted for your information and you will be advised of further developments. 0 &#39;; your information and no :"_ G. D This is submitted for I.-_~&#39;.|-Q further investigation will be conducted unless specifically re- is---I quested by the Department. -&#39;?7.I~&#39;¥ .2 ,r§*»&#39;. &#39; H. [21 Thiscovers receiptthe a ofcomplaint and no further action w ll be taken by this Bureau unless the Department so direc t 8 Iota:. Inclonod is 1 copy of a book by subject ~ - entitled !oodstee: Qstion. A eopy is being iurnishod we &#39;1 to tho U. 8. Attorney st Chicago. c -. - --.-.. &#39;.--- -- n -- ~r ~;-w.--.,----.-_-_.jp-,a_u1-_-1,;-5.9.--1-_¢-w~, . -, _ 2. __._-;_.-,.,_r. .~92.. 1;I-_ PM - r 1 92 .4, &#39; 4 92 Po-at I Inn. s-:2-041 ~ 92 u 5&#39; _.,|r92 P &#39; L: :1 F B I Date: .-f; Transmit the ioilowinq in _ : o 1 _ _ Vic i ff Typeiii plaincul or code! AQLBIEL Priority! i i Z" =.-,-..,=,-.- * * * * t Q 1 * * * * i * * * * * * * 1 * 1 * $ * ? * % ..o ~ V I. Q-&#39;;.-_q-4-.,.._ed! 92 PT- P ;=; ;Hao1 4 92 .92 . -Q. &#39;él§é2gBY:&4¬¥%@@ - , .1 y 1. 1 #1. I FROM: sac, PHILADELPHIA 76-3n! SUBJECT: gggowm nownnlaorrmnn AKA , any-. 00: NEW YORK 5"? - Q _ &#39;_ LI- 929292 .. .. ....- --!{_,¬; Y! ne uureau LLIUE.I. 1:0 1"D1.l.&ClBJ.pI118 iu/5/09. Enclosed for the Bureau are two copies, and for . _-,. __, 92 Chicago for ion to the U. S.Attorney, one copy of .2 th e book ent " by ABBIE HOFFMAN as 92 1 ;&#39;. -92 Bindery, It 0 h i . /1 =, 92. 4----c .- . ff.-I / 1/ » -&#39;1"! &#39;1 M",//4 .l U7- ; - Chicago Encl- Q l New BureauYork Information!Enc1a.I léiniwgp h L M Qrqcccmrci . , , . Z.-.~f&#39;-.- awn - ";-&#39;-&#39;;.&#39;-1 - Philadelphia 16-314! _____,: -&#39;-1 ;. _ _l -. J.&#39;. _&#39; &#39;.__<.: V L10 L ~&#39;-~° &#39;l"-- F&#39;lZ§1°§T§;.E &#39; ° "° 92 . &#39;- ii 92 92 V l5O O»?-79! XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX FEDEIML lllllilll OF IIVESTIGLTIOII FOIIM DELETED PIGE IIIFUHMTION SHEET ._,,.,_-1.. Pagetsl withheldentirely at this location in the le. One ormore ofthe followingstatements, where El indicated, explain this deletion. Deleted under exemptiontsl ___ _ __ ;? ; _ _ with no segregable [:1 material available for release to you. LI! information pertained onlv to a third party with no reference to you or the subject of your request. El information pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in the title only. Documenttsl originating with the following govemment agencyliesi _ é _i _ _ _ _ l_ _ _;__ __ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ .was/were forwarded tothem for direct response toyou. Pagetsl referred for consultation to the following govemmenl agencyliesl; ________.._.____._.___ _ _ l__,__ _ _ W as the information originated with them. You will J_ be advised of availability upon return of the material to the FBI. Pagelslwithheld forthe followingreasonlsl: This document. which is a carbon copy, has not been processed in this file. }&#39;IheQRIGINAL of this document is to be orhas beenprocessed Filein For your information: _ _ _ _ _ t The followingnumber is beused for referencegardin these pages: &#39; +5332as llL=3q-&#39;AllZ ml j__ __ XXXXXX XXXXXX HHX X XXXXXX DELETEDPAGE S! NO DUPLICATION FEE FOR THIS PAGE FIIIDUJ 750 :2-I-T91 92 XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX FEDERAL BUREAU DF IIIVESTIDIHDII FDIPI DELETED PAGE l|iFDl92IMTIDlI SHEET Pagetsl withheldentirely at this location in the le. One or more of the followingstatements, where El indicated, explain this deletion. Deleted underexernptiontsl _ _ _ ___ _ _ ._ .__. _ with no eegregable E3 material available for release to you. [3 Information pertainedonly to a third p&1&#39;l_92&#39;no reference withto you or the subject of your request. C] Information pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in the title only. Dotjumenllsl originating with the following govemment agency-lies! __ _ ._ _ __ .._. _ __i _ T_.*_ . f __ _, _ _ , was/were forwarded tothem for direct responseto you. Pagets! referred for consultation to the following government agencytiesl; ___________.____..._ _ __ . ___s; as the information originatedwith them. You will l be advised of a92&#39;ailabilit_92-upon return of the material to the FBI. t Pagets! withheldfor the following reasontsl:This document, which is a carbon copy- has not been processed in this file. The*O§IGINAL of this jiocument isi tiobei oijliasbeen professedj inFile *m*lao_ For your information: _ _ _ i Pi The followin Mnumber as-at is to be used for +-referen tiee regarding l ion/erthe e p s: _ XXXXXX XXXXXX HXHX XXXXXX DELETEDPAGE S! NO DUPLJCATION FEE FOR THIS PAGE FUIIDGJ G-B4 Fleur. l-J!-63! . L :.".*..-r."-.....--" ~» -~- Ohoon. I040. n .__ LHHTEEISTATES R!92£RbHENT Memorandum TQ .._ -_ --is ,, &#39;9 "I: _-n- {II-i 7??. &#39;1 O 1 {iii 1 new 750 I2-T-79> xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx FEUERIL IUREIU UF |l|&#39;E$TlBlT|°|| El FUIPA DELETED PAGE INFOMIATIUII SHEET E] Pagetsl withheldentirely at this location in the file. One or moreof the following statements.where indicated. explain this deletion. D Deleted underexemptionls! __ ._ .__._ _ _ _ _ with no segregable [I1 material available for release to you. Information per-ained only to a third pB.t&#39;t_92&#39;no reference with to you or the subject of your request. lnforrnation pertained only to 9. third party. Your name is listed in the title only Documenttsi originating with the following govemment agency ies! , _ . 3 ,__, _. _ . __ _ .. was/were forwarded to them for direct response to you- Pagels! referred for consultation to the following government agencyliesl; __..__...___.__._..__.__~ _ _ _ g as the informationoriginated withthem. You will be advised of a92&#39;ailabilit_92"upon return of the material to the FBI. ElPage-tslwithheld forthefollowing reasonlsl:T1115 document: which is a ¢a1&#39;b°nCOPYI has not been processed in this file. *&#39;1heORIGINAL ofjtzhis document Y5 thebe er has Y>~?=-iér9§s_S%@ein Fi1@l¥l<9QllQl_?i~ll7??-1E=:I3l -llForyour information: ______ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ __ __ ._ .___._ __ _ _ __ _ The followingnumber isto heu§§dA forrefqelice regardingthese pqges: _ /A } , A _,_, _ _ _ HQ .111.-as-on .Lo£uu1___. XXXXXX mm XXXXXX if noDELETED BUPLICATIQNPAGEtSi FEE §- XXXXXX Q F0R&#39;rt~tLsPAoEW§ 50 7-791 l. xxxxxx xi-ixxxx xxxxxx FEUERM. IUREIU UF IIYESTIGITIUII FOIPA DELETED PIGE IIIFOHMTION SHEET ___._.._ Pagetsl withheld entirelyat this location inthe le. One ormore of the followingstatements, where indicated. explain this deletion. Cl Deleted underexeinptionlsl _ _ _ i___ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ e with nosegregable material available for release to you. Cl liifon-nation pertainedonly ton thirdparty withno reference to youor thesubject ofyour request. El Information pertainedonli to a third party. Your nameis listed in the title only. E] Docnnienilsl originatingwith the following governmentagency- iesl _i__ _ e e_ T_i_ _ _ ___ _ __ _ _:_ _ _:_ _ , was/were forwardedto them for directresponse toyou. _.__._.._ Pagetsl referred forconsultation tothe following government agencyliesl; _ _ _ _ 1 _ _ . 1 ;__ _ , as the information originatedwith them.You will be advised of availability upon return of the material to the FBI. _____&#39;§PagE-<5!forfollowing the This reasonlslz withhelddocument.which is a carbon copy, has not been processed in this file.
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