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Contents.' f~ 1. Report o:f thf:: Na1r Re6ulFltlon COWII11ttes, " Cochin. (Presi.d..ent: T .S.Nara/8.l'lA Iyer. j , 1919 •. -Z (~';.) .).'J.~ • tlJJ- c' , . £::2.· ~. -1-103. J 2. Report or the Coch1n ChrlsUafl Succes on . J31l1·Comw1ttee. (President: P.L. Va.I'UlSl~. • '. 1920. Z (Q..,6) . 1.~ ~. N'J. t. F.f:J.· ' . .PJ.I.104-1~. 3. The CoOOlo Educatiob .t)ode, 1921. 1937.; ';P:P.133-157. - ,- ~'2.'3 'V .~)" , . 4. Report: Educational Survey',' Cochin .state •. 1932. ""1 w.'l.?-3. • }J::l f+ E)1.-- . llP.15d-2Ul. ......, .. _. • .C' 5. Report: Education Survey COIflm1ttee, Coohin • State. (Pres1li1.ent :S.K.Subraroani a A¥lar.) 1936 1\', ').L.L 'r,n.2iJ2-25". • T.'l23 r 't.:)I..-+' ~,-. j/Jr. 6. Report of the Franchise Committee, Cocbin state. (Presiu.ent: N.R.s.tlasraQajna Ayyar.) . • 1937. '!). "l:S ~ ., 1· ~~4 e- . ... GtJ p.\l.257-277 • • ·----00U-,---- REPORT• OF THE NA I R REG UL AT ION COM MI"T TEE COCHIN Q ';3~- "ERNAKULAM: • '"J '0 PRINTED 'AT 'THE OOCRIN GOVERNMENT PRE 6& 1095. - 7. (fJJ-) ·22 '6.N2.c f~ /73~5 CONTENTS. PAGES. 1. Covering letter from the ~resident 1 2. Report of the Committee; . 1-44 . S. Statements I to XXI 45-53 . 4. Mr. K. P. Padmanabha Men0t;l's memorandum i-cxxix 5. Interrogatories sen:ed on the' witnesses 1-2 6. The Draft Regulatioa: i-viii 7. Memorial 1 EBNAKULAll, 10th September 1919. Il From • M. R. Ry. T. S. NARA YANA IYER Avl., M. A. & B. L., , President of the Cochin Nair Regulation Committee. To THE SECRETARY TO THE DIWAN, Local and LegisllLtive Department. , Sir, , I hav~ the honour to forward herewith the Report of the Cochin Nair Regu­ ilation Committee appointed by tb,e Darbar in Diwan's Proceedings in the Local :and Legislative Department, R. O. C. No. 279.5/91, dated 9th September 1917, -together with the Draft Cochin Nair Regulation framed by the Committee in the 'light of its findings on the evidence collected by it. \ , 2. I regret very much that, owing to the sndden and unexpected death \ of our colleague Mr. K. P. Padmanabha Menon, his signature to ~he fail' copies of j the Report and the Draft Regulation could not be obtained, tho1}gh he had gener- , ,ally approved of the same, difiering only on a few provisions of the Draft Regula­ ,ltiOD. A separate Memorandum drawn up by him to supplement the Ccmmittee's ,., report and furnished to me by the executor of his will is enclosed. Both on __ behalf of myse1f and my colleagues in the Committee, I wish to acknowledge the :valuable services rendered by Mr· Padmanabha Menon at the numerous sittings 'of the Committee. His profound learning, ripe experience and calm judgment ~ were of considerable help to the Committee in the execution of a very important task committed to it. 3. Statistic:!.) statements Nos. 1 to 21 prepared by the Committee in arriving s.t its conclusions s.nd a printed copy of the depositions and written ',; answers of the witnesses. etc., also form enr.losures to the Co=ittee's report. The ;, Draft Bill of the memorialists forwarded with the Diwan's Proceedings under ,; reference is also returned. I:have the honour to be, Sir, Your most obedient servant, T. S. NARAYANA £YER, President. OONll'EN'l'S• • Faragrapkl. 1. Introduction 1 to 10 I. Procedure lon_ed by the Commit.tee 11 ,to 18 ClIAP~ER I. Clasaification of Bubjects .... 'O. 17 ·to 19 cHAPTER.·II. MARlU4.GB AND DISSOLUTION. 1. The na.ture and essentials of maniage amoDcst N ws... '2.0 tao Tbalike~1lu ka1Iy .....m 21 B. Samblllldilam ivhether recognised ... valid a~ present 22 ·to 27 4. Whether legislation .ho.uld· be ..",rlied to for. 'recognioing the sambandJwn a. a leg&! marti_g. .28 to 84 '6. Objection. considered 86 to 46 iI. Between wh.s.t.ala.sses intermarriaA:e, is, to be recognised 47 .to 49 7. Solemnis9.tion of lll8.1Tiaie how effected 50 8. Age of ilia parties to marriage 61 V. R000111 01 marriage whether esseutial 52 to 55 10. Whether polyandry and polygamy shonld be expressly prohibited 56 to 59 11. Interstalal marriage. and their legal effeot 60 '0 63 12. Bumma.ry of discussions under marriage 64 18. Disaolution ; whether to be free or for speomo reasons 65 to '19 lA.1 .. Whether any fOl'mality is necessa.ry for effecting diss~lution 80 to '82 1•. ,Effeot 01 the "'1' on dissolutions made belore the.passing 01 the Regwatiou ... ...• "83 11. Restillution ofeonjng&! right. Bond judicial separation ... .~ 17. Bnmma.ry of cIliioOBsiona onder di~,;olntion - . '810 ClIAP~ER:III RIGHTS .&lIISII\'G OllT OF IWIBUGB. 1. lIaintsna.nce 01 ..U. and ohildren 86 to 88 i- Right 01 goardianship 89 to ,~ CHAP~ERIV. &maN AJUSDlG Oll'l! O. IlAIIIIlAGB (0."""_) 1. Intestato Su..... ;,;on 98 to 9D 2. Wbat aha. ... to be given to wife Bond o.bildnn 100 to 101 8. Bueeeamcm 1;0 the self-acquisition of non·Nairs by their Nair wiv.. and children... ... 102 to lOS How to determine the .elf·aoquisition. 01 a ksra.navao 104 to 105 " n. devolution 01 the remaining hlIo\f of tho "II-aoquisilions 106 to 107 Il•• I. Who ii 110 ....... po sjllD of the 1III..... 1IiII .. 1"8='"'0, in___ in &be liM ~ ••• lOll 7. Dewlul;Jon of the oeU...-ogmmiona of .. Nair r.a..t. ... 101 IIammaz;r of di_ujO!Ul In"'- 8nOCROloa 8. an_ ~. 10 CBAP'l'EB V. T ••uru un ITS IUIf.lODlDT: 1. 5 ...... of Nair .........ade ~. ~. III 2. The exiating condiw.o of Nair ......_cIa ... - 111 110 h3 B. ChaDgee in the niating "Yde" pl"OpOllllll - 114 4- Their detailed OODBIderation - ...- 1111 t.o In O~TEBVI, PARTITION, 1. KiDship in .. lI18l'IIIDakkaUlayam """wad and bow i_ worn 128 t.o 119 2. Usage .. to partition ... 180 to 181 8. Neceaaity for change in the met.ing Ja ... ... 1851 too 1118 Chaugee propoeed aDd CODBidered ... ... '1M 110 lGO 6;•• Thavazbi pam,w.u '" ... 161 110 Iii. 8. Objectiomi conadered ... 168 .. IN 7. Wh~~cf=~t"" can be allow::? end ... ho shoUld ~9' \he right ••• 165 t.o 1G8 8. Pricciple of psrt.itioD to he per capita ... 157 9. '.~' Partition of propertiee Biven by Or inheriled from the father - 1118 • ClLU'TEB VII. 1. Impart.iblc\tarewads ... ... laG 2. Testameuta\'Y SucceBaIon ... ... 1110 too 181 3. Adoption ... ... 162 •• Snpplemental pro9iaioo. 183 to 164 6. Oenclnaion - ... -'N 16& 110 188 6. Acknowledgments - - - lee APPENDIX I. LI&t .f, wlt_ eUIIII ..... 2r~It ..". I Mr. EzhuV&lIIparambatb Ram .... KnnampiJavu 2 .. P Rama Ayyar, D. A" B. L •• Vakil J E F M Norman, M, I •• C. oJ .." A Sonkan Poduval, B. A., B. J." Vakil S .. K Govindan Nambiar, do 6 K Madhava Mcnon. B. A., B. L. 7 .." M A Cbakko, Retired Excise Commissioner 8 .. K Prabbakara PI,duval. B. A., II. L., Vakil 9 C A KuojunDY Naja. B. A .• B. L. 10 " V K Krishnanlcutty, do M. 1.. C. II " U Kandar Menon. Retired Diwan Peishkar .. " A P Antony. Retired Registration Superintendent 13 It" K Raman Menon. B. A., B. L. '4 ., P Chandrasekbara Menon, do Vakil IS Rev. Fr. Mathew. 'J richur Bishop 16 Mr. K R Viswambaran. B. A., B. L., Vakil and Secretary, Cochin 1'blyya l\Iahajana Sabha '7 .. K Uzhuthra Wattiar, B. A., n. L. 18 .. K M Subramania Ayyar, Vistrict Judge, Tricbur 19 .. SF Nunez 20 Joseph Pettah. St. Tbomas' College, Trichur 2I " Kottiyattil Sallkaran Velu, Managing Director, Cochin National Bank U " A Rama l-oduval. B. A., B. L. 23 " N Kesavan N amboodiri, do • J,,;n;alakkuda." '4 Mr. v 5 Krishnan Vaidyar. M. L. C. '5 .. M C Josepb. Vakil, lrinjalakkuda .6 .. K M Narayana Ayyar, MunsHf's Court Vakrl, lrinjalakkuda 27 .. V K Raman Pillai, " .. 28 M A Varied, Tahsildar, Mukundapuram Taluk '9 " . The Chairman and IWO members of the Trinjalakkuda Municipal Council (Messrs. M A Varied, V Raman Menon and A L Antony) 3" Mr. E Manikka Menon 31 Palakkath Govinda Menon " Pallatheri Madhavan 32 " 33 .. Komatbukattil C~ennunni Theyyan, Vaidyan 34 .. V R Narayana Ayyar. B. A., L. L. B., Vakil 35 .. K P Lazar, Merchant. Pudukad 36 .. '1' G lIIarayana Ayyar, !dunisiff's Court Vakil, Irinjalakkuda 37 .. P Ran anarayana AJyar. • t. .. K T Achyutan, B. A., B. L. Vakil .; 38 .. t 39 ., P Govinda Menon, n. A., B. L., M. 1.. 0:' 40 '1' Kocbukulty Porluvalssiar. Headmistrtss. G. H. S •. ,. lrinjalakkuda 41 Mr. K J Paul. !\!unsiff's Court Vakil. Irinjalakkuda 4' Epbraim Ambcokan, Ex M. L. C. 43 Dr." H N Kamma.h, M. n. B. S., Assistant Surgeon, Irinjalakkuda 44 Mr. K 5 Panikkar. M. I .. C. 45 V K Kunjayyappan 46 " K K l'ar.ikkar 47 " M A Kesavan 48 It" K ELonappan C,·anganu". 49 Mr. K P George. Cranganur 50 .. P M Joseph, Managing Pirector, Education and Industrial Co. 51 TN Sundara Ayyar, Vakil, Cranganur " Elannikkal Gopala Menon S' " 53 Rev. l"r. Sebastian Pattamana. Vicar of rbathedom 54 Fr. Leopold Kanap.lly. Gotburuthy Church ss Mr. Manapat Kunju Mohamad Haji. Landlord 56 .. K Ahmad Kunji Haji 57 .. P C Sankaran. Valan 58 5 Madhavan Vaidyar. Ezbuvan E"nakulam. " S1 Mr. P Rama ~non, B. A., B. L .. Ex M. L. C. aDd Ml'. A Narayana MeDon B. A •• B. L., M; L. C. 60 T R Velunoy, B. A., B. L., Vakil 61 ".. A B Salem, Ex. M. L. C.
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