Jelena Vukojević – Citati (1979-2018) Citiranost dr Jelene Vukojević bez autocitata do februara 2019. godine iznoci 2175 puta u časopisima sa Kobson i Scopus lista i drugih baza, a koji nisu referisani u WoS bazi u trenutku kada je citat publikovan, zatim u knjigama, poglavljima knjiga i inostranim tezama. Citiranost prema godištu radova i citirane publikacije: 1985 Mihaljčević, M., Muntanola‐Cvetković, M., Vukojević, J., Petrov, M. (1985): Source of infection of sunflower plants by Diaporthe helianthi in Yugoslavia. Journal of Phytopathology, 113(4): 334-342. 1. Ploetz, R.C., Shokes, F. M. (1987): Factors influencing of soybean seedlind by southern Diaporthe phaseolorum. Phytopathology, 77: 786-790 2. Bertrand, F., Tourvieille, D. (1987): Phomopsis tournesol: test de sélection. Informations Techniques du Cetiom, 98: 12-18. 3. Fayret, J., Assemat, P. (1987) : Evolution du Diaporthe helianthi (Phomopsis helianti) Munt- Cvet et al. et différenciation desorganes reproducteurs sur les plants du tournesol après la période vegetation. Inform. Techniques CETIOM, 98: 2-11. 4. Jacobs, K.A., Glawe, A., Gray, L. E. (1988): Conidial nuclei in three species of Diatrypaceae and Diaporthe vaccinii. Mycologia, 80(3): 307-311. 5. Nyvall, R.F. (1989): Diseases of sunflowers. In Field Crop Diseases Handbook, pp. 639- 659. Springer, Boston, MA. 6. Maširević, S., Gulya, T.J. (1992): Sclerotinia and Phomopsis - two devastating sunflower pathogens. Field Crops Research, 30(3-4): 271-300. 7. Linders, E.G.A. (1996): A possible role of sexuality in the population structure of Diaporthe adunca, a pathogen of Plantago lanceolata. Plant pathology, 45(4): 697-709. 8. Linders, E.G.A., Van Damme, J.M.M., Zadoks, J.C. (1996): Transmission and overseasoning of Diaporthe adunca on Plantago lanceolata. Plant Patology, 45(1): 59-69. 9. Gulya, T.J. (1997): Phomopsis stem canker resistance in USDA and commercial sunflower germplasm. Proceedings of the 19 th Sunflower Res. 10. Heller, A., Gierth, K. (2001): Cytological observations of the infection process by Phomopsis helianthi Munt.‐Cvet. in leaves of sunflower. Journal of Phytopathology, 149(6): 347-357. 11. Kövics, Gy. J., Zsombik, L. (2001): A főbb ökológiai tényezők és a napraforgó Diaporthe helianthi fertőzöttségének összefüggései. Növénytermelés, 50(4): 395- 405. 12. Vergara, M., Capasso, T., Gobbi, E., Vannacci, G. (2005): Plasmid distribution in European Diaporthe helianthi isolates. Mycopathologia, 159(4): 591-599. 13. Диденко, А.О., Андросова, В.М. (2008): Образование аскоспор Diaporthe (Phomopsis) helianthi Munt.-Cvet. et al in vitro. In Биологическая Защита Растений – Основа Стабилизации Агроэкосистем, pp. 580-583. 14. Андросова, В.М., Балахнина, И.В., Диденко, А.О. (2010): Новые аспекты диагностики фомопсиса подсолнечника. In Биологическая защита растений-основа стабилизации агроэкосистем, pp. 198-213. 15. Thompson, S., Young, A., Shivas R. (2010): Phomopsis stem canker – An emerging disease of Australian sunflowers. Proceedings of the Australian Summer Grains Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, Edited paper. 16. Mathew, F.M., Alananbeh, K.M., Jordahl, J.G., Meyer, S.M., Castlebury, L.A., Gulya, T.J., Markell, S.G. (2015): Phomopsis stem canker: a reemerging threat to sunflower (Helianthus annuus) in the United States. Phytopathology, 105(7): 990-997. 17. Harveson, R., Mathew, F., Gulya, T., Markell, S., Block, C., Thompson, S. (2018): Sunflower stalk diseases initiated through leaf infections. Plant Health Progress, 19(1): 82- 91. 18. Mathew, F., Harveson, R., Gulya, T., Thompson, S., Block, C., Markell, S. (2018): Phomopsis stem canker of sunflower. Plant Health Instructor. DOI: 10.1094/PHI-I-2018- 1103-01. Muntañola-Cvetković, M., Mihaljčević, M., Vukojević, J., Petrov, M. (1985): Comparisons of Phomopsis isolates obtained from sunflower plants and debris in Yugoslavia. Transactions of the British Mycological Society, 85(3): 477-483. 1. Bertrand, F., Tourvieille, D. (1987): Phomopsis tournesol: test de sélection. Informations Techniques du Cetiom, 98: 12-18. 2. Fayret, J., Assemat, P. (1987) : Evolution du Diaporthe helianthi (Phomopsis helianti) Munt- Cvet et al. et différenciation desorganes reproducteurs sur les plants du tournesol après la période vegetation. Inform. Techniques CETIOM, 98: 2-11. 3. Donald, P.A., Venette and, J.R. Gulya, T.J. (1987): Relationship between Phoma macdonaldii and premature death of sunflower. Plant Disease, 71: 466–468. 4. Nyvall, R.F. (1989): Diseases of sunflowers. In Field Crop Diseases Handbook, pp. 639- 659. Springer, Boston. 5. Van der Aa, H.A.; Noordeloos, M. E.; Gruyter, J. de (1990): Species concepts in some larger genera of the Coelomycetes. Studies in Mycology, 32: 3-19. 6. Carriere, J.B., Petrov, M. (1990): Diaporthe (Phomosis) sp., a new pathogen of cocklbbur (Xanthium italicum Moretti) and of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L. ), Helia, 13(13): 93- 106 7. Maširević, S., Gulya, T.J. (1992): Sclerotinia and Phomopsis — two devastating sunflower pathogens. Field Crops Research, 30(3-4): 271-300. 8. Gulya, T.J. (1997): Phomopsis stem canker resistance in USDA and commercial sunflower germplasm. Proceedings of the 19th Sunflower Research. 9. Degener, J., Melchinger, A.E., Hahn, V. (1999): Resistance in the leaf and stem of sunflower after infection with two isolates of Phomopsis. Plant Breeding, 118(5): 405-410. 10. Thompson, S.M., Tan, Y.P., Oung, A.J., Neate, S.M., Aitken, E.A.B., Shivas, R.G. (2011): Stem cankers on sunflower (Helianthus annuus) in Australia reveal a complex of pathogenic Diaporthe (Phomopsis) species. Persoonia: Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi, 27: 80-89. 11. Bansode, S.A. (2013): Mutagenesis and regeneration of sunfiower genotypes (Doctoral dissertation, Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani). 12. Ivancovich, A., Lavilla, M. (2016): Cancro del tallo en girasol (Helianthus annus L.) causado por el complejo Diaporthe/Phomopsis helianthi Munt.-Cvet. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Pergamino. Muntañola-Cvetković, M., Bojović-Cvetić, D., Vukojević, J. (1985): An ultrastructural study of - and -conidia in the fungal genus Phomopsis. Cryptogamie Mycolologie, 6: 171- 184. 1. De Nooij, M.P., Van Der Aa, H.A. (1987): Phomopsia subordinaria and associated stalk disease in natural populations of Plantago lanceolate. Canadian Journal of Botany, 65(22): 2318-2325. 2. Van der Aa, H.A.; Noordeloos, M. E.; Gruyter, J. de (1990): Species concepts in some larger genera of the Coelomycetes. Studies in Mycology, 32: 3-19. 3. Linders, E.G.A., Van Damme, J.M.M., Zadoks, J.C. (1996): Transmission and overseasoning of Diaporthe adunca on Plantago lanceolata. Plant Patology, 45(1): 59-69. 4. Linders, E.G., Hubertus, A., Vander, A. (1995): Taxonomy, sexuality and mating types of Diaporthe adunc. Mycological Research, 99(12): 1409-1416. 5. Rosskope, E.N., Charudattan, R., Shabana, Z.M., Benny, G.L. (2000): Phomopsis amaranthicola. a new specie from Amaranthus sp. Mycologia, 92(1): 114-122. 6. Sergeeva V, Nair, G, Barchia I, et al.(2003): Germination of ß conidia of Phomopsis viticola. Australasian Plant Patholohy, 32 (1): 105-107. 1988 Muntañola-Cvetković, M., Mihaljčević, M., Vukojević, J. (1988): Dosadašnji rezultati istraživanja Phomopsis/Diaporthe helianthi na suncokretu. I. Mikološki aspekti. Plant Protection, 39(4),186: 469-478. 1. Vrandecic, K., Jurkovic, D., Riccioni, L., Cosic, J., Duvnjak, T. (2010): Xanthium italicum, Xanthium strumarium and Arctium lappa as new hosts for Diaporthe helianthi. Mycopathologia, 170(1): 51-60. 2. Lesovoy, M.P., Parfenyuk, A.I., Vasilyuk, L.A. (1993): Phomopsis of sunflower in the Ukraine and the development of breeding methods for resistance. Archives of Phytopathology & Plant Protection, 28(4): 321-328. 1989 Muntañola-Cvetković, M., Vukojević, J., Mihaljčević, M. (1989): Pathohistology of sunflower stems attacked by Diaporthe helianthi. Canadian Journal of Botany, 67: 1119- 1125. 1. Carriere, J.B., Petrov, M. (1990): Diaporthe (Phomosis) sp., a new pathogen of cocklbbur (Xanthium italicum Moretti) and of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), Helia, 13(13): 93- 106. 2. Maširević, S., Gulya, T. J. (1992): Sclerotinia and Phomopsis—two devastating sunflower pathogens. Field Crops Research, 30(3-4): 271-300. 3. Peričin, D., Jarak, M., Antov, M., Dozet, B. (1994): Pectinase from Phomopsis helianthi - the agent of sunflower stem canker. Helia, 17(20): 21-30. 4. Gulya, T.J. (1997): Phomopsis stem canker resistance in USDA and commercial sunflower germplasm. Proceedings of the 19 th Sunflower Res. 5. Duletić-Laušević, S., Mihaljčević, M. (1998): Comparative anatomical analysis of the vascular system in selected Helianthus annuus genotypes. In Progress in Botanical Research, pp. 485-488. Springer, Dordrecht. 6. Deglene, L., Alibert, G., Lesigne, P., Delabrouhe, D.T., Sarrafi, A. (1999): Inheritance of resistance to stem canker (Phomopsis helianthi) in sunflower. Plant Pathology, 48(4): 559- 563. 7. Roustaee, A., Dechamp-Guillaume, G., Gelie, B., Savy, C., Dargent, R., Barrault, G. (2000): Ultrastructural studies of the mode of penetration by Phoma macdonaldii in sunflower seedlings. Phytopathology, 90(8): 915-920. 8. Heller, A., Gierth, K. (2001): Cytological observations of the infection process by Phomopsis helianthi Munt.‐Cvet. in leaves of sunflower. Journal of Phytopathology, 149(6): 347-357. 9. El-Sayed, W., Kang, Z., Hurle, K. (2002): Infection process of Phomopsis convolvulus as a mycoherbicide for Convolvulus arvensis L. 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