5082. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE May 13 H. R. 7815. A bill to authorize the Secre­ By Mr. PRIEST: May we demonstrate our gratitude by tary of t h e Interior to cooperate with the H. R. 7829. A bill to give proper recogni­ employing this heavenly favor for the S t ate of Kentucky to acquire non-Federal tion to the distinguished service of Col. J. cave properties within the authorized bound­ Claude Kimbrough; to the Committee on benefit of our country and of ourselves ari€s of Mammoth Cave Naeonal Park in Armed Services. as patriotic Americans. Many have died the St ate of Kentucky, and for other pur­ By Mr. RADWAN: to preserve this great good; may we not poses, to the Committee on Interior and In­ H. R. 7830. A bill for the relief of Miss render their supreme sacrifices vain and sular Affairs. Miriam Sperling; to the Committee on the useless by yielding to false or ignoble By Mr. BRAY: Judiciary. impulses. H. R . 7816. A bill to require that all im­ By Mr. SHEPPARD: ported bonemeal be disinfected at the port of H. R. 7831. A bill for the relief of Ronald In particular do we ask this day Thy entry so as to destroy possible anthrax J. Palmer; to the Committee on the Judi­ divine guidance of the Members of this spores; to the Committee on Agriculture. ciary. Senate. May their deliberations be tem­ By Mr. DAVIS of Tennessee: By Mr. SITTLER: pered with justice, prudence, and mercy. H . R. 7817. A bill to provide for emergency H. R. 7832. A bill for the relief of Robert The decisions which this assembly then flood-contr ol work made necessary by recent L. Kikta; to the Committee on the Judi- · makes will be a splendid safeguard for floods, and for other purposes; to the Com­ ciary. that precious liberty with which Thou mitt ee on Fublic Works. By Mr. WALTER: hast so graciously endowed us. With Thy By Mr. HALE: H. R. 7833. A bill for the relief of Prof. H. R. 7818. A bill to authorize the Attorney Werner Richter; to the Committee on the help, O God, all our trials, as well as our Ganeral to conduct preference primaries for Judiciary. triumphs, will accordingly be to Thy nomination of candidates for President and honor and glory. Through Christ our Vice President; to the Committee on House Lord. Amen. Administration. PETITIONS, ETC. By Mr. JACKSON of Washington: Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions H. R. 7819. A bill to prescribe policy and THE JOURNAL procedure in connection with construction and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk contracts made by executive agencies, and and referred as follows: On request of Mr. McFARLAND, and by for other purposes; to the Committee on the 722. By Mr. ANDERSON of California: unanimous consent, the reading of the Judiciary. Petition of Mrs. Verna M. Elliott, Watson­ Journal of the proceedings of Monday, By Mr. PRIEST: ville, Calif., and others urging the passage May 12, 1952, was dispensed with. H.J. Res. 446. Joint resolution relating to of H. R. 2188; to the Committee on Inter­ the continuan:e on the payrolls of certain state and Foreign Commerce. employees in cases of death or resignation 723. Also, petition of Mrs. Lucia P. Smith of Members of the House of Representatives, of San Jose, and others, urging favorable MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT Delegates, and Resident Commissioners; to consideration of H. R. 2188; to the Commit­ Messages in writing from the President the Committee on House Administration. tee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. of the United States submitting nomina­ By Mr. WALTER: 724. Also, petition of J. E. Hardy, and H.J. Res. 447. Joint resolution authorizing tions were communicated to the Senate others, of California requesting favorable by Mr. Miller, one of his secretaries. and directing the President of the United consideration of H. R. 2188; to the Commit­ States to proclaim October 28 of each year tee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. as Statue of Liberty Day; to the Committee 725. Also, petition of J. Lawson, and oth­ on the Judiciary. ers, of San Jose, Calif., reqt}.esting favorable MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE By Mr. ARMSTRONG: action on H. R. 2188; to the Committee on A message from the House of Repre­ H. J. Res. 448. Joint resolution to create a Interstate and Foreign Commerce. good-will medical team to assist in combat­ sentatives, by Mr. Maurer, one of its ing and eradicating epidemic diser,ses in the 726. Also, petition of Mrs. A. M. Blumer, reading clerks, announced that the House Far East; to the Committee on Interstate and of Burlingame, Calif., and others, urging the had passed a bill <H. R. 5368) to author­ Foreign Commerce. passage of H. R. 2188; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. ize the Secretary of the Interior to con­ 727. By Mr. HALE: Petition of York Har­ struct, operate, and maintain certain fa­ cilities to provide water for irrigation and PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS bor Village Corp., York Harbor, Maine, pro­ testing the location of the proposed bomber domestic use from the Santa Margarita Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private air base at Newington, N. H., and requesting River, Calif., and the joint utilization of bills and resolutions were introduced and justification for this location of the bomber a dam and reservoir and other water­ severally referred as follows: base with the expected destruction of the work facilities by the Department of the By Mr. ANFUSO: balanced economy of the community and Interior and the Department of the threat to the welfare and safety of the lo­ H . R. 7820. A bill for the relief of Riccardo cality if efforts are not successfully made for Navy, and for other purposes, in which it Budinich; to the Committee on the Judi­ requested the concurrence of the Senate. ciary. relocation; to the Committee on Armed Services. The message also announced that the By Mr. BOLLING: H. R. 7821. A bill for the relief of Dr. 728. By the SPEAKER: Petition of Wil­ House had agreed to the concurrent Danuta Oktawiec; to the Committee on the liam A. Bloom, and others, of Tampa, Fla., re­ resolution <S. Con. Res. 75) relative to Judiciary. questing passage of House bills 2678 and the reenrollment of S. 2307, for the relief By Mr. HUNTER: 2679 known as the Townsend plan; to the of Holger Kubischke. H. R. 7822. A bill for the relief of Ava Jean Committee on Ways and Means. Williams (Eva Maria Scholz); to the Com­ 729. Also, petition of Mrs. Albina Bibeau, mittee on the Judiciary. and others, of St. Petersburg, Fla., requesting passage of House bills 2678 and 2679 known ENROLLED BILLS AND JOINT . By Mr. KEOGH: RESOLUTION SIGNED H. R. 7823. A bill for the relief of Manolis · as the Townsend plan; to the Committee on N. Triantafillou; to the Committee on the Ways and Means. The message further announced that Judiciary. the Speaker had affixed his signature to By Mr. MACHROWICZ: •• .. .... •• the following enrolled bills and joint res­ H. R. 7824. A bill for the relief of Brother olution, and they were signed by the Casimer John Krzyzanowski; to the Com­ SENATE mittee on the Judiciary. President pro tempore: By Y..r. MITCHELL: TUESDAY, MAY 13, 1952 S. 1365. An act to assist Federal prisoners H. R. 7825. A bill for the relief of certain in their rehabilitation; members of the Missionary Sisters of the <Legislative day of Monday, May S. 1772. An act for the relief of Ruth Obre Dubonnet; Sacred Heart; to the Committee on the Judi­ 12, 1952) ciary. H. R.1499. An act to amend the act ap­ H. R. 7826. A bill for the relief of Mariko proved August 4, 1919, as amended, provid­ Kuniyuki;· to the Committee on the Judi­ The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, ing additional aid for the American Printing ciary. on the expiration of the recess. House for the Blind; By Mr. MURDOCK: Rev. Father Peter J. Rahill, St. Louis, H. R. 1949. An act to retrocede to the State H. R. 7827. A bill for the relief of Ruth Mo., of the Catholic University of Amer­ of Illinois jurisdiction over 154.2 acres of land D. Crunk; to the Committee on the Judi­ ica, Washington, D. C., offered the fol­ used in connection with the Chain of Rocks ciary. lowing :prayer: Canal, Madison County, Ill.; By Mr. O'NEILL: H. R. 3401. An act to make certain in­ H. R. 7828. A bill for the relief of Dr. 0 God, we thank Thee for the great creases in the annuities of annuitants under Frantisek Lysy; to the Committee on the blessing of freedom which Thou hast the Foreign Service retirement and disability Judiciary. bestowed upon us in these United States. system; 1952 CONGRESSIONAL . RECORD - SENATE 5083 H. R. 4262. An act relating to the height of tion to admit 300,000 immigrants into the building of a laboratory, Dairyland Coopera­ the building known as 2400 Sixteenth Street United States; to the Commit tee on the Ju­ tive Association goes on record asking Con­ NW., Washington, D. C.; diciary. gress to appropriate money to build this H. R. 4551. An act to provide for the acqui­ The memorial of W. G. Irish, of Oswego, Ill., laboratory within the confines of the United sition of a site for the new Federal building remonstrating against a decrease in appro­ States for study and research to combat this in Newnan, Ga., adjoining the existing Fed­ priations for the Veterans' Administration; dread livestock disease.
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