An Overview of Power Sector of Bangladesh November, 2011 Bangladesh Power Development Board 1 Present Structure of Power Sector . Apex Institution Power Division, Ministry of Power, Energy & Mineral Resources (MPEMR) . Regulator Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission (BERC) . Generation Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB) Ashuganj Power Station Company Ltd. (APSCL) Electricity Generation Company of Bangladesh (EGCB) North West Power Generation Company Ltd. (NWPGCL) Independent Power Producers (IPPs) . Transmission Power Grid Company of Bangladesh Ltd (PGCB) . Distribution Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB) Dhaka Power Distribution Company (DPDC) Dhaka Electric Supply Company Ltd (DESCO) West Zone Power Distribution Company (WZPDC) Rural Electrification Board (REB) through Rural Co-operatives Present Structure of Power Sector Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources Energy and BERC Power Division Mineral Resources Division Power Cell CEI BPDB REB DPDC DESCO Rural Power Co. IPPs Ltd. PBS PGCB APSCL EGCB NWPGCL WZPDCL BPDB Management GM, Training 4 Functions of BPDB . Partially integrated public utility . Generates power . Purchaser & seller of power as a “Single Buyer” - Prepare least cost generation expansion plan - Construct most of public sector power plants according to least cost plan - Conduct procurement process for Private Power (IPPs) - Purchase electricity from generators (public and private) - Sell to distributors . Distribution business in nation-wide urban areas, except Dhaka and West Zone 5 Barapukuria - 250 MW Mymensingh - 210 MW Shahjibazar & Fenchuganj- 300 MW Baghabari - 261 MW Ashuganj - 724 MW Bheramara - 60 MW Ghorasal - 950 MW Tongi - 105 MW Meghna, Haripur & Siddirganj- 1300 MW Khulna - 270 MW Barisal - 40 MW Raujan & Sikolbaha - 600 MW Kaptai - 230 MW Generation Capacity: By Plant Type Generation Capacity as on October, 2011 (By Plant Type) Hydro 3.23% Stem Turbine Receprocating (ST) Engine (RE) 31.06% 34.78% Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CC) (CT) 17.84% 13.09% Total Installed Capacity: 7119 MW Hydr o Stem Turbine (ST) Combined Cycle (CC) Gas Turbine (CT) Receprocating Engine (RE) Present Power Scenario 8 Bangladesh’s Power Sector: At a Glance (FY 2011) . Electricity Growth : 7.20 % in FY-2011 (Av. 7 % since 1990) . Generation Capacity : 7119 MW (Oct., 2011) . Total Consumers : 12.5 Million . Transmission Lines : 8,600 km . Distribution Lines : 2,78,000 km . Per Capita Generation : 252 kWh (incl. Captive) . Access to Electricity : 50 % 9 Present Generation Capacity (Oct., 2011) Public Sector SL. Generation Capacity (MW) 1. BPDB 2868 2. APSCL 659 3. EGCB 255 Subtotal 3782 (53 %) Private Sector 1. IPPs 1231 2. SIPPs (BPDB) 99 3. SIPPs (REB) 226 4. 15 YR. Rental 168 5. 3/5 YR. Rental 1613 Subtotal 3337 (47 %) Total 7119 . Considering 15-20 % Maintenance and Forced Outage, Available Generation Capacity is in the range of 5600 – 5800 MW without fuel constraint 10 Demand Supply Situation . Generation: 5000 – 5300 MW (Capacity- 7119 MW) . Highest so far: 5244 MW ( August 29, 2011) . Gas shortage causes 400 - 600 MW less Power Generation . Peak Demand: 6000 MW (with DSM) . Load shedding up to 800 MW during hot summer days (with DSM) . Shortage and unreliable power supply has constrained economic growth 11 Age of Power Plants Age Group Generation (Years) Capacity (MW) 40 + 208 31 – 40 156 21 – 30 1268 11 – 20 1412 01 – 10 4075 Total 7119 . 23 % of Capacity have more than 20 Years life 12 Average Peak Power Generation Comparison of Monthly Average Peak Generation 5500 5000 4500 4000 3500 MW 3000 2500 January August March July May June February April October November September December 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 . Av. Peak Power Generation in August’ 2011 : 4956 MW . Av. Peak Power Generation in October’ 2011 : 4804 MW 13 Load Curve on August 29, 2011 (so far Maximum Peak) Holiday 6000 5243.5 MW (22:00 ) 5500 5102 MW (4:00 AM) SHORTAGE Public GEN.(Liq. Fuel)Hydro 5000 4500 COAL Private GEN(Liq. Fuel). 4000 3500 3000 MW 2500 Private GEN.(GAS) 2000 1500 1000 Public GEN. (GAS) 500 0 Hour Public GEN.(GAS) Private GEN(GAS). Private GEN(Liq. Fuel). COAL Hydro Public GEN.(Liq. Fuel) SHORTAGE 14 Energy Generation by Fuel Type in FY 2010 and FY 2011 Diesel Coal 6.93% 2.49% Hydro Furnace 2.78% Oil 5.68% Natural Gas 82.12% Energy Generation(FY10): 29,247 M kWh Energy Generation (FY 11): 31,355 M kWh Diesel Coal Hydro 8.20% 2.03% 2.99% Furnace Oil 11.51% Natural Gas 75.27% Energy Generation(July-11 To Sept. 11): 9,293 M kWh . Energy Growth in FY11 is about 7.20 % . High Dependence on Gas 15 Planning Perspective Primary Fuel Supply Scenario . Gas: No significant gas discovery in recent years; off – shore and on – shore gas exploration initiatives & increased reserves in present fields may change the present scenario . Coal: Near term option; Indigenous or Imported; Base Load; . Oil: Volatile market; High price; For peaking duty . LNG: Necessary to ensure secure and reliable gas supply . Nuclear: Safe technology; No pollution; Expected to be future Base Load option 17 Power Generation Projects up to 2016 Calendar Year Wise Projects Completion (From 2010 to 2016) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 TOTAL YEAR (MW) (MW) (MW) (MW) (MW) (MW) (MW) Commissioned (MW) Public 255 851 838 1190 1270 450 1500 6204 Private 520 1343 1319 1034 1003 1900 1300 8569 Total 775 2194 2157 2224 2273 2350 2800 14,773 . Public Sector : 6204 MW (comm: 587 MW, u/c: 1731 MW, Tender: 1275 MW); (42%) . Private Sector : 8569 MW (comm:1463 MW, u/c: 1667 MW, Tender: 2639 MW); (58%) 18 Estimated Demand Supply Gap up to 2015 (Fiscal Year) Fiscal Year 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Max.Demand 6454 6765 7518 8349 9268 10283 11405 with DSM Gen addition - 308 1211 865 1510 810 1500 Public Sector Gen. addition - 1348 477 2811 823 1600 1900 Private Sector Capacity Retired 40 98 33 1058 426 1033 Generation 5271 6887 8477 12120 13395 15379 17746 Capacity NET 5060 6612 8138 11635 12859 14764 17036 Dependable 3846 5091 6348 9192 10287 11811 13629 Capacity Shortfall -2608 -1674 -1170 843 1019 1528 2224 -40% -25% -16% 10% 11% 15% 19% 19 Project Implementation Successful Contract Signed since Jan 2009 Sl. Description No. of No. of Capacity Commis. No. Contract Plant (MW) (MW) Private 01. 27 29 3236 1353 Sector 02. Public Sector 18 18 2011 228 Total 45 47 5,247 1581 • Out of 5247 MW, 1581 MW (20 Plants) already commissioned. • 27 Projects with capacity 3666 MW under construction. 21 Projects Under Tendering Process: Contract within Next 6 Months Sl. Description No. of Capacity No. Projects (MW) 01. Public Sector 6 1600 02. Private Sector 22 2977 (IPP’s) Total 28 4,577 22 Bangladesh Transmission Network Average Supply Cost and Bulk Tariff Requirement 6.000 5.000 4.000 4.90 Taka/kWh 3.000 2.80 Taka/kWh 2.000 2.37 Taka/kWh 1.000 0.000 FY 2 0 11 FY 2 0 11 FY 2 0 12 FY 2 0 12 FY 2 0 13 FY 2 0 13 FY 2 0 14 FY 2 0 14 FY 2 0 15 FY 2 0 15 (July-Dec) (Jan- (July-Dec) (Jan- (July-Dec) (Jan- (July-Dec) (Jan- (July-Dec) (Jan- Jun e) Jun e) Jun e) Jun e) Jun e) Av. Bulk Supply Cost If i ncr ease by 15% 24 Power System Master Plan up to 2030 Power System Master Plan (up to 2030) . Updates of PSMP 2006: Due to change of planning perspective . PSMP 2010 : Long term planning up to 2030 . Study completion: February 2011 . Findings: - Generation capacity requirement by 2021: 24,000 MW - Generation capacity requirement by 2030: 39,000 MW - Coal based generation capacity by 2030: 20,000 MW - Coal and Nuclear for base load power requirement - Cross Boarder Trade with neighboring countries 26 Probable Power Generation: Primary Fuel Sources by 2030 Sl. No. Description Capacity (MW) Probable Location (s) 1 Domestic Coal 11,250 North West Region at Mine Mouth 2 Imported Coal 8,400 Chittagong and Khulna 3 Domestic Gas/LNG 8,850 Near Load Centers 4 Nuclear 4,000 Ruppur Bahrampur - Bheramara, Agartola - 5 Regional Grid 3,500 Comilla, Silchar - Fenchuganj, Purnia-Bogra, Myanmar - Chittagong Others (Oil, Hydro Near Load Centers 6 2,700 and Renewable) Total 38,700 Road Map for Coal Power Development (as of 2030) Domestic Coal K-D-P 6x1000 MW USC K-D-P 8x 600 MW USC Import Coal Meghnaghat 2x600MW Zajira/New Meg 3x600MW Chittagong 3x660MW Moheshkhali/Matarbari 4x600MW Khulna 2x660MW (Dom Future) Railway Total 19,200MW (New) Coal Center Chittagong Matarbari Sonadia Island : Potential Coal PS : Potential Coal Center : Ocean-going vessel : Transship Regional Power Exchange: Possibilities 1000MW 750MW THAKURGAON 1000MW SILCHAR ALIDUARPUR FENCHUGANJ BOGURA PURNIA BARAPUKURIA FENCHUGANJ 250MW PALLATANA COMILLA (N) BAHARAMPUR BHERAMARA 500 MW BAHARAMPUR COMILLA (N) 500MW [2013-] BHERAMARA MYANMAR 500MW [2018-] CHITTAGONG Challenges Primary Fuel Supply Enhanced Gas Exploration, Production Domestic coal development Coal Import (long term contract) and deep sea port for coal handling LNG import Safe Nuclear Technology Project Financing Ensuring financing for Public and Private sector projects Availability of foreign currency Transportation of fuel and equipment Infrastructure development by Railway and R&H Dredging of river routes by BIWTA Capacity build up of BPC, Railway, R&H and BIWTA etc. Human Resources Development Development of skilled manpower: adopt and operate new technology Thank You Barapukuria 2x125 MW Coal fired Power Plant Siddhirganj 210 MW Thermal Power Plant (Unit-2) Kaptai 230 MW Hydro Power Plant Kutubdia 1MW Wind Park East West Inter-Connector.
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