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Missing references: References listed below were noted in the text but are missing from the reference list e please make the list complete or remove the references from the text. Location in Query / remark article Please insert your reply or correction at the corresponding line in the proof Q1 Please update the reference Dortch et al., in press Electronic file usage Sometimes we are unable to process the electronic file of your article and/or artwork. If this is the case, we have proceeded by: , Scanning (parts of) your article , Rekeying (parts of) your article , Scanning the artwork Thank you for your assistance. ARTICLE IN PRESS JQSR2724_proof ■ 15 April 2010 ■ 1/14 Quaternary Science Reviews xxx (2010) 1e14 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Quaternary Science Reviews journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/quascirev 1 56 2 Quaternary glaciation of Gurla Mandhata (Naimon’anyi) 57 3 58 4 a,* b c a 59 5 Lewis A. Owen , Chaolu Yi , Robert C. Finkel , Nicole K. Davis 60 6 a Department of Geology, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221, USA 61 7 b Institute for Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100085, China 62 c 8 Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of California, Berkeley, CA 95064 USA and Centre Européen de Recherche et d’Enseignement des Géosciences de 63 l’Environnement, 13545 Aix en Provence Cedex 4, France 9 64 10 65 11 66 article info abstract 12 67 13 68 Article history: The Quaternary glaciation of Gurla Mandhata (Naimona’nyi), an impressive, isolated dome-shaped massif 14 69 Received 21 December 2009 situated in a remote region of southern Tibet, was examined using glacial geomorphic methods and 15 70 Received in revised form dated using 10Be terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides. The oldest moraines, representing an expanded ice cap 25 March 2010 16 that stretched w 5 km into the foreland of the Gurla Mandhata massif, likely formed during marine 71 Accepted 30 March 2010 17 isotope stage (MIS) 10 or an earlier glacialPROOF cycle. Another glacial expansion of coalescing piedmont type 72 18 occurred during the early part of the last glacial cycle or the penultimate glacial cycle, after which 73 19 glaciers became restricted to entrenched valley types. Impressive latero-frontal moraines at the mouths 74 20 of most valleys date to the early part of the last glacial cycle and MIS 3. A succession of six sets of 75 21 moraines within the valleys and up to the contemporary glaciers show that glaciers advanced during the 76 22 Lateglacial, Early Holocene, Neoglacial and possibly Little Ice Age. The change of style of glaciation 77 23 throughout the latter part of the Quaternary, from expanded ice caps to deeply entrenched valley 78 fl 24 glaciers, might re ect: (1) climatic controls with reduced moisture supply to the region over time; and/or 79 (2) tectonic controls reflecting increase basin subsidence due to detachment faulting and enhanced 25 80 valley incision. 26 Ó 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd. 81 27 82 28 83 29 84 30 1. Introduction mapping and examination of glacial and associated landforms, and 85 31 we date glacial landforms using 10Be terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide 86 32 Gurla Mandhata (Naimona’nyi) is an impressive isolated dome- (TCN) surface exposure dating methods. 87 33 shaped massif situated in a remote region of southern Tibet (Figs. 1 88 34 and 2). The massif lies just north of the Greater Himalaya among 89 35 the source waters of four major Himalayan river systems: the Indus, 2. Study area 90 36 91 Sutlej, Ganges and Tsangpo-Brahmaputra. The glacial geologic 37 record of Gurla Mandhata has the potential to provide important Gurla Mandhata (30.4 N/81.2 E) is located in the Nalakankar 92 38 information on the nature of glaciation at the headwaters of these Himal in southern Tibet near the southeastern terminus of the 93 > 39 immense river systems, which in turn has important implications 1000-km long right-slip Karakoram fault, between the Main 94 40 for understanding past and predicting future hydrological changes Central Thrust and the Southern Tibetan detachment system to the 95 41 in a transforming climate. Furthermore, Gurla Mandhata is one of south and the South Kailas Thrust and the Indus-Yalu Suture Zone 96 w 42 the best examples of an evolving massif linked to a crustal-scale to the north. The massif rises from 3800 m above sea level (asl) to 97 43 detachment system along the HimalayaneTibetan orogen (Murphy the 34th highest mountain in the world, Gurla Mandhata, at 98 w 44 et al., 2002) and provides an excellent natural laboratory to 7694 m asl over a distance of 25 km, and is drained by the Karnali 99 fl 45 examine the relationships among tectonics, climate, glaciation, River, which ows south along the west side of the massif and turns 100 46 erosion and landscape development. To develop a framework for abruptly east before crossing the divide of the Greater Himalaya 101 UNCORRECTED fl ’ 47 glacial geologic, geomorphic, and paleoclimate studies in this into Nepal where it ows into the Seti River. Two large lakes, La nga 102 48 region, we examine the glacial geologic record of the massif and Co (4572 m asl; also called Raksas) and Mapam Yum Co (4586 m 103 w 49 determine the timing of past glaciation using remote sensing, field asl; also called Manasarovar) are located 5 km north of the 104 50 mountain. Today there are cirques, valley glaciers, and a small ice 105 51 cap on the massif. 106 e 52 * Corresponding author. Fax: þ1 513 556 4203. Gurla Mandata is bounded to the west by a normal fault system 107 53 E-mail address: [email protected] (L.A. Owen). the Gurla Mandhata detachment system e which has exhumed 108 54 109 e Ó 55 0277-3791/$ see front matter 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd. 110 doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2010.03.017 Please cite this article in press as: Owen, L.A., et al., Quaternary glaciation of Gurla Mandhata (Naimon’anyi), Quaternary Science Reviews (2010), doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2010.03.017 ARTICLE IN PRESS JQSR2724_proof ■ 15 April 2010 ■ 2/14 2 L.A. Owen et al. / Quaternary Science Reviews xxx (2010) 1e14 111 176 112 177 113 178 114 179 115 180 116 181 117 182 118 183 119 184 120 185 121 186 122 187 123 188 124 189 125 190 126 191 127 192 128 193 129 194 130 195 131 196 132 197 133 198 134 199 135 PROOF 200 136 201 137 202 138 203 139 204 140 205 141 206 142 207 143 208 144 209 145 210 146 211 147 212 148 213 149 214 150 215 Fig. 1. Digital elevation model (produced from ASTER data) of Gurla Mandhata showing the locations of the detailed study areas. (A) Ronggua valley foreland; (B) Muguru valley; (C) 151 Namarodi valley. Inset shows regional location of the study area. 216 152 217 153 mid-crustal rocks of the Greater Himalayan Crystalline Sequence evident from fresh fault scarps along the western margin of the 218 154 (Murphy et al., 2002) which core the massif. Using field mapping massif, widening the pull-apart basin west of the massif. 219 155 and geochronologic and thermobarometric analyses, Murphy et al. Glacial landforms record episodes of expanded ice cap glacia- 220 156 (2002) showed that Gurla Mandhata underwent major middle to tion, piedmont, and entrenched valley glaciation with glaciers 221 157 late Miocene east-west extension along the Gurla Mandhata extending to w4800 m asl (Ma, 1989). Ma (1989) showed that the 222 158 detachment system. The maximum fault slip occurred along a pair glacial geomorphology of the massif records changes in glacial style 223 159 of low-angle normal faults that have caused significant tectonic over time from expanded ice cap, to piedmont, and to entrenched 224 160 denudation of the Tethyan Sedimentary Sequence, resulting in valley glaciation, culminating in a phase of rock glacierization, but 225 161 juxtaposition of weakly metamorphosed Paleozoic rocks and he did not speculate on the cause for these changes in glacial style 226 162 Tertiary sedimentary rocks in the hanging wall over amphibolite- (Fig. 3; Table 1). Through correlation with other parts of the 227 163 facies mylonitic schist, marble, gneiss, and variably deformed bodies Himalaya and Tibet, Ma (1989) suggested ages for the four major 228 164 of leucogranite in the footwall. Murphy et al. (2002) argue for a total glaciations he recognized (Table 1). Contemporary glaciers are inset 229 165 slip of between 66 and 35 km acrossUNCORRECTED the Gurla Mandhata detach- into deep, box-shaped valleys (Fig.
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