JANUARY, 1932. !l!!!)llllllllllllllllfilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHIIIHIIIIIIIIIfilllllllllllllllllll!!ll = § = "SUPPOSENOBODYCARED" a Suppose.. • • I and, alas, it is well-nigh true. = How few care? = Those cruel deportations meant death to over one = = million Armenians. = It meant terrible suffering for those who survived. = !:~n~ehe~es,rt "::l~. grass and herbs by the _ The wonder is that any are still alive to-day. == The remnant of this ancient Christian nation is scattered in Greece, Syria, and the Caucasus. = Every effort is being made to get the grown-ups == into a self-supporting condition. Tlrere are special cases urgently needing assistance. Blind, crippled, or otherwise disabled orphans. Aged widows, many blind, = paralytic and decrepit. Then there are thousands o/ orp/wru = helpless and homeless, Uuleu somebody cares. Will you kindly care ~ = = = Armenian.. ~~e Relief : Bible l.aDda MiaioDI' Aid Society. == HARRY FEAR. Eeq., J.P., a = Treasurer. 7 6p STRAND, 2 S. W. CENTLE-CACKETT, LONDON, W.C. 2. I = Hon. Relief Commiaaioner. lfillllllllllfilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~~----------------------------------~ 2 THE OBUBOHKAN ADVERTISER. Bookl by the late VERYONE interested in Church Rev. W, H. CRIFFITH THOMAS, D,D. E Work and what our Mission• ariea are doins should read The Principles of Theoloau. ~Qtbt An introduction to the Thirty-Nine Articles. Second Edition. 8vo. 6oo pp. I 2s. 64. (Pan gd.) <!tburtb of <ltnglanb " Important as all his pn!Vious writings have been it is no ex~tion to say tbat all his earlier work will be surpassed by the )!}ttu~paptr volume which is now published."- TIIe R111. T. W. Gilbwl, D.D. If you wish to The catholic Faith. 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'1, Wine Office Court, Fleet Street, E.C.4. 5panish & Portuguese Church ftid 5ociety, CHURCH HOUSE, DEAN'S YARD, WESTMINSTER, S.W.I THE SPANISH & PORTUGUESE CHURCH AID SOCIETY endeavours to help the work of the native Evangelical Churches, whose members are unable to accept the unlawful terms of Com­ munion imposed by the Church of Rome. Their work is self­ denying and progressive. In town and country they have con­ gregations and schools, and conduct Mission Services. Never at any time were the countries so open to their efforts, and they report sympathy where they formerly met open opposition and persecution. Spain and Portugal were for centuries closed to the circulation of the Scriptures. Through the influence of the printed page and faithful Evangelistic efforts the Churches have come into existence, and all who have visited them testify to their zeal and devotion. CONTRIBUTIONS, which are urgently needed, will be grate­ fully received by W. J. MacANDREW, Esq., Hon. Finance Secretary, Church House, Dean's Yard, Westminster, S.W.l. ' TB1!I CHURCHMAN ADVERTISER. INCURABLE ~ Men and Women of the Middle Clau are daily incapacitated by incurable disease brought on by innumerable causes, such as overwork, worry, anxiety, accidents, etc., etc. ~ Such sufferers have been the care and concern of this institution for the past seventy-one years. ~ There are I 03 patients in the Home and Hospital at Streatham. The number of pensioners each receiving £26 a year is 311. ~ Increased funds are greatly needed. Will you not help in this work of mercy? It is for a most deserving class-for those who have lost their all in fruitless efforts to regain health and retain independence. Contrihutiam will he gratefully acknowledged by EDGAR PENMAN, Secretary. Offtces: 72, OHEAPSIDE, LONDON, E.0.2. The British Home & Hospital for Incurables The unobserved Observer As in the days of His flesh, so now the Lord Jesus--the Unobserved Observer­ sits" over against the treasury," watching the givers and valuing their gifts by a standard of His own. In His judgment the widow who gave two mites gave the most, for she gave " all her living." The smaller the amount left for personal use the greater the gift. Earnest supporters of God's work recog­ nise that that work must not suffer curtailment now that the £ sterling has only about three-quarters of its former value in the Foreign Mission Field. 11IE London Association in Aid of Meravian Missions PneWeat • Coatn"bati- wiU he cratefall:r acbowleclpl b:r SIR CHARLES OWENS. c.B. Char!M Hobda:r. Eeq., a..u-a ud H-. Sec. 7, New Court, Lincoln's Inn, London, W.C.2. THE CHURCHMAN ADVERTISER. I CONTENTS. NOTES AND COMMENTS 1 " The Churchman." A Manifesto on Eucharistic Doctrine. The Ambiguities of the Manifesto. The Attack on Evangelical Patronage Trusts. Protestantism. OUR LORD'S USE OF THE OLD TESTAMENT. By the Rev. Canon D. Dawson-Walker, D.D. 4 THE EASTWARD POSITION: A ROMAN INNOVATION IN SPAIN. By the Rev. Thomas J. Pulvertaft, M.A. 12 THE GODWARD ASPECT OF THE ATONEMENT. Part I. By the Rev. W. H. Rigg, D.D. 18 MILMAN AS A HISTORIAN. By the Rev. L. Elliott Binns, D.D. :l9 THE MEANING OF BAPTISM AND ITS RELATION TO IN- FANTS. By the Rev. G. W. Neatby 42 CHRISTIAN MISSIONS AND THE PEACE OF THE WORLD. By the Rev. R. F. Wright, M.A., LL.B. so WESLEY AND IRELAND. By the Rev. Patrick K. Horan... 56 BOOKS AND THEIR WRITERS. By G. F. I. 6o REVIEWS OF BOOKS . 64 The Natural and the Supernatural. The Carthusian Order in England. Social Substance of Religion. Universities in Great Britain. Rabbinic Literature and Gospel Teachings. Thought and Letters in Western Europe, A.D. 500-900. The Dawn of Indian Freedom. The Moral Issue in India. J oachim of Flora. Chalcedon. Religious Thought in Palestine in the Time of Christ. Jesus and the Gospel of Love. Christianity and the Cure of Disease. Vitality. .A.ll tJfticles appeafing in THB CHURCHMAN /Jfl the copyright of the Pfoprietofs and must not be reprinted without permission. Ube ~uar~fan ESTABLISHED 1846. THE CHURCH NEWSPAPER EVERY ONE SHOULD READ. An Accurate Newspaper and a High-Oass Review in One. EVERY I'IUDAY. Price 2d. READ \tbe lDail~ message It aims at ptomoting the Systematic and Devotional Reading of the Bible. Published quartetly, price 4d.; 1/6 a year, post ftee. Of/ices: 14 BUBLEIGH ST., LONDON, W.C.2 e THE CHURCHMAN ADVERTISEB. ~llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~ 'ttbe <tburcb of JSnglan~ Zenana = mtssionar~ $octet~ = (FOUNDED 1880) is taking The Gospel of Christ = to the Women and Girls of = India and Ceylon, China and Singapore By mea•-IS of:- i. Direct Evangelistic wor k in Zenanas, and homes. ii. Teaching. iIn the Schools. ,itaJs and Dispensaries. leaf and the Blind. v. Industrial work for lnd,ian and Chinese Christians. vi. Orphanages_ and Nurseries. vn.vii. TThe ne trannlllt'training ofoi OJbie-women.Bible-women, Teachers.-feac:hers.
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