#UPDATENEWS: Check out this week's broadcast at spartandaily.com A&E 6 OPINION 9 SPORTS 10 Dropping the Culture, not H20 Polo: bass at SAP cocktails: Cinco Conference with Armin de Mayo award for van Buuren women’s coach Volume 142 | Issue 38 Serving San José State University since 1934 Tuesday, May 6, 2014 #JSFINANCES Online petition questions validity of audit Audit of justice studies finances finds ‘no fiscal impropriety’ By Austin Belisle and Jenny Justice studies department mem- members of the JS Department. We the statement in response to the William Armaline and Alessandro Bennett bers released a statement on March urge all members of our academic allegations. De Giorgi. @AustinBelizzle and @JennyDaily_ 5, 2014, prior to the posting of the community to raise concerns and is- “Only 3 of 10 full-time faculty Of the 10, Armaline, De Giorgi petition and follfollowingowing allegationsall sues through appropriate university signed,” she said in a text message. and Perry were the only three to sign An advocacy group identifying against the channels, rather “The rest were out-of-the-loop the statement. itself as the Student Coalition for department. than anonymously lecturers.” Di Giorgi, an associate professor SJSU Accountability (SCSA) has gone The state- A ny alleg ations of funds through the Inter- Kil said that lecturers are “gen- in the justice studies department, to the Internet to question justice ment read: mismanag ement should be net.” erally out of the loop because they confirmed to the Spartan Daily in studies department finances and the “We the of concern to anyone who The statement are not invested with departmental an email that he signed the petition. validity of an audit into unauthor- undersigned cares about the university, was signed by 13 responsibilities and knowl- “Any allegations of funds mis- ized use of university funds. members members of the edge tends to come with that management should be of concern The SCSA posted a petition of the Jus- the department and the justice studies responsibility.” to anyone who cares about the addressed to Gov. Jerry Brown on tice Studies students… staff. According to Kil, only full- university, the department and change.org on March 20, 2014, Department, A lessandro D e G iorg i Sang Hea Kil, time faculty members bear the the students,” he stated. “Equally calling for an external, indepen- express our j ustice studies associate professor an associate pro- responsibility of the department. concerning, however, are defama- dent audit of all SJSU departments, deepest con- fessor in the justice According to the SJSU Directory, tory attacks online, based on ru- colleges, offices and foundations. cerns about studies depart- the full-time faculty include Kil, mors, that target individual faculty The petition currently has 318 current ru- ment, told the Steven Lee, James Lee, Claudio V era members.” signatures and explicitly names the mors and gossip regarding unproven Spartan Daily that a small number Sanchez, Yoko Baba, Chris Hebert, justice studies department. allegations of improper behavior by of full-time staff members signed Richard Perry, Danielle Harris, SEE AUDIT ON PAGE 2 Flying in the danger zone Aviation major about to take a dive Brandon Chew | Spartan Daily Hector Gastelum, senior aviation major, readies himself to be dropped into the dunk tank near the A.S House and barbecue pits on Monday afternoon. #HATECRIME SJSU students in alleged hate crime expelled, CSU life ban By Jasmine Leyva and Jessica For him to attend he must com- “They do not deserve a pass,” she the defense lawyers in the case, includ- for the alleged hate crimes committed. Schlegelmilch plete five counseling sessions with said. ing the comment which suggests the Cordell said she is torn on whether @leyvaleyv3 and @jessieschleg an outside therapist, meet with The task force has held six meet- hate crime was a “foolish prank,” and the boys should have jail time. school officials in July and be on ings to address racial tension on cam- that it was “innocent and harmless.” “I would not have a problem with Three male students have been ex- permanent probation. pus. “It’s not like one thing happened having them serving even only two or pelled from San Jose State University According to the San Jose Mer- Their recommendations were one time and you can say ‘ boys will three days in jail just to bring home the in relation to the alleged hate crime cury News, one of the lawyers of turned in to President Mohammad be boys,’” Douglas said. “There was a seriousness of this (crime),” she said. that occurred on campus in Fall 2013. the expelled students believes ad- Q ayoumi on April 18. pattern of bullying focused primarily Cordell said the expulsion of three A fourth student involved in the ministration did not “conduct a Cordell said she understands the on the only African-American in the students and one to receive a lighter case was given a lighter punishment thorough review of the evidence.” students are young, but the situation suite.” punishment is not part of the crimi- according to Sam Polverino, lawyer to Judge LaDoris Cordell, head should be taken seriously. Douglas said the student is focused nal trial. the student. of the special task force on racial She said for an attorney to call this on finishing out the semester strong “People are entitled to second “My client was very minimally in- discrimination said, “The punish- matter a “foolish prank” is absurd. and “putting this unsettling chapter chances, but (they are) not (entitled to volved and absent during almost all of ments were absolutely appropri- Carl E. Douglas, the attorney of the of his life behind him.” them) at SJSU,” Cordell said. the conduct,” Polverino said via email. ate.” student victimized in the alleged hate Douglas said they have decided Jasmine Leyva and Jessica Polverino’s client has the option to She said their defense was not crime, said that he is personally “tak- from the beginning not to comment Schlegelmilch are Spartan Daily staff return to SJSU. sufficient. en aback,” by the comments made by on appropriate educational remedies writers Timeline of Events Students protest Special task force R ecommendations lack of concern formed submitted Student alleg edly N A A C P holds Six meeting s held Three Students assaulted conference by task force ex pelled Infographic by Jonathan Marinaro | Spartan Daily Brandon Chew | Spartan Daily facebook.com/spartandaily @spartandaily @spartandaily @spartandaily Tuesday, May 6, 2014 2 NEWS Audit: D epartment chair authoriz ed q uestionable contracts, held money in off- campus account FROM PAGE 1 Michelle Pujol, a senior justice studies ma- interim department chair, Richard Perry, on that Mark (Correia) was taking a dean’s position De Giorgi continued, expressing confidence jor and member of the SCSA, said she believes Aug. 10, 2013. at Indiana University of Pennsylvania” in 2013. in the department’s response to the allegations: the audit was not conducted properly and “I regret that this situation occurred. I Purchase order documents and bills alleg- “I think everyone in the department is making holds Bibb responsible. should have been more careful in my review of edly show Correia spent $ 25,000 of department their best effort to deal with this situation in a “I find it ironic that AV P Bibb put a ‘ no fis- expenses,” Bullock stated. “As a result of this, I money in the 2011 fiscal year to pay his domestic transparent way,” he said. cal impropriety’ stamp on the illegal Bank of have made several changes including tighter in- partner, V ictoria Travis, for consulting services America account,” Pujol said. “The existence ternal fiscal controls and have implemented fis- related to the Communications and Technology Department Audit of the account in itself is a fiscal improprwiety cal training for all new and continuing chairs Innovation Project for CASA. by CSU policy.” which will start this semester.” According to official SJSU purchase order The petition comes on the heels of an audit Astrid Davis, manager of special projects When contacted by the Spartan Daily, Bull- documents, Travis was to be paid $ 10,000 for conducted in May 2013 into the department’s in the division of administration and finance, ock acknowledged the investigation into the Phase 1, which included strategic planning and finances, following allegations against former stated in an email, “Faculty (or any SJSU em- bank account and confirmed sending the email communications development. She was then to department chair Mark Correia of holding de- ployees) are not permitted to use off-campus to justice studies faculty members. be paid $ 15,000 for Phase 2, during which she partment funds in an off-campus bank account accounts for campus finances (per ICSUAM “Yes, I sent an email to JS faculty acknowledg- would initiate development of communication from January 2012 to January 2013. 3101.01).” ing that the audit found no proprietary wrongdo- infrastructure and architecture for the project’s Correia was the department chair from Integrated CSU Administrative Manual ing,” Bullock stated in an email. website. 2009 to 2013, until he left the university and (ICSUAM), was created to provide clear, con- De Giorgi said he believes that the investiga- Purchase requisition documents specify that began serving as dean of the College of Health cise, yet comprehensive guidance to Califor- tion was conducted properly and that Dean Bull- the $ 25,000 would be paid through the justice and Human Services of Indiana University of nia State University management and staff ock handled the situation accordingly. studies department (1051) out of fund 48100, the Pennsylvania on June 1, 2013, according to that regarding business and financial affairs, ac- “I assume that the audit was legitimate and Continuing Education Reserve Fund for CASA.
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