RADIO SAI LISTENERS' JOURNAL cover story shimmering flame of eternal wisdom Volume 4 Issue 8 www.radiosai.org 1st August 2006 Pranams at the Lotus Feet DEVELOPED BY Prashanti Nilayam & S.N. Informatics Bangalore mail us for details : [email protected] | Enquiry : [email protected] Volume 4 Issue 8 Contents 1 August 2006 BETWEEN YOU AND US 3 SSPPIIRRIITTUUAALL BBLLOOSSSSOOMMSS SATHYA SAI SPEAKS - CULTIVATE LOVE IN ITS PUREST FORM 4 CONVERSATIONS WITH SAI - Part 23 5 CHINNA KATHA - Mohakshaya - The Annihilation Of Attachment 10 CCOOVVEERR SSTTOORRYY ZOROASTRIANISM - SHIMMERING FLAME OF ETERNAL WISDOM 11 FFEEAATTUURREE AARRTTIICCLLEESS CONCERNING THE VEDAS - PART 7... 30 LIFE IN VEDIC TIMES – DIVINE VENERATION FOR EVERY OCCASION by Prof. G. Venkataraman THE SAI MOVEMENT IN BRAZIL 37 PRIMORDIAL DEITY - POWERFUL INSPIRATION 45 SSEERRIIAALL AARRTTIICCLLEESS SHIRDI SAI PARTHI SAI - Part 20 48 GITA FOR CHILDREN - Part 22 50 WWIINNDDOOWW TTOO SSAAII SSEEVVAA REPROGRAMMING LIVES… THROUGH HIS LOVE 52 SPREADING THE NET OF HIS LOVE IN LAOS 59 PPRRAASSHHAANNTTII DDIIAARRYY CHRONICLES OF HEAVEN ON EARTH 67 HH22HH SSPPEECCIIAALL UNFORGETTABLE MOMENTS WITH SAI - Part Six 97 Recollections of Mr. Chidambaram Krishnan WITH THE LORD IN THE MOUNTAINS - 02 100 by Prof. G. Venkataraman Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, August 2006 (Vol. 4, Issue 8) www.radiosai.org 001 Volume 4 Issue 84 Contents 1 A1ugust May 2006 SAI WORLD NEWS SPREADING THE LIGHT THROUGH HUMAN VALUES IN OMAN 104 OPEN DAY AT SATHYA SAI SCHOOL, LEICESTER, U.K. 111 SWAMI AND ME SEARCHING THE TRUTH…UNDERSTANDING TRUE LOVE 113 HE IS THE TOTALITY, ALL OF IT 120 THE GREAT TRUTH 123 GET INSPIRED OUR PARENTS 125 THE KING’S GRACE AND GOD’S GRACE 126 LOOK TO THE FEELING 127 FUNNY HOW... 129 TEST YOUR SPIRITUAL QUOTIENT MULTI-FAITH QUIZ 130 PHOTO GALLERY AMAZING CREATION AND AWESOME LOVE! 133 HEALING TOUCH AMITA'S AMAZING JOURNEY– 135 FROM DOUBT AND DESPAIR TO LIGHT AND DELIGHT YOUR SAY FEEDBACK FROM OUR READERS 138 SAI INSPIRES SAI INSPIRES 143 002 Heart2Heart - Radio Sai's e-Journal, August 2006 (Vol. 4, Issue 8) www.radiosai.org www.radiosai.org BETWEENBETWEEN YOUYOU && USUS SWAMI AND ME It is probably the oldest revealed religion in the world. It Zarathushtra [literally, "He of the Golden Light”] ignited was the most important faith for at least a thousand years the flame of righteousness and inspired his followers to - five hundred years before and five hundred years after lead a life of purity, like their symbol, fire, which is always Christ - and the most prevalent religion during the time of pure and bright. He encouraged humankind to take life as Christ. It was once the state religion of the world's most a sacred challenge and with the strength of their inner fire powerful empire, in fact, the first transnational empire in fight Angra Mainyu (the Evil spirit, representing immoral recorded history which spanned from Africa to Europe tendencies) just as Swami says: “Face the Devil, Fight Till and from Central Asia to India. It was the first religion to the End, and Finish the Game.” Zarathustra Himself was clearly teach the doctrines of individual judgment, an indomitable spiritual warrior and God's chosen Heaven and Hell, the concept of Satan, the future messenger. And if Zoroastrianism survives till this day in resurrection of the body, the functioning of Angels and spite of adverse and challenging circumstances, it is Evil spirits, the general Last Judgment and life everlasting because he remains a colossus of strength and inspiration for the reunited soul, which have now become familiar for millions. It is to pay tribute to this Golden Messenger articles of faith to much of mankind through Judaism, of God during this month of his advent and to celebrate Christianity and Islam. It first gave to mankind a well- this enigmatic religion that we have chosen defined code of conduct - practical do's and don'ts - Zoroastrianism for our cover story in this issue. bereft of rituals and austerities, towards attainment of his glorious mission on earth and eternal illuminated life If one studies the whole of Zend-Avesta (the Zoroastrian thereafter. Yet it is also a religion that was driven from its Bible), two concepts which pop up again and again with native land, lost all political influence, survived through vigor and emphasis are Purity and Perseverance. “Purity is debilitating circumstances in different regions under all the strength that man needs,” Swami says. When you diverse rulers, and is professed now by only a handful of read in this issue how Sai devotees from Singapore risked earnest and fervent followers (who may be numerically their lives and safety to venture into inaccessible regions small but possess considerable economic and cultural of Laos to provide for the wellbeing of poor and influence) and may be on the verge of extinction. All this neglected villagers, or how the zeal and dedication of the and more is what makes Zoroastrianism so fascinating. Sai Youth of Hyderabad has transformed the lives of innumerable high school dropouts through their This unique religion, established by the great Prophet, innovative approach to service, and how Sai Human poet and philosopher Zarathushtra, even after three Values have enlightened young minds throughout the millennia, is still illuminating hearts and mesmerizing Islamic nation of Oman, you will see how purity and minds because of, firstly, its profound philosophy solidly perseverance can uplift our world. based on the eternal truths of Righteousness, Morality and Love; secondly, the missionary zeal with which its This purity of feeling can also be seen in the hundreds of dynamic founder propagated the timeless treasure of Japanese Youth, the large contingent of young precious wisdom revealed to him directly by Ahura Indonesian Sai soldiers, the engaging children from the Mazda, the Supreme Creator; and thirdly, the Sathya Sai School of Canada and the solemn assembly of unhesitating fervor with which the small but significant Buddhist monks, all of whom presented lovely community of its practitioners (who have the highest programmes during the recently concluded Guru literacy rate in India and are present worldwide) profess Poornima celebrations. You will find extensive reports of and practice their faith. When you read the cover story of all this with lots of pictures in our Prashanti Diary. this issue, we are sure you will gain a new insight into this While the month of July was exciting in Prashanti dynamic religion. Nilayam, the coming month will be nothing less than You will learn of the striking commonality between this awesome. A very powerful and potent Yagnam (sacrifice) ancient Aryan religion and the Sanatana Dharma (of called the “Ati Rudra Maha Yagam” will be presided over Vedic times) that Swami often talks about. Be it belief in by Swami Himself for 11 days, from August 9th to the one Supreme Creator, revering elements of nature, the 20th. What is so significant about it and why is Swami law of Karma, the importance of Namasmarana (chanting conducting it? How is it going to affect the world? For the Lord's Name), the emphasis on righteousness or the answers to these profound questions, stay tuned for the remarkable similarity of the Avestan language (in which next issue's cover story. most original Zoroastrian scriptures exist) to Sanskrit, and Where there is purity, happiness follows like a shadow. To social customs and practices which synchronize with live in that undisturbed state of contentment and bliss, ancient Indian traditions - there are innumerable such let's sacrifice all our impurities in the inner fire of our fascinating facets which make Zoroastrianism so special hearts and emerge as great, grand and godly. Then our and of interest to all seekers of truth. life will truly become the blissful journey of pure love The philosophy of a good life in this religion is based on exactly the way Swami wishes it to be for all of us. three essential pillars, “Homaato, Hokhto, Hovarasht,” or, In Sai Service, “Good thoughts, good words and good deeds,” just as Swami has been tirelessly teaching us for decades. – Heart2Heart Team HearHeart2Heart2Heart -t Radio - Radio Sai's Sai's e-J e-Jourournal,nal, A ugustAuguest 2006 2006 (Vol. (V 4,ol. Issue 4, Issue 8) 8) www.radiosai.org 001003 SPIRITUAL BLOSSOMS possible to develop such a spirit of complete surrender. It SATHYA SAI SPEAKS - may not be possible for all to be free completely from selfishness, self-interest and self-conceit. But there CULTIVATE LOVE IN ITS should be a limit to all of them. Nothing great can be PUREST FORM achieved without restraint "Na Shreyo Niyamam vina." When the normal temperature of the body is exceeded, the fever is a sign of illness. Likewise, there is a limit to Krishnastami, the holy festival celebrating the birth of selfishness. When this limit is exceeded it becomes a Lord Krishna, falls on the 15th of August. Love was disease. Ahamkara (egoism) is a disease. Ostentation is a Lord Krishna's message, the same it is with Sai. Let's disease. Excessive Swaprayojanam (self-interest) is a recapitulate Swami's message on this day more than a disease. All these diseases have been described as decade and half ago in 1992. Bhavaroga (the disease of worldliness). These are the diseases which are prevalent in the world today. To Experience Pure Love, Lead a Spiritual Life Prema (Love) is like a When the Divine is present in everyone it is not fitting that most precious one should fail to recognise this. One may have the faith diamond. It will not that God resides within him, but this is not sufficient. It is remain even for a not a great thing to feel that God resides within you.
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