THE BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY Entered as second class matter September 24, 1945, at the Post Office at Lancaster, Pennsylvania, under Act of Aug. 24, 1912. Acceptance for mailing at special rate ©f postage provided for in the Act of Feb. 28, 1925, embodied in paragraph 4, section 538, P. L. and R., authorized Sept. 24, 1945. Published monthly except July and August. PUBLICATION OFFICE. American Meteorological Society, Prince & Lemon Sts., Lancaster, Pa. EDITOR. Robert G. Stone, P.O. Box 2061, South Station, Arlington, Va. SECRETARY. Charles F. Brooks, American Meteorological Society, Milton 86, Mass. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY. Kenneth C. Spengler, 5 Joy St., Boston, Mass. TREASURER. Ralph W. Burhoe, Milton 86, Mass. Annual subscription, $3.50; single copies of this issue, Vol. 28 January, 1947 No. 1 Over-water Refraction of 10-cm Electromagnetic Radiation R. B. MONTGOMERY Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution,1 Woods Hole, Mass. ABSTRACT A simple presentation is made of the optics involved in the nearly horizontal propagation of short radio waves above the spherical earth. The refraction produced by various types of atmospheric layers is discussed, especially the refraction in atmospheric layers close to a water surface and the resulting wide variation in possible range of communication between low-altitude terminals. A formula showing how the refractive index of air at radio wave lengths depends on moist-air variables is reproduced. A graph for the determination of potential refractive index is presented. As examples of over-water conditions, the vertical distributions of temperature, dew point, and po- tential refractive index are shown for two psychrometric ascents by airplane to 1000 feet. HE PURPOSE of this paper is to pre- The refraction phenomena here described sent an introduction to a meteorologi- affect the band of wave lengths, briefly Tcal problem which was actively in- designated ' '10-cmJ9 in the title, from about vestigated by various groups during the one centimeter up to several meters. At recent war. More complete accounts are longer wave lengths these phenomena be- being prepared for publication elsewhere, come negligible, and the ionosphere becomes particularly by the Radiation Laboratory, important. Massachusetts Institute of Technology.2 It is evident, from the new applications Mention of the wartime developments has of short-wave communication and radar be- already been made by Sheppard (1946). A ing developed, that there will be need for prewar study of atmospheric refraction of further meteorological study of low-level re- short-wave radiation has been presented by fraction. Friend (1945). 1. Refractive Index of Air 1 Contribution No. 361. The refractive index of air does not vary 2 Volume 13 of the Radiation Laboratory Series, significantly with wave length over the en- to be published by McGraw-Hill Book Company, has the title Propagation of short radio waves and was tire range from about one centimeter up written under the leadership of Donald E. Kerr. Chapter 3 of this book is "Meteorology of the re- through all the radio bands. It depends on fraction problem" by R. A. Craig, I. Katz, R. B. the air density and on the ratio of water- Montgomery, and P. J. Rubenstein. Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/03/21 06:49 PM UTC vapor concentration to absolute temperature, pends very much on the water-vapor con- increasing with both of these. If the symbol centration. For light, it depends somewhat n is used for refractive index, p for total den- on wave length, but practically not at all on sity, q for specific humidity, and T for water vapor,3 the second term on the right- absolute temperature, and if A and B are hand side of (1) or (2) becoming negligible. dimensional constants, the basic relation is The values for dry air given by the formula of the form (Friend, 1940, p. 352) above are also approximately correct for light in air having any concentration of n - 1 = Ap( 1 + Bq/T). (1) water vapor. In dry air, therefore, the re- The working equation adopted at the Radi- fractive index is approximately the same for 2 ation Laboratory has pressure p and vapor light and for radio waves. In air of con- pressure e as independent variables; it is stant water-vapor concentration the gradient of refractive index is approximately the n- 1 = - V + same for both bands. In air of variable T (2) water-vapor concentration, however, the where gradients may be entirely different. These a = 79 X 10-6 C mb"1, b = 48000.^ qualitative relations may be useful if the In the atmosphere, refractive index tends refraction of radio waves is compared with to decrease upward due to the normal lapse such phenomena as mirage. of density, to decrease upward if there is a humidity lapse, and to decrease upward if 2. Propagation of Radiant Energy there is a temperature inversion. An atmos- The propagation of electromagnetic radi- phere of homogeneous air, namely, air in ation is affected not only by refraction, as which potential temperature and water-vapor well as by partial reflection from ground concentration are constant, forms a con- and water surfaces, but also by absorption, venient standard and has a vertical distribu- scattering, and diffraction. If these last tion of refractive index not very different effects were non-existent, the feasibility of from that found under average atmospheric radio communication between two given conditions. In homogeneous air the lapse points could be determined by tracing the rate of refractive index is positive, and its rays (wave normals) emanating from one magnitude is about 0.8 X 10"6 per hundred of the points; the density of these rays in feet. Rays directed nearly horizontally are the neighborhood of the other point would therefore refracted downward, but the curva- be an indication of the power received in ture is only about one sixth of the curvature communication between the two points. Al- of the earth (FIG. 1). The downward re- though the method of ray tracing takes account of refraction only, it is nevertheless useful in providing a rough, preliminary guide to the energy distribution surrounding a given point of transmission. The ray from the transmitter to the horizon is called the tangent ray (FIG. 2). Energy reaches the region above the tangent ray by direct radiation, but it penetrates the FIG. 1. Curvature of ray in homogenous air com- pared with curvature of earth's surface. region below the tangent ray and beyond the point of tangency by the process of fraction allows rays to reach somewhat be- diffraction. The latter region is known as yond the geometric horizon. Visible radia- the diffraction region. The efficiency of the tion is affected in the same manner; the sun process of diffraction decreases rapidly as and other objects are normally visible when the wave length decreases. In the absence they are slightly below the geometric horizon. of diffraction, the tangent ray beyond the For radio waves, the refractive index in air is independent of wave length but de- 8 See, for instance, Shaw (1930, p. 54). Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/03/21 06:49 PM UTC point of tangency would form a sharp refractive index, not merely a substandard boundary between the illuminated region layer, is required in order to produce inferior and the earth's shadow. mirage; an inversion of refractive index for Short-wave communication deep into the visible light accompanies an inversion of diffraction region is usually very difficult. density, as may be seen from equation (1). Since the location of the tangent ray can Any atmospheric layer in which the lapse vary widely due to changes in gradient of rate of refractive index exceeds the value found in homogeneous air may be called superstandard, because its effect is apt to be to decrease the size of the shadow cast by the earth and, hence, to make communication between low-altitude terminals possible over ranges greater than those attainable FIG. 2. Tangent ray in relation to earth's surface. in a homogeneous atmosphere. It can re- sult from either an inversion of temperature refractive index, it serves to explain why (strictly, a lapse rate less than adiabatic) communication between two fixed points may or a positive lapse of water-vapor concentra- be possible at some times and not at others. tion. Since the lapse of water-vapor con- Likewise, the tangent ray drawn for the centration is normally positive, a tempera- location of a radar set is a help toward ture inversion is normally a superstandard determining which targets can be detected. layer. Although the substandard tempera- ture inversion described above is sometimes 8. Types of Befracting Layers observed, it is much less frequent. In visible If homogeneous air is regarded as a wave lengths, since water vapor does not standard,4 any layer in which the lapse rate affect the refractive index, a temperature of refractive index is less than the value inversion is always a superstandard layer; found in homogeneous air may be called under suitable conditions this layer results substandard, because its effect if any, is apt in looming, the phenomenon in which objects to be to increase the size of the shadow below the geometric horizon become unusu- for a transmitter at a low elevation. A ally visible. substandard layer occurs in hydrostatically Two degrees of superstandard layer need stable air if there is an upward increase in to be distinguished. If the layer is only water-vapor concentration sufficiently great moderately superstandard, rays directed to overbalance the effect of the upward in- nearly horizontally have a curvature which, crease in potential temperature. A second although greater than the curvature of rays kind of substandard layer is that due to a in homogeneous air, is less than the curva- superadiabatic temperature lapse rate ac- ture of the surface of the earth; this may companying constant water-vapor concen- be called a type-1 superstandard layer.
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