UN Secretariat Item Scan - Barcode - Record Title Page 121 Date 15/06/2006 Time 4:59:26 PM S-0907-0007-18-00001 Expanded Number S-0907-0007-18-00001 Title ltems-in-Heads of States - Portugal Date Created 15/10/1974 Record Type Archival Item Container S-0907-0007: Correspondence with heads-of-state 1965-1981 Print Name of Person Submit Image Signature of Person Submit MJS/ET cc:VSG b/f: RA/AR/GMM File: Xref: Portugal 14 September 1981 On. bohalf of the Secretary-General, I should like to.thank you for your letter of 11 September 1981,- by which you kindly conveyed a ni.essags addressed to the Secretary-General by Bis Excellency Mr. Francisco Pinto Balsenmo, Priraa Minister of Portugal. The Secretary-General would very ir»uch appreciate it if you could convey the arsclosacl rsply to the Prime Minister. A copy is attached for your information. Please accept, Mr. Ambassador, the assurances of ray highest consideration. Saf-sauddin Ahmed Chef els Cabinet His Excellency Mr. Rui Eduardo Barbosa cia Medina Permanent Sepresentativs of Portugal to tha Unitaci How York MJS/os Hef: R&/AR/GMM File: Election of the SG XRefi Portugal 14 September 13*31 Excellency,, I should like to thank you most sincerely for your warm personal message following ray announcement that I would foe ready to serve for a further terra as Secretary-General, if this were to be the xvish of the .Membership, You- may be sure that I deeply appreciate your very kind words of support. This generous expression of confidence in sty endeavours indeed greatly encourages rae ir4 »y continued work for peace aac. international understanding, "ivitli my warmest: good wishes for your personal '.vell-beii'ia? please accept„ Excellency,- the assurances of ny highest considsrafciori. Kurt Kis Excellency csr. Francisco Pinto Balsemao Prime Minister of Portugal Lisbon n/> RECEIVED SEP 1 1 1981 75 MISSAO PERMANENTE DE PORTUG5 JUNTO DAS NACOES UNIDAS N E W Y O R K New York, September 11, 1981 Excellency, . I have the pleasure and the honour to inform Your Excellency of the following personal message from the Prime Minister of Portugal: " Having been informed of Your Excellency's decision of recandidating for the high office of Secretary-G-eneral of the United Nations, I have the pleasure to inform Your Excellency that I gave instructions to my Govern- ment to support Your Excellency's candidature with the greatest interest. a) Francisco Pinto Balsemao Prime Minister of Portugal " I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurance of my highest consider-iscfTBn. Rui EduarjpBarbosa de Amb as s ador.^-""' Permanent Reprea^tftative of Portugal --^to the United Nations His Excellency Dr. Kurt Waldheim Secretary-General of the United Nations NEW YORK FG/JH ccn SGX/ MEM b/f: EA/AR/MKP/GMM/AKU/AF/MJS Le 6 mars 1981 File: Portugal XRef: Future trip Monsieur le J'ai l!honneur ds accuser r6ception de votre lettre du 23 f^vrler 19BI, purr laquelle vous ave^ foien voulu n\e reaiouveler votre aimable invitation dfeffectuer une visite officielle au Portugal. \ Coi-nrr.e j ' ai en le plaisir de vous I' indiqia-sr lors de notre conversation t€lephonique. je suis heureux de 1' accepter, at ine f6licit© « 1'avar.ce de 1' occasion qu'elle me fournir-a d' avoir cles entretiens avec vous~rae~!e et le gouvernewent. portugais. Soyes assurS cue ja suis pleinernent conscient du role actif que votre pays ne manque pas ele jouer dans les travaux cies Nations Onies, et de sa contribution iraportanfce aux efforts de la' communaute Internationale. Dans ce contextc, sa participation active aux debats ciu Conseil de sScurit§ c-t ses nomfo reuses initiatives ont &€B viveinent Je resterai en contact avec votre permanent pour trouver une date mutuelleraeht acceptable pour raa vi-site, que j * espere pouvoir effectusr dans -an avenir point trop SloignS. Je vous prie c'agrfier, Monsieur Is President, less assurances do jrsa tree haute consideration. Kurt Waldheim Son Excellence Monsieur A. Haiualho Eanes President -de la Rfipublique portugaise Lisbonna president of Portugal recalls that SG was invited to visit Portugal in 1978 and 1979, but the visit unfortunately never materialized. President reiterates invitation to SG to make an official visit to Lisbon, at a date to be agreed upon with Portuguese Government, and which could take place in the near future. Le 6 mars 1981 Monsieur 1'Ambassadeur, Le Secretaire general vous serait reconnaissant de bien vouloir faire transmettre la lettee ci-jointe a Son Excellence Monsieur A. Raiaalho Eanes, President de la Republique portugaise, One copie de cette lettre est jointe pony votre information. Veuillez agrSer, Monsieur 1"^onbassadeur, les assurances de ma tres haute consideration. Georg Mautner-Markhof Assistant special du Secretaire general Son Excellence M. Vasco Futscher Pereira ReprSsentant permanent du Portugal aupres de 1'Organisation des Nations Unies 777 THird Avenue, 27th Floor Hev/ York, N.Y. 10017 The President of the Republic Lisbon, 17 February 1981 Mr. Secretary-General In the last few years Portugal has had the opportunity to contribute importantly to the work of the United Nations, especially during its recent term as a member of the Security Council. With the inauguration of a democratic regime, the adoption of an open foreign policy and a close attachment to the principles contained in the Charter of the United Rations — all of which has been reaffirmed in the programme of the present government — there is every reason to expect a continued and close co-operation between Portugal and the United Nations. On the other hand I greatfully acknowledge the attention Your Excellency has paid to Portuguese matters before the United Nations or matters in which Portugal is an interested party. For the reasons above Your Excellency was invited to visit Portugal in 1979, which was unfortunately not possible to be implemented at that time. I now have the greatest pleasure in reiterating the invitation for an official visit to Lisbon, on a date that you may agree upon with the Portuguese Government, and which could be in the near future. Accept Mr. Secretary-General the expression of my highest consideration. (Signed A. Bamalho Eanes) " 3 X LL MISSAO PERMANENT^ DE PORTUGAL JUNTO DAS NACOES UNIDAS NC 19 N EW YORK The Permanent Representative of Portugal to the United Nations presents his compliments to the Secretary-General of the United Nations and has the honour to transmit, under separate cover, a letter addressed to the latter by His Excellency the President of the Republic of Portugal General Antonio Ramalho Eanes. New York, March 5th, 1981. Lttboa, 23 de. Te.ve.Ji2.JUio da 79S7 S&nko/L Se.ctLe.ta.tLto O.YIO& te.ve. Portugal, a opotLtuntdade. de. da.fi o *e.u. mutkoti conttLtbato at> Wag.oe4 Un^daA , de-i-cgim dame.nt& du.H.a.nte. o mandates que. acaba de. exe^ce/L como me.m- bfio do Con&e.lho de. Com a 4.nA tau.SLaq.cio do ftHQ^mo. dn.modita.t.Lc.0 , a adopq.a.0 de. uma polZt^ca <Lx.tnH.yia abe.fLta e o ape.go ao& c.Zp<Lo£ da CaKta da* Naq.oe.t> Un<LdaA - opq.oe.A x.e.a&4.fLmadaA no pn.OQH.ama do ac.tu.at Gove^no - apontam pafta a c.ont-inu.aq.ao de. u.ma e.AttLe.4.ta c.otaboftaq.ao e.ntfL& ?ofitu,Qat e a 0.N.U.. Von. OU.&LQ tado , e.-me. QfLato SLe.conke.ce.tL a ate.n cao do.dA.cada pan VoAAa Ex.ce.l<Lnci.a ao& at, 4 unto 4 poi.tu.gae. i>n& ou. e.m qua Pox.tu.gal. e. patLte. <i.nte.x.e.AAada. Saa Ex.ce.te.ncta Se.csLe.ta/L4.o-Ge.SLa.t da 0.W.U Mew *',' 2. ?ofi Lk&Q , fao<i 1/04.60. Exce£encx.o. aonv-idado pa.- fia. \)<it>tta.fi Pofitu.ga.JlL, em J97S e 1979, o qu.e., <infae.JLJizme.n- -t<L, na.o fao-i &ntao po&&Zve.l c.o nc.fi2.tJiza.fi. Te.nko agota o ma-iofi pfia.ze.fi e.m fie.-ite.fia.fi- tke. o c.on\}<ite. pafia. ama v<i&<ita. ofa<ic.t,a.JL a. L^&boa., nama, data, a, a.c.ofida.fi ta.mbe.rn com o Goue/ttao Pofitu.gue.A , e. qae. pode.fi<ia te.fi tu.QO.fi nam fiu.tu.fio pfiox.<imo . kc.e,<ite., Be.nhofi Se.c.fie.tdfij.0 Ge.fia.JL, a. da. m^inha aJLta c.on&<ide.fia.q.a.o . CJL GMM/JEB CONFIDENTIAL b/f:RA/AR File:Portugal XRef:Future trips NOTE FOR THE FILE The Secretary-General received a telephone call from the President of Portugal on 31 December 198O during which he inquired about the Secretary-General's intentions to travel to Europe in the near future. In this connexion, he extended an invitation to the Secretary-General to visit Portugal which the Secretary-General accepted in principle, adding that a mutually convenient date would have to be fixed once his schedule of trips had been finalized. There would'be several occasions during the year on which he would have to travel to Europe. G. Mautner-Markhof 2 January 1981 // _:, "" ~"~ V C c •-•-. :i •--•••' '"/ *••/.'^7^T/ ^.' - c A L c -Tt ' t ZCZC MRP0997 MBP0444 SS CABPO C * NEW YORK <UNNY> 04 2345 GMT (_ ETATPRIORITE C HIS EXCELLENCY (_' ,iM GENERAL ANTONIO DOB SANTOS RAMALHQ EANES >v' "'" PRESIDENT OF THEE REPUBLIC OF PORTUGAL ' C LISBON - ( (PORTUGAL) C MBP0444-12 ( EXCELLENCY? IT IS WITH DEEP SORROW THAT I HAVE LEARNED OF THE TRAGIC C .
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