hsus_te_ch09_na_s02_s.fm Page 305 Monday, April 19, 2004 8:11 AM Texas “Lone Star” flag ᮣ WITNESS HISTORY AUDIO Step-by-Step A Child at the Alamo SECTION Instruction In March 1836, Mexican troops attacked the Alamo in San Antonio, Texas. Among those inside the old mission SECTION was eight-year-old Enrique Esparza. His father, Gregorio, was one of a group of Texans engaged in a struggle to Objectives win independence from Mexico. Some 70 years later, As you teach this section, keep students Esparza recalled hearing sounds of shooting at two in the morning: focused on the following objectives to help them answer the Section Focus Question and “I heard my mother say: ‘Gregorio, the soldiers have master core content. jumped the wall. The fight’s begun.’ He got up and picked up his arms and went into the fight. I never saw • Explain how Texas won independence him again. It was so dark that we couldn’t see from Mexico. anything, and the families that were in the quarters just • Analyze the goals of President Polk. huddled up in the corners. My mother’s children were • Trace the causes and outcome of the near her. Finally they began shooting through the dark Mexican-American War. ᮡ Texans defend the Alamo into the room where we were. A boy who was wrapped in a blanket in one corner was hit and killed.” —Enrique Esparza, San Antonio Express, 1907 Prepare to Read Texas and the Background Knowledge L3 Review with students the attitudes of Mexican-American War American expansionists toward the Mexican provinces of Texas, New Mex- ico, and California. Have students pre- Objectives Why It Matters With American expansionists seeking new terri- dict how these expansionist views • Explain how Texas won independence from tory and Mexico in control of most of the land to the south and west, might lead to conflict with Mexico. Mexico. conflict between the two nations seemed almost inevitable. The flashpoint for conflict became Texas. In time, that conflict would lead • Analyze the goals of President Polk. L3 to a war that would vastly increase the size of the United States. Set a Purpose ½ • Trace the causes and outcome of the Section Focus Question: How did the revolution in Texas lead to war with WITNESS HISTORY Read the selec- Mexican-American War. Mexico? tion aloud, or play the audio. Terms and People Witness History Audio CD, Stephen F. Austin Alamo Texas Wins Independence A Child at the Alamo Antonio López de Santa Sam Houston Of all the Mexican provinces, Texas was most vulnerable to U.S. Explain that before Texas became Anna James K. Polk expansion. Offering abundant, fertile land, Texas lay closest to the part of the United States, it first autonomy Zachary Taylor United States. And it had only a small Hispanic population, known Lone Star Republic Winfield Scott won independence from Mexico. as Tejanos (teh HAH nohs), to defend the province. In 1821, only Point out that the Alamo is one of about 4,000 Tejanos lived in Texas. the most famous battles of that Americans Migrate to Texas To develop and defend the prov- struggle. Ask students to discuss ince, Mexico adopted a risky strategy: It agreed to allow Americans their ideas about what it would be Reading Skill: Recognize Sequence Look to settle in Texas. In return for cheap land grants, Americans had to like to be in the middle of a battle for the steps that led to war with Mexico. agree to become Mexican citizens, to worship as Roman Catholics, such as this. Mexico encourages Americans to settle in Texas. and to accept the Mexican constitution, which banned slavery. Mex- ½ Focus Point out the Section Focus ico hoped this strategy would convert American settlers from a Question and write it on the board. potential threat to an economic asset. Tell students to refer to this ques- tion as they read. (Answer appears with Section 2 Assessment answers.) ½ Preview Have students preview the Section Objectives and the list Use the information below and the following resource to teach students the high-use words of Terms and People. from this section. Teaching Resources, Vocabulary Builder, p. 10 ½ Using the Guided High-Use Word Definition and Sample Sentence Questioning strategy (TE, p. T20), reluctant adj. unwilling; marked by mental hesitation or reservations have students read this section. As Until he had more information about the enemy’s numbers, the captain was they read, have students sequence reluctant to lead his troops into the valley. the steps that led to war with Mexico. Reading and Note Taking adjacent adj. neighboring; nearby Study Guide The settlers were happy to find that their land was adjacent to that of another family from Boston. Chapter 9 Section 2 305 hsus_te_ch09_na_s02_s.fm Page 306 Monday, April 19, 2004 8:11 AM WITNESS HISTORY DVD Led by Stephen F. Austin, American emigrants began to settle east of San Antonio, founding the town of Austin. Like settlers on other frontiers, these The Alamo Teach Watch on the United newcomers sought the economic opportunity of good farmland in large portions. States Witness History DVD to explore one of the key battles of the Mostly coming from the southern United States, they raised corn, pigs, cattle, Texas Wins Texas war for independence. and cotton. By 1835, Texas was home to about 30,000 American settlers, known as Anglo-Texans. They outnumbered Tejanos by about six to one. Independence L3 Tensions Build Relations between Anglo-Texans and the Mexican government Instruct soured by 1830. Despite their oaths of allegiance and their land grants, the set- tlers had not honored their part of the bargain. They remained Protestants and ½ Key Terms Introduce: Have stu- ignored Mexico’s slavery ban by smuggling in enslaved African Americans to dents locate and write down each work their farms and plantations. In turn, the Anglo-Texans felt dismayed by the key term or person below this blue unstable Mexican government, which suffered from military coups. heading. Then, as they read, ask In 1834, the charismatic but ruthless general Antonio López de Santa Anna students to write a definition or seized power in Mexico City. Santa Anna favored a centralized, authoritarian gov- identification explaining how each ernment dominated by the military. His coup troubled those liberal Mexicans who term or person relates to Texas preferred a decentralized federal system like that of the United States. Santa independence. Anna’s rule especially angered the people of Texas, both Anglo-Texans and Tejanos, who wanted greater autonomy, or independent control over their own affairs. One ½ Teach Display Color Transpar- Anglo-Texan protested that Santa Anna would “give liberty to our slaves and make ency: Texas War for Independence. slaves of ourselves.” Discuss with students how the situ- ation that developed in Texas, a Texans Revolt In 1835, the Texans rebelled against Mexican rule. They seized Mexican territory, led the United the Mexican garrisons at Goliad and San Antonio. A year later, the Texans declared States to war. Ask Why did Mexico their independence and adopted a republican constitution. Their new nation be- invite Americans to settle in came known as the Lone Star Republic because of the single star on its flag. Texas? (to develop the territory’s To crush the rebellion, Santa Anna led his army north into Texas. In economy and to defend the province) March 1836, his forces attacked the small Texan garrison at the Alamo, a forti- What did the settlers have to fied former mission in San Antonio. After 12 days of cannon fire, Mexican troops promise in exchange for land? overran the walls of the Alamo. Refusing to keep prisoners, Santa Anna ordered (to become Mexican citizens, to prac- the defenders slaughtered. The victims included tice Catholicism, to accept the Mexi- Anglo-Texans Jim Bowie and Davy Crockett, as well can constitution) For what reasons as a dozen Tejanos. A few weeks later, Santa Anna do you think the Texans did not ordered a similar mass execution of Texan prisoners honor their agreement with Sam Houston (1793–1863) who had surrendered at Goliad. Santa Anna expected the slaughter to frighten other Mexico? (Sample response: They Sam Houston was the only American to serve as governor of two Texans into surrendering. Instead, the fallen defenders of probably did not want to change different states—first Tennessee, then Texas. In between, he was commander of the Texan army, president of the Republic of the Alamo became martyrs to the cause of Texan inde- their ways or religion and did not Texas, and U.S. senator from Texas. pendence. The slogan “Remember the Alamo” rallied feel real allegiance to Mexico.) Have Houston was not afraid to take the Texans and attracted volunteers to their cause from students discuss the major conflicts unpopular stands. An adopted the southern United States. that took place as the Texans Cherokee, he once said that “in Led by Sam Houston, the Texans drew Santa Anna Why did the Mexican presenting myself as the advocate revolted. Ask eastward into a trap. In April, they surprised and government refuse to honor of the Indians and their rights, I crushed the Mexican army at the Battle of San Jacinto. shall stand very much alone.” Santa Anna’s agreement with the Houston’s men killed 630 and captured 730 Mexicans, Texans? (because Santa Anna was In addition, though himself a slaveholder, he angered including Santa Anna himself, while suffering only forced to sign it in fear for his life) proslavery forces by opposing 32 casualties. Color Transparencies A-35 the spread of slavery into the Fearing execution, Santa Anna signed a treaty rec- ½ Quick Activity Have students West.
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