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ID TITLE PUBLISHER YEAR SUBTITLE DEP ISBN1 ISBN2 BOOK NR AUTHOR 1 The women's warpath ucla fowler museum of 1996 Iban ritual fabrics from borneo 15 0-930741-50-1 0-930741-51-x SEA0001 Traude Gavin cultural history 2 Textile traditions of Los Angeles county 1977 15 0-87587-083-x SEA0002 Mary Hunt Kahlenberg Indonesia museum of art 3 Indonesische Textilien Deutsches Textilmuseum 1984 Wege zu Göttern und Ahnen 15 3-923158-05-X SEA0003 Brigitte Khan Majlis Krefeld 4 Walk in splendor ucla fowler museum of 1999 ceremonial dress and the 15 0-930741-72-2 0-930741-73-0 SEA0004 T.Abdullah cultural history Minangkabau 5 Geometrie d'Oriente sillabe, Livorno 1999 Stefano Bardini e il tappeto 5 88 -8347- 010-9 GEN0029 Alberto Boralevi Oriental Geometries antico Stefano Bardini and the Antique Carpet 6 Her-ontdekking van Lamandart 1994 17 90-5276-009-8 90-5276-008-X SNA0001 Brommer,De Precolumbiaans Textiel Bolle,Hughes,Pollet,Sorbe r,Verhecken 7 Eeuwen van weven Nederlands 1992 Bij de Hopi- en Navajo- indianen 17 90-7096217-9 SNA0002 Helena Gelijns, Fred van Textielmuseum Tilburg Oss 8 Bolivian Indian Textiles dover publications, inc. 1981 Traditional Designs and 17 0-486-24118-1 SNA0003 Tamara E.Wasserman, Costumes Jonathan S.Hill 9 3000 jaar weven in de Andes Gemeentemuseum 1988 textiel uit Peru en Bolivia 17 90 68322 14 1 SNA0004 Brommer, Lugtigheid, Helmond Roelofs, Mook-Andreae 10 Coptic Textiles The friends of the Benaki 1971 22 Mag0019 Benaki Museum Museum,Athens 11 Coptic Fabrics Adam Biro 1990 14 2-87660-084-6 CPC0002 Marie Helene Rutschowscaya 12 Looms and textiles of the California Academy of 1986 First millennium Egyptian 14 0-295-96672-6 CPC0003 Diane Lee Carroll copts Sciences Textiles in the Carl Austin Rietz collection of the California Academy of sciences 13 Tissus coptes musée d'art et d'histoire 1991 volume 1 Textes et Catalogue 14 2-8306-0076-2 CPC0004 Martiniani-Reber Genève 14 Tissus coptes musée d'art et d'histoire 1991 volume 2 planches 14 2-8306-0076-2 CPC0005 Martiniani-Reber genève 15 Koptisch Textiel pamzov Zottegem 1993 uit Vlaamse privé- 14 CPC0006 A.De Moor 16 Bontjes voor de tropen uitgeverij waanders b.v. 1991 deverzamelingen export van imitatieweefsels 11 90-6630-288-7 90-6630-292-5 ANC0014 Brommer, Bartels, van der zwolle/ gemeentemuseum naar de tropen Vloet, de Jonghe Helmond 17 African Textiles Thames and Hudson Ltd. 2003 11 0-8118-4166-9 ANC0015 John Gillow 18 African Majesty Thames and Hudson 1992 The textile art of the ashanti and 11 0-500-23639-9 ANC0016 Peter Adler, Nicholas ewe Barnard 19 The Pazyryk Ulrich Schurmann Its use and origin 5 GEN0224 Ulrich Schürmann 20 Frozen tombs of J.M.Dent & Sons Ltd. 1970 The Pazyryk burials of Iron-Age 5 460 07715 5 GEN0225 Sergei I.Rudenko Siberia_x000d_ London Horsemen Frozen tombs of Siberia 21 Carpets in Paintings The National Gallery 1983 23 CIP0001 John Mills London 22 I tappeti dei pittori Skira Milano 1999 Testimonianze pittoriche per la 23 88-8118-628-4 CIP0002 Luca Emilio Brancati storia del tappeto nei dipinti della Pinacoteca di Brera e del Museo Poldi Pezzoli a Milano 23 Carpets and their datings in Walburg Pers 1991 1540-1700 23 90-6011-710-7 1-84149-151-1 CIP0003 Onno Ydema Netherlandish paintings 24 The Eastern Carpet in the Arts Council of Great 1983 from the 15th to the 17th 23 0-7287-0362-9 CIP0004 Donald King, David western world Britain century Sylvester 25 Hans Memling Mercatorfonds Paribas, 1994 23 90-6153-309-0 CIP0005 Dirk De Vos Antwerpen 26 Greek folk art L.Braggiotti 1980 10 TOG0001 Popi Zora 27 Oriental Carpet & Textile Hali Publications,OCTS 1987 III Part 1 In honour of May 5 0-948674-03-2 GEN0033C Mackie, Vogelsang, King, Studies H.Beattie Estham Kertesz, Ryder 28 Epirus and Ionian Islands The friends of the Benaki 1973 10 TOG0002 benaki museum embroideries museum,Athens 29 Crete Dodecanes Cyclades The friends of the Benaki 1980 10 TOG003 Benaki Museum Museum 30 Der Türkische Teppich des istanbul universitesi 10 TOG0004 Kurt Erdmann 15. Jahrhunderts 31 çeyiz Musée d'art et d'histoire 1995 Broderies de l'empire Ottoman 10 2-8306-0118-1 TOG0005 Martiniani-Reber, Anne Genève Rinuy, Annalisa Galizia 32 Yastiks Brian Morehouse and 1996 cushion covers and storage 10 1-889666-01-7 TOG0006 Brian Morehouse ICOC Philadelphia bags of Anatolia 33 A guide to Greek Island Crown, London 1972 10 0-905209-13-3 TOG0007 Pauline Johnstone Embroidery 34 kilim cicim zili sumak Muhittin Salih Eren, 1983 turkisch flatweavers 10 TOG0008 Belkıs Balpinar Acar 35 Ottoman embroidery studioIstanbul vista, London 1993 10 0-289-80084-6 TOG0031 Roderick Taylor 36 The first and greatest master scorpion publishing Ltd. 1993 from examples in the George 10 0-905906-64-0 TOG0009 Hagop Kapoudjian of the Kum Kapi school London Farrow Collection of silk rugs and carpets 37 Art as tradition-Kunst als Hirmer Verlag München 1995 10 3-7774-6820-7 TOG0010 Rainer Kreissl Tradition 38 Turkish rugs in Transylvania crosby press 1977 10 0-903580-20-9 TOG0011 gyula vegh, karoly layer 39 Türk Kumaş ve kadiferleri I milli eğitim basımevı, 1946 10 TOG0012 Tahsin Öz 40 Yayla MuseumIstanbul für 1993 Form und Farbe in türkischer 10 3-88270-064-5 TOG0013 Werner Brüggemann Kunsthandwerk Frankfurt Textilkunst am Main, Staatliche 41 Carpets of the vakiflar Uta Hülsey, Wesel 1988 Teppiche 10 3-923185-04-9 TOG0014 Belkıs Balpinar, Udo museum Istanbul Hirsch 42 Flatweaves Uta Hülsey, Wesel 1982 Flachgewebe 10 3-923185-02-2 TOG0015 Belkıs Balpınar, Udo 43 Anatolian Kilims Fine Arts Museums of San 1990 the Caroline & H.Mccoy Jones 10 0-88401-068-6 TOG0016 CathrynHirsch M. Cootner Fransisco and hali Collection publications Ltd., London 44 Tradities van Turkije Gemeentekrediet België 1988 10 90-5066-031-2 TOG0018 Günaydin Anadolu 45 Turkish embroidery Victoria & Albertmuseum 1985 10 0-948107-0-22 TOG0019 Pauline Johnstone 46 Infinite Variety, Anatolia Hirmer Verlag, München 2000 Unendliche Viefalt, Anatolia 10 TOG0020 Rainer Kreissl 47 Ottoman Turkish Carpets Keszthely, Budapest 1994 10 96304-9212-4 TOG0021 Ferenc Batari 48 The Topkapı Saray Museum Schuler 1987 Carpets 10 0-8212-1679-1 TOG0022 Hülye Tezcan, J.M. Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Rogers 49 Flowers of silk and gold Merell Publishers Limited 2000 four centuries of Ottoman 10 1-85894-105-9 TOG0023 Sumru Belger Krody embroidery 50 Rugs of the peasants and Kunst & Antiquitäten 1983 10 3-921811-23-6 TOG0024 Werner Brüggemann, nomads of Anatolia München H.Böhmer 51 Turkish handwoven Carpets Turkish Republic ministry 1987 catalogue n°1 10 975-17-0019-1 TOG0025 of state, ministry of culture and tourism 52 Turkish handwoven Carpets Turkish Republic ministry 1988 catalogue n°2 10 975-17-0109-0 975-17-0110-4 TOG0026 of state, ministry of culture and tourism 53 Tussen ketting en inslag denys 1988 10 TOG0027 A.De Moor, L.Pollet, E.Janssen, Van Mierlo C. 54 Tussen ketting en inslag denys 1988 10 TOG0027A A.De Moor, L.Pollet, E.Janssen, Van Mierlo C. 55 Anatolische Knüpfteppiche Frans Bausback, 1987 10 TOG0028 Peter Bausback aus vier Jahrhunderten Manheim 56 Anatolische Knüpfteppiche Frans Bausback, 1987 10 TOG0028A Peter Bausback aus vier Jahrhunderten Manheim 57 Der Anatolische Teppich Prestel, München 1975 10 3-7913-0365-1 TOG0029 J.Iten-Maritz 58 Tapis Turcs Albert Lévy, Paris provenant des églises et 10 TOG0030 J.De Végh, Ch.Layer collections de Transylvanie 59 Turkoman Rugs the Holland Press, Ltd. 1977 An illustrative monograph on the 12 0-900470-81X TIS0001 Amos Bateman Thacher rugs woven by the Turkoman tribes in Central Asia 60 Turkoman Carpets Crosby Press 1975 and the ethnographic 12 0-903580-30-6 TIS0002 Siawosch Azadi significance of their ornaments 61 The decorative and applied Aurora Art Publishers, 1976 29 ART0046 Beresneva Art of Turkmenia Leningrad 62 Ikat Denys 1991 internationale 12 TIS0004 L.Pollet, S.Daems, I. van textieltentoonstellingen de Vrande, Jager-Ruchti 63 Filzteppiche Klinkhardt & Biermann, 1980 ihre Geschichte und Eigenart 12 TIS0005 Hans & Irmgard Bidder Braunschweig 64 Muziek voor de ogen Denys 1998 Music for the eyes 12 TIS0006 Popova, Emelyanenko, Tsareva, Dmitriev, Vandepitte 65 Usbekistan H.Mayer, Stuttgart 1995 Erben der Seidenstrasse 12 TIS0007 kalter Pavaloï 66 Central Asian Rugs Osterrieth 1969 12 TIS0008A Ulrich Schürmann 67 Rugs and Carpets Aurora publishers, from central Asia 12 TIS0009 Tsareva 68 Carpets of Central Asia CrosbyLeningrad press 1973 12 0-903580-05-5 TIS00010 A.A.Bogolyubov 69 Keshte Marshall & Marilyn Wolf 2003 Central Asian Embroideries, 12 0-9728533-0-8 TIS0011 Ernst Grube The Marchall and Marilyn R.Wolf Collection 70 Turkmenistan Editions en langues 1957 29 ART0045 P.Skosyrev etrangeres, Moscou 71 Aus Steppe und Oase Mayer Stuttgart, London 1983 Bilder turkestanischer Kulturen 12 TIS0013 Johannes Kalter 72 Von Lotto bis Tekke Margarete Herrmann 1978 seltene orientteppiche aus vier 43 EBH0001 Eberhart Herrmann OHG, Teppich- Jahrhunderten 73 Turkestan Landsberger 1991 Geschichte Kultur Volkskunst 12 392021654-7 TIS0015 Helmut Klieber Verlagsanstalt Teppiche 74 Die Teppiche der Völker Reinhold Schletzer 1977 12 3-921539-01-0 TIS0016 V.G.Moschkova Mittelasiens im späten XIX. und frühen XX. Jahrhundert 75 Turkoman studies I oguz press 1950 aspects of the weaving and 12 0-905820-05-3 TIS0017 Simakov, Hopf, Burdukov, decorative arts of central Asia Moshkova, Ponomaryov 76 Turkmen The textile museum, 1980 Tribal carpets and traditions 12 TIS0018 Mackie, Thompson Washington, D.C. 77 Orientteppiche Battenberg, München 1989 Band 4: Turmenische Teppiche 12 3-87045-264-1 TIS0019 Uwe Jourdan 78 Djulchir Kredietbank Tissus de défense et de 12 TIS0020 cockaerts wigny tanghe protection wouters tongerloo pollet 79 Djulsjir kredietbank weefsels tot afweer en 12 TIS0020A cockaerts wigny tanghe bescherming wouters tongerloo pollet 80 Latif Kerminov Jazichy, Baku 1983 The people's artist of Azerbaijan 9 CAR0001 Kerim Kerimov 81 Muta sapienza: i silenti Galleria Gerli 1999 9 CAR0002 misteri del Caucaso 82 Caucasian Rugs Crosby Press 1974 9 0-915036-00-2 CAR0003 Ulrich Schürmann 83 Kazak The Near Eastern Art 1971 carpets of the Caucasus 9 0-912418-01-X CAR0004 Raoul Tschebull Research Center, Inc.

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