Munsell Color System, Company, and Foundation by Dorothy Nickerson Contents Journal page Editor's Note ............................................................................................. 7 I. History of the Munsell Color Foundation 1942-1974. Reprinted from ISCC Newsletter, No. 234, 1975 II. History of the Munsell Color System and its Scientific Application ... 69 Reprinted from Journal of the Optical Society of America 30, (1940) III. History of the Munsell Color System .......................................... 121 Reprinted from Color Engineering 7, (1969) Reprinted from COLOR RESEARCH AND APPLICATION, Volume 1, 1976 for The Munsell Color Foundation, Inc. 1977 History of the Munsell Color System The Munsell Color Foundation is set up for the primary purpose of using Dorothy Nickerson its funds, subject to limitations imposed by the Internal Revenue Service, to Editor's Note: further the aims and purposes set forth The inauguration of the series of CR&A above. These purposes parallel those of Reports comes at a turning point in the roughly the ISCC very closely and so foster the 75-year history of association of the name close cooperation between the two Munsell with the field of color. Past chapters in bodies. In addition, the Munsell Color this history include Albert H. Munsell's Foundation, under its IRS development of the system which bears his classification, may acquire by gift, name, the formation of the Munsell Color donation, contribution, or otherwise, Company to market the samples and materials property and assets of every kind; and illustrating the Munsell System, the formation of give, contribute, or otherwise dispose the Munsell Color Foundation to direct the of property so acquired so long as any business and research of the Company, and most restrictions imposed on the gifts are recently the sale of the Company to the consistent with the purposes of the Kollmorgen Corporation, and the establishment Foundation. Contributions to the of the Foundation as a nonprofit organization Foundation are tax deductible. devoted to furthering our knowledge of color. It is hoped that this announcement The present position of the Munsell Color will lead to a better understanding and Foundation was described in the following news appreciation of the reaffirmed item, reprinted with permission from the Inter- community of interest of ISCC and the Society Color Council Newsletter No. 234, Foundation, thus gaining for the January-February, 1975: Foundation full cooperation in adding to its present limited resources. Since the aims and purposes of the ISCC and the Munsell Color Foundation Foundation are so similar to those of the The aims and purposes of the ISCC Inter-Society Color Council, the ISCC and of the Munsell Color Foundation strongly encourages and endorses are very similar: to further the contributions to the Munsell Color scientific and practical advancement of Foundation. color knowledge, in particular This CR&A Report consists of reprints of knowledge relating to standardization, three papers which together provide a complete nomenclature, and specification of history of the Munsell System, Company, and color; and to promote the practical Foundation from the beginnings to the present application of these results to color day. The first (though latest in time) of these problems arising in science, art, and papers is "History of the Munsell Color industry. Foundation 1942-1974," reprinted with As pointed out in the history of the permission from the ISCC Newsletter No. 234, Foundation, the ISCC Board of January-February, 1975. The second is "History Directors for many years nominated of the Munsell Color System and its Scientific one trustee to serve on the Foundation's Application," reprinted with permission of the seven-member Board of Trustees. To Optical Society of America from /. Opt. Soc. reaffirm their community of interest Amer., 30, 575 (1940). The third and final article and cooperation, the ISCC and the is "History of the Munsell Color System," Foundation have recently reestablished reprinted with permission of Brentwood this custom. Publishing Corp. from Color Engineering, 7(5), In addition, at its last annual 42 (1969). meeting the Foundation's Board of No one could better have served as author of Trustees increased its membership these three articles than Dorothy Nickerson. from seven to nine. S. Leonard Miss Nickerson was associated with the Munsell Davidson was nominated as Trustee by Color Company from 1921 to 1926 before the ISCC Board of Directors. He, with beginning a long and distinguished career in the Richard S. Hunter and Roland E. U.S. Department of Agriculture. She has been a Derby, the immediate past president Trustee of the Munsell Color Foundation and president of the ISCC, were throughout its existence, serving as President from elected to serve on the Foundation's 1973 to 1975. Board of Trustees along with the other members named in the Munsell Color © 1976 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Volume 1, Number 1, Spring 1976 Foundation history that follows. It is 7 anticipated that this informal contact will continue. I. History of Munsell Color Foundation, 19421974 "Munsell-Spectrophotometric System" as a G.E. Standard, and on October 13 the G.E. Standards Department proposed to the American Standards In 1917, just prior to the death in 1918 of Prof. A. H. Association that industry be given the opportunity Munsell, originator of the Munsell system of color to adopt the Munsell system as an American standard, notation, the A. H. Munsell Color Company was with the spectrophotometer recognized as the primary formed in Boston. In 1921 it was reorganized so that standard for measurement. The spectrophotometer, all of the stock would belong to members of the Mun- through CIE conversions, would provide a primary sell family. At that time the business of the company measurement for any suitably prepared sample, and consisted chiefly of supplying publications, papers, the Munsell system would provide a psychologically charts, and school supplies that would help to illus- scaled notation understandable in terms of visually trate and teach the principles of the Munsell Color equi-stepped scales of hue, value, and chroma. This System and its method of defining color in terms of G.E. request became the basis for what was adopted hue, value, and chroma. The Munsell family supported in 1942 as ASA-Z44-1942. the company chiefly as a memorial to A. H. Munsell. It was in order to remove any suspicion of com- In 1922 the company moved to New York, in- mercialization from the Munsell Color Company that tending to concentrate on the educational field. But Alex Munsell, whose interests after 1929 had turned Prof. Munsell's son, young A. E. O. Munsell—per- in other directions, arranged for the establishment of suaded by his father's friends to leave Harvard Medi- the Munsell Color Foundation, to which the Munsell cal School and take over the direction of the company family turned over their stock and, thereby, the direc- —was more interested in science than in business or tion of policy of the Munsell Color Company. This education. Under his leadership the Munsell family was done after an open and well-attended meeting at established and supported the Munsell Research Lab- which many leaders in the color field confirmed the oratory. It started very simply in New York, but in fact that such a move would be welcome and sup- 1924 moved to Baltimore to be closer to the Bureau of ported. This meeting, held February 25, 1942, in New Standards and to Johns Hopkins University. At that York City, was chaired by Charles G. Page, legal time most of the business relating to school supplies counsel to the Foundation from that day to this. The was turned over to a school supply company in Chi- National Bureau of Standards and the Inter-Society cago, leaving the Munsell company to devote its pri- Color Council each agreed to appoint a Special Trustee mary attention to production of Munsell standard to serve on the original Board of Trustees. Other papers and charts. trustees were appointed to represent a wide variety of Between 1923-27 much significant color research color interests in the scientific, industrial, and educa- was accomplished, supported by funds of the Munsell tional fields, one of them by nomination of the Optical Research Laboratory. The work was carried on under Society of America. All served without remuneration. the general supervision of Irwin G. Priest, in Washing- The Foundation was organized in September 1942 ton at the Bureau of Standards where he was chief of as a nonstock, nonprofit organization, its chief pur- colorimetry, and in Baltimore at the Munsell labora- pose similar to that of the ISCC: "to further the sci- tory. (The work done in this period is reported in two entific and practical advancement of color knowledge histories of the Munsell system, in the December 1940 and in particular knowledge relating to standardiza- Journal of the Optical Society of America, and in 1969 tion, nomenclature, and specification of color, and to in Color Engineering.) On the basis of the work done promote the practical application of these results to in these years, improvements were made in the scales color problems arising in science, art, and industry." A of the Munsell system, and, as a result, a revised atlas further purpose was "to acquire by gift, donation, con- was published in 1929 as the "Munsell Book of tribution, or otherwise, property and assets of every Color." kind; to give, contribute,
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