— 289 - GRIPPE1 1 INFLUENZA1 Europe Europe Bulgarie (information en date du 11 avril 1969). — 2 L’épidémie B ulgaria (information dated 11 April 1969). — 2 The epidemic due au virus A2/Hong Kong/68 est pratiquement terminée à Sofia due to virus A2/Hong Kong/68 is practically finished in Sofia and et régresse rapidement dans le reste du pays. is rapidly decreasing in other parts of the country. Roumanie (information en date du 9 avril 1969). — * Après R omania (information dated 9 April 1969). — 3 The epidemic of avoir atteint son maximum en mars, l’épidémie de grippe A2 influenza A2 in Moldavia, after reaching a peak in March seems observée en Moldavie semble maintenant régresser graduellement. now in gradual decline. All age-groups were affected especially in Tous les groupes d’âge ont été touchés, en particulier dans les rural areas with generally moderate course of illness. secteurs ruraux, mais la maladie a été généralement modérée. Douze souches de virus A2/Hong Kong/68 ont été isolées. Twelve strains of virus A2/Hong Kong/68 were isolated. 1 Notes du Service des Maladies à Virus et du Service de la Surveillance épidé­ 1 Notes from Virus Diseases and Epidemiological Surveillance and Quarantine miologique et de la Quarantaine. Units. s Voir N° 15, p. 250. 2 See No. 15, p. 250. s Voir N° 14, p. 241. 8 See No. 14, p. 241. MALADIES QUARANTENAIRES — QUARANTINABLE DISEASES Territoires infectés au 24 avril 1969 — Infected areas as on 24 April 1969 Notifications reçues aux termes du Règlement sanitaire international Notifications received under the International Sanitary Regulations relating concernant les circonscriptions infectées ou les territoires où la présence to infected local areas and to areas in which the presence of quarantinable de maladies quarantenaires a été signalée (voir page 218). diseases was reported (see page 218). x ™ Nouveaux territoires signalés. X = Newly reported areas. ■ b Circonscriptions ou territoires notifiés aux termes de l'article 3 à la ■ = Areas notified under Article 3 on the date indicated. date donnée. Pour les autres territoires» la présence de maladies quarantenaires a été For the other areas, the presence of quarantinable diseases was notified notifiée aux termes des articles 4, 5 et 9 a) pour la période se terminant à la under Articles 4, 5 and 9 (a) for the period ending on the date indicated. date indiquée. PESTE — PLAGUE Ceara, State i Quang~Tri, Province Bihar, State Guaraciaba do Norte, Quangtri, District . 19.1V Bhagalpur, District . 21.1X.68 Mun..................................... 1. XII. 68 Champarao, District. 29.V1.68 Afrique — Africa Tay-Ninh, Province Dhanbad, District . 23.IX.67 Gaya, D istric t............... 21.IX.6S Tayninh, District .... 12.IV CONGO, RÉP. DÉM./DEM. REP. ÉQUATEUR — ECUADOR Hazaribagh, District . ■ 27.VU.68 Monghyr, District . a 20.VII.68 Orientale, Province . 28.m Chimborazo, Province Thua-Thien Province MuzafTarpur, District . ■ 14.IX.68 Alausi, C anton...................... 15.11 Hué .............................. 19.IV Patna, D istrict............... 7.IX.68 Huongthuy, District . 19.IV Saharsa. District .... b 21.IX.68 MADAGASCAR Chunchi, C an to n .................. l.II Sibambe, Canton . I2.IV Huongira, District . 12.IV Santal Parganas, District b 6.VII.68 Fianarantsoa, Province Phongdien, District . 19.IV Saran, District............... 21.IX.68 Phuloc, District .... 19.IV Shahabad, District . 8.VI.68 Fandriana, S. Préf. Phutu, D istrict............... 5.IV Singhbhum, District . ■ 24.VIU.68 Tsarazaza, Canton . ■ 2. II Phuvang, District .... 15.III Vinhloc, District .... 19.IV Gujarat, State Tananarive, Province Ahmedabad, District . 22.in Arivonimamo, S. Préf. X Baroda, District .... B 15.III Asie — Asia Morafeno, Canton . ■ 23.III Kerala, State Miarinarivo, S. Préf. AJleppey, District.. ■ 30.XI.68 BIRMANIE — BURMA Palgbat, District .... b 19.VIII.68 Analavory, Canton . ■ 9.II Quilon, District .... b 3.VIU.68 Soavinandriana, S. Préf. Mandalay, Division CHOLÉRA — CHOLERA Madhya Pradesh, State Mandalay, District . 5.IV Soavinandriana, Canton . a 23.11 Bilaspur, District .... b 12.IV Asie — Asia Tsiroanomandidy, S. Préf. Maharashtra, State Usiroanomandidy, Canton a 13.IV NÉPAL — NEPAL INDE — INDIA Araravati, District . b 12.IV Buldhana, District . b 12.IV Seti, Zone Ahmedabad (A) .... ■28.XII.68 Nagpur, District .... 29.III ■ Bajhang, D istrict.................. 2.IÏ.68 Calcutta (PA) (excl. A) . 17.ITI.56 X Nanded, District .... 22.III Hyderabad (A )............... ■ 22 .m Paibhani, District . ■ 22.111 ■ Amérique — America Kanpur(A) ................... is.m Sangli, District .... a 18.1 ■ VIET-NAM, REP. Lucknow ( A ) ............... 22.n 1 BOLIVIE — BOLIVIA Madras (PA) (excl. A) ■ 12.VI.65 Mysore, State Nagpur ( A ) ................... B l.H La Paz, Dep. Danang ( P ) .......................... 19.IV Bangalore, District . ■ 5.IV Saigon (excl. P A ).................. 19.IV X Belgaum, District .... ■ 18.IV : Caupolican, Province . 28.III Andhra Pradesh, State Kolar, D istrict............... B 15.11 Dinh-Tuong, Province Chittoor, District .... B 3.IX.66 X Mysore, District .... 29.III b 15.111 BRÉSIL — BRAZIL Cailay, D istrict...................... 29.111 Mahbubnagar, District a 22.IU Raichur, District .... Medak, District .... 22.11 Tumkur, District .... b 5.IV Aiagoas, State Long-Khanh, Province I5.IIT Orissa, State Assam, State C&mpo Grande, Mun. 16.Xn.68 Balasore, District .... b 10.VIII.68 Phu-Yen, Province Santana do Ipanema, Darrang, District . B 15.111 Cuttack, District .... b 18.V.68 Mun................................... 27.Xn.68 Tuy-Hoa, District . 29.III Kamrup, District . B 8.III Puri, District................... b 29.VI.68 290 Pondicherry, Territory THAÏLANDE — THAILAND Santa Cruz, Dep. Zou, Dép. Pondicherry, District . B 7.XII.68 Ichilo, P ro v in c e .................. 1.11.68 Covè-Zagnanado, S. Préf. 14,1 Bangkok (excl. PA) . 12.IV Warn es, Province.................. 28.U1.68 Tamil Nadu Bangkok (Phranakhon), (ex Madras), State Province Chingîeput, District . a 10.VIII.68 Bangkhen, District . , 5.IV ÉTHIOPIE — ETHIOPIA a 21.V.5Î Coimbatore, District . ■ 31.VIII.68 COLOMBIE — COLOMBIA Madurai, District .... B 12.XII.64 Ratchburi, Province B Boyaca, Dep. North Arcot, District . 9.XI1.67 Dammoensaduak, D. 12.IV Ramanathapuram, District a 26.X.68 Photharam, District . 5.IV Otanche, Mun......................... 26.XII.68 KENYA Salem, D istrict............... B 16.VI1.66 South Arcot,-District . ■ 16.X1.68 Santander, Dep. Samut Prakan, Province Kisumu (PA) (excl. A) . 22.m Thanjavur, District . a 16.XI.68 Jesu Maria, Mun. 26.XI.68 TiruchirapaUi, District a 20.1.68 Bangbo, District .... 5.IV Eastern Province Tirunelveli, District . ■ 26.X.68 Lebrija, Mun........................... 28;XL68 Bangphii, District . 15.111 Rionegro, Mun....................... 23.XII.68 Phrapradaeng, District . 12.IV Meru, C o u n ty ............... 22.III Tripura, Terr. ■ 18.1 Samut Prakan, District . 22.1 II Nyanza, Province Uttar Pradesh, State Samut Sakhon, Province Kisti, C o u n ty ......................22.H1 PÉROU — PERU Gonda, District .... a 22.m Banphraeo, District . 8.IH 15.111 Kanpur, District .... Ayacucho, Dep. X Lucknow, District . 29.m Samut Songkhram, Province a X Huanta, Province.................. 24.m MALAWI Rae Bareli, District . 22.III Amphawa, District . 12.IV Unnao, District .... a 8.IV Bangkhonthi, District . 5 .IV Central Region......................12.IV Samut Songkhram, District . 29.III Southern Region ...... 1.111 West Bengal, State Howrah, District .... a 25.11.67 Songkh!at Province SURINAM 24-Parganas, District . a 25.11.67 Ranot, D istrict................ s.in NIGER Songkhla, District . 15.III Suriname, District . 6.XI.68 Maradi, Dép. Suphanburiy Province Tessaoua, Arr............... 2UI MALAISIE — MALAYSIA Bangplama, District . 22.HI Tahoua, Dép. West Malaysia Thonburi, Province Tahoua, Arr. .... RDI Kelantan, State T h o n b u ri....................... 12.IV X Bachok, HUh. D. J9.IV Zinder, Dép. X Kota Bharu, Hlth. D. 19.IV Gouré, Arr.................... 28.UI Pasir Mas, Hlth. D. ■ 12.IV Magaria, Arr. .... 14.ID Matamèye, Arr. 7.111 NÉPAL — NEPAL NIGÉRIA — NIGERIA a 6.Ü.5? Katmandu (A ) ......................... 20.VII.68 VARIOLE — SMALLPOX Bheri, Zone RHODÉSIE DU SUD Bardia, D is tr ic t.................. 27.X.68 FIÈVRE JAUNE — YELLOW FEVER SOUTHERN RHODESIA Afrique — Africa Sagarmatha, Zone Manicaland (ex Eastern), Province Sihra, D istric t...................... 27.X.68 Afrique — Africa . 9.m Buhera, District .... 26.11 AFRIQUE DU SUD ANGOLA ....................... ■ 27.V.59 SOUTH AFRICA Matabeleland (ex Western), Province . 3.HI PAKISTAN Orange Free State, Province East Pakistan CONGO, RÉP. DÉM./DEM. REP. Verde, D istrict...................... 5.III Chittagong, Division SIERRA LEONE Territoire situé au nord du Transvaal, Province Commilla (Tippera), D. 25.1 Freetown (PA) (excl. A) . a I5.IV.67 Sylhet, D i s t r i c t ...................25.1 10° S. — Territory North Bethai, D istrict...................... 18.IV of 10» S............................. ■ 11.XII.56 MiddJeburg, District . 5.III Western Area Pietersburg, District . 24.1 (excl. Bonthe (P)) . a 22.IV.67 Dacca, Division Springs, D is tric t.................. 3 l.IU Eastern Province .... a ll.XH.6i Northern Province Dacca, D. GHANA ....................... ■ I.X.56 (excl. Freetown airport) a 15.X.66 (excl. Dacca (A)) . 1 .III Southern Province . a J5.IV.67 Faridpur, District . 25.1 BURUNDI Khulna, Division NIGERIA — NIGERIA m 1.X.56 X Bakerganj, District . l.III Bujumbura, Province
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