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Results Query Domains (original links) Unique One of the five sessions contained analytical chemistry - Unique A second session was devoted to the theme of biochemistry - Unique The third and fourth session were dedicated to physical and material chemistry - 2 results The fifth session was concerned with chemical education researchgate.net publikasiilmiah.ums.ac.id 2 results These Proceedings present the permanent documentation of what was presented researchgate.net publikasiilmiah.ums.ac.id Unique We are also indebted to those who served as chairmen - researchgate.net data.conferenceworld.in aip.scitation.org data.conferenceworld.in ndt.net 18 results Without their support, the conference could not have been the success that it was iopscience.iop.org rd.springer.com ndt.net conferenceworld.in iopscience.iop.org Unique Farook Adam, Universiti Sains Malaysia Prof - Unique Tambunan, BambangTriseno 285 Determination of Glabridin in Licorice Root (Glycyrrhiza glabra - Unique ) Using High Performance Liquid Chromatography Faridah, Siti Umrah Noor, Rahmawati - Unique Farid Rahman, Hideki Okamoto 326 Blood Chemistry Data Base of Kedu Chicken - Unique Roesyadi, Sumarno 341 Chemical Constituent of DCM Extract and Neutral-Acid Fraction of Voacangafoetida (Bl - Unique ) and Meniran (Phyllanthus niruri Linn - Unique ) Herbs Extracts in Oxonate-Induced Mice Muhtadi, Andi Suhendi, Nurcahyanti W., EM - Unique cerevisiae biomass was result by heating of biomass in the medium on 80:C - Unique cerevisiaebiomass into clay was done by mixing ofratio ofS - Unique Characterization of functional groups of clay, fractionated clay (FC), - Unique cerevisiaebiomass (SCB) as well as clay immobilized - Unique cerevisiae biomass (FC@CSB) were conducted by FTIR spectrophotometer - Unique 21.648, and 9.897 kJ/mol, recpectively - Unique Lead (Pb) and cobalt (Co) is a highly toxic heavy metal - Unique Thus adsorbent should have the properties typical layer according to the type of adsorbate - Unique One of it is the biomass of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Amaria, 2007) - Unique cerevisiae as biosorbents in metal biosorption, the forms of - Unique cerevisiae in biosorption research, biosorptive capacity of - Unique cerevisiae, the selectivity and competitive biosorption by - Unique cerevisiae were reviewed in detail by Wang and Chen (2009) - Unique However, microbial biomass has several drawbacks - Unique To overcome this problem, immobilizing of biomass of - Unique cerevisiae biomass is a natural inorganic material, such as clay - Unique Methodology Materials Pure isolates of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Potatoes Dextrose Agar (PDA, - Unique Merck), hydrochloric acid (HCl 37%, - Unique Merck), nitric acid (HNO 3 56%, - Unique Merck), potassium permanganate (KMnO 4 , - Unique Merck), pH indicator paper (Macherey-Nagel), Whatmann filter paper (No - Unique Merck), aquabidest, and distilled water - Unique cerevisiae A total of 2 tubes of pure isolates of - Unique Fractionation clay Clay was cleaned and sieved with a 200 mesh sieve - Unique cerevisiae biomass on Fractionated Clay Immobilization of - Unique cerevisiae biomass on clay was made by mixing biomass - Unique Adsorbent then stirred for 24 hours and filtered with Whatmann filter paper - Unique cerevisiae biomass (SCB) and clay immobilized - Unique The mixture was then shaken at 175 rpm with a room temperature - Unique No pH adjustment was made for all batch adsorption experiment - researchgate.net proteomique.ulaval.ca 5 results Reaction was allowed to proceed for 60 minutes at room temperature freepatentsonline.com freepatentsonline.com Unique Adsorption Isotherm Equilibrium isotherms were obtained from batch adsorption experiments - Unique cerevisiae to produce the propagation of pure isolates - Unique cerevisiae biomass was obtained by heating - Unique Based on research conducted by Tyagi et - Unique Immobilization of biomass into clay was made by mixing biomass of - Unique cerevisiae immobilized on clay - Unique Figure 1 (A) shows the infrared spectrum of clay - Unique The presence of siloxane group (Si-O-Si) seen in the peak 1026 cm 1 - Unique The peak at 694 cm 1 indicated stretching vibration of Si- - Unique Peak 532 and 470 cm 1 is bending vibration of Si-O- Si - Unique This result is supported by Yu et - Unique The infrared spectrum of fractionated clay (FC) was shown at Figure 1 (B) - Unique Figure 1 (C) shows the infrared spectrum of - Unique the peak at 2931 cm 1 is C-H symmetric stretching vibration band of CH - Unique The peak at 1409 cm 1 is stretching vibration band of C-O - Unique FTIR spectra (A) Clay (labelled as Clay), (B) Fractionated Clay (labelled as FC), (C) - Unique cerevisiae biomass (labelled as SCB), (D) Clay immobilized - Unique cerevisiae 5:25 (labelled as FC@SCB-1) and (E) Clay immobilized - Unique cerevisiae 5:50 (labelled as FC@SCB-2), using KBr pellets - Unique cerevisiae biomass 5:25 (FC@SCB- 1) and clay immobilized - Unique cerevisiae biomass 5:50 (FC@SCB-2), respectively - Unique E spectrum shows several wave number shift - Unique peak at 3425 to 3448 cm 1 is the carboxilic (OH) group - Unique peak at 2337 to 2291 cm 1 is NH group - Unique Through these FTIR results we use adsorbent clay immobilized - Unique cerevisiae biomass 5:50 (FC@SCB-2) instead of clay immobilized - Unique cerevisiae biomass 5:25 (FC@SCB-1) - Unique P a g e | 175 This Proceedings©Chemistry Department, FSM, Diponegoro University 2015 - Unique The Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption isotherm parameters are given in Table - Unique (A) Adsorption isotherm of Pb 2+ on clay, SCB and FC@SCB - Unique (B) Adsorption isotherm of Co 2+ on clay, SCB and FC@SCB Table - Unique (A) Adsorption kinetics of Pb(II) on FC, SCB and FC@SCB - Unique Bhatnagar, A & Sillanpaa, M., (2009) - Unique Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 152: 26-38 - Unique Z.,Chahboub,A.,Haddoum,S.,Sela tnia,A.,&Junter,G - AnInvestigationofCu(II)AdsorptionbyRaw andAcid-activated Bentonite: A CombinedPotentiometric, Unique - Thermodynamic,XRD,IR,DTAStudy,JournalofHazardou sMaterials,151:682–691 Unique Fahmiati, Mashuni, Alimin, & Amiruddin - Unique Separation of Heavy Metals Technology by Utilizing Biomass of - 1 results Hardiani H, Kardiansyah T, & Sugesty jurnal.untad.ac.id Unique Bioremediation Lead (Pb) in Contaminated Soil Waste Paper Sludge Process Industries deinking - Unique Jurnal Selulosa, 1(1), June 2011: 31 – 41 - Unique K., Karnawati, D., Sarto, Putra, - Unique K.,Chowdhury,P., Bhattacharya,A - Unique Novel Biofiltration Methods for the Treatment of Heavy Metals from Industrial Wastewater, - Heavy Metal Bioremoval by Microorganisms: A Literature Study, (ISTECS)-Chapter Japan, Kagoshima University Unique - 890-0065, Japan Unique Fundamentals of Soil Chemistry, Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta - sciencedirect.com researchgate.net rvjstudypdf.files.wordpress.com deepdyve.com 3,990 results Bacterial Biosorbents and Biosorption researchgate.net scirp.org scribd.com scirp.org link.springer.com en.wikipedia.org Unique BiotechnologyAdvances, 26: 266-291 - Unique Wang, G,, Liu J., Wang, X., Xie, Z., & Deng - Unique Adsorption of Uranium(VI) from Aqueous Solution onto Cross-linked Chitosan - Unique Hazardous Materials, 168: 1053-1058 - Unique Widaningrum, Miskiyah & Suismono - Unique Dangers of Heavy Metal Contamination in Vegetables and Alternative Prevention Cemarannya - Unique Bulletin of Agricultural Postharvest Technology Vol - Unique 3 2007(cited 26 january 2012 11:45WITA) - (UNNES), Sebelas Maret University (UNS) and Jenderal Soedirman University (UNSOED) Grand Candi Hotel, 1 results publikasiilmiah.ums.ac.id Semarang, 12-13 Unique Green Chemistry: Proceedings of The 9 th Joint Conference on Chemistry Editor: Dwi Hudiyanti, Agustina - Unique very pleased to introduce The 9th Joint Conference on Chemistry (9th JCC) held by Diponegoro - four universities in Central Java: Diponegoro University (UNDIP), Semarang State University (UNNES), Sebelas Maret 2 results researchgate.net publikasiilmiah.ums.ac.id University Unique The growing of environmental problems that persist to escalate worldwide has compelled us to - 2 results We had 10 plenary speakers, 10 invited speakers and over 120 suitable papers from researchgate.net publikasiilmiah.ums.ac.id ec.europa.eu publications.europa.eu niqs.org.ng ndt.net data.conferenceworld.in 12 results specific theme, to provide each paper with sufficient time for presentation and to accommodate all publications.jrc.ec.europa.eu ndt.net researchgate.net researchgate.net publikasiilmiah.ums.ac.id 2 results These were well represented in the program of the conference and were clearly topics researchgate.net publikasiilmiah.ums.ac.id Unique The programs were chaired in a professional and efficient way by the session chairmen - Unique All the papers went through a peer-review procedure prior to being accepted for publication - Unique They indicated the state of advancement at the time of writing of all aspects - 2 results As a final point, it is appropriate that we record our thanks to our researchgate.net publikasiilmiah.ums.ac.id Unique We also would like to express our sincere gratitude to all authors for their - Unique We are thankful to
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