298 S, ALBANS AND HERTS .\RCIIITECTURAL AND .\RClllEOLOGil'AL SOCIETY. (!bencral :Wetting ycl~ at tge ~crhi (J!;onntu En5rnm, .on j'rihau, 15tl] jl!tarrlJ, 190 I. Present-Rev. G. H.P. Glossop, in the chair; numerous members of the Society, and others, and the Hon. Secretaries. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. Mr. F. G. Kitton read his paper on ''The Clock Tower, St. Albans,'' which was followed by a discussion. \VALTER J. LAWRANCE. 'QGgc innunl Euting of tgc ~oridy b.nrn gtlb nt tgc ltrfo QLouuty Emstum, on ~ebnrnbny, 22nh ipril, 1901, nt 8.30 p.m. Present-The Very Rev. the Dean of St. Albans, in the chair; Messrs. Morgan, Toulmin, Clarkson, Tarte, Wilton Hall, Gibbs, the Hon. Secretaries, and others. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. Mr. Kitton made a statement as to the subscription-list for the Lewis Evans Collection of Topographical Prints, and reported that there was nuw only £22 needed to complets the required sum of £300. Mr. Toulmin, as treasurer, presented the balance-sheet, which was duly passed on the proposal of Mr. Ekins, seconded by Mr. Morgan. The followiug gentlemen were elected as the officers and committee of tho Society for the ensuing year :-President, 'fhe Very Rev. the Dean of St. Albans; Vice-Presidents, Lord Cranborne, Sir John Evans, K.C.B., Lord Verulam, Canon Davys, M.A., Mr. E. N. Wix, MA.; Committee, Mr. W. Carey l\Jorgan, B.A., Mr. F. G. Kitton, 320 S, ALBANS AND llERTS ARCHITECTURAL AND -~RCHAlOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Rev. G. H. P. Glossop, M.A., Mr. F. Kinneir Tarte, M.S.A., Mr. Charles Johnson, M.A., Mr. A. E. Gibbs, F.L.S., Mr. Charles Ashdown, F.R.G.S., and Mr. V. H. W. Wingrave, MD.; Hon. Treasurer, Mr. H. J. Toulmin, J.P.; Hon. Secretaries, Mr. W. Page, F.S.A., Mr. R J. Hillier, M.R.C.S., and Mrs. M. C. Knight; Hon. Auditor, Mr. G. N. Marten, J.P. Mr. Johnson read a paper on " Some account of a Financial House in the 14th Century." H. R. Fox BouRNE. THE LESSER DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE OF IIERTFORDSHlRE. 357 ®tncral ;IDcding 9£1.b at t~c ~trili <ibouut!.J ;Rlnstnm, on J!lob1mbtr lst, 1901, at 8.30 p.m. Present-Mr. H. R. Fox Bourne, in the chair; also Messrs. F. W. Kinneir Tarte, A. F. Smith, G. Gaffe, C. H. Ashdown ; W. Page, R. J. Hillier, and Mrs. Knight, Hon. Secretaries, and many others. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. The following new members were duly elected :-Mr. J. Woolman, proposed by Mr. 'Vhitford Anderson. Mr. A. Montiville Evans, proposed by Mr. R. J. Hillier. M1'. J. Blake, proposed by Mr. H. J. Toulmin. Mr. J. J. Ford, proposed by Mr. G. Gaffe. Rev. G. Edwards, proposed by Dr. Wingrave. Rev. H. Worthington, proposed by l\Ir. A. E. Ekins. Mr. F. Beal, proposed by Mr. F. ,V, Kinneir Tarte. Mr. A J. Rhodes, proposed by Mr. H. J. Toulmin. Mr. Walter Millard, proposed by Mr. F. G. Kitton. Mr. J. Denker, proposed by Mr. R. J. Hillier. Mr. W. Fisk, proposed by Mr. 'Vhitford Anderson. Mr. R. Seymour Fannin, proposed by Mr. R. J. Hillier. Mr. and Mrs. Henderson, proposed by Mr. R. J. Hillier. Mr. Ernest Hart, proposed by Mr. F. G. Kitton. Mrs. Horace Slade, proposed by Dr. Wingrave. Miss Brown, proposed by Mrs. Knight. Miss Crowdy, proposed by l\Irs. Knight. Mrs. Masters, proposed by Dr. Wingrave. Miss E. S. Wolfe, proposed by Mr. R. J. Hillier. Mr. A. Whitford Anderson then read his paper upon:-" The Lesser Domestic Architecture of Hertfordshire." The lecture proved extremely int.eresting, and opened up many new P,hannels for research. It was extremely well illustrated by very beautiful lantern-slides made by Mr. Whitford Anderson himself, and which showed what a vast amount of work had been gone through in preparing them. At the conclusion, a very hearty vote of thanks was passed to Mr. A. Whitford Anderson for his most interesting lecture, and also to Mr. C. H. Ashdown for so kindly managing the lantern. w. W!GRAM. 374 S. ALBANS AXD HERTS ARCHITECTURAL AXD ARCH./EOLOGICAL SOCIETY. <!l>tntrnl IDrcting l,lrlb at tgc ~crb OLotrnty !lmicum, on Jcbrmuy 27tg, 1902, at 8.30 p.m. Present-Rev. Canon 'IVigram, in the chair; also Messrs. S. Flint Clarkson, F. G. Kitton, C. H. Ashdown, J. Henderson, J. T. Knight, J. ~icholson, A. Bickley, 'IVilton Hall, J. Blake, Mrs. Clarkson, Mrs. Henderson; Mr. 'IV. Page, Mr. R. J. Hillier, and Mrs. Knight, Hon. Secretaries. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. The following uew members were elected :-Mr. Bakewell, St. Albans, proposed by Dr. Wingrave. Mrs. Bakewell, St. Albans, proposed by Dr. 'IVingrave. Mr. J. D. Herbert Gordon, St. Albans, proposed by Mr. R. J. Hillier. Mr. Charles Johnson read a paper on "The Elements of Heraldry," which proved to be most interesting, and which was followed closely by the audience. He showed numerous lantern-slides, many of them prepared by Mr. F. 'IV. Kinneir Tarte, illustrating the various tinctures and ordinaries, and also examples of q uarterings with their sig11ificances. Subsequently Mr. Johnson exhibited a set of slides made from ancient seals, showing the way in which the various charges were used. Mr. C. H. Ashdown kindly manipulated the lantern. It was proposed by Rev. Canon Vl'igram, and seconded by Mr. 'IV. Page, that a very hearty vote of thanks should be accorded to Mr. C. Johnson f"r his lecture, and to Mr. F. W. Kinneir Tarte for making the slides, and this was carried. Mr. Wilton Hall made some * Architectural Review, Aug., 1899. PltOOEEDINGS, 375 <!Dcntral :[lccting :!Jclb at t:!Je ~crts (J];ountu ftlnscum, on Earr:!J 13t:!J, 1902, at 8.30 p.m. Present-W. Carey Morgan, Esq., in the chair; also Messrs. F. G. Kitton, F. ,V, Kinneir Tarte, C. H. Ashdown, A. F. Smith, V. T. Hodgson, E. Stanley Kent, ,V, R. L. Lowe, J. Henderson, F. Hilvester, Wilton Hall, J. T. Knight, Dr. 'Vingrave, Mrs. Tarte, Mrs. Hine, Mrs. Horace Slade, Mrs: Wingrave; ,V, Page and R. J. Hillier, Hon. Secretaries, and many others. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. Mr. W. T. Hillier, proposed by Mr. Ashdown, and seconded by Mr. '£arte, was elected as a new member. Mr. Kitton then read a short paper on the methods employed in producing medirnval mural paintings, and described the paintings recently uncovered at the "\Vhite Hart," on Holywell Hill; his paper being illustrated by lantern-slides. Mr. Victor T. Hodgson described some mural paintings recently uncovered in the Hall at Rothamstead, showing slides and photographs of them. Mr. F. W. Kinneir Tarte gave a short description of some mural paintings in an old house at Royston, and showe1l tracings taken therefrom, which he offered to the Museum, ''hich offer was at once accepted by l\fr. Page. A discussion followed, in which Mr. Carey Morgan referred to the numbers of interesting paintings still existing. Dr. Wingrave also spoke about the dates of the different paintings. Mr. Tarte referred to the mural paintings in the gatehouse of the old Palace at Hatfield, and suggested that all such works should be copied, and the copies lodged in the Museum. Mr. Hodgson and Mr. ,V. Page made suggestions with regard to the dates and artists of the paintings ; and l\Ir. Ashdown pointed out some peculiarities in the armour of the Rothamstead pictures which might help to fix the date. A hearty vote of thanks was accordecl to the Lecturers on the proposal of l\Ir. Carey Morgan, seconded by Mr. Silvest.er, for the very interesting papers read ; and to l\Ir. Ashdown for workmg the lantern. l\Ir. \Vilton Hall subsequently asked some questions concerning the proposed Archrc.ological Survey of Hertfordshire, which were answerccl by Mr. F. G. K1tton. A. E. EKINS. 386 S ALBAXS AND IIERTS ARCHITECTURAL AXD ARCIT.IEOLOG!CAL SOCIETY· i[,gc ;\nnnal ®cnrral !luting of tge jodd!! fuali ydh at 1Qc lli,ountu lllnlicnm, St. ~lbanli, on ~l)'ril 24tll, 1902, at 3.0 l)'.m. Present-The Mayor of St. Albans (Mr. A. E. Ekins) in the chair; also Messrs. H. J. Toulmin, F. Silvester, F. G. Kitton; R. J. Hillier and Mrs. Knight, Hon. Secretaries. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. The Hon. Treasurer, Mr. H. J. Toulmin, presented the balance­ sheet, which was considered very satisfactory, and was passed by the meeting, and ordered to be printed in the next volume of Transactions, on the motion of Mr. Silvester, seconded by Mr. Kitton. PROCEEDINGS. 387 The Hon. Recretaries presented an account of the progress of the Society, which was also considered to be satisfactory. The officers for the ensuing year, as suggested by the Committee, were :-President: The Very Rev. the Dean of St. Albans. Vice­ Presidents: Lord Cranborne, Sir John Evans, Lord Verulam, Canon Davys, and Mr. E. N. vVix. Committee: Rev. G. FI. P. Glossop, Mr. F. \V. Kinneir Tarte, Mr. Charles Johnson, Mr. A. E. Gibbs, Mr. C. H. Ashdown, Dr. Wyatt \\'ingrave, Mr. S. Flint Clarkson, and Mr. A. J. Rhodes. Hon. Treasurer: Mr. H. J. Toulmin. Hon. Secretaries: l\fr. \V. Page, Mr. R. J. Hillier, and l\Irs. M. C. Knight. Hon. Auditor: Mr. G. N. Marten. On the motion of l\Ir. Toulmin, seconded by l\Ir. Silvester, these officers were unanimously elected.
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