bindex.qxd 06/21/04 3:16 PM Page 297 Printed from PDF index alcohol. See whisky Ash Hollow, massacre at, 47–48, 50, 65, Alcord, Captain Henry, 252 66 Algonquin peoples, 11, 13 Ashley, Susan, 90 Alights on the Cloud, Chief, 34–35 Augar, Brigadier General C. C., 224, annuity goods, 66, 92–93, 95, 133–134, 228–229 205, 206, 207, 209, 210, 230–231, Auraria settlement, 69–70, 76 234 stealing of by white agents, 100, 102, Bear Feather, Chief, 43 106 Bear Man, 53, 164 Antelope Skin, 112 Bear Shield, 243 Anthony, Major Scott J., 120, 134, 167, Beckwourth, Jim, 76, 148, 154, 181 183 Beecher Island, Battle of, 236–237 as commander of Fort Lyon, 141, Bent, Charles, 62, 63, 159, 176, 210, 142, 143–144, 172, 173 218, 219, 227 deceitfulness of, 143–144 Bent, George, 9, 10, 14, 29, 32, 62, 82, investigation of Sand Creek Massacre 102, 111, 121, 127, 129, 134, 136, and, 180 176, 177, 205–206, 210, 216, 217, Sand Creek Massacre and, 145, 234, 252 150–156, 159, 162, 168 marriage to Magpie, 205 Arapahoes, 23, 26–30, 77, 89, 90–91, Medicine Lodge council and Treaty 93, 258 and, 218, 219, 221, 226, 227, 231 along Washita River valley, 237–238 photograph of, 85 Confederacy and, 94–96 Sand Creek Massacre and, 154, 156, Fort Wise Treaty of 1861 and, 77–83, 158–159, 163, 164, 166 99–100 Bent, Robert, 81, 102, 154, 160 incursion of whites on land and Bent, William, 22, 29, 55, 69, 77, 89, resources of, 71–74 95, 122–123, 124, 143, 197, 204, Little Arkansas Treaty of 1865, 209, 210 202–204 background of, 62–63 Medicine LodgeCOPYRIGHTED council and Treaty. Council MATERIAL on the Little Arkansas and, See Medicine Lodge council and 201 Treaty Fort Wise Treaty of 1861 and, 79–80 Northern. See Northern Arapahoes as intermediary, 62–64, 72–74, 75–76 Southern, the Cloud People. photograph of, 85 See Southern Arapahoes, the Bent’s Fort, 22, 23, 29, 55, 61, 62 Cloud People Bent’s New Fort, 63, 76, 77, 78 Treaty of Horse Creek and, 33, 66 Big Crow, 175, 176 Washington trip by chiefs of, Big Head, Chief, 36, 37, 207 100–101 Big Man, 245 Arikaras, 14, 23 Big Mouth, Chief, 81, 204, 240 297 bindex.qxd 06/21/04 3:16 PM Page 298 Printed from PDF 298 index Black, Ben, 250 reported killed at Sand Creek, 162, Black Bear, wife of, 160 167, 192 Black Eagle, Chief, 179, 225, 252 rites of passage, 19–20, 22 Blackfoot tribes, 23 Sand Creek Massacre and, 146–166, Black Hawk War, 190 167, 172–173 Black Kettle second wife, 205–206 American flag waved at Sand Creek travel prior to Washita attack, by, 147–148, 156 239–247 betrayal of, 2, 151, 172, 199 trip of Cheyennes chiefs to birth of, 4, 5, 9, 14, 15 Washington and, 101 Camp Weld meeting of 1864 and, Washita River attack, 247–259 135–144, 261 as young warrior, 2, 20, 21–43, 53–55 Cheyenne War of 1864 and, 111, Black Kettle Museum, 189, 262 117–127 Black Kettle National Grasslands, childhood of, 15–20 262–263 “coming through the fire,” 260–261, Black Shin, 219, 232 263 Black White Man, Chief, 196, 204, 219, Confederacy and, 94–96, 192–193 232 Council on the Little Arkansas and, Blinn, Clara, 258 197–208 Blue Horse, 205 Custer’s attack on Washita River Blunt, Major General James G., village of, 247–259 134–135, 141 death and remains of, 2, 9, 249, 252, Boone, Albert, 63, 77, 81, 82, 89–90, 253–254, 262 92–94, 100 discussions with Wynkoop and, Boston Journal, 71 129–133 Boulder County, Colorado, 70–71 Dog Soldiers’ threats against life of, Bowen, Lieutenant Leavitt L., 154, 162 221, 229, 230 Bowstring Soldiers, 19, 21, 23, 24, 28, family heritage, 9–10, 14 29, 31, 178 Fort Wise Treaty of 1861 and, 78, Brave Bear, Chief, 44–45 81–82, 93, 95, 104–105 Brave Wolf, 110 Fox Tail incident and, 211–212 Bridger, Jim, 22, 33 Hazen and, 239–242 Buchanan, James, 73, 78, 88 health of, 104 buffalo, 5, 23, 83, 178, 213 historical sites, 262–263 Cheyenne hunting of, and their legacy of, 261–263 livelihood, 4, 5, 11–13, 14, 19–20, Little Arkansas Treaty and, 204, 24–25, 100, 101–102, 104, 136, 209–210, 212–213 200, 204, 205, 233, 238 major events in life of, 256 dissipation of population of, 31, 55, named a member of Council of 65, 67, 72, 92, 106, 233 Forty-four, 43 Fort Wise Treaty lands and, 104 painting of, 189 Medicine Lodge Treaty and hunting as peace advocate, 2, 31, 61, 62–69, of, 227, 231–232 75, 78, 108, 122–123, 126–132, Northern Cheyenne and, 74 143, 174, 178, 194–208, 219, 221, numbers of, in nineteenth century, 11 229, 230, 260, 261–262, 263 prophesy of disappearance of, 65 photographs of, 84 Treaty of Horse Creek and, 33 as prophet, 217, 261 Buffalo Chief, 232 bindex.qxd 06/21/04 3:16 PM Page 299 Printed from PDF index 299 Buffalo Goad, Chief, 216–217, 218 first contact with white people, 14–15 Buffalo Hat. See Sacred Medicine Hat gender roles, 7, 8 Bull Bear, 84, 120, 129, 133, 138, 140, geographic range of, 11, 13, 15 213–214 horse’s introduction to, 13 Medicine Lodge council and Treaty incursion of whites on land and and, 219, 223, 231–232 resources of, 67, 69–74 Treaty of the Little Arkansas and, last stand for, 258 205, 206, 207, 209 military societies, 21 war parties, 210 name origin, 11 Bull Shield, 49 as nomadic people, 4, 68 Bull Telling Tales, 110, 111 Northern. See Northern Cheyennes Bull That Hears, 178, 204 religion in life of, 17, 19 Bureau of Indian Affairs, 69, 76, 77, Southern. See Southern Cheyennes 100, 193–194, 197, 201, 209 “wolves” or scouts, 9, 24–25, 35, 58, Butterfield, David A., 210 59 Butterfield Stage route, 204, 205 Cheyenne War of 1864, 110–145 Byers, William, 183 attempt to separate friendly Indians from hostile Indians, 123–124, 185 Caddoes, 101 Camp Weld peace council, 135–144 Cahill, Lynn, 189 events triggering, 108–120 Camp Collins, 124 Chicksaws, 94 Camp Sanborn, 114 Chippewa, 11, 13 Camp Supply, 239, 242 Chivington, Colonel John M., 96, Camp Weld, 92, 117 98–99, 105, 117, 129, 254 peace council of 1864 at, 84, atrocities at Sand Creek and, 162–163 135–144, 172–173, 261 attempts by officers to prevent Sand Cannon, Lieutenant James D., 160, 181 Creek attack by, 151–153, 161, 167, Carr, Dorkas Bent, 63 180 Carr, Major Eugene, 258 attitude toward Indians, 114, Carson, Kit, 22, 180, 197 129–130, 151, 153 cattle, incidents triggered by alleged Camp Weld meeting of 1864 and, theft of, 108–110, 113–114 135–144, 172–173 Cherokees, 94 cattle theft incident and, 109 Cherokee Trail, 71, 72 Cheyenne War of 1864 and, 112, Cheyenne Autumn (Sandoz), 261 114, 121, 123, 191–192 Cheyennes, 93 congressional investigation of actions buffalo and. See buffalo, Cheyenne at Sand Creek of, 162, 171 hunting of, and their livelihood death of Silas Soule and, 181, 183 ceremonies, 14, 17–19, 34 Eayre and, 120 cholera and, 32 enforcement of Fort Wise Treaty, clashes with the white man in 1850s, 103 44–61 investigation of actions at Sand clothing of, 4–5, 6 Creek, 179–184 Council of Forty-four. See Council of Leavenworth and, 191–192 Forty-four march to Sand Creek, 148–150, 154 courtship and marriage among, 6–7 photograph of, 87 daily camp life of, 4–9 removal of Plains Indians and, 103, earthen lodges of, 11, 12 106–107 bindex.qxd 06/21/04 3:16 PM Page 300 Printed from PDF 300 index Chivington, Colonel John M. (continued) 1st Colorado Cavalry (“Bloodless reporting on outcome of Sand Creek Third”) at Sand Creek Massacre, Massacre, 167–170 148, 169, 180 Sand Creek Massacre and, 144, 1st Colorado Volunteers, 92, 95, 106, 145–184, 262 110 Chivington, Martha Rollason, 98 formation of, 91–92 Choctaws, 94 investigation of actions at Sand cholera, 32, 97 Creek, 160, 162, 171, 179–184, Civil War, 61, 94–100, 107, 117, 129, 191, 192 192–193 La Glorieta battle, 95–96, 98, 191 raids on white settlements by Native opposition among the officers to Americans during, 89–91 Sand Creek Massacre, 151–152, Clark, Watson, 145, 252 161, 167, 180 Sand Creek Massacre and, 147, 150, Sand Creek Massacre and, 144, 159 146–184 Clark, William, 14–15 2nd Colorado Volunteers, 97–98 Clear Creek County, Colorado, 71 Soule and. See Soule, Captain Silas Colley, Dexter, 100, 102, 128, 180, 3rd Colorado Cavalry (“Bloody 181–182 Thirdsters”), 148, 170, 171 Colley, Samuel G., 93, 100, 102, 106, training of, 92 108, 114, 124, 133, 137, 144 Colyer, Vincent, 252 Black Kettle’s letter of 1864 to, 127, Comanches, the Rattlesnake People, 23, 128, 186 25–30, 77, 89, 93, 124 investigation of Sand Creek Massacre along Washita River valley, 237–238 and, 180 Medicine Lodge council and Treaty Sand Creek Massacre and, 153, 163, and. See Medicine Lodge council 182 and Treaty Colorado Territory Sand Creek survivors and, 178–179 Cheyenne War of 1864. See Washington trip by chiefs of, 101 Cheyenne War of 1864 Confederacy. See Civil War during the Civil War, 89–100 Cook, Captain Samuel H., 153 defense of, during Civil War, 91–92 Cossitt, Lieutenant C.
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