WOMAN'S TRIBUTE NIGHT TO GREAT WAR VETERANS Programme MASSEY HALL, TORONTO THURSDAY, NOV. £t) 1916 ASfSociatiorv of Canada PrM«i«»/-SERGT.-MAJ. WM. ROWE WHITTON Vice-President—FTE. C. E. HAIGHT Secretary—SERGT. H. S. MEREDITH, 507 Clinton St. Treasurer—SERGT. CHAS. J. FOX. 5 Woodycrest Ave. Firtancial SecretarySERGT. W. J. ADDY. 380 Broadview Ave. Executive Committee : SERGT. W. E. TURLEY. CORP. D. D. SHAW, CORP. S. HOWES, CORP. W. WESLEY CORP. C. WEBB. CORP. C. DYCE. PTE. W. J. PLATT 'Why 'We Ask Yo\ir Aid [HE first two thousand sick and wounded soldiers of the Canadian Expeditionary Force have already re- turned from the battlefields of Flanders to the Toronto military district. Three hundred invalided men of the Imperial Forces have now settled in this district. Thousands more of the men who have helped to save Canada from the horrors of invasion by meeting the Hun in Europe will return to this district. The Great War Veterans hope to provide a club- house and headquarters for those men so that they can gather with their battle bonded comrades when the spirit moves them. With the aid of the women of Toronto and district, suitable premises will be provided. Fifty thousand men have gone from this district to fight for your freedom across the sea. Thousands of them will return and need a helping hand. The Great War Veterans hope to give them the aid they will need. But the clubhouse and headquarters is intended to serve more than the social needs of the returned men. It is to be the local head- quarters for all men who fought for the cause ot humanity, wherein practical means of helping the returned men will be devised and put to the test. The organizers of this movement feel that no one is better able to care for the returned soldiers than the returned soldiers themselves. We are, and intend to remain, clear of any entangling alliance with any political and other organization, our aim and object being to do all that lies in our power for the war scarred man who needs a friend to help him on the way, a friend who knows and fully understands all that he has suffered to keep Canada free. Page One ! Stanky & Ayluiarb ^ Manufacturers of Military Badges, Titles, Crest Swaggers, Canes and Crops .'. Special Designs submitted on application 53 RICHMOND ST. EAST 518 ST. CATHERINE ST. WEST TORONTO Phone Main 5377 MONTREAL WHAT'S THE Meanest Day in the Home? WASHDAY is the middle of the week before thousands of IThousewives in the city really begin to enjoy existence. Monday wash day, Tuesday ironing day, weighs on their spirits. The entire home is upset. All this can easily be avoided. Send the household laundry here. One of our drivers calls for and delivers it — every article looking like new. Prices for this work are reasonable. Ask about them. We Know How TELEPHONE NEW METHOD LAUNDRY MAIN 7486 Page Two Programme m THE BAND OF THE 9TH MISSISSAUGA HORSE (Bandmaster S. J. EX)UGLAS) By the kindness of Lt.-Col. John H. Moss, Officer Commanding 9th Mississauga Horse B. DANSON & SONS MENDELSSOHN PIANOS Clothiers and Mens AND "PLAYER "PIANOS Furnishings 992-994 QUEEN W. 592 QUEEN W. Manufactured in Canada for the past 30 years. 15,000 in Jit Tiundas St. Jit ^athunt St. ^ constant use, giving perfect satisfaction. ^ Being used by Conservatories of Music in Riverdale Roller Rink Toronto and elsewhere. ^ Endorsed by Leading Musicians. Optn Ever}) U^ight ^^==^= and ==^ cKCendelssohn T^iano Company Saturday Jlftemoon Office and Warerooms 1 10 Adelaide St. West - - Toronto, Canada Comer Broadview and Queen St. Where Quality Counts We Win In T. C. SMITH BOOTS. SHOES and RUBBERS Watchmaker, Jeweller A Good Assortment of Plain and Optician and Fancy Slippers for Christmas Gifts !JliCarriage Licenses E. H. BIRD t5^ Reliable Shoe Store I%5 Dundcis Street - - West Toronto 702 DUNDAS ST. - TORONTO (Just West of Quebec Ave.) (Open Evenings) Page Three — KODAK '^he Appeal of the ^ordheimer The gift that arouses immediate interest on Christmas morning—and sustains that interest satisfaction in a musical COMPLETE through all the days to come. instrument is not—cannot be—a mat- handle exclusively, ter of dollars and cents measurement. We Kodaks because we can not afford to take chances As well might Rembrandt have tried to when we buy nor can save a tube of pigment or Whistler a few you. hours' labor in painting a masterpiece. Just £is the true artist spares neither time nor Kodaks from - - $7.00 up skill, so Nordheimer craftsmen are given Brownies from - - $1.25 up ample time and high quality materials to produce their perfect product— the Nord- heimer Piano. GRAHAM H. ROBINSON THE NORDHEIMER PIANO AND MUSIC CO. Limited Dispensing Chemist Corner Yonge and Albert Streets - - Toronto 1951 DUNDAS STREET - - TORONTO TELEPHONE JUNCTION 5026 PHONE JUNCTION 267 When the Boys WM. M. PACE Come Marching Home Wholesale Fruit and and Produce Merchant _for those they've left Behind There's nothing more cheering than good music, played on COLUMBIA GRAFONOLAS With Columbia Records GRAFONOLAS $20.00 Up RECORDS - 85c Up 1517 AND 1519 DUNDAS STREET Toronto Grafonola Company TORONTO The Exclusive Columbia Store 59-61 Queen Street West - Toronto Page Four Programme (Continued) Short Addresses will be given by SGT.-MAJOR W. ROWE WHITTON MAJOR R. S. WILSON THE IDEAL BOX LUNCH J. L. APPLEGATH SON, LTD. 82 CHURCH STREET HATTERS TO MEN Opposite St. James Cathedral TORONTO YONGE AND RICHMOND STREETS BRANCH STORE YONGE AND TRINITY SQUARE - - TORONTO 813 DUNDAS STREET Phone Jet. 7000 ALL PRICES—$2.00 to $5.00 TELEPHONE JUNCTION 262 MORRIS'S L. & E. COLVIN Old Lancashire Fish & Chip Cafe FRENCH FR!ED POTATOES STAPLE AND FRIED HALIBUT FANCY DRY GOODS ALL COOKED IN PURE LARD 1691 DUNDAS STREET TORONTO 1638 DUNDAS STREET TORONTO Last Call For STIRRETT'S Lighting Fixtures FOR ANYTHING IN At Cost Prices HARDWARE The balance of our OR Lighting Fixtures Stock is now being HOUSEFURNISHINGS cleared at old prices We still have some very attractive de- signs which we are selling below pres- "T^rompt Service ent actual costs to clear our entire stock. Indirect Ellectric Fixtures, Table Lamps Brackets, Etc. GEORGESTIRRETT & SON The Jas. Morrison Brass. Mfg. Co. Limited 571-573 DUNDAS ST - TORONTO 93-97 Adelaide Street. West of Bay Street PHONE PARK 983 Toronto. Ont. Page Five WHERE TELFER'S HIGH-GRADE BISCUITS ARE MADE The Gown that Hamilton Carhartt has been Cotton ^ Mills Spotted Limited or the Cloak that has been THE WORLD'S LARGEST OVERALL Soiled MANUFACTURER can still be worn. MAKERS OF Celebrated ''Carhartt " Gloves Canadian Made by If Canadian Maids Fountain the Cleaner restores the "newness" ty gar ments that ff? would otherwise have to be dis- carded. MY VALET 540-544 KING STREET EAST 30 ADELAIDE ST. W. 535 - 539 QUEEN STREET EAST Phone Main 5900 TORONTO ONTARIO CANADA Page Six Programme (CommueJ) m Short Addresses by PTE. C. E. HAIGHT PTE. E. L. R. GROSVALET, (French Army) TELEPHONE JUNCTION 200 Tke Royal Shoe Co. Ltd. ANDERSON & McMASTER 88 YONGE STREET Barristers. Solicitors nnrr Notaries, Etc. 1699 DUNDAS ST. 225 MAVETY ST Toronto's Exclusive Shoe Store TORONTO, ONT. PHONES—JUNCTION 333-762 HALL & COMPANY WM. SPEERS . MANUFACTURERS OF FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND HIGH -CLASS FURS MOTOR AMBULANCE 758 QUEEN STREET EAST - TORONTO 1 764 DUNDAS STREET TORONTO SECTIONAL Washing Machines? BOOKCASES YES. WE'VE GOT EM HAND POWER WATER POWER ELECTRIC POWER ON TRIAL TOO PHONE OR CALL 1900 Washer Co. Ask Your Furniture £>ealer or write for Style Book — free 357 YONGE STREET - - TORONTO Canada Furniture Manufacturers Limited PHONE MAIN 4823 WOODSTOCK. ONT. Pap Seven Ranges and Circulation Water Heaters EFFICIENT ECONOMICAL EASY TO INSTALL Ask Your Dealer for Prices Manufactured by THE NATIONAL ELECTRIC HEATING CO. LIMITED TORONTO - CANADA TELEPHONE TELEPHONE JUNCTION 119 MAIN 623 OR 624 FOR TAXICABS For Good Dyeing and Quick Service LIMOUSINES AND TOURING CARS SEND TO THE EFFICIENT SERVICE White Rose Cleaners and Dyers f FURS CLEANED AND REPAIRED TORONTO TAXICAB AND GARAGE COMPANY. LIMITED 54-56 JARVIS STREET TORONTO 874 DUNDAS STREET, TORONTO Page Eight Programme (Conimuedj Short Addresses by LIEUT. E. A. BAKER SGT. H. S. MEREDITH and other Returned Soldiers THE BEST 23c. MEAL Smoking Room for Men Phooe Main 5S47 IN THE CITY "THE BROWN BETTV LUNCHEON AND RIVERDALE CAFE TEA ROOMS 747 QUEEN STREET EAST TORONTO 42 KING STREET EAST TORONTO ROBERT LONG & SONS CARPETS CLEANED BEST SANITARY PROCESS Plumbing. Heating and PHONE MAIN 3461 Ventilating Contractors The Queen City Carpet Cleaning Co. 79 RICHMOND STREET EAST. TORONTO 184 QUEEN STREET EAST. TORONTO MILK FOR THE KIDDIES (registered! While Father is Fighting can be secured from FINE FURS Ladies' Coats—Sets and Separate THE PEOPLE'S Pieces Men's Fur and Fur-lined Coats. DAIRY CO. LTD. Caps. Collars and Gauntlets AT COST Ladies' Apparel SUITS. COATS. DRESSES. BLOUSES MILLINERY. CLOVES and HOSIERY The Company is operated on a Profit Sharing l>asis, and Men's Overcoats all Profits from sale of Milk, London Tailored from the finest Cream, Butter and Eggs, etc., British Woolens go direQly back, to the consumer MILITARY RAINCOATS FAIRWEATHERS LIMITED PHONE MAIN 2053 OR CALL AT 84-86 YONGE STREET THE OFFICE. 402 PARLIAMENT ST. Page Nine o o QQ Cm a " o s u S O € 'a Page Tew Programme {Conanued) SONG - PTE. J. M. CAMPION SONG - PTE. F. L. JOHNSTON TELEPHONE GERRARD 2000 Sanderson, Pearcy WASHINGTON of Company, Limited &. JOHNSTON MANUFACTURERS OF THE CELEBRATED Furniture, Carpets Ranges Pearcy Pure Prepared Undertaking Paints CORNER QUEEN AND BROADVIEW TORONTO TORONTO - CANADA SMOKER'S GET THIS FREE TREAT PRESENTS _ FOR DICK Cigar, Cigarettes and Tobaccos at Special Prices.
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