Title ERYSIPHACEAE OF JAPAN Author(s) HOMMA, Yasu Citation Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University, 38(3), 183-461 Issue Date 1937-02-28 Doc URL http://hdl.handle.net/2115/12712 Type bulletin (article) File Information 38(3)_p183-461.pdf Instructions for use Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers : HUSCAP ERVSIPHACEAE OF JAPAN By Yasu HOMMA Contents Page Introduction 186 General Part Morphology and Physiology. 188 Mycelia ................................................. 188 Conidia ................................................. 191 Forms .............................................. 192 Formation of conidia ................................. 194 Fibrosin bodies ...................................... 197 Germination of conidia ............................... 198 Perithecia ............................................... 199 Forms and appendages............ ..... .............. 199 Structure ........................................... 201 Formation of perithecia .............................. 202 Asci and ascospores ...................................... 208 Hibernation .............................................. 208 Host and Parasitism ......................................... 209 Infection ............................................ 209 Correlation of the development of the host plants to that of the powdery mildew .......... ,.................. 214 Special~ation and resistance .................................. 239 Infection experiments with the conidia ................ 239 Difference in characters between the susceptible and im- mune varieties of wheat ............................ 271 Systematic Part Historical survey of the Japanese Erysiphaceae ................ 283 Erysiphaceae ................................................ 287 Subfam. Erysipheae .......................................... 288 Genus Cystotheca ........................................ 289 Cyst. Wrightii BERK. & CURT. ........................ 291 Cyst. lanestris (HARKN.) MIYABE ...................... 293 [Journ. Facul. Agr. Hokkaido Imp. Univ., Sapporo, Vol. XXXVIII, Pt. 3, Feb. 1937] 184 YASU HOMMA Page Genus Sphaerotheca ...................................... 295 Sph. Humuli (DC.) BURR. .......•...................• 296 Sph. Epilobii (WALLR.) SACCo ........................ 300 Sph. fuliginea (SCHLECHT.) POLLACCI ................ 301 Sph. Mors-Uvae (SCHWEIN.) BERK. & CURT. .......• 309 Sph. japoniea (SAI,M.) HOMMA ..................•..• 310 Sph. pannosa (WALLR.) LEV. ........................ 311 Oidium belonging to Sphaerotheca ..................... 313 Genus Podosphaera . 313 Pod. leueotrieha (ELL. & EVERH.) SALM. .............• 314 Pod. tridactyla. (WALLR.) DE BARY .....•............ 315 Pod. spiralis MIYABE ...............................• 317 Pod. Oxyaeanthae DE BARY ....................•...... 318 Genus Erysiphe ..................... 320 Ery. Pisi DC. ...............................•...•.... 321 Ery. H eraelei DC. ................................... 324 Ery. Polygoni DC. ................................... 326 Ery. Aquilegiae DC. .......•..•.•..•...........•....•• 330 E1·Y. graminis DC. ................................... 333 Ery. Ciehoraeearum DC. .....•........................ 335 Ery. Galeopsidis DC. ........................•........ 340 Oidium belonging to Erysiphe ......................... 342 Genus Uncinula .......................................... 343 Une. Clintonii PECK ................................•• 344 Une. Zelkowae P. HENN. ..........•..•.....•........ 346 Une. clandestina (BIV. BERN.) SCHROT. ••..•.•••••..• 347 Une. Delavayi PAT. ••.........•••••........•......... 349 Une. bifureata HOMMA ••......•..•......•.........•• 349 Une. australia.na McALPINE .......................... 350 Une. Sengokui SALM. ........••.•...•..•••........... 351 Une. Salmoni SYD. •................................. 352 Une. Piemsmae HOMMA .........•....•.......•...... 353 Une. Aetinidiae MIYABE ............................. 353 Une. vernieiferae P. HENN. .......................•.• 355 Une. Salieis (DC.) WINT. ..................•........ 356 Une. simulans SALM. ................................ 359 Une. eurvispora HARA ............................... 360 Une. septata SALM. ...............................•.• 361 Une. genieulata GERARD. .......................•...... 361 Une. Betulae HOMMA ................................ 362 Une. earpinieola HARA ............................... 363 Une. Fraxini MrYABE ...•... • . • . • . 364 Une. Miyabei SACCo & SYD. ...•....................•• 365 Une. Mori 1. MIYAKE .......................•........ 366 Une. Nishidana. HOMMA ...•...........•.............• 367 ERYSIPHACEAE OF JAPAN 185 Page Unc. necator (SCHWEIN.) BURR ...................... 367 Oidium belonging to Uncinula ....................... 369 Genus Typhulochaeta ................................... 369 Typh. japonica S. ITO & HARA ......................... 369 Genus Sawadaea ........•................................ 370 Saw. bicornis (WALLR.) MIYABE ..................... 371 Saw. Tulasnei (FUCK.) HOMMA ..................... 374 Saw. Negundinis HOMMA ............................ 376 Genus Microsphaera ..................................... 376 Micr. Alni (WALLR.) SALM. ........................ 378 Micr. calocladophora ATKINS. ...................... .. 382 Micr. alphitoides GRIFF. & MAUBL .................... 383 Micr. Ligustri HOMMA .............................. 386 Micr. divaricata (WALLR.) LEv...................... 387 Micr. Coryli HOMMA ................................ 388 Micr. Yamadai SYD ................................. 390 Mic1·. Euphm'biae (PECK) BARK. & CURT. ........... 391 Micr. Abeliae HOMMA .............................. 392 Micr. Lonicerae (DC.) WINT. ...................... 392 Micr. pseudo-Lonicerae (SALM.) HOMMA ............. 393 Micr. Berberidis (DC.) LEv.......................... 394 Micr. Grossulariae (WALLR.) LEv.................... 396 Micr. di/Jusa COOKE & PECK ....................... 398 Micr. Biiumleri P. HENN ............................ 399 Micr. Viciae-unijugae HOMMA ........................ 400 Micr. Russellii CLINT. ............................. 401 Oidium belonging to Microsphaera ................... 402 Subfam. Phyllactinieae ...................................... 403 Genus Phyllactinia ...................................... 403 Phyll. corylea (PERS.) KARST ........................ 404 Phyll. moricola (P. HENN.) HOMMA ................ 407 Phyll. Fraxini (DC.) HOMMA ....................... 409 Phyll. kakicola SAWADA ............................. 411 Phyll. pyri (CAST.) HOMMA ........................ 412 Phyll. Actinidiae-/ormosanae SAWADA ................. 414 Phyll. Quercus (MAR.) HOMMA ....................... 414 Phyll. imperialis MIYABE ............................ 416 Phyll. Actinidiae-latifoliae SAWADA .................. 417 Ovulariopsis belonging to Phyllactinia ............... 418 Genus Uncinulopsis ..................................... 418 Uncinulop. Shiraiana (P. HENN.) HARA ............... 419 Subfam. Leveilluleae ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0 ••••••••••• • ••• 422 Genus Leveillula 422 Lev. taurica (LEv.) ARNAUD ......................... 423 186 YASU HOMMA Page Conidial stages of Erysiphaceae .............................. 424 Erysiphe Cinnamomi SAWADA .•........•.•••.••••.••• 424 Microsphaem Mougeotii LEv. ......................... 424 Microsphaera Astragali (DC.) TREV. •.•..•.........••. 425 Oidium Euonymi-jctponicae (ARC.) SACCo .............. 425 Conclusion . 427 Host index .................................................. 429 Literature cited ............... 443 Plates. IV-XI Introduction The first record of Erysiphaceae from Japan was that by M. J. BERKELEY and M. A. CURTIS, in a paper reporting new Fungi col­ lected in the North Pacific Exploring Expedition by CHARLES WRIGHT. In that paper, Cystotheca Wrightii on Quercus stenophylla collected in Loo-choo in April 1855 was first described as a new genus, which was considered to belong to Perisporiaceae. Since the publication of "The Monograph of Erysiphaceae" in 1900 by E. S. SALMON, a large number of our powdery mildews have been collected by Japanese mycologists, and those specimens were identi­ fied by E. S. SALMON, P. HENNINGS and P. & H. SYDOW. The reports were published in the Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, Engler's Botanische Jahrbiicher, Memoires de l'Herbier Boissier, and Annales Mycologici by these authors. As these reports were published at about the same time, different names have been given to the same fungus by the different authors. From about this period, monographic treatments of Erysiphaceae have begun to appear in different countries in Europe, as for example in Italy by G. POLLACCI (1905), in Czechoslovakia by J. KLIKA (1924), in Norway by 1. JpRSTAD (1925), in Croatia by V. SKORIC (1926), and in Rumania by TR. SAVULESCU and C. SANDU-VILLE (1929). Also in this country, the new genera Sawadaea MIYABE (1914), Typhulochaeta S. ITO and HARA (1915), and Uncinulopsis SAWADA (1916) were described. The writer began studies on the Japanese species of Erysiphaceae in the year 1922, and has continued her researches up to the present time. The rich collection of specimens deposited in the Herbarium of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University has been freely used in her studies. For the collection of the complete specimens of the conidial and perithecial stages, a long time has ERYSIPHACEAE OF J AP AN 187 been spent. For each species, the writer has endeavored to give full descriptions
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