ISSN 0739-3482 FALL2001 i,f:f'":'f'.~ : 1 ff Ifi ) R;;o.r.ckE: C it).· Pub!ic Library r' '"' ;!i 'v'' . Virginia ~c:; .... .,._ !r91n1a Room Appalachian Notes Danvffle • Southwestern Virginia Genealogical Society Roanoke, Virginia L-----------~----IBESE----------------------------------.. SOUTHW~STERN VIRGINIA GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY INC Calendar Year 2001 Officers and Executive Board Area Code 540 President Karen Kappesser 977-0067 1st Vice-President **Vacant** 2nd Vice-President Babe Fowler 345-8709 Record Secretary **Vacant** Corresponding Secretary Mary Prescott "Mickey" 985-0751 Treasurer Darrell Boles 366-5502 I Ass't T reasurer!Membership Jim Nelson 725-5303 VAN Editor **Vacant** Immediate Past Presidents Gene Swartzell 890-3991 Wendy James VAN Editor Emeritus Babe Fowler 345-8709 Committees ..I Computer/Labeler Don Vaughan 989-8645 Program **Vacant** 977-0067 Historian Babe Fowler 345-8709 Publications Karen Kappesser 977-0067 Don Martindale 366-0829 Babe Fowler 345-8709 Exchange Quarterlies Karen Kappesser 977-0067 Pedigree Charts Carol Milbourn 725-3598 Parliamentarian Ruth Hale 992-4623 Publicity Karen Kappesser 977-0067 Book Reviews ** VaCa.nt** The. SOU_ THWESTERN VIRGINIA GENE.ALOGICAL . SOCIETY ' INC · 1·s a t.a x -exe, mp t corporat ion. un d er secn~n :>? l (c)(3) of the Federal Incom_e Tax ~o?e . ~ection 170 of the Tax Code provides for the treatment of contnbut1.0ns to the SVGS ~s a deductible co1rtnbu ~ o11 by the donor. Bequests, legacies, devises, transfers, or gifts to the SVGS may be deduct1bl.e (OJ F~~WJ) {)8fJltJ gih tiJ.K (3urposes, if they meet the applicable provisions of sections 2055, 23106, and'2522 of the Tax Code. MEMBERSHIP: Each SVGS member will be mailed a copy of the "Society's" quarterly. the VIRGINIA APPALACIIlAN NOTES (VAN). The VAN is usually published quarterly. The annual index will be included in the Fall issue of the Vi\N for that year. Society memberships are on a calendar year basis and those memberships. which are not renewed by January 30, will be deemed as inactive and removed from the VAN mailing list. Single or family memberships are $20.00; Organization and Library memberships are $1 5.00. Members with mailing addresses outside the United States shall add $10.00 to the above fees and all monies are payable in U. S. currency. All payments should be made by check or money order, payable to: Southwestern Virginia Genealogical Society, Ioc. or to SVGS, Inc. and mailed to Post Office Box 12485, Roanoke, VA 24026-2485. Issues of the VAN, 1995 and earlier, are available at a reimbursement cost of $4.00 each, as long as the supply lasts. More recent issues are $6.00 each. These prices include postage. Mailed to Virginia addresses please add 4.5% sales tax. A bulk mailing of old V ANs to one address may be eligible for a discount. All payments should be made by check or money order, payable to SVGS and mailed to: SVGS, c/o D. M artindale, 250 Preston Ave. NE , Roanoke, VA 24012-3012 BOOK REVIEWS: Books submitted to the Society wiJl be reviewed and the review printed in a subsequent issue of the VAN. When submitting a book, please include the price of the book, copies of the available advertising material, and information as to where orders for additional copies may be placed. Followin g tl1eir review, all books will be placed in the Virginia Room of the Roanoke City Library, on South Jefferson Street in Roanoke. V irgin ia. ... ... - - ,. .~ .,,,_ ~ ~ ' " I .. - - , - - , - ... :::.1c - 1Drcry \ /i-ginio t<oom VIRGINIA APPLACHIAN NOTES Published Quarterly By SOUTHWESTERN VlRGINIA GENEALOGICAL SOC1ETY, INC. Vol. 2 5 - No. 4 - Fall 2001 (October, November, December) CONTENTS Sisson Cem ete1-y, iv1ontgomery Co., V ~ conttibuted by Mary F.C. Williams 163 Virg inia R oom Acquisitions 165 Directo ry, C ity of Covington, VA (Residence D-1), contributed by 168 Don Vaug han (To be continued) Grant Bryant Funeral Records, Elliston,. VA, Books 10-12 by Lucy Bryant Hurst 176 (To be continued) Books Reviews 201 Membership Comer and Queries 202 Looking for the Ladies in the Family Tree by Juliana Smith 203 lndex to Volume 25 (To be continued) 206 OOPS .. .. Printer says we have too many pages in this issue so the Index to Volume 25 will be 0 --0 concluded in the Winter 2002 issue. <N I DILLON/DILLION & ALLIED FAMILIES, Vol. I, Vol. TI and Vol. ill by Mae Dillon ~ Moore, 2806 pages. published Fall 2000 is still available. This is a limited, one time printing, 0 sold only in sets; $ 179.99 per set, plus $10.00 shipping and handling. Virginia and North I r6 Carolina mailing addresses please enclose sales tax. Order from Mary F. Karnes, 218 Cobblestone Dr., Chapel Hill, NC 27516-8738. Please see the Fall 2000 issue of The VAN for a - review of this publication. Botetourt County, Virginia Early Settlers by Charles T. Burton is still available from the Society. Please see the order form at the back of this issue. VIRGINIA . ~rPALACHIAN NOTES - Southwestern 'Vi19i1ria §eneafogicai Socie1)l, ~nc. P. 0 . Box 12485 Roanoke. Virg1n1a 24026 Dear Fellow ·Members, The events of September 11 have caused us all to think long and hard about our famil ies As "family historians" we have the responsibility to keep the memories of those who are gone alive Sometimes we think that no one cares about our "work". How many times have we gotten a "cold shoulder" when we start asJcjng questions about family members? Something keeps us going, though. Maybe it's just our desire to know more about these people. Perhaps, though, it's for times like this. Hopefully, people who lost family and friends on that hoTTibl e day will preserve their memories of those individuals so that they can be passed down to those who come after. How will young child know his parent or grandparent if no one keeps them "alive" in their memory? Our work is worthwhile and we should encourage other to preserve the ir past and present. At the risk of repeating myself, I want to mention the Ellis Island site again. ln mid-September l finally found the passenger ship entry for my grandfather and great-grandmother thanks to the help of a website. Stephen Morse has created a website that allows you to search more then one field at a time. It is very helpful when there is a spelling error in the surname you are seeking. Anyone with an ethnic surname knows-this is the biggest problem with the Ellis Island material. The site can be found at: http://home.pacbell.net/spmorse/ellis/ellis.html Thanks to Stephen there is another tool to help you. I recently attended an old postcard show. I have been collecting postcards from places in England that my ancestors lived in or near. Many date from the time period they actually lived there. Postcards can add to your knowledge of ancestors by showing you places they lived and worked. Many building no longer exist. Old postcards capture these memories for us. Election of officers will take place at the November meeting. As I write this there are still positions to be filled; recording secretary, corresponding secretary and membership chairperson among them. If you can help with any of these offices, please contact me. Happy Hunting, Karen Kappesser, President 514 Scalybark Drive Blue Ridge VA 24064-13 28 Telephone: (540) 977-0067 E-mail: [email protected] YIRGINiA A~EALACHIAN NOTES SISSON CEMETERY T his F loy d County cemetery was established near Simpsons, circa 1865 by members of the L udlow B. and Catherine Grisso Sisson family. A large number of the first hu rials in the cemetery were marked with local flat tieldstones showing no ide ntification. Commercial markers were used in later years and some of the native ~ tone s were replaced with the new modern cut stones. From Simpsons, VA on road 65.3 Shawsvillc Pike, turn left on Diamond Knob Road and travel about one mile. T urn left on School House Lane (Washington School used to be in this vicinity). You will be on a very narrow road and will come to a "No Trespassing" sign. Stop 3 little beyond the sign and the cemetery will be up the hill on your left. You will have to hack out until you can find a place to turn around. Words in parentheses have been added for clarification. Some of the unidentified burials there are known to be: Ludlow B(ranham) Sisson, b. Feb. 3, 1797 in Rockbridge Co., d. March 12, 1886 (son of Stanley Sisson & CatrinJCatherine Kirkwood. Stanley was born in Orange County, VA) Catherine Grisso Sisson, b. 1796, d. after 1870 (wife of Ludlow, dau. of Mathias G risso, an immigrant from Italy, who m arried Elizabeth GreenJee of Lancaster, PA) 1 John H. Sisson, b. April 25, 1818, d. 1891 (son of Ludlow & Catherine) Hannah Wilson Sisson, B. 1817, d. 1895, (wife of John H. Sisson) David Sloan Sisson, b . N.ov. 25, 1833, d. Nov. 23, 1915 (son of Ludlow~ Ca~herin~, his grave was marked with a Confederate marker in 1996 after it was identified ~y his grandson, Raymond T. Sisson. David was the busband of Sarah Magdalene · C oon Sisson, b. Jan. 2, 1841, d. Feb. 18 1937 She was buried in Wheatland Cemetery in Botetourt C ounty, VA due' to inclement· weather at the time· of her d eath) t E dna Ann Coon, b. abt. 1843, d. before 1929 Thomas Sisson, b . 1873, d. 1889 (son of David & Magdalene) The following are marked graves with commercial stones: ' James Madison Sisson, b.
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