Datapoint Equipment Directory Index Pag e Datapoint 2200/Version I 2 Version II ........... 2 Communications Ad aptors 4 Asynchronous . .. 4 Serial RS232 B data 300 Baud Modem 1200 Baud Modem High Level Keyer Synchronous . 4 Parallel Data Interface . 5 Multiple Port Communications Adaptor . 6 2200 Servo Printer. 7 Ca rd Reader ................... ... 10 Selectric Typewriter Interface . .. ... .. .. .. 11 Datapoint 2200/ Shelf Attachment .. 12 Datapoint 2200/ Paper Ho lder ... 12 Datapoint 3300/ lnteractive Terminal . ..... 13 Tape Unit . .. 14 Acoustic Coupler .. 14 Th ermal Printer . 15 Datapoint 3000/ lnteractive Terminal .... 16 Datapoint 3360/ Display Unit ... .. ... 17 - Datashare Video Terminal .. 18 Datapoint Training. Documentation, and Supplies. ... 19 ® Datapoint 2200 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS The Datapoint 2200 has the fo ll owing general the bus iness mini-computer c haracteristi cs: a. 11 5 v.a.c., 60 cycle, 180 watts, power input (5 0 Version s I and II cycle optional): The Dal apo in t 2200. Ve rsion I is an integrated data b. 47 pounds weight: system which offers alphanumeri c keyboard for data c. 9 5 8" high, 18' 2 " wide, by 19 5 8 " deep outside entry. a cathode ray sc reen for data display and two d imensions: digital cassette recorders for bulk data storage Th e d. 0 to 50 C (32 to 122 F ), 10 to 90 percent relative system also integrates a general purpose d ig ital humidity operation e nvironment. computer for both system control and data processing tasks along with th e capabi lity for extensive CRT DISPLAY Th e Datapoint 2200 CRT Disp lay provides th e fo ll owin g comm unicat ions inte i"f ac ing and fo r interfacing With extemal devices or periphel"als Ve l-s ion I of the Datapol nt features· 2200 contains a max imum of 8. 196 words of recil"cu lat ing a. 7" x 3' 2 " viewi ng area: MOS memory Th is in tegrated system computer b. 960 chal"acters: memory. and peripherals. has gained wide acceptance in c. 80 character by 12 li ne format: a variety of data processing and communication d 4 /32" x 3/ 32" character size: applications. e. Entire 94 character ASCII set: 60 frames per second refresh rate (50 fram es per Versi on II of th e Datapoi nt 2200 mai ntai ns the orig i nal f. concept but incorporates numerous improvements and second when using 50 cycle power): g 5 x 7 matrix character generation: additions to augme nt its processing power It appears - h. 5 x 7 solid, blinking cursor, altemates with charac­ physically identical to Vel"sion I and retains all the advalltages of the earli er Datapoint In fact. in keeping ter. nondestructive: with the concept of upward compatibility programs P31 green phosphor Sillgle control li ne erasure, fr ame erasure, and page genel"ated fOI" the Version I Datapoint Will run substan­ roll-Up: and tially fastel" on Version II Datapoint Memory size of k. Direct control of al l CR T functions by the 2200 Versi o n II is a maximum of 16.384 words of 8 bit memmy processor providing tab, editing, form control, etc. Version II provides the programmer the added advantage of interrupt capability This hardware KEYBOARD interrupt feature enables the programme r to service The integral keyboard provides a basic 4 1 key peripherals requiring attention without the necessity of alphanumeric key group, an 11 key numeric group and periodic addressing and status checking in his main five system control keys Th e keyboard provides a program . Othel" improvements include. an add itional set unique mu lti-key (n-key) rol l-over characteristic of 7 registers and 4 control flip-fl ops (alpha and beta providing maximum ease of typing Transfer of modes). program access to the stack through the new characters from the keyboard is under control of the Pu sh and Pop instructions. These c hanges have all been 2200 processor. An audible cli ck providing an acousti cal incorpmated into the 2200 Vers ion II without the need feedback to the typist is ava il ab le under processor to modify or convert user so ftware written for the control. A programmable aud io beep is also provided Vel"sion I 2200. except for delay loops when it is desired to gain a typi sts attention. Th e avai labil ity of two termina ls allows the user to match the power of the internal processm and memory PROCESSOR to the application Tasks requiring substantial logical Th e integral processor provides all control functions operations and computing wil l lend themselves to a and inc lu des Versi o ll II machine whi le operations involvin g lig ht a. 50 different in structi o n types; computing duty 0 1" non-critical speed requ irements will b. 14 addressable reg isters: fin d the Version I provides a powerful , yet econom ical c. 16 deep pu shd own stac k: alternative. d 8 bit memory word length ; Both versions are physically identical in appearance e. Up to 16,384 word memory: and the operator need not bo re-trained for operation on f. Complete paralle l I/ O system, both types. g Automatic power-up restart. Version I machines may be convert ed to Version II if the need arises. CASSETTE TAPE DECKS Two read-write tape decks are provided for program and data storage Th e deck accepts Norelco (Phi lli ps )­ type cassettes and provides a. 47 characters per in ch density; ,I PUSHDOWN STACK b. Forward-reverse o peration, A uni q ue feature of the Datapoint 2200 is th e c. Processor controll ed data transfer. d irection incorpo ration into th e processor's stru cture of a contro l. and hi gh-speed rewind . pu shdown stac k.' This is usefu l for subro utine calling, MEMORY as it saves the last used add ress whi le doing a memory The basic Versi on II Datapo int 2200 is supplied with re ference to a different add ress, calc ul ating an ad d ress 4 096 eight-bit words of memory Additional mod ules of and the n jumping to it without having to overstore a 4.096words each may be incorporated with the max imum JUM P instruction. mak ing an abortive exit fro m a memory capacity of the processor being 16.384 words. subro utine (returning contro l to a location other than the Th e Datapo int 2200 Versi on II memory is a random one after the CALL in struction ), and sav ing the state of access MOS memory with an access time of 3.2 the mac hine if there is at least one free stack locati o n. mi croseconds. Each memo ry cycle takes 1.6 microseconds and each instruction takes 2. 3 or 4 cycl es INTERRUPTS Included in the Datapo int 2200 processor is a hard­ to complete Due to the random access nature of the memory . the time requi red to read or write to th e ware interrupt feature. Th e inte rrupt signal occurs at a me mo ry is the same regard less of the add ress. one mill isecond rate. Th is o ne millisecond rate is The Vers ion I me mory also has 8-bit words (byte ) but is accurate to within :::1..: 005% somewhat slower than the Version II. Instructi on execution tim es ru n from 8 to 16 microseconds. Sequential memory accesses take only 8 microseconds. Versio n I also uses MOS-type memory although the techn ique is di ffe re nt. The use of this serial/ parallel memory allows some savings to th e user in cost. 3 Datapoint 2200/Communications digitally synthesized modems are located in the sa me box with the adaptor and all ow the use r to dial and Adaptors answer on the stand ard telephone network without a hand set present. All th ese operate under prog ram ASYN CH RON OUS control providing complete un attend ed calling and answerin g operati ons. Multidrop and polling operati ons Internal data transfers in the Datapoint 2200 are in can also be configured using this stand ard hard ware. parall el form. Com mu nicati ons and many peripheral If your system in volves teleg raph-line operati ons, a devices used in today's data processin g operati ons model is avail abl e to handle neutral or polar hi gh-l evel requ ire a serial start-stop data stru ctu re. Th e telegraph keying. Asynchronous Communicati ons adaptor provides thi s asynchronous se ri al data format and opens the Datapoint to many versatil e appli cations SYNCHRONOUS Th e adaptors conn ect directly to th e Datapoin t 2200 and are completely under program control. No man ual A Synchronous communicati ons form at provides th e ad justments are present. Both data rate and character Datapoint 2200 user w ith a hi ghl y effi cient means of length can be program specified. Start and stop pul ses information transmi ss ion. are automatica ll y added and subtracted from the Start or stop bits are not used in synchro nous transmitted or rece ived data. transm iss ion, therefore creating a hi gher data through­ With the 2200-400 un it (no intern al modem install ed ), put than the asynchro nous format. In effect, all of th e a Be ll Dataphone can be connected through a standard 9ata transmitted is useful inform ati on except for the EI A cable which is suppli ed Th e adaptors ca n also be control characters, whi ch serve to direct the data fl ow connected to a wide variety of other devices whi ch between devices.
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