, I Carter's oh tion disillusions deProsse their By RANDY KNOPER "I feel this Is a weB stand," she said. binned abortion) before it was atrIcken Washington, D.C. hNdquarters, said no ca1Ied Carter "undecided" on I c:qa. ooverinl ltIndIan JeVeJ'II 1IIueI. She mentioned the JeVeJ'II propouIJ by by the Supreme Court," and does not one knows what Carter means when he stitutiona1 amendment. It Included his In Its last lllue before the callClllell, It AlIt. Newt EdItor aIIo prtnted Cart.er'. comment flvorlng 1t wasn't a major iaIue In Iul week's IlM!mbers 0( Congress for an amendment "favor a conatitutional arnendmenl to says he favors a statute restricting abor­ pcllltion on a restrIctini Itatute, and the . Iowa Democratic ca\lCllleS, but apparen­ to the U.S. Ccnstltutlon that would over­ CMlpletely prohibit all abortions or · to tions. combination probably caUled CatholIc a law rettrlctlng 1bortionI. Uy a late-breaking abortion controversy throw the Supreme Court declIion authorize state option, .. bit "would flvor He said Shriver hid been burt In lOme voters to think he favon a Human ute Peter Dubee, the Mirror'. editor, said made at least one Iowa City pro-.bortion allowing .bortiCllS, and said, "I would a more restricted general statute or law cruciaJ Catholic cmvnunltiel because 0( Amendment, Draynesald. he lot the CUIIIIIIIi late, aDd didD't have Y1Ur change her side, and made an­ \ike to have as a president a penon wbo to provide uniformity or d\scoUrIge abor­ the Catholic press, particularly the Iowa "I'm not uying that we IoIt the elec­ time to cbeck it out. but .w It DOW U ti·abortion voters in Iowa Catholic com· would oppoae an anti-abortion amend­ tions," Catholic Conference Newsletter. tion because ci the abortion laue," "mialelcllDK.·' perbapl11ot.::ure." JDlJlIties chanse theirs as well . ment, but would be cloee to Carter's His Des Moines headquarters said he I>rayne uld. "Gov. Carter had TIle controversy centered around for­ views on other Issues." doesn't favor the right-to-life ' c0n­ Prior to the caueu&el, the newsletter out-organlzed everybody. One iIIue 01 "Carter la jlllt DOW bein& pinned down mer Georgi. Gov. Jirruny Carter's stand She said she now leans toward ArIzma stitutional amendment, partlally hid slngled out the iIIue ci abortion and abortion didn't tum it 1I'OIIId. But it COlt by the national sn- (on abortion), " he on the issue. Rep. Morris Udall or former Oklahoma because abortiCllS may be neceaary if had listed the C8IId1dates' positions. a considerable number 01 votes in the Slid. "ShrIver has had to dea1 with it sin­ At Iowa City's 23rd precinct callCllS, Sen. Fred Harris, who support the court the mother's life is In clanpr, and Shriver's long-standini position - that Catholic precincts." ce the IJe&iMInI. " Councilperson Carol deProsse. a former decision and consider the choice for an because a statute or law has I better he is personally opposed to abortion, but 11m McCarthy, the editor of the In Carter's Del MoInes headquarters, Carter supporter, went uncommitted. abortion to be a woman's right. chance of passing than a constitutional does not favor I constitutional amend­ newsletter, laid he had heard "several campalp worker BIll Ryenon uld, "In Her reason, she said, was that she had According to Carter's Del Moines cam­ amendment. ment - was included. AIao included was commenta by Carter that he wu un­ the \at week ci the campaIcn, everybody neard a radio broadcast earlier in the paign headquarters, the candidate "is This stand, oppoein& an amendment 1 quote from ShrIver when he was In decided, but that he mlllht favor I was ukIng about abortion." He said day linking Carter with an anti-abortion personally oppoeed to abortion, but will rut favoring a "law or statute," has Iowa City In November; he said he was Hwnan ute Amendment. I still don't there were a lot 01 rumors about what stand. uphold the Supreme Court decision and caused cries (rom aeveral quarters, not opposed to a woman's right to have know where he standi on it. .. He refilled Carter bad ~y said on varIoua She said she had heard conflicting in­ will uphold the law IlltiJ it is chanaed. " especially Sargent Shriver, the only an abortion - probably his !DOlt a~ to comment any further on the newsletter Issues, "and we don't mow where they formation about Carter's position, but it In a Jan. 16 press release, Carter said Catholic candidate, that Carter is being palling quote In the eyes 01 the p~life article. came from . People .y IOIne thlnp that appeared, "he feels that abortion is ''the government ItIould do nothing to en­ misleading, courtin8 the antI-abortion faction, and one that was "obvlolllly The Catholic MIrror, the Del Moines they are not authorized to aay becaUlt morally wrong, but he would support it as courage" abortion, acIdinI that he "per­ people while keeping his liberals. taken out 0( comext," Drayne said. Diocese newspaper, hid been pub1llhlna they don't have the Imow\edse. We have far as it is upheld by the Supreme Court. sonally favored the Georgia law (which Richard Drayne, from Shriver's On the other band. the lIeWIIIetter I series of Irtle," 01\ the candidatea, no way to control It. " "Iowa', Weather 1fIHJIE alternative newspaper" Colder tanperatures under partly lIIftly skies will peel Iowa Citlans today u we dI& out from the IC­ cwnu\lted lIIOWfall ci Swlday. Hillbs will be In the 201, lows tonIIbt In the teena. Vol. 108, No. 134 Monday, January 26, 1976 Iowa City, Iowa 52240 10' Citizen feels ticket unfair, notes unticketed violations By BRIAN HILL than 18 Inches from the curb," he said as "straighten out" the interpretations of Staff Writer he struggled to remember the violation the codes. A man who is seeking equal justice for number. But then the tan Pinto Im­ Another ruling that came from "a local parking violations In Iowa City led the mediately behind the Sprite attracted his Johnson County DIstrict Court decision," way, notebook In hand, past curbside attention because it was parked within prohibits enforcement of yellow curbings autos temporarily abandoned for week­ five feet of a fire hydrant. Neither of around fire plugs or anywhere else, ac­ day classes and jobs. these cars had been ticketed, either. cording to Strand. "This Is just one of the areas l've been He said he plans to use the evidence He said he is personally In favor o( let­ checking," he said, pausing beside he's collecting at some stage In the a~ ting motorists know of any restricted Capitol Street, immedialely west of the peal of his ticket "to attempt to show the parking areas through the use of signs. Johnson County Court House. Cars lined discrepancies In our municipal laws. "It's too much to ask an officer to get both sides of it in the desperation of "I mean, why should my car be out of his car and measure 30 feet back bumper-to-bumper commuter havoc for ticketed for a minor violation under 6.16 from every intersection (or an Illegally several blocks. Meters or parking sights and all these others are Ignored. I think parked vehicle," he said. "But it's also were nowhere to be seen. the public has a right to know about these unfair to ask motorists to do th is. Since receiving a ticket last Tuesday things." "Ignorance of the law is no excuse, but from one of the city's police for what he Thomas received the $5 ticket after we can't always expect motorists to know considers an unfair reason , Bill Thomas, parking his car In a driveway, between unless signs or some other type of war­ who calls himself "an unemployed the sidewalk and street, while he helped ning Is used, h he added. teacher," has been cruising and beating perform a two· hour maintenance job on City Traffic Engineer James Breckte\l the streets to record and photograph un­ the nearby vehicle ci a friend . agreed, but said budgeting and ticketed violations. He is only looking lor After finishing, "I went into my bud­ aesthetics may often hinder the number those that fall I.IIder chapter 6.16 of the dy's house (next to the driveway) to wash of signs posted In an area. city code. This section, the one he sup­ my hands just for five mlnutes. When I "If we oversign, people won't use posedly violated, Lists stopping, standing came out, there was this cop writing out a them, and then they lose their effec­ and assorted parking no-nos for autos. ticket ... tIveness," he said. "Now here - just look at that will you. The ticket did not specify which section Bill Thomas wooden, "How am I su~ Parked right next to the stop sign. A of 6.16 was violated "even though I think posed to know what is law and what Isn't clear violation of 6.16.2E of the city ii's for blocking the private driveway of - especially without the signs? And how Photo by Lawrence Frank code." (No parking within 30 feet a~ my friend ," so he has been searching lor could Ifind out about what is classified as proaching any stop sign or traffic all infractions under this chapter for his mitigating circumstances i( I'm concer­ Winter treat signaL) defense. ned," heasked. Thomas instantly whipped open his The major violations found on the Strand said that "pollee of(ieers are notebook to check that he had recorded Capitol Street check were for parking too only as good as the pubjic that supports the car's make, its localion and license close to stop signs and fire plugs.
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