Panchayat Level Statistics 2011, Kasaragod Preface A transparent and accountable system of Governance can be met to a large extent with the availability of reliable statistics. Department of Economics & Statistics has taken various steps and make continuous efforts to improve statistical system in the State to meet the increasing needs of diverse users. Panchayat Level Statistics is one of the initiatives in this line. In this publication, the available data at Grama Panchayat level compiled at district and published in every five year interval to enable data for micro level planning. We have already released three publications in this series in 1996, 2001 and 2006 respectively. This Publication ‘Panchayat Level Statistics-2011’ Kasargod District is the fourth publication in this series. A team of officers in the Taluk Statistical Offices and District Statistical Office of Pathanamthitta District under the supervision of Deputy Director Sri. Raveendran Paleridid a tremendous job for the collection of data needed for this publication. I hereby acknowledge the service of Sri P.V.Babu, Joint Director, Publication Division, for his supervision and guidance in shaping this publication. I also thanks to Smt. G.Divya, Assistant Director , Sri. K. Ramachandran, Research Assistant, Smt. P.Padmavathy Amma, Research Assistant, Sri. A. Anil Kumar, Statistical Assistant Gr.1, Smt. K.Thankamani, Statistical Assistant Gr.I, Smt. Soumya.L.S, Statistical Assistant Gr.II, in the publication Division and Sri. V. Sreejith, U.D. Typist .,Sri.C.K Sajan Draftman of this office. Without their sincere efforts and support we could not have completed this publication. Smt.E.Baby, Additional Director (General) has extended her whole hearted co- operation to make this venture a success with in the stipulated time. V.Ramachandran Directotr Thiruvananthapuram 22.07.2013 Department of Economics and Statistics, Kerala 1 Panchayat Level Statistics 2011, Kasaragod CONTENTS Sl.No Tittle Page no. Preface 1 Contents 2-4 Brief Summary of the District 5-7 General Features I District at A Glance 8 1.2 Geographical Particulars 8 1.3 Demographic Particulars 9-11 1.4 Forest statistics 12 1.5 Industries Statistics 12 1.6 Industrial Co-operative Socities 12 2 POPULATION 2.1 POPULATION 2011 Census 13-14 3 Agriculture 3.1 Land Utilisation Pattern 15 3.2 Area under Important Crops in Kasargod and State 16-19 During 2005-06 to 2010-11 3.3 Blockwise Area of Crops 20-22 3.4 Production of Important Crops in in Kasargod and State During 2005-06 to 23-24 2010-11 3.5 Blockwise Production of Crops 25-26 3.6 Area and Production of Rice 2005-06 to 2010-11 27-29 3.7 Net Area Irrigated 2005-06 to 2009-10 30 3.8 Gross Area under Irrigation (Crop-Wise) 2005-06 to 2010-11 31 3.9 Panchayat Area According to Type of Land 32-34 3.10 Block/Municipality wise distribution of Operational Holdings 2010-11 35 3.11 Rainfall Statistics Rainfall in mm. (2005-2011) 36-37 4 Animal Husbandry & Fisheries 4.1 Livestock Population Panchayath Wise-2007 38-39 4.2 Number of Farms and Slaughter Houses 2005-06 to 2011-12 40 4.3 Fisheries Sector at a Glance- Kasargod District 41 4.4 Details of Fishermen Households in Kasaragod district 42 4.5 No.of Ponds and Irrigation Tanks 43 5 Forest 5.2 Details of Eco-Tourism Destinations in Kasargod District 44 6 Industries 6.1 Block Municipality wise number of Industries functioning 45 6.2 Blockwise details of SSI Units 46 6.3 Large Medium Small Scale Industries 47 6.4 Industrywise classification SSI Units 48 Department of Economics and Statistics, Kerala 2 Panchayat Level Statistics 2011, Kasaragod 6.5 Blockwise details of Handloom Societies- Traditional & Mechanised 49 7 Power & Water Supply 7.1 Panchayath /Blockwise Electricity Connections under Electric Circle as On 50-51 31.03.2011 7..2 Drinking Water Facilities as on 31-03-2011 52-53 7.3 Panchayath /BlockwiseNo.of Tube wells as on 31.3.2011 54-55 7.4 Panchayath/Blockwise No. of Ponds & Tanks 31.3.2011 56 7.5 Panchayath\Block wise length of Streams & Canals. 57-58 8 Education 8.1 Number of LP / UP / HS / Special Schools as on 31-03-2011 59-61 8.2 Number of HSS, VHSE and others 62-64 8.3 No. of Poly Technics, ITI, ITC as on 31.3.2011 65-67 9 Health 9.1 Panchayath/Block wise Details of Government Medical Institutions – 68-73 Allopathy as on 31-03-2011 9.2 Panchayath/Block wise Details of Private Medical Institutions – Allopathy 74-76 as on 31-03-2011 9.3 Panchayath/Block wise Details of Medical Institutions – Ayurveda as on 31- 77-78 03-2011 9.4 Panchayath/Block wise Details of Medical Institutions – Homoeopathy as 79-80 on 31.3.2011 9.5 Panchayath/Block wise Details of Medical Institutions – 80 Sidha as on 31-12-2010 10 Housing 2006-07 to 2009-10 10.1 Building Statistics in Rural Sector- Details of Buildings Constructed and 81-86 Completed in Rural Sector during the Year 2006-2007 10.2 Details of Buildings Constructed and Completed In Rural Sector during the 87-90 Year 2007-2008 10.3 Details of Buildings Constructed and Completed In Rural Sector during the 91-95 Year 2008-2009 10.4 Details of Buildings Constructed and Completed in Rural Sector during the 96-100 Year 2009-2010 11 Banking & Co-operation 11.1 Panchayat/Block Wise Details of Banks & Co-Operative Institution as on 101 31.12.2010 12 Transport &Communicatyon 12.1 Panchayat/Block Wise Details of Roads as on 31.12.2010 102 12.2 Number of Registered Motor Vehicles 102 12.3 Taxes & Fees Collected Under Motor Vehicles Act/Rules 103 12.4 Panchayath/Block wise Number Communication Facilities in Kasargod 103-104 District 12.5 Blockwise details of Telephone Exchanges 104-106 13 Public Distribution System 13.1 Panchayat/Block Wise Details of Public Distribution System 107-110 14 Miscellaneous 14.1 Local Body Election 2010 111-112 Department of Economics and Statistics, Kerala 3 Panchayat Level Statistics 2011, Kasaragod 14.2 Parliament & Legislative Assmbly Constituency 112 14.3 Kasaragode Urban agglomeration and its Constituent Units 113 14.4 Block wise SC/ST Colonies & No.of Families 114-115 14.5 Panchayath wise classification of Residential Houses 115-116 14.6 Panchayath wise classification of non- Residential Houses 116-117 14.7 Panchayath wise Basic Details of Schediled Tribes 118 14.8 Basic Details of Block Panchayath & District Panchayath 119-120 14.9 Panchayath wise number of Social and Cultural Institutions 121-122 14.10 Income and Expenditure of Grama Panchayaths/ Muncipalities 123-126 14.11 Number of Beneficiaries – Scheme Wise – 2009-10 127 14.12 Number of Beneficiaries – Scheme Wise – 2010-11 127 14.13 Pension Benificiaries under Various Schemes 2010-2011 128 14.14 Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Gurantee 129-130 Scheme2010-11(MGNREGS) 14.15 Kudumbasree Unit- 2010-11 131-132 14.16 GDDP Current Price & Constant Price 133 14.17 NDDP Current Price & Constant Price 134 Department of Economics and Statistics, Kerala 4 Panchayat Level Statistics 2011, Kasaragod Executive Summury i. Kasargode District came in to existence on 24th Mayr, 1984 vide GO (MS) No.520/84/RD dated 19.05.1984. The District comprises of a single revenue division Kasaragode consisting of 2 Taluks and 127. Out of 127 villages, 82 villages are in Kasargode Taluk and 45 villages in Hosdurg Taluk. ii. The District is bound in the north by Mangaloor district of Karnataka state, on the west by Arabian Sea, on the south by Kannur District and on the east by Kodagu and Dakshina Kannada districts of Karnataka state. The District lies between the north latitudes 120 12’ and 120 48’ and the east longitudes 74052’and 750’20”. iii. Kasaragode district consists of 3 Sub-micro Region namely Cannanore Coast, Kasaragode Table Land and Peringom-Mattanur Undulating Upland. Cannanore Coast lies as a narrow coastal strip on the western side of the District with a maximum height of 87 m. Kasaragode Table Land region comprises of the whole Kasaragode Taluk exept its western coastal area and north eastern part of Hosdurg Taluk. The average height of this region is between 250m and 300m. Peringom- Mattannur Undulating Upland region has undulating terrain with number of isolated hills. iv. Chandragiri River is the longest river in the District flowing 105 km originate in Pattimala in Coorg Karnataka state. There are 11 other west flowing rivers together enrich the water availability in the District. v. As per 2011 census population in the District is about 3.9 percentage of the total population of the State. Out of 13.07 lakhs population, 7.98 lakhs persons from rural area and urban population is 5.09 lakhs. Child population in the age group 0-6 years is about 11.92 percentage to total population. Similarly scheduled caste and scheduled tribe population in the District are comes around 4.07 and 3.74 percentage respectively. Female population in the District is outnumbered, ie, 51.92 percentage of population in the District is females. But female population in the age group of 0-6 years is only 49 percentage of total population in the same age group. vi. During the last decade literacy rate in the District has increased from 84.57 to 89.85. Out of 269883 illiterates in the District 170296 is from rural area and 99587 persons from urban area. Number of illiterates in the District is about 5.12 percentage of total illiterates in the State.
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