THE MAGAZINE FOR SCIENCE AND REASON Sept./Oct. 1995 U.S. $4.95 Can. $5.95 THE PARADOX OF KNOWLEDGE LEE LOEVINGER CONSCIOUSNESS AS A SUBJECT FOR SCIENCE HUNTLEY INGALLS SCHOOL DAZE: REVIEW OF AFRICAN- AMERICAN ESSAYS WALTER F. ROWE FUZZY LOGIC MARTIN GARDNER MYSTICAL MEDICAL ALTERNATIVISM JACK RASO CHINA. CHI. AND CHICANERY PETER HUSTON SCIENTOLOGY VS. INTERNET TELEPHONE PSYCHICS SCIENCE WITHOUT ADJECTIVES Robert Sheaffer C. Eugene Emery, Jr. Ralph Estling PUBLISHED BY THE COMMITTEE TOR THE SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATION OF CLAIMS OF THE PARANORMAL THE COMMITTEE FOR THE SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATION OF CLAIMS OF THE PARANORMAL AN INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION Paul Kurtz, Chairman; professor emeritus of philosophy. State University of New York at Buffalo Barry Karr, Executive Director and Public Relations Director Lee Nisbet, Special Projects Director FELLOWS James E. Alcock," psychologist, York Univ., Murray Gell-Mann, professor of physics, Santa Joe Nickell," senior research fellow. CSICOP Toronto Fe Institute Lee Nisbet,- philosopher, Medaille College Jerry Andrus, magician and inventor, Albany. Thomas Gilovich, psychologist, Cornell Univ. James E. Oberg, science writer Oregon Henry Gordon, magician, columnist, Toronto Loren Pankratz, psychologist, Oregon Health Robert A. Baker, psychologist, Univ. of Stephen Jay Gould, Museum of Comparative Sciences Univ. Kentucky Zoology, Harvard Univ. John Paulos, mathematician, Temple Univ. Stephen Barrett, M.D., psychiatrist, author, con­ C. E. M. Hansel, psychologist, Univ. of Wales sumer advocate, Allentown, Pa. Mark Plummer, lawyer, Australia Al Hibbs, scientist, Jet Propulsion Laboratory Barry Beyerstein," biopsychologist, Simon Fraser W. V. Quine, philosopher, Harvard Univ. Douglas Hofstadter, professor of human under­ Univ., Vancouver, B.C., Canada Milton Rosenberg, psychologist, Univ. of Chicago standing and cognitive science, Indiana Univ. Irving Biederman, psychologist, Univ. of Carl Sagan, astronomer, Cornell Univ. Southern California Gerald Holton, Mallinckrodt Professor of Physics and Professor of History of Science, Wallace Sampson, M.D.. clinical professor of Susan Blackmore," psychologist, Univ. of the Harvard Univ. medicine, Stanford Univ. West of England, Bristol Ray Hyman," psychologist, Univ. of Oregon Evry Schatzman, President, French Physics Association Henri Broch, physicist. Univ. of Nice, France Leon Jaroff, sciences editor. Time Jan Harold Brunvand, folklorist, professor of Sergei Kapitza, editor, Russian edition. Scientific Eugenie Scott, physical anthropologist, executive English, Univ. of Utah American director, National Center for Science Vern Bullough, Distinguished Professor, State Education Philip J. Klass," aerospace writer, engineer Univ. of New York Glenn T. Seaborg, University Professor of Marvin Kohl, professor of philosophy, SUNY at Mario Bunge, philosopher, McGill University Chemistry, Univ. of California, Berkeley Fredonia John R. Cole, anthropologist, Inst, for the Study Thomas A. Sebcok, anthropologist, linguist, Edwin C. Krupp, astronomer, director. Griffith of Human Issues Indiana Univ. Observatory F. H. C. Crick, biophysicist, Salk Inst, for Robert Sheaffer, science writer Paul Kurtz,- chairman. CSICOP Biological Studies, La Jolla, Calif. Dick Smith, film producer, publisher, Terrey Lawrence Kusche, science writer Richard Dawkins, zoologist, Oxford Univ. Hills, N.S.W., Australia Elizabeth Loftus, professor of psychology, Univ. Robert St finer, magician, author. El Cerrito, Calif. L. Sprague dc Camp, author, engineer of Washington Jill Cornell Taricr, SETI Institute Cornells de Jager, professor of astrophysics, Paul MacCready, scientist/engineer, Univ. of Utrecht, the Netherlands AeroVironment, Inc., Monrovia, Calif. Carol Tavris, psychologist and author, Los Angeles, Calif. Bernard Dixon, science writer, London, U.K. David Marks, psychologist, Middlesex Polytech, Paul Edwards, philosopher. Editor. Encyclopedia England Stephen Toulmin, professor of philosophy. University of Southern California of Philosophy Marvin Minsky, professor of Media Arts and Antony Flew, philosopher. Reading Univ., U.K. Sciences, M.I.T. Steven Weinberg, professor of physics and astronomy, University of Texas at Austin. Andrew Fraknoi, astronomer. Foothill College, David Morrison, space scientist, NASA Ames Los Altos Hills, Calif. Research Center Man-in Zelen, statistician, Harvard Univ. Kendrick Frazier,' science writer. Editor, Richard A. Muller, professor of physics, Univ. of Lin Zixin, former editor. Science and Technology SKEPTICAL INQUIRER Calif, Berkeley Daily (China) Yves Galifret, Exec. Secretary, I'Union H. Narasimhaiah, physicist, president. Bangalore Rationaliste Science Forum, India "Member, CSICOP Executive Council Martin Gardner," author, critic Dorothy Nelkin. sociologist New York Univ. (Affiliations given for identification only.) The SKEPTICAL INQUIRER (ISSN 0194-6730) is published bimonthly by the resent the views and work of individual authors. Their publication docs not neces­ Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal, 3965 sarily constitute an endorsement by CSICOP or its members unless so stated. Rensch Rd.. Amherst. NY M228-2743. Printed in U.S.A. Second-class Copyright ©1995 by the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of postage paid at Amherst, New York, and additional mailing offices. Claims of the Paranormal. All rights reserved. The SKEPTICAL INQUIRER is Subscription prices: one year (six issues), $29.50; two years, $49.00; three available on 16mm microfilm, 35mm microfilm, and 105mm microfiche years, $69.00; single issue, $4.95. from University Microfilms International and is indexed in the Reader's Guide Inquiries from the media and the public about the work of the to Periodical Literature. Committee should be made to Paul Kurtz, Chairman, CSICOP, Box 703, Subscriptions, change of address, and advertising should be addressed to: Amherst. NY 14226-0703. Tel.: (716) 636-1425. FAX 716-636-1733. SKEPTICAL INQUIRER, BOX 703. Amherst. NY 14226-0703. Old address as Manuscripts, letters, books for review, and editorial inquiries should be well as new are necessary for change of subscriber's address, with six weeks addressed to Kendrick Frazier, Editor. SKEPTICAL INQUIRER. 944 Deer Drive advance notice. SKEPTICAL INQUIRER subscribers may not speak on behalf of NE, Albuquerque NM 87122-1306. FAX 505-828-2080. For Guide for CSICOP or the SKEPTICAL INQUIRER- Authors, rax request to the Editor or see May-June 1995 issue, page 63. Postmaster Send changes of address to SKEPTICAL INQUIRER, Box 703. Articles, reports, reviews, and letters published in the SKEPTICAL INQUIRER rep­ Amherst. NY 14226-0703- ARTICLES September/October 1995 Vol. 19 No. 5 18 The Paradox of Knowledge LEE LOEVINGER As knowledge about nature expands, so does ignorance, and ignorance may increase more than its related knowledge 22 Consciousness as a Valid Subject for Scientific Investigation HUNTLEY INGALLS Recent advances in brain research have stimulated widespread interest throughout the scientific community in the nature of consciousness, lending new respectability to the subject. 27 School Daze: A Critical Review of 'African-American Baseline Essays' WALTER F. ROWE These essays are riddled with pseudoscience and pseudohistory. They should not be used for the training of teachers or the teaching of students. 33 Mystical Medical Altenativism iSg.O) JACK RASO Hundreds of mystical or supernaturalistic health treatment methods have been advanced in recent decades. Here are 31 of them. 38 China, Chi, and Chicanery PETER HUSTON Traditional Chinese medicine is thousands of years old and has literally more than a billion satisfied customers. Many of its treatments and teachings are based on the effects of Chi, a mystical form of bio-energy. BOOK REVIEWS Beyond Psychology: Letters and Journals by Wilhelm Reich edited by Mary Boyd Higgins HENRY H. BAUER 43 Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind: The Conference at M.I. T by C. D. B. Bryan Alien Discussions: Proceedings of MIT Abduction Conference edited by Andrea Pritchard, et al. GORDON STEIN 46 What to Do About Your Brain Injured Child by Glenn Doman TERENCE HINES 47 Monsters of the Sea by Richard Ellis GORDON STEIN 48 License to Steal by Dennis Marlock and John Dowling PETER HUSTON 49 NEW BOOKS 51 ARTICLES OF NOTE 52 EDITOR'S NOTE 2 NEWS AND COMMENT 3 Harvard Investigates John Mack / APS on Power Lines and Cancer 'Miraculous' Cure / Weeping Madonna in Italy / Ozark UFO Convention Court on Repressed Memory / New Eye on Nature: Gravity Leasing NOTES OF A FRINGE-WATCHER Fuzzy Logic MARTIN GARDNER 9 PSYCHIC VIBRATIONS Scientology vs. Internet ROBERT SHEAFFER 12 MEDIA WATCH Telephone Psychics: Friends or Phonies? C. EUGENE EMERY, JR. 14 FORUM Scientology and the Internet Science Without Adjectives RALPH ESTLING 53 ON THE COVER CSICOP NEWS 55 Illustration by Ron Miller LETTERS TO THE editor 59 Editor's Note illQEffl&k Infinities of Ignorance, and a Valued Colleagues Message •MM Kendrick Frazier •MUM to AID Scientific knowledge of the natural world has been expanding at exponential James E. Alcock Barry Beyerstein rates. Does this mean that we are getting close to some kind of complete Susan J. Blackmore understanding of the universe? I don't think any scientist seriously thinks so, Martin Gardner Ray Hyman but still the assertion is sometimes heard Philip J. Klass In "The Paradox of Knowledge," in this issue, Lee Loevinger thoughtfully Paul Kurtz Joe Nickell explores "the infinity of our ignorance"from the viewpoint of
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