2013年4月 April,2013 Message from District Governor Dear Rotarians, We also saw two dedicated Rotarians walked home with The month of April was another exciting month for Rotarians two prestigious Rotary awards in our district. in service. Past District The 53rd district conference at the beautiful Mission Hills Governor (PDG) Ada was duly Golfing Resort in Dongguan was the high point of the Rotary recognized with the “Service year as we have so much friendship to share and many Above Self award” while PP accomplishments to celebrate in Rotary. Lau Suet Ting was awarded the “Regional Service Award for a After an absence of 20 year, our district conference was in the Polio Free World”. My heartiest Mainland of China again. Coincidentally, my first district congratulations to these two conference experience was at the White Swan Hotel in dedicated Rotarians. Guangzhou back in 1992 when Andres Guillen 桂安狄 was our district governor. Our pursuit in strengthening District 3450 continues with the charter of three Rotary Clubs in Mongolia -- RC of Hosting a district conference away from Hong Kong was Ulaanbaartar Peace Avenue, RC of Narlag, Mongolia and never an easy task, there was tremendous amount of work Rotary Club of Erdenet. These new clubs together with four involved in bringing over 550 conference participants happily new Rotaract clubs will be chartered on the May 4 during to and from the Mission Hills, all credit goes to conference my third official visit to Mongolia. chairman Past President (PP) KL Cheng and members of the organizing committee for their courage to take on such I am pleased that District 3450 is adding five new Rotary challenge as well as their ability to deliver an outstanding Clubs this year and this is no small achievement in “WHOLE IN ONE” conference. membership development. All credit goes to membership chairlady PDG Ada and her team for a very productive During the three-day conference, many Rotarians came up Rotary year. I am pleased to report that many clubs to me with their thumbs up and told me that the choice of have registered net gain in membership this year, conference venue was impeccable and they were very happy which is a combined effect of inducting new members with the service and facilities available. While I happily and implementing good retention strategy. The MAD agreed to their remark and replied that venue was important, presidents understand the importance of keeping their I know that we could always find a conference venue which clubs membership young and strong by adding more new is equally impressive, but I am convinced that I would never Rotarians. be able to find another conference organizing team that is as dedicated and with unequal experience and talents My suitcase are packed for the month of May as I shall be as the one we have this year. Conference Chair PP KL with traveling to Mongolia to conduct new members orientation his charismatic leadership motivated the team to achieve and chartering of three Rotary clubs. I will visit the outskirt admirable result. of Xian City in Shaanxi province with the district delegation to officiate the closing of our water project which involves More than 550 Rotarians, spouses and guests have attended the handing over of water filtration units at 43 schools the district conference. We have invited four distinguished before flying to Beijing where we shall pay official visits to speakers, Former vice minister of Health Prof. Huang Jiefu, four government departments. an outstanding entrepreneur Dr. Allan Zeman, famous economist Prof. Edward Chen K Y and the chairman of the Amidst all the positive news, I am saddened by the recent Mission Hills group our very own PP Ken Chu. Although earthquake in Sichuan where more than 200 of our each speakers comes from different background and training countrymen have perished. My thought and prayer go to the but their speeches were equally impressive and just as tens of thousands who were injured and made homeless as enlightening to the audiences. a result.I am appealing to all Rotarians to make generous donation to our district disaster relief fund and in the At the district governor banquet, we witnessed the Charter process showing our care and concern to the earthquake ceremony of two new Rotary Clubs (RC), RC Amazadi, victims in Sichuan. Macau and RC Kowloon Central. On behalf of the district, I would like to welcome members of these two clubs to the Rotary family. I wish them all the best and I know they will serve with great sense of pride and would be of advantage to Kenneth Wong Rotary. District Governor 1 AND MUCH MORE… Please follow this link to read the District Governor’s e-newsletter http://rotary3450.soofwood.com/ 地區總監三月文告 親愛的扶輪社員﹕ 四月,我們渡過了另一個充滿激情的月份。 第五十三屆地區年會在東莞美麗的觀瀾湖高爾夫球渡假 村舉行。這是扶輪年度的高潮,滿載友誼,分享和祝賀 扶輪取得的各項成績。 在闊別廿年之後,地區年會再一次在中國大陸舉行;巧 合的是,我的第一次地區年會經歷是在一九九二年於廣 州白天鵝酒店舉行的地區年會,當年的地區總監是桂安 狄。 在香港以外地方舉辦地區年會,特別是要為550位參與者在境外帶來愉快的區年會經驗不是一件容易 的事,得感謝地區年會主委鄭其龍前社長和他的籌委會團隊,他們敢於挑戰難度的豪情為我們帶來 傑出的一桿入洞的地區年會。 為期三天的地區年會,很多社員向我伸出姆指,盛贊這個無懈可擊的會場,他們對年會服務和設施 都感到滿意。我認同社員們的評價,回應說場地的選提擇確實非常重要,使人印象難忘的年會場地 也有不少,但我清楚知道,要找到像今屆年會一樣的有著奉獻精神和卓越執行能力的地區年會籌委 會難度更高。地區年會主委鄭其龍前社長以其出色的領導能力激勵著他的團隊取得使人佩服的成 果。 超過550位社員,伴侶和嘉賓包括演講嘉賓原衛生部副部長黄潔夫教授,出色創業家盛智文博士,著名 經濟學家陳坤耀教授以及觀瀾湖集團主席、香港西北區扶輪社朱鼎健前社長以主講嘉賓身份出席了 地區年會。雖然這些演講嘉賓的背景和成就不盡相同,但都予人印象深刻,啟迪所有聽眾。 地區總監晚宴中,我們見証了兩個新扶輪社的授証﹕RC of Amazadi, Macau and RC of Kowloon Central。我代表地區歡迎兩個新扶輪社加入扶輪大家庭。我祝賀他們並預期他們作出驕人服務惠及 社會和扶輪。 我們同時見証了兩位本地區社員獲得扶輪傑出服務獎﹕鄭瑤璋前地區總監獲頒『超我服務大獎』和 劉雪婷前社長獲頒『消滅小兒痳痺症地域服務大獎』。我衷心祝賀兩位奉獻的扶輪社員。 3450地區不斷增強,蒙古國將有三個新的扶輪社誕生﹕RC of Ulaanbaartar Peace Avenue, RC of Narlag, Mongolia and RC of Erdenet。這三個扶輪社連同三個新成立的扶青團將於5月4日在我第三度公式訪問 蒙古國時舉行授証大會。 我非常高興3450地區本年度新增五個扶輪社,在社員發展方面得取很大的成績。全賴社員發展主委 鄭瑤璋前地區總監和她的團隊的高效努力。我高興地報告,本扶輪年度,很多扶輪社通過推薦新社 員和有效推行社員保留策略而錄得社員淨增長。帶來改變的社長們明白增加新社員是保持扶輪社年 青和強大的重要工程。 我已整裝待發。五月份,我會到蒙古主持成立三個新扶輪社和新社員導向活動;帶領地區代表團到 陝西省西安市參加地區淨水計畫於當地43所學校的淨水設備移交儀式和項目閉幕典禮,然後飛赴北 京作為期三天的訪問,將拜訪國家衛生及計劃生育委員會,中央統戰部, 國務院僑務辦,國家民政 部等四個中央政府部委。 上述眾多好消息之時,我為四川地震二百多人失去生命而感到悲痛,為在地震中成千上萬受傷或無 家可歸的人們祈禱。我請求扶輪社員慷慨捐輸給地區災難援助基金,以表達我們對四川地震受災者 的關愛。 地區總監王國林 2 Where about was our District Governor? Area 6 Career Expo 2013 DG visit to RC of E-club DG visit to RC of Kwun Tong Lunch with Group Study Exchange Meeting with Consul General of RC of City NW HK 25th from District 9640 Mongolia in HK Mr Ganbol anniversary dinner RC of City NW HK 25th anniversary RC of HK Harbour annual dinner Rotary Happy Hour project RI President representative RC of HK Sunrise annual dinner visit to Macau 3 FOUNDATION Message from the Chair of the District Rotary Foundation Committee The district has had a successful district conference more than two months to go and we should continue with held in the weekend just passed during which Rotarians the great efforts that we have done thus far”. met and greeted each other, shared their projects and fellowships, and celebrated their collective achievement Several Rotarians joined the conference all the way in the year of “Peace Through Service”. from Mongolia. It is always nice to see them. They are always proud of the service projects, many of which are District Governor Kenneth Wong when presenting his supported by grant funds from The Rotary Foundation. district report talked about the great supports that our The district training team is going to conduct training Rotarians have given to The Rotary Foundation. At in May for the incoming club presidents and officers the foundation lunch on the second day, the scholars of the clubs in Mongolia to better prepare them for the studying in Hong Kong, both the inbound and outbound leadership role in the coming Rotarian year. The District Group Study Exchange teams made short presentations Rotary Foundation Committee is also planning to conduct of themselves to the audience, who, on one hand are training on the Future Vision and the Grants Management given an opportunity to know more the young people Seminar for them separately. The new grant structure who have benefited from their contribution to The Rotary and qualification procedures will have significant Foundation and on the other benefited themselves with implications on the clubs in Mongolia and it is important an increased understanding of the countries where they fully understand the requirements and are able to these individuals come from. During the lunch, we also fulfill their obligations. recognized generous donors in anticipation that their benevolent acts of giving will inspire those who have not In the meantime, club qualification process has started in started to make contribution and yet to appreciate the joy Hong Kong and Macau. I sincerely hope that the clubs of giving. can manage to go through the process with the belief that it is necessary to enable projects with greater community While celebrating what we have accomplished so far impact be carried out. in this year, I fully agree with a remark that Rotary International (RI) President Personal Representative, Past District Governor Peter Wan Past RI Director A Pretoni made during his final address, District Rotary Foundation Committee Chair “This Rotary year ends on June 30, 2013. There are still 地區扶輪基金委員會主委文告 地區年會在剛過去的周末成功舉行。年會上,扶輪社員相互問好,分享彼此的項目和友誼,祝賀在 『以服務促進和平』扶輪年度共同努力之下取得的成績。 王國林地區總監在年會報告時提到扶輪社員對扶輪基金的強有力支持。在地區年會翌日的扶輪基金 午餐會上,於境內外學習的扶輪基金獎學金學人和團體學習交換計劃成員,向與會者做了簡報,使 大家更加清楚這郡扶輪基金的受惠人及加深認識他們來自的不同國家地區。在午餐會上,我們同時 表揚了慷慨的捐贈者,體會他們施予的樂趣,並期望通過他們的慈愛行動影響其他尚未捐獻的社員 和人士。 在慶祝達至年度目標的時候,我非常同意國際扶輪社長特別代表,前國際扶輪理事,A Pretoni,在 總結發言時的說詞﹕今個扶輪年度將於二零一三年六月三十日才結束,尚有兩個月時間讓我們延續 已取得的成果繼續沖刺。 參與地區年會有來自蒙古國的扶輪社員,非常高興和他們在一起。他們對所進行的,大部份得到扶 輪基金配對補助金支持的服務項目感到非常自豪。地區培訓團隊將於五月到蒙古為來屆社長和地區
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