PASSPORT TO THE WORLD An Introduction to Travel & Tourism GLOSSARY GLOSSARY OF TERMS AIRLINE TERMINOLOGY GLOSSARY OF TERMS PASSPORT TO THE WORLD Worksheets Advertising campaign: A planned Comment Cards: Every business needs program of advertisements shown in to ask its customers “How am I doing?” various media (newspapers, magazines, One way that many hotels and restaurants and television) to raise a potential buyer’s use to find out is a card or form that awareness of the destination, product or customers can fill in to tell what they service being sold. thought of the product or service. These cards are called “comment cards.” Airline vocabulary: Refer to the final section of this glossary. Most businesses develop their own cards with the questions that are important to Attraction: Any visitor service or product their particular businesses. Restaurants ask which tourists would enjoy visiting or using. about the service the waiter gave, the decor An attraction may not be an “attractor” of the restaurant, and importantly, how did but can still be an attraction. To be the food taste. Hotels ask such things as considered an attraction, a product must whether the room was clean and the bed be: A. Findable (clearly located on maps and properly made. Some businesses ask if the street addresses, and directions provided). price is right. If tourists can’t find the facility, it is not a tourist attraction. B. Hours of operation Consumer Show: A public exhibition clearly denoted in any and all promotional where travel companies, government tourism materials (if a tourist arrives only to find the officials, and industry participants such attraction closed, it is not an attraction). as hotels, car rental companies, airlines, Examples of attractions include everything and others provide information on their from a theme park that attracts over a destinations, products, and services that million visitors a year, to a produce stand by travelers would find interesting. the side of the road. Convention and Visitors Bureau: (Source: Glossary of Terms & Acronyms - Government or private organizations that Compiled & Contributed from Private & promote their particular city or region as Public Tourism Organizations a place where business travelers should http://www.southeasttourism.org/research/ hold meetings, or where tourists should GlossaryofTerms.htm Hereafter referred to visit. These organizations are local tourism as “southeasterntourism.org” marketing organizations specializing in developing conventions, meetings, Benchmarking: Finding the industry conferences and visitations to a city, county standard (the “benchmark”) or best practice or region. and comparing your company’s performance relative to the benchmark so that you know what to improve or change. 3 PASSPORT TO THE WORLD GLOSSARY C-G Worksheets Country of Residence: The country Raise sensitivity to host countries’ where a person has established a legal political, environmental, and social climate residence. A person does not have to be Support international human a citizen to be considered a resident. rights and labor agreements” Travelers entering a country are required to provide different types of information Familiarization (Fam) Trip: depending on whether they are visitors A complimentary or reduced-rate travel or residents. The legal requirements for program that is intended to familiarize residency vary from one country to another. the visitor with a particular destination or mode of travel. It is a marketing tool and Cultural tourism: Travel for the purpose in the past was often used to encourage of learning about cultures or aspects of journalists to visit a particular place and to cultures (NEAP, 2000). write about it later. Many travel publications, (Source: southeasterntourism.org) however, will no longer let writers accept “fam” trips because they want to be sure Day Trippers: Business travelers or the writers are objective in their reporting. tourists who arrive and leave a destination on the same day. Foreign Independent Travel or Foreign Individual Travel (FIT): Destination Marketing: The program An international pre-paid unescorted tour that is developed by the Travel & Tourism that includes several travel elements industry or by governments to promote a such as accommodations, rental cars and particular destination to business travelers sightseeing. A FIT operator specialises in and tourists. (See Marketing Mix.) preparing FITs documents at the request of retail travel agents. FITs usually receive Ecotourism: The International Ecotourism travel vouchers to present to on-site Society (www.ecotourism.org) defines services as verification of pre-payment. ecotourism as: “responsible travel to natural (Source: southeasterntourism.org) areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people. Geotourism: Defined by National This means that those who implement and Geographic Traveler magazine as: “tourism participate in ecotourism activities should that sustains or enhances the geographical follow the following principles: character of the place being visited—its environment, culture, aesthetics, heritage, Minimize impact and the well-being of its residents.” Build environmental and cultural awareness and respect Gross lettings: This refers to all room lettings, i.e. both paid & complimentary Provide positive experiences for both listings are included visitors and hosts Provide direct financial (Source: Singapore Tourism Board (Research benefits for conservation & Statistics Department) Provide financial benefits and empowerment for local people 4 PASSPORT TO THE WORLD GLOSSARY G-J Worksheets Group Tour: Travel that is undertaken Independent or inclusive: When people by a group of people with a common travel they can buy each element of their interest, or by people who have joined the trip separately -- tickets for transportation, group tour in order to benefit from prices separate arrangements for hotels and that are lower than the prices offered to other activities. This is “independent” an individual traveler. Universities, museums, travel. Or they can buy an “inclusive” and even non-profit charitable organizations package which includes transportation and plan and sell group tours to their members accommodations and some or all meals for a and other interested people. Travel & fixed price. Tourism companies that offer group travel are able to negotiate lower prices because Inquiry: A question. they buy in quantity. International vs. domestic tourism: Hospitality: A general term used in Domestic- within one’s own country, travel & tourism describing the “hospitality International- outside one’s own country industry” which includes accommodations and restaurants in particular. Hospitality also Itinerary: A chronological travel refers to being a welcoming host or hostess. plan which describes by the day and the hour what the traveler will be doing. Hotel Package: a package offered by a It typically includes information about hotel, sometimes consisting of no more than transportation, accommodations, a room and breakfast; sometimes, especially meals, and sightseeing. at resort hotels, consisting of (ground) transportation, rooms, meals, sports Joint venture: When two or more facilities and other components. companies or governmental organizations (Source: southeasterntourism.org) join together to conduct business, or develop a project. For example, a local Image: The way a country is perceived government might join with a global hotel internally or externally. Products, companies company to develop a tourist resort. The and people can all have images, which government might provide the land, while means the way they are perceived by others. the hotel company might provide the money In Travel & Tourism, destinations work to to build the hotel. Joint ventures include project positive images that will attract different organizations; each brings their visitors. Newspaper reports about robberies own expertise, and often each brings money, or poor service contribute to a negative people, and ideas as well. image. Jungle tourism: Jungle tours have become Inbound vs. outbound tourism: a major component of green tourism in Inbound- Tourists entering the country tropical destinations. A jungle is a subclimax Outbound- Tourists leaving the country tropical forest consisting of a tangled growth of lianas, trees and scrub which Incentive Tour: a trip offered as a prize, may form an almost impenetrable barrier usually by a company to stimulate employee to the tourist. Jungle tours are a relatively sales or productivity. recent phenomenon of Western international tourism. (Source: southeasterntourism.org) (Source: Encyclopaedia of Tourism, p341 & 342) 5 PASSPORT TO THE WORLD GLOSSARY K-0 Worksheets Key-informant survey: This involves Marketing Mix: Professional marketers interviewing people who are likely to have refer to four elements that make up the some insight into a problem: operating “marketing mix.” These are: managers; sales staff; managers; suppliers; 1. The actual product or service that and consultants. is being sold. (Source: Marketing Hospitality (2nd ed), by 2. The way that the company or organization Tom Powers, p98) tells people about the product; that is, how the product is “promoted”. Ways to Keying: A social convention by which promote a product or service include social ‘reality’ is transformed and seen as telling people directly in a store or something else, such as the presentation cultural venue, advertisements, stories in of a
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