SunBody Hats 1-800-310-7093 2014-2015 Catalog www.sunbody.com Let’s Have Fun! 1-713-861-5133 Page 2 Hi! Whats so special about palm-leaf hats? In October 2013 we passed a mile stone: They’re tough - rain or shine: WE SOLD OUR MILLIONTH HAT! 6HZQEUDLGSDOPOHDIKDWVDUHDERXWWKHWRXJKHVWKDWV\RX¶OO¿QG The overlapping layers of palm braid form an almost impenetrable “FUN” and “PRACTICAL” are two of the biggest factors VXQEORFN$QGZKHQWKH\JHWZHWWKH\VWLIIHQDQGNHHSWKHLUVKDSH in our success. Being able to get the hats wet and shape PDNLQJWKHPJUHDWLQWKHUDLQRUWKHULYHU them yourself, as a dealer or an end user, is an endless source of entertainment. You can wet ‘m and shape ‘m: 7KH\DUHHDVLO\UHVKDSHGWRRZLWKSODLQZDWHUQRVWHDPLVUH- And the fact that they stand up to the beating they get TXLUHG<RXFDQXVHDVSUD\ERWWOHKROGLWXQGHUWKHIDXFHWRUGLSLW in the rough and tumble of outdoor life,combined with a LQDEXFNHW7KH\FDQEHVKDSHGE\KDQGDQG\RXFDQPRGLI\\RXU reasonable price, makes them the most practical hats around. SUHVKDSHGKDWWR\RXUGHVLUHGORRN The 125 or so hats you see in this catalog are just a You can crush ’m and pop ’m back out to shape: sampling of the endless possibilities. Starting with the 31 $KRUVHFDQVWHSRQRQHDQGLIWKHKRRIGRHVQ¶WFXWFRPSOHWHO\ unshaped hat bodies we stock, we can shape and trim the WKURXJK\RXFDQSRSLWEDFNRXWDQGNHHSZHDULQJLW3DFNLQJWKHP hats like you want them.We can bind the edges in many ÀDWLQDVXLWFDVHLVSRVVLEOHEXWZLOOUHTXLUHVRPHUHVKDSLQJDQGLV different colors and patterns, eyelet in different colors, QRWUHFRPPHQGHG shape in different ways, use a variety of different hat bands and choose from several different stampede strings (chin straps). Five Different Hat Qualities: (Shown actual size) 2QRXUZHEVLWH\RXZLOOÀQGHYHQPRUHKDWVDQGWULPPLQJ possibilities, along with information on how the hats are made, getting the right size and links to the long history of palm leaf hat making. Register and we’ll send you information on special sales and new hats. A. Guatemalan Economy Palms: VWUDQGVRIEUDLGSHULQFK8VHG You can even order online if you wish. We’ve made it easier RQWKHNLG¶VRQHVL]HKDWVDQGWKHHFRQRP\SDOPV SDJHV for wholesale buyers with a table-style order form. 1RVWLIIHQHUDGGHG “We’re the leader in palm leaf hats” is not just a slogan: B. Guatemalan Standard Palms:VWUDQGVRIEUDLGSHULQFK2XU 30 years of experience working directly with hatmakers PRVWSRSXODUKDWV1RVWLIIHQHUVDGGHGVKDSHGE\KDQGRQZRRGHQ in Guatemala and Mexico that sew them together and PROGV(DVLO\UHVKDSHGXVLQJZDWHU1RVWHDPQHFHVVDU\0D\VKULQN DOLWWOHLIGULHGLQWKHKHDW&RQIRUPWRZHDUHU¶VKHDG5HSHDWHG GRLQJWKHÀQLVKLQJLQRXUVKRSLQ+RXVWRQJLYHVXV ZDVKLQJVZLOOUHVXOWLQDVRIWHUKDW XQULYDOHGÁH[LELOLW\LQVXSSO\LQJ\RXZLWKWKHKDWV\RXZDQW C. Guatemalan Fine Palms: VWUDQGVRIEUDLGSHULQFK/LNH We have: DOORIRXU*XDWHPDODQSDOPVWKH\FDQEHUHVKDSHGZLWKSODLQZDWHU DQGDUHÀH[LEOH7KHSDOPLVEOHDFKHGVRWKDWQRZKLWHQHULVQHHGHG The Most Styles: Guatemalan and Mexican palm leaf +DWVDUHDYDLODEOHKDQGFUHDVHG ZLWKFROGZDWHURQZRRGHQPROGV hats. Exclusive dealer of the Guatemalan Fine Palms RURSHQFURZQ (see right). We have 31 open crown hats. The Most Options: Creasing, eyeletting, edge-binding, brim lacing, sweatbands, accessories. The Most Sizes: Miniatures for dolls and dogs, sizes 5 to 6-1/4 for babies and toddlers, children’s one- D. VL]HÀWVmost, and up to size 8 in our adult hats. We can ÀWDQ\ERG\ D. Guatemalan Oak-Colored Palms: VWUDQGVRIEUDLGSHULQFK 7KHSDOPLVERLOHGIRUWKUHHKRXUVSULRUWREUDLGLQJ7KLVWXUQVLWD We invite you to have fun with us by selling our hats. And OLJKWEURZQFRORU1RG\HRUVWDLQLVXVHG7KH\DUHVRIWHUDQGPRUH by all means, give us you ideas for new hats, new ways we ÀH[LEOHWKDQWKHVWDQGDUGSDOPV(DVLO\UHVKDSHG can have fun together. E. Mexican Fine Palms: VWUDQGVRIEUDLGLQFKJLYLQJWKHKDWVD YHU\¿QHDSSHDUDQFHQLFHGUHVVKDWV6WLIIHQHGDQGZKLWHQHGZLWKD Jimmy Pryor, President FKDON\OLTXLG3UHVVHGLQKHDWHGPROGV+DUGWRUHVKDSH:DWHUZLOO wash out the stiffener and leave the hat with a rougher and darker DSSHDUDQFHEXWVWLOOYHU\IXQFWLRQDO 1-800-310-7093 SunBody Hats How Guatemalan Palm www.sunbody.com 2014-2015 Catalog Leaf Hats Are Made 1-713-861-5133 Page 3 The palm for Guatemalan palm leaf hats is harvested from palm palm shoots from young trees. When the trees are older, the new trees on the southern coast of Guatemala where they grow wild leaves are too high for easy harvesting. The harvesters return to near the mangrove swamps. Independent harvesters paddle out the beach where they sell their day’s harvest to palm dealers. in their boats before the break of day to cut slender, un-opened The dealers open the fronds and tear off the outer edges of the The dried palm is trucked to Quiche in the Western highlands. It is leaves which are dark green. The inner leaf, untouched by sun, is bleached and sold in the marketplace on Thursdays and Sundays. a pale yellow color. The leaves are opened up like fans and spread The buyers, peasant women, take the palm home and braid it into on the beach to dry and be sun bleached. DÀDWVHYHQVWUDQGSODLW7KH\UHWXUQWRPDUNHWWRVHOOWKHEUDLG Table of Contents Open crown, unshaped hats: Pages 4-5> Riatas and Elkos: Pages 6-7> Western Classics: Pages 8-11> Kids, Baby, Miniatures: Page 12-13> Mexican Pressed Palms: Pages 14-15> Gus and Old West: Pages 16-17> Laced-Brims: Pages 18-20> Bound-Edge Gus: Page 21> Fun & Funky: Pages 22-23> Fashion Favorites: 24-26> Hatbands and Accessories: Pages 27-29> The hatmakers, mostly men, buy the braid, take it home, and sew it into hats. They begin with the top of the crown and sew Palm River Economy Hats: Page 30> in a spiral, overlapping the braid as they go. For more pictures Photos of Hatmakers & Sun Bodies: Page 31> and a more detailed account of this story, visit our website: www.SunBody.com. SunBody Hats 1-800-310-7093 2014-2015 Catalog www.sunbody.com Shaping Palm Page 4 1-713-861-5133 Leaf Hats You, too, can shape a palm-leaf hat! Try it! You’ll be surprised at how much fun it is. 1. Get it wet. Dealers Who Shape Hats 'XQNLQJLQDWXEZRUNVEHVW Just dip it in and pull it right EDFNRXW'RQ¶WVRDNLW7KDWZLOO Sell More! wash the natural starch out and Shaping palm-leaf hats always attracts a crowd. PDNHLWVRIW Dunk a palm-leaf hat into a bucket of water and watch people VWRSLQWKHLUWUDFNV:DWFKWKHDZHDQGDPD]HPHQWDV\RXSOXFN $IWHU\RXGXQNLWOHWWKHZDWHU WKHGULSSLQJKDWIURPWKHEXFNHWDQGEHJLQWRVKDSHLW3HRSOHDUH VRDNLQWRWKHSDOP¿EHU:KHQ DOZD\VGUDZQWRDFWLRQDQGDJRRGVKRZ2XUEHVWFXVWRPHUVDUH WKHKDWLVZHWLWZLOOEHKDUGDQG WKRVHWKDWVKDSHSDOPOHDIKDWVIRUWKHLUFXVWRPHUV VWLII%XWWKDW¶VDOVRWKHWLPH\RX FDQVKDSHLW 2. Shape the crown. 7RPDNHDFDWWOHPDQXVHWKHVLGH of your hand to make a crease in WKHWRSRIWKHKDW8VHWKHVPDOO rectangle of palm at the very top of the crown and the small seam in the brim that marks the middle RIWKHEDFNDVJXLGHV 7RDFKLHYHV\PPHWU\LWVRPH- times helps to look at the hat IURPWKHERWWRP 3. Shape the brim. 8VLQJERWKKDQGVIROGWKHVLGHV RIWKHEULPXS7U\LWE\ORRN- ing at the hat from the front and the back to see what works best IRU\RX SunBody’s Hats Earn 'RQ¶WEHDIUDLGWRH[SHULPHQW Highest Protection Rating ,IWKHKDWLVZHW\RXZRQ¶W KXUWLW $QLQGHSHQGHQWODERUDWRU\KDVFHUWL¿HGWKDW$//RI6XQ%RG\¶V SDOPOHDIKDWVERWK*XDWHPDODQDQG0H[LFDQEORFNRI Just get your hat wet and play KDUPIXOXOWUDYLROHQW 89 VXQOLJKWDQGDUHFHUWL¿HGWRXVHWKH ZLWKLW<RX¶OOEHVXUSULVHGDW highest protective rating of UPF 50 KRZPXFKIXQLWLV 2XUKDWVEORFNERWK89$ZKLFKFDXVHVVXQEXUQDQG89% 7RWU\DQHZVKDSH\RXFDQSXVKWKHFURZQEDFNRXWWRDURXQGHGVKDSHDQG ZKLFKFDXVHVVNLQFDQFHU)RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQYLVLWRXUZHEVLWH ÀDWWHQWKHEULPDJDLQVWDWDEOHWRS:KHQWKHKDWGULHVLWZLOOUHPHPEHUWKH ZZZVXQERG\FRP VKDSHLWKDVDQGSRSEDFNRXWWRWKDWVKDSHLILWJHWVFUXVKHG 1-800-310-7093 SunBody Hats www.sunbody.com 2014-2015 Catalog Open Crown! 1-713-861-5133 Page 5 31 Different Hat Bodies -7 different brim widths -6 crown heights -4 qualities and price levels - Optional Eyeletting - Optional Edge-binding (many colors) - Endless possibilities. 1/3 of all the hats we sell are OPEN CROWN! ECONOMY Guatemalan Palms (Five to Six strands of braid per inch.) hg4a-eco 4" Brim, 5-1/4" Crown (see p. 30) hg5a-eco 5” Brim, 5-1/4” Crown (not shown) STANDARD Guatemalan Palms (Seven strands of braid per inch.) KJE %DE\+DWVVL]HVWR¿WPRQWKVWRPRQWKVEULP and crown dimensions proportionate to hat size. See price list hg25-oak 2-1/2" brim, 5-1/4" crown, oak-colored hg3 3" Brim, 5-1/2" Crown hg35 3-1/2" Brim, 5-3/4" Crown hg35aw 3-1/2” Brim, 5-1/4” Crown, wire in brim (not shown) hge 4" Brim, 4" Vented Crown (Espanola, see p.26 ) hg4t 4" Brim, Topless (no crown) hg4a 4" Brim, 5-1/4" Crown hg4a-oak 4" Brim, 5-1/4 crown, oak-colored (see p. 10) hg4ap 4" Brim Alligator Palm (Open Crown, not shown) hg4aw 4" Brim, 5-1/4" Crown, wire in brim (not shown) hg4b 4" Brim, 5-3/4" Crown hg45 4-1/2" Brim, 5-1/2" Crown (not shown) hgv 4" Brim, 5-3/4" Vented Crown hg5x4 5" Brim, 4" Crown hg5a 5" Brim, 5-1/4" Crown hg5b 5" Brim, 5-3/4" Crown hg5b-oak 5" Brim, 5-3/4" Crown, Oak-colored (not shown) hg5c 5" Brim, 6-1/2" Crown hg5v 5" Brim, 5-1/2" Vented Crown KJÀDW %ULP&URZQ VL]HRQO\QRWVKRZQ hg6a 6" Brim, 5-1/4" Crown hg6b 6" Brim, 5-3/4" Crown hg8b 8" Brim w/roll, 6" Crown FINE Guatemalan Palms Available ONLY from SunBody Hats! (11 strands of braid per inch.) hg2.5f 2-1/2" Brim, 5-1/2" Crown (not shown) hg3f 3" Brim, 5-1/2" Crown (not shown) hg35f 3-1/2" Brim, 5-3/4" Crown (not shown) hg4f 4" Brim, 5-1/2" Crown hg5af 5" Brim, 5-1/2" Crown EYELETTING & EDGE-BINDING We’ll add ventilation or stampede string eyelets to any hat. We will also bind the edge and make a matching hatband for any hat. Many colors to choose from. See page 27 for eyeletting and color
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