Thursday, 6th April, 1944 CONTENTS Pages PAOBS Tuesday, 15th February, 19 4 4 - Thursday, 24th February, 1944 Members Sworn .... Questions and, Answers . 155— 109 Postponement of the date for the Bills' passed by the ’ >ive Presentation of tho Railway Assembly laid on t1 . 109— 170 Budget^ 1944-45 . Central Advisory Bc ca- Messages from His Excellency the • tTon . * . * 170 Govomor Goneral . 1—2 Standing Committee ' » . - De­ C > n nittoe on Petitions ' . 2 partment of Information and Congratulations to recipients of Broadcasting . ' . * • 170 Honours ..... V - 3 Resolution re Price-control and Death of Khan Bahadur Ihtisham supply of requirements of agrir ^ Hydor C&audhury . culturists— Adopted . 17£—184 Govomor Gonoral’g Assent to Bills . Rosofution re Rehabilitation,.of the ^ Bills paused by tho Legislative As- economic structure,—With- ^•ibly laid on tho table . drawn . 184— 195 Resolution re Manufacture of _ w Wefoe3day, 10th Februar/, 1944— broad gau£o locomotives—To be oontinued . 195— 202 Questions and Answers . 5— 16 Statomeyt of Business . 203 Notices of Motions for Adjournment. 10— 18 Statements, etc., laid on tho tablo 18— 19 Wednesday, 29th February, 1944— ~Information xfoL'iiiation re Quo>tions laidla on Mombers Swor^ . 205 , tho tablo 19— 27 Questions and Answers . 205— 212 Presentation of tho Rilway Budget, ’ Statement laid on the table . 212— 219 1 0 4 4 - 4 5 .......................................... 27— 32 Standing Committee for Roads, • 1944-45 ......................................... 219 Thursday, 17th February, 1944— Standing Committee for the De- \ ■ part men t of Posts and Air . 219 v Address by His Excellency tho Standing Committee on Pilgrim­ Viceroy t/O tho members of the age to the Hejaz . 219 Cuntral Legislature . 33— 39 Standing Commixtoo on Emigra­ Friday, 13th February, 1944— tion . # . 219 Standing Committee for the De­ Questions and Answers . 41— 53 partment of Information and ' Bill passed by the Legislative As­ Broadcasting „ . '. 219 sembly laid on tho table . 53 C6al Minos Safety5 (Stowing) Am- * „ Resolution re Future constitution of endrnont Bill— Considered t iid . Indi.iu on federal principles— passed . * . ' . 220 Negatived .... 53— 09 Indian Companies (Amendment) . Resolution re Amendment of tho Bill—Confide rod and parsed . 220— 221 Defence of India Rulo. ,-- Nega­ Indian Aircraft (Amendment) Bill tived . 09— 90 ■—Considered and passed . 221— 227 Resolution re Price control and Tiansfe r of Property (Amendment) requirements of agriculturists— ^jll—Considered and passed . 227 Moved ..... 97 Insurance (Amondment) pill— Statement of Business . a7 Considered and passed . '227 Presentation of® tho Goneral Monday, 31st February, 1944— Budgot, 1944-45 . 22&—244 Membocs Sworn . 99 Tuesday, 7th March, 19^£— Questions and Ajnswors . 99— 110 Statoments, etc., laid on the tablo 110— 113 Statement, etc., laid on the table 245 Central Advisory Board of Educa- Bills passed by the Legislative tion ..... 113 Assembly laid on the table . 245 • Standing Committoe for tho De­ StandingCommittoe for Civil De- partment of Information and • fenco Branch of the Defence Broadcasting . 113 Department .... 245 Coffee Market Expansion (Amend­ ;v, •» Standing Committee for Roads, ment) Bill-Considered and 1944-45 ......................................... 245 passed ..... 113 Standing Committee for the De­ Central Excises and Salt Bill— part ment of Posts and Air . 245 Considered and passed . 113— 121 Goneral discussion of the General Statement of Business . 121. Budgot, 194^45 . 245— 296 Statement of Business . 296 Wednesday, 23rd February, 1944— Monday, 13th March, 1 944- Members Sworn . * 123 Questions and Answers . 297_304 De tli of Mrs. Gandhi . 123— 124 Standing Committeo fu* the Standing Committee on Pilgritaa^e • Labour Department . , 304 to the Hojiz . 124* Standing Committoe ffr tho Civil Standing Committeo on Emigra­ Defence Branoh of tne Defence tion . " . 124 Depcfrtiment .... 304 General Discussion of the Railway Cantonment (Amendment) Bill— Budget, 1944-45 . 124— 153 Considered and passed . 304— 310 ii P a g e s - Pa a* Wednesday, 15th Maroh, 1944— Death of Malik Sir Umar Hayat • Questions and Answers . 311— 319 Khan Tiwana . 516—615 Standing Committee, for the Civil Standing ^ommittee for the De- Defence Branch of the Defence partmont of Supply . 534 department .... 319— 920 Thursday, 30th March, 1944— • Resolution re Manufacture of broad Members Sworn .' . 563 'gauge* loco motives— Adopted . 320— 331 Indian Finance Bill— To be con- Resolution^re Industrial Commis­ tinued . ; 653— 567, sion to roviow existing industrial 667— 691 situation, etc.— Postponed, to Cpntral Advisory Council for Rail­ .next session .... 332— 342 ways . * 567 Resolution re Import of chemical Friday, 31st Maroh, 1944— fertilizers— Withdrawn . 342— 349 Indian Finance Bill—concld. ." 693— 612 Resolution re Appointment of an Tuesday, 4th April, 1944— Indian as Director General of Members litoom. • . 61J Archaeology— Negatived . • . 349— 358 Questions and ^Visv^rs . 613— 62 V Information re Questions laid on Thursday, 16th March, 1944— the tablo . 625-^=626 Questions and Answers . 359— 370 Statements, otc., laid on the table . 626— 627 Defence Consultative Committee . 371 Message from tho Legislative . Central Advisory, Council for Assembly . ...... 62. Railways . 371 Bills passed by tho Legislative Standing Committeo for the Assembly laid on the table . 627 Labour Department . 371 Central Committeo of the Tuber- ' Motion re Food situation— To be culosis As ociation o£india . * 628 continued .... 371-*407 Standing Committeo for tho De­ Friday, 17th March, 1 9 4 4 - partment of Commerce . 628 Death of Mr. Ranidus Pantulu . 409— 410 Dofonco Consultative Committee . 628 Motion re Food situation—con­ Standing ‘Committoe for the Food cluded _ 411— 445 ' Departtnotit .... 628 Hindu Code, Part II (Marriage) Wednesday, 22nd March, 1944-*- Bill—Referred to Joint Com­ Mombers Sworn . 447 mittee ..... 628— 636 Questions and Answers . 447- -451 Motion re Nomination of Mombors . Indian Merchant Shipping (Am- of the Council of State to the ~ • ondment) Bill—Considered and Joint Committee . 63* passed . 451 Governing Body of the Indian Resolution re Permanent o^trhange Rosearch Fund Association . 63* value of the rupoe— Negatived , 451—469 _ Resolution re Rights of citizenship Statement of Business . 636— 63' for Indians in #the U. ‘ 6. A.— Wednesday, 6th April, 1944— ' Central Committoe of tho Tubop- « Adopted .... 469— 480 Resolution re Employment of culosis Association of India and Standing Committeo for tho women in co%l mines—Negativ- Commeroo Department .• . 639 od . r . 480— 487 Statement by*His Excellency the Bills passed by tho Legislative • Assembly laid on tho table . 639 Commandor-in-Chiof . 487— 488 Indian Income-tax (Amendment) . Monday, 27th March, 1944^- Bill—Considorodand passed . 639— 642 Mombers Sworn . 489 Motion re United Nations Relief Questions and Answoft . 489— 496 and Rehabilitation Adminis­ Statements, etc., laid on the tablo . 496— 497 tration Agroemont—To be con­ Information re Questions laid on tinued ..... 642—*650 ‘ the tablo .... 497— 600 Statement of Business . 660 ’ Standing Committoe for the De-t «Thursday, 6th April, 1944— partmont of Supply . 500 Members Sworn . 651 Standing Committeo for the De­ Questions and Answers . 651— 654 partment of Commerce . 500 Resolution re Withdrawal of Re­ Central Committee of the Tuber­ gulations restricting entry of culosis Association of India . 500 Indian immigrants into Kenya— # Governing Body of the Indian Adopted . ^ ' 654— 668 Roroarch Fund.Association, . 501 Resolution re increase of Muslims Standing Committee for the De­ in the Central Services— Noga- partment of Food . 501 * tivod ..... 668— 684 Indian Coconut Committoe Bill— Dolhi Muslim Wakfs (Amendment) Considered and passed . 601— 509 Bill— Considered anil passed . 684 Statement of Business . 509— 510 Protective Duties Continuation Bill— Considered and passed . 684— 685 Wednesday, 29th taarch» 1944— * Factorios (Amendment) Bill— Members Sworn , . * 511 Considered and passed . 686— 686 Questions and Answers . 611— 616 Dofence Consultative Committee . 686 Messages from His Excellency the 1 Standing Committee for the Food Governor General . 616 Department .... 68 / Indian Finance Bill* 1944— To. be Motion re United Nations Relief ■ continued . 516, 517— 534, and Rehabilitation Adminietra- 534 -652 tion Agreement—Adopted . 686— 6 COUNCIL OF STATE Thursday, 6th April, 1944 The Council met in the Council Chamber of the Council House at Elevejr p of the Clock, the Honourable the Chairman (the Honourable Sir David Devttdob6) in the Chair. ~ MEMBER SWORN: The Honourable Mr. Muhammad Saleh Akbar Hydari (Nominated Official). QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. U. 8. A. FtfkCHASES, BTC., ON GOVERNMENT ACCOUNT. 253. T h e H o n o u b a b l e M b . HOSSAIN IMAM : Will Government state the yearly amount reoeived from the United States of America for their supply and services and exports on Government account not covered by reciprocal aid,e.g., tea, bags, mica, etc.? Tiih Honourable Mr. Y. N. SUKTHANKAR: The information asked for is not readily available and its collection would involve an amouAt of time and labour that would not be justifiable in war-time. The Honourable Mr. HOSSAIN IM AM : Could the Government give any indication of the total amount? T he Honourable M r . Y. N. SUKTHANKAR: No, Sir, I am unable to give any indication at all. ‘ T e n d e r s f o r c o l l e c t in g W a st e P a p e r f r o m G o v e r n m e n
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