Longwood University Digital Commons @ Longwood University Rotunda Library, Special Collections, and Archives 9-21-1992 Rotunda - Vol 72, No 4 - Sep 21, 1992 Longwood University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.longwood.edu/rotunda VOLUME 72, NUMBER 4 LONGWOOD COLLEGE SEPTEMBER 21, 1992 T H E Vandals Despoil Frazer Students are fuming over the feces nounced (TBA) rageous fees to penalize, give each discoveredonfourthfloorFrazer. Ac- -On Friday, September 11, both floor a chance to do the right thing." cordingtoMichaelHerndon,Frazer's elevators broke d9wn due to over­ Steve Dealph, Longwood's Greek Residence Education Coordinator crowding. Affairs Coordinator disagreed. "Fra­ (REC), an unknown individual def- Approximate cost: TBA ternities must be held accountable for ecated in Frazer's north stairwell on -On Saturday, September 12, a its members, and they must make sure Sunday, September 6, 1992. Longwood desk aide was assaulted by each and every member is following That and similar incidents of van- non-students and injured, including the Longwood and Hall policies and dalism have sparked concern from various lacerations and a broken nose. assisting in cleaning up." students and administrators alike. -On Saturday, September 12, a "The cleaning up of common ar­ "Residents of Frazer are getting window near the Commons Room was eas," he continues, "is a responsibil­ sick and tired of shelling out money, shattered. ity and service that Greeks should be for the ignorance of a few," states Approximate cost: TBA willing to do." Herndon. -On Thursday, September 17, an- The Housekeeping Department To help deal with the increasing other windoy; was broken by the front was contacted in regard to the $200.00 rash of violence .and vandalism, a door entrance. fee charged to clean the human meeting took place on Monday, Sep- Approximate cost: TBA excrament found in Frazer. tember 14, at 7:00 in the Frazer study -At various unknown times, win- Dan Weatherman, an employee of lounge. dow screens were removed and/or the Longwood Housekeeping Depart­ The purpose of the meeting was to damaged in several areas throughout ment tried explained, "It took two address the series of incidents that had the building. employees, and some special equip­ taken place in Frazer this year. The · Although many of the incidents ment to solve the problem." goal of the meeting was to develop happened on "fraternity" floors, the The special equipm~nt that he Officials from Intramurals and Campus Recreation cut the grand opening ribbon for the fitness trail. and help implement strategies for Greeks of Frazer believe that they are spoke of was sand, a shovel, gloves, dealing with future problems. being unduly singled out as culprits masks, and a mop. All of these items The group was composed Hall for the problems. are easily accessible on campus. Council members, Resident Assis- Chris Porter, president of Pi Kappa Those workers who cleaned up the Campus Gets Into Shape tants, fraternity officers, as well as Phi, feels that the administration acts excrament were paid their normal other concerned students. Tim too quickly to put out negative re­ wages. Melvin Moore, the head of By Chris Young Pierson, the new Dean of Students, marks and says nothing positive. Housekeeping was unavailable for Staff Writer Dave Rettig, Director of Housing, "Everybody needs a pat on the comment inregard to the exact fees The anticipation was in the air at work involved. over five hundred signers ofa petition Steve Dealph, Longwood's Greek back, even Greeks," he says: "We do involved in the $200.00 charge. the opening ceremony of the fiu1ess Collum was responsible for main- circulated among the student body .. Affairs Coordinator, offered advice a lot for Longwood." One angry student exclaimed that trail. taining relations with SouthWood This support proved to the desire and information as Mr. Herndon Mike Macfarlane, president of Al- this was a "revenue scam," but he was The fitness trail was officially Coqx>ration, the company which sold on campus for such a fitness trail, an chaired the meeting. pha Sigma Phi stated, "The finger is assured by administrators that this was opened on September 16, at6:30 p.m. the equipment to Longwood at an ap­ so the lntermurals Department was A chronological orderof the events being pointed al us (Greeks) even not the case. Campus Intermurals and Recreation proximate cost of $4,000. given the go ahead. that occurred is: though 75% of the campus are in the Many other students voiced their Department offi_ciated at the ribbon- Longwood coaches have been rig -On Thursday, September 3, a fire buildingonweekends... wearerespon­ concerns about what they felt was th~ cutting ceremony. An additional $2,000 went towards orously conditioning their athletes b extinguisher was discharged on the sible for any damage on our hall and "mishandling of student damage de­ shipping and handling fees. use of the trail. Some total fitness fourth floor. chapter room, but nothing else. Hous­ posits," as one student put it. Free gifts were handed out to the . SouthWoodguaranteesthetrailequip­ aerobic classes have been using the Approximate Cost $30.00 to re- ing wanted to charge us for cleaning Other examples given by students first twenty people, who were given a ment for ten years. trail also. fill extinguisher and $75.00 to clean up the stairwell, even though it was a ofsupposed exorbitant fees were such choice of one free taco from Taco Bell The idea of a fitness trail is not new According to one member of the up the hallway. common area." as being charged to repaint a donn or an intermural mechanical pencil. to the governing bodies of the college. Intermural Department, all people, -On Friday, September 4, a Mike Herndon disagrees. "The room that never got painted and pay­ Tara Popperwill and Joe Collum In fact, when the idea was initially both on and off campus, are invited to vacuum cleaner was stolen from the incidents in question happened around ing to remove or replace an items in bath gave speeches to introduce the proposed three years ago and rejected try the trail at least once. maid's closet. the time Greeks were having their rooms, only to find it still there when trail to the Longwood College at the then, as well as each year thereafter, Approximate cost $200. events. Fraternities set the status quo upon returning. ceremonial cutting of the ribbon. until the 1991-92 academic year. Department members also -On Sunday, September 6, some- in Frazer. No one blames them, but David Rettig, the Director of Hous­ The fitness trail is two miles long, feel that the more use the campus ge ~ one defecated on the fourth floor stair- they have to take a look at how their ing, pointed out that there was no time with ten activity stations. The trail It was accepted this year because out of the trail,. the less oppositio well. social events may attract unfavorable as of yet to repair or exchange dam­ encircles the campus, and starting and of support from the Student Govern­ there will be to additional projects o Approximate cost: $200 people and cause a not so positive aged items, but offered no real answer ending at Iler Gym. ment Association, then Dean of Stu­ this nature. -On Monday, September 7, shav- effect on the community. to the question asked by many stu­ Though the trail was assembled by dents Sue Saunders, Vice President In the future, the Intermtiral5 ing creme was sprayed along the fourth No matter who is at fault, no one dents present at the Frazer meeting the entire recreational staff, Collum for Student Affairs Phyllis Mable, as Department will add more stations a. tloor. • can argue the fact that vandalism is a "Why are we continually being and Popperwill did the majority of the well as many others, including the the college expands. Approximate cost: $75 costly act. No students knows this as charged for repairs that never come?'' -On Friday, September 11, a water well as the residents of Frazer. Security was also a major concern Steve Dealph commented, "Our minimum of$300 to have it repaired. ternities assist with the cleaning o fountain pulled from wall on third "In the 90-9 I school year, the ap- at the meeting. Most students favored students in general, greek and non­ It is not uncommon to see the bill soar public areas throughout the residence tloor Frazer. proximate 500 residents ofFrazerpaid the idea of requiring a campus police greek need to confront situations that to a few thousand. hall on weekends that parties are hoste(l A roximate cost: To Be An- an· average of $19 in common area officer to patrol the lobby during par­ are promoting a less than healthy liv­ In fact, over six thousand dollars by chapters. damage. This is a far cry higher than ties in an effort to deter loitering and ing environment." were spent on the highest bill to date. "The goal of the meeting was t the $3 charged in Wheeler," remarks unwanted guests. The last concern voiced at the meet­ At the end of the meeting, student empower individuals to stand up fo Mike Herndon. Tim Pierson, the new Dean of Stu­ ing was that of the Frazer elevators. leaders presemed the following rec­ their rights: the right to an academi , Every student al the meeting dents, takes a different view of this Elevator repair has proven to be ommendations: 1) Provide mops, community," stated Dean Pierson. seemed to be concerned about the idea. "Can a security guard provide the most costly of COIJlillOn area dam­ buckets, and cleaning solutions to fra­ Mike Herndon summed it up b amom~ts charged for repairs and clean total safety and ease our concerns? age.
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