Aug. 28, 1981 A Mesa College Student Publication C) u, C) ~ "\;.. N 0 >- ~ \I\ ..., . I BACK TO a E- ,,-.q c 0 '.:I: (lJ u C/l i-, I CAMPUS0 'a I-' e:S (lJ z (l) '2 P~ppy Prirut. ~ U) z it bu ~ (l) ~I Cfazy Hor~. Q0Q!;e !=---- 0 ,..... ] ·----" +" rl from straw~s; ... (/) ::, ::::, ~ 0 (/) 8 r,ihalei.,h-earti.,ftogs; <C ~ i :I IV) .skiers or lvy Lea~ ~ ~ Cl ~ts. AT$15.00y0tt'll J .... <t want:inorethmone. [I ... ~ PI 'f:,oJ . PI ~ . t® . l . ,er.;,-ci!S ;t '-Sc . ~:· I = ......... { .. <..> -~ON 110 ., I Lt) ' I TAKE T.H.E_ BUS HOME .T.HIS WEE.KEND East to Denver leaves Grand Junction 7 am - 2:45p:m 5:40 pm -12:eam destination oneway roundtrip Debeque $2.CfO $3.80 Grand Valley $2.70 $5. 15 Rifle - S-3.60 $£.85 Wilde.mess Transit Silt $4.00 $7.BD leaves Grand .Junction at 2 pm 'New Castle $4.45 $8.50 destination one way round trip Glenwood Sprgs. $5.00 $9.50 Craig $7.70 $13.95 Gypsum $6.25 $11.90 Meeker $5.25 $9.45 Eagle $6.70 $12.75 Jlifle $3.60 $6.85 Minturn $8.15 $15.50 1J us to Aspe.n leaves Vail $8.S-5 $16.10 Frisco Grand Junl!tion at 5:40 pm $9.90 'U8.85 oneway Georgetown round trip $11.85 $22.55 $8.45 ldaho Sprgs. $12.50 23.75 $16.10 golden $13.55 '$25. T5 Have CARE Packages Sent Denver $14.35 $27.30 :PACKAGE EXPRESS We handle prepaid ticket orders '230 So. 5th St. Grand Junction 24'2-6012 Free Checking Get smart ine Morgan Quinn® shoes! Start school off on the right foot in Morgan Quinn shoes. Go Plus Interest. anywhere, do anything shoes in soft leather that "pass" with flying colors. You'll move to the Why pay monthly service charges for head of your class in comfort, quality and super styling with checking? Get free c~ecking PLUS Morgan Quinn shoes. interest with our new TODAYT'1 account. Majestic Savings f;, . WE 1N<E PHIDf·. Majestic Savings Welcomes Returning Mesa College Students. Stop by Majestic's Grand Junction Office and ask us about Made in interest bearing checking accounts and guaranteed student loans. America by Majestic Savings C (5Moigan Quinii~ 743 N. 12th Street Grand Junction F~~j~tlOUiTil!'.E •1 J •••• CaC 245-8110 GRAND JUNC110.. = Downtow n Sl'IOppin1 P• rk • .l Wednesday Night is ' 6001) • Student Night c5e£RTc5 s 0/ discount on aU-pizzas with valid .student 10 JO I.D. student discount not to be used in connection with .other specials A Bee_r and Wi11e Also-daily lunch spacial; Spa~hetti and Garlic Bread for only Sl.-99 from 11:00am to 3:oo pm Monday thru Saturday L' ··If you can't see the economical advantage of our offer, WHAT DO YOU DO JN COLLEGE?" 8th St. and North Ave s 242,-0061 (755 North Ave.) HAIR FASHIONS FOR FALL barrettes - cascades hair bands hair ornaments 315 Main St. Grand Junction co 81501 245-0333 ~ PIZZA r• :,• file CON·TEN·rs LirnBeRs Now more exciting than ever! EDITORIAL •Two fer ones Mon. thru Fri from. 4 - 7 pm A lette:r from the editor ... page 6 •Live ente-rtainment Tue-s, Wede, Thurs.! John Gregory •Ladies night - with special male entertainment! •tbursday is ROCKnite! •Friday - our famous F.A.C. with t:wo fers and tacos OPINION •and now - try our new f~ozen fruit daquitis! 'N ativemania·' is blasted ... page 6 Clint Talbott NEWS Report on student center ... page7 Dave Styler News b:rie fs ... page8 MUSIC Bxdusive: Pablo Cruise in GJ ... page 9 Lori Allen SPORTS Cortese views coming year ... page 10 .rNSTRl1JGTiION An avid. average l\unne:r ... page 11 Kelly Graves ARTICLE The art of weaving ...page 13 Lori Allen OOLUMNS I 'Review of Thompson's place ... page 13- Mike and Carol ._. For FEATURES California-gonzo style ... page 14 Different Conrad Prescott Clothes ... COMICS Zooman. ... page 19 Brian Baker for fall it's FYI "'Wi1l'. , J ,e ,R'earI 'll n Preview of next issue ... page 19 by W'illie Smith Zachary 1 533 c}vtain Street 0fficall Criterion Mascot Sf A ff .IDhe staff of th:e Criterion is comprised ' the following persons: ED1U1DRJ!N ClilJEF .Jd'J:in-rfJrJ't or !A:SfilSIDKiMl''iEU1T® R t--~ ~~~~1.Qhnt'?Ealbntt FEA'FI1RE Mir'J'.flR WENDY'S HAMBURGERS 7Jave'St :lPr 'illlllm':i.PH UTOGR.M~tl!UJR ARE fRf:SH NOi' FROZEN. RuruBuoh'kdJz JP.JHI[!llfiCll'TO~ )MIA~ KG.ER Articles labeled friction -ar"8 con- 1; structed ol mostly factual events withr mrl'ly the nameij, order of events ana ~fumes 0hanged. Any stories mai'Ji:ed fiution Me strictly ·non '!Jactual. Any I _ esemt1lem:e between a character and a real pexson is purely coincidental. Articles labeled gonz.o are w-11itte:n with the author taking p·art in or helping to I! J1hape the events reported. q'he article ' may be somewhat humOFous and AIN'T NO RfASON opiniorrated. ' The opmmns expressed Jn all Criterion articles are not ne_ce­ ssarily those of the .magazine or its I staff. JLett:ers to_{fue re;"dltor are welhwme'd I! and solicited. All etters ·must ,be .. .. sm:rw.o anti include _an address and a ~ Yitr@ - rtlirn:plm.n-e .number in order to be prirttea. 1.ibelous letters will mot b_e • i;pimtrui for obvious rea·sons. l TO GO ANYPIACE ELSE.~ - Mailing address of the Criterion is: I Criterion 1175 Texas Ave. Mesa Mall 2010North Ave. Grand Junction, CO 81501 Grand Junction Grand Junction cR,nR10 N ,__.. ~ ,.. _ ~ ...M .. _,, ...... .. ________ -Ttre Cniterion in the 119M-ff2 school I Try our yearis the first magazine-type publica- "fl""--. • " • ~I ,t~on th?t:Mesa. C~lle_g~ has spunsored \\:!JCffinQ '}() kn:r<JW v ~(l)IJl,;f- ~pee1_a11S I ·smce its beginning .m 192-5. 'Th"8 1 • Criterion ts a publication that c.enters • • • • • •J• • • • • • • • • 1• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • itself around the lifestyles and philo- ,,,,. OFiF ¢ OF!iF sophies of this area, and it is published I ~ __ J 1 / ~-- I primarily for :reader enjoyment and I 15 1 15 1· inl~~:~~~~~rion is published each I !Rre,;rch !Rrfll!JS I IF-,rc,sty I Friday of normal! school weeks, and it I Now _at Wendy's Old I ,DAIRY D'ESSERT I I is disbibuted throuhgout the college I Fashioned HambJJrgers I N.ow at Wendy's Oldfasti1oned I .anil in key public places. It is ! I this coupon e-ntiJJes vou I Hamhurgers 1Ji1s coupon entitles I ~p:iirmariily funded by advertisement, I to 15¢ off an order o! I you ta 15¢ of! a thic k. ric h I i, ~th the help of a yearly allocation of I rrench Fries. Wendy's Frosty. ' .stu'dent Junds.. tach coupon rtquues I ' tac~ t CKJIK>'l re qu<fu I ' The Crit:e:tion is a slludent operated I separate puitllase I ,eparate pu,chas• I and managed publication. tJts only I I I ,~w1 v.··~:-i w·~1 non-student liasons are ·a.1i11is.ory posi- I Good at par11c1paung • I Good at partrc,panng l't' v.·- N I t' · th f f .,.,1: · I Wendy's Not valid with any 1 I Wendy's Not valttl with any I ions m e orm Q a ·pu-uucation th f1 Please present OU> F4SH.IOKEO other ofter Please present OU> rA.HlOKEO advisor and the •Mesa Qdll:ege 'Medra I O ":o~~~whenordering - I couponwh.en ordenng - I Board, of whi<lh the ACrimriO!l, the I . e - • I - . I l.iterary Magazine and the cdllege 11. Offer exp,res:September 30. 1981 I Offerexp_ires : September JO, 11 9811 .I radio station (KMSA) are als_o ••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••• membeu. CUPlTl1fE:S'E CO_LWON_S.!AND ,SAV.£ (c.'.:RirnEmI0~ 5 ,. op1n1on Introducing the Crite By John Gregory Criterion Editor ho said you could publish a as I can. Well, 1 still wasn't convinced goa1 in contracted ads. But enthusiasm Wmagazine? Nobody said we so I talked it over with as many people was immense, confidence was high couldn't; so we did! as I could and the response was and after discussion of alternatives, positive all the way. the choice was to go ahead with the The idea originated when faculty ll'he new idea was approved unani­ magazine as planned. As classes drew advisor Paul Maffey and I were mously at a staff meeting held late in nearer, advertising increased greatly. discussing pians for this year's Criter­ June. PJanning began early. The only Now, all indications point to the Crite ion. We were looking over some flaw inuur de·sign was money. To have bringing in much more money to Mesa magazines and saying how nice they the Crite printed locally as a magazine Colleg(il than it spends on printing. I were when he told me there was no would cost at least $200 more pe-r issue hope that's allright. reason that we couldn't put out a than had been allocated. Tihe answer The magazine is geared towards magazine instead of a newspaper. was simp1e: advertising. lf we could young adults throughout the com­ But, I wasn't sure if the production contract enough ads to insure the munity-not just students. I hope, of a magazine instead of a newspaper Crite of not losing money, then we however, that Mesa students can be was allowed.
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