JOURNAL OF THE H OUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OFHE T STATEF O SOUTH CAROLINA; BEINGHE T ANNUAL S ESSION OF 1850. COLUMBIA, S . C. STEAM-POWEK P KESS OF I. C. MORGAN, STATE PRINTER. 1850 JOURNAL HEOP T HOUSEF O REPRESENTATIVES OF.HE T / STATEF O SOUTH CAROLINA. MONDAY, N OVEMBER 25, 1850. GENERAL A SSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF S. CAROLINA: Begun and held at the Capitol, in Columbia, on the twenty-fifth day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty, on which day, being that fixed by the Constitution for the meeting of the General Assembly. On m otion of Mr. Phillips, Mr. C. G. Memminger, a member elect from Charleston District, was called to the Chair, when Thomas W. Glover, Clerk of the late House of Representatives, commenced a call of the House by Election Districts, and the following gentlemen appeared, produced their credentials, were sworn by the Chair, and took their seats : From A bbeville — Messrs. Samuel McGowen, John W. Hearst, James K. Vance, B.Y. Martin, and C. T. Haskell. From All Saints — Mr. D. W. Jordan. From B arnwell — Messrs. L. M. Ayer, B. W. Lawton, W. A. Owens and James Patterson. From C harleston — Messrs. Nelson Mitchell, J. Charles Blum, Henry D. Lesesne, Edward McCrady, A. H. Dunkin, B. F. Hunt, John Phil lips, A. W. Burnet, J. W. "Wilkinson, James B. Heyward, P. Delia Torre, James Simons, C. G. Memminger, John F. Poppenheim, Samuel Cruikshank, N. R. Middleton, F. D. Richardson and James B. Campbell. From C hester — Messrs. S. McAliley, A. Q. Dunovant and T. W. Moore. From C hesterfield— Messrs. Samuel W. Evans and Alfred M. Lowry. From Christ Church — Mr. Thomas M. Wagner. From Claremont — Messrs. J. D. Ashmore, James M. Nelson and Thomas M. Baker. From C larendon — Messrs. John J. Ingram and M. M. Benbow. 4 M ONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1850. From D arlington — Messrs. J. A. Dargan, W. H. Evans and J. H. Blackwell. From E dgefield — Messrs. F. H. Wardlaw, W. D. Jennings, Joseph / Abney, J. R. Wever, George A. Addison and Abraham Jones. From F airfield — Messrs. W. S. Lyles, William R. Robertson and Henry H. Clark. From G reenville— Messrs. E. P. Jones, P. E. Duncan, B. F. Perry and Thomas P. Brockman. From K ershaw — Messrs. James Chesnut Jr. and James Cantey. From Kingston — Mr.R. G. W. Grissette. From L ancaster— Messrs. T. K. Cureton and P. T. Hammond. From Laurens — Messrs. J. H. Irby, C. P. Sullivan and John Smith. From Liberty—Messrs. D. J. McDonald, G. S. Myers and W. B. Rowell. From M arlboro' — Messrs. A. G. J ohnson and John W. Harrington. From Newberry — Messrs. A. C. Garlington, R. Moorman and John P. Kinard. From O range — Messrs. Lawrence M. Keitt and Donald R. Barton. From P endleton — Messrs. J. P. Reed, J. W. Harrison, J. T. White- field, Thomas Cunningham, F. N. Garvin, E. Alexander, Jr. and J. A. Easley, Jr. From P rince George, Winyaw — Messrs. J. Izard Middleton, J. Harles- ton Read, Jr., and Gabriel Manigault. From P rince Williams — Messrs. W. Bowers and W. F. Hutson. From R ichland — Messrs. John S. Preston, Edward J. Arthur, John H. Kinsler and W. D. DeSaussure. From S axe Gotha — Messrs. A. G. Summer and L. Boozer. From S partan — Messrs. E. C. Leitner, J. W. Tucker, E. P. Smith, H. J. Dean and T. W. Waters. From S t. Andrews— Mr. E. M. Clark. From S t. Bartholomew's — Messrs. Josiah B.Perry, and Simon Verdier. From S t. Georges, Dorchester — Mr. E. Brownlee. From S t. Helena — Mr. B. J. Johnson. From S t. James, Goose Creek — Mr. J. C. M'Kewn. From S t. John's, Berkley —Mr- James Sinkler. From S t. John's, Colleton — Mr. John Jenkins, Jr. From S t. Matthews — Mr. W. J. Keitt. From S t. Paul's — Mr. D. J. Wilkinson. From S t. Peter's — Messrs. J. W. Duncan, and A. R. Johnston. From S(r Stephen's — Mr. Theodore S. Marion. From St. Thomas and St. Dennis — Mr. Henry Wigfall. From Union — Messrs. William Giles, A, W. Thomson, and John Wright. MONDAY, N OVEMBER 25, 1850. 5 From W illiamsburg — Messrs. B.W.Bradley and Sam'lJ. Montgomery. From Y ork — Messrs. R. G. M'Caw, G. W. Williams, Allen Robertson, and J. N. M'Elwee, Sr. A q uorum of the Members being present, the Honse then proceeded to the election of a Speaker, to preside over its deliberations, and on the examination of the ballots, it appeared on the second ballot, that Mr. Jas . Simons, a Representative from Charleston, received sixty-four votes, and was elected. Whereupon, M r. Simons was conducted to the Chair, by Messrs. J. D , Ashmore, C. P. Sullivan, and J. Harleston Read, Jr., a Committee ap pointed for that purpose, and expressed to the House his acknowledgments for this proof of their confidence and kindness. The C onstitutional Oath of office was then administered to the Speaker, by Mr. Memminger, Chairman of the House. The S enate informed the House, by a verbal message, delivered by their Clerk, that they had met, formed a quorum, had elected the Hon. R. F. W. Allston, President ; Wm. E. Martin, Clerk ; and John T. Goodwyn, Reading Clerk, and were now ready to proceed to business. The H ouse then proceeded to the etection of Clerk of the House of Representatives. Mr. H UNT submitted the following Preamble and Resolution, which was agreed to: The H on. Langdon Cheves being present in ' Columbia, — Resolved, T hat in consideration of his eminent services as a Representa tive in Congress, and one of the Judges of this State, and especially his rea diness to leave his cherished retirement from the turmoils of political life, to aid the State in this eventful crisis of her political affairs, by his matured wisdom and energetic and patriotic counsels, the SPEAKER of this House be authorized and required to tender to the Hon. Langdon Cheves the hospitalities of this House, and request him, during his sojourn at the seat of Government, to accept a seat on the Floor of the House ; and that the SPEAKER make suitable arrangements to render this request of the House acceptable to our distinguished and cherished fellow-citizen. The H ouse then proceeded to the election of Reading Clerk. Mr. A BNEY, from the Committee appointed to count the ballots cast for Clerk, reported that Thomas W. Glover received one hundred and ten votes, which was a majority. Whereupon the SPEAKER announced that Thomas W. Glover is elected Clerk of the House of Representa tives, and administered to him the Constitutional Oath of Office. The H ouse then proceeded, successively, to the election of Door Keeper and Messenger. Mr. A RTHUR, from the Committee appointed to count the votes cast 6 T UESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1850. lor R eading Clerk, on the first ballot, reported that W. B. Ioor had re ceived 35 votes ; A. G. Baskin, 29 ; J. Z. Hammond, 28 ; J. H. Nor wood, 25 ; and that no candidate had received a majority, and conse quently there is no election. Mr. M EMMINGER submitted the following Resolution : Resolved, T hat the Rules of the last House of Representatives be adopted as the Rules of this House, with the exception of the 80th Rule. Mr. P OPPENHEIM moved to amend the Resolution by adding the following words : " And that a copy of said Rules be furnished to each Member of this House." Mr. H UNT moved to lay the Resolution and amendment on the Ta ble : and the question being put, Tellers were called for and the House divided. The SPEAKER appointed Messrs. Memminger, L. M. Keitt, Hunt and Harrington, to count the House, who reported 36 in the affir mative and 67 in the negative. So the House refused to lay the Resolu- tiou and amendment on the Table. Mr. P OPPENHEIM obtained leave to withdraw his amendment, and the Resolution submitted by Mr. MEMMINGER was agreed to. Mr. P OPPENHEIM then submitted the following Resolution, which was agreed to : Resolved, T hat a copy of the Rules of this House be furnished to each member. On m otion of Mr. ASHMORE, Ordered, T hat when this House adjourns it shall be adjourned to meet at 12 o'clock. M., to-morrow, and on his motion the House was adjourned at 55 minutes past 3 o'clock p.-m. TUESDAY, N OVEMBER 26, 1850. At t he hour to which the House was adjourned, the Clerk called the Roll, when the Speaker took the Chair, and a quorum being present, the Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read. The f ollowing additional Members appeared, produced the.ir creden tials, were sworn and took their seats : From S t. John's, Colleton — Mr. E. M. Seabrook. From S t. James, Santee — Mr. E. D. Jerman. The S PEAKER then announced the appointment of the following Standing Committees, of this House: TUESDAY, N OVEMBER 26, 1550. COMMITTEE O N PRIVILEGES AND ELECTIONS. James. H Irby, / William G iles, Lemuel Boozer, B.. J Johnson, James M. Nelson, F.. N Garvin, R. G. W. Grissette, A.. C Garlington, E. P. Jones, E.. C Leitner, James Sinkler. COMMITTEE O F WAYS AND MEANS. C.. G Memminger, A. W. Thomson, B. F. Perry, F.. D Richardson, A. H. Dunkin, R. Moorman, N. R. Middleton, A. G. Summer, T. M. "Wagner. COMMITTEE O N FEDERAL RELATIONS. John. S Preston. J. H. Irby, James Chesnutt, Jr., Edward M cCrady, C.
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