Italian Trade Commission-Jakarta Trade Promotion Office of the Italian Embassy LISTA DELLE AZIENDE ITALIANE PRESENTI IN INDONESIA1 AGOSTO 2017 1 L’Ufficio ICE di Giacarta dichiara che tale elenco di aziende italiane presenti in Indonesia non e’ necessariamente esaustivo della presenza italiana nel Paese. Le informazioni raccolte sono state fornite direttamente dalle aziende e pertanto l’ufficio ICE non si assume alcuna responsabilita’ sulla veridicita’ e completezza dei dati forniti. 1. 3DNG (ITAL EAT) Trading & 3DNG (ITAL EAT) Trading & Consulting Consulting Via Filippetti 33 Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 76 – 78 20122 Milano, Italy Jakarta 12160 Tel. +39-3357649090 Mobile: +62 82122180997 Email : [email protected] FOOD & BEVERAGE Mr. Piergiorgio Carelli 2. AGIP LUBRINDO PRATAMA PT AGIP PETROLI SPA Jl. Raya Kebonsari, Desa Legok, PO Via Laurentina 449, 00142 Roma Box 100, Gempol, Pasuruan 67155, (RM), ItalyTel. +39-06-59881 East Java Fax. +39-06-59885700 Tel. +62343-853308 E-mail: [email protected] Fax. +6243-853307 E-mail: [email protected] Mr. Kimdarto Kohar, President Director Mr. Stephen Sugiarto, General Factory Mgr LICENSE HOLDER PRODOTTI PETROLIFERI 3. AGUSTA WESTLAND AGUSTA WESTLAND Bandara Halim Perdana Kusuma Via G Agusta, 520-21017 Cascina Jakarta, 13610 Costa di Samarante (VA) Tel. +39 0331225015 Mr. Lorenzo Pariani, Regional Fax. +39 0331229920 Manager South East Asia Email: [email protected] Website: www.agustawestland.com ELICOTTERI 4. ALLIED INDUSTRY ASSISTANCE (AIA) RAPPRESENTANZA Menara Kadin Indonesia 16th Floor Unit 16C MACCHINARI PER LAVORAZIONE Jl. HR Rasuna Said Blok X-5 CERAMICA, LATERIZI E MARMO Kav. 2-3 Jakarta 12950 Tel. +6221 5724440, 5724441 Fax. +6221 5274442 Email: [email protected] [email protected] Dr. G. Fardella, Chief Representative Italian Trade Commission-Jakarta Trade Promotion Office of the Italian Embassy 5. ANSALDO ENERGIA, PT ANSALDO ENERGIA Jl Jend Sudirman Ratu Plaza; Jakarta; Via N. Lorenzi, 8 12190; Dki Jakarta 16152 Genova - Italia Tel. +6221-7394420, 021-7209603 Tel + 39 010 6551 Fax. +6221-7209588 Fax + 39 010 6553411 www.ansaldoenergia.com Mr. Filippo d'Antoni General Manager 6. APRISETI, PT BOATOPACK SRL Jl Raya Boulevard Brt Perk PLAZA Via Rosa Agazzi, 6/b, 34079 Pacific Bl A-4/C-73 & 75 Staranzano Kelapa Gading Barat, Kelapa Gading Tel.+39 0481 484 555 Jakarta Utara 14240 Fax. +39 0481 482 837 Tel. +6221 4505000 Fax. +6221 4501459 7. ARISTON THERMO SPA ARISTON THERMO SPA Indonesia Rep. Office Viale Aristide Merloni 45. 60044 Jl. Alaydrus No.44-C, Petojo Utara, Fabriano (AN). Gambir, Jakarta 10130. Web www.aristonheating.it Tel. +6221 63868106/07 Fax. +6221 63868110 E-mail [email protected] Web: www.ariston.com Mr. Pietro Rossi, Chief Representative Office UFFICIO RAPPRESENTANZA ELETTRODOMESTICI 8. ASTALDI FAR EAST ASTALDI SPA Pondok Indah Office Tower, 17th Floor Jl. Sultan Iskandar Muda, Kav. V-TA Jakarta 12310, Indonesia Pier Massimo Marras Country Manager for Indonesia, Singapore and Vietnam COSTRUZIONI 9. AVIOAVIO AVIOAVIO FLORENCE Mobile: +62 87880208230 Mobile: +39 3388068606 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Website: www.avioavio.com Website: www.avioavio.com Mr. Avio Mattiozi STUDIO DI ARCHITETTURA 10. BANCA INTESA SAN PAOLO Indonesia Representative Office Wisma GKBI 39th fl, Jl Jend Sudirman Kav 28, Jakarta 10210 P: +62 21 5799 8056 F: +62 21 5799 8080 E: [email protected] om W: www.intesasanpaolo.com Mr. Augusto Scaglione, Business Development Specialist 11. BIOMASSA MITRA ENERGI Jl. Lapai 1 Blok E1 Kel. Lapai Kec. Nanggalo 25142 Padang – Indonesia Phone : +62 751 8971650 Mobile : +62812 6302 3030 Email : [email protected] om Mr. Andrea Alessandrini, Manager Director 12. BIESSE GROUP INDONESIA BIESSE SPA Italian Trade Commission-Jakarta Trade Promotion Office of the Italian Embassy Ruko BIDEX Blok B-23. Jl. Pahlawan Via della Meccanica 16. Pesaro 61100 Seribu. Bumi Serpong Damai. (PU) Tangerang 15321 Tel. +39 0721 439100 Tel. +6221 53150568 Fax. +39 0721 439150 Fax. +6221 53150572 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.biesse.it Mr. J. Bosco Gunawan, Chief Representative FILIALE MACCHINE LAVORAZIONE LEGNO 13. BOZZETTO INDONESIA, PT GIOVANNI BOZZETTO SpA Jl. Desa Tarajusari Km. 0,2, Desa Via Profinciale12, 24040 Filago (BG), Kemasan –Banjaran, Bandung 40377 Italy Tel. +6222 5947176 (hunting) Tel. +39-035-996711 Fax. +6222 5944236, 5944237 Fax. +39-035-4942945 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.bozzetto-group.com Mr. Zulkifli Salim, General Manager PRODOTTI CHIMICI PER L’INDUSTRIA TESSILE 14. BUSY PRODUCTION, PT PASTIFICIO Jl. Tukad Balian No. 555 Suwung - Denpasar - Bali Ph : +62 361 8784379 Fax : +62 361 722698 Email: [email protected] www.busybeefood.org -- www.alfredfood.org Mr. Alero Remondi, Director Mr. Carlo Armezzani, Commissioner 15. CELEBES DIVERS PT IMPRESA INDIVIDUALE Jalan Raya Tanawangko, Kalasey, Manado PO Box 1014, Manado 95010, Sulawesi Utara Tel. 0811-437416, 0431-838877 Fax. +62431-826581 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Web: www.kudalaut.com, www.celebesdivers.com Mr. Roberto Dasser, Director TURISMO 16. CHIMNEYS AND REFRACTORIES CHIMNEYS AND REFRACTORIES INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL SRL th Palma One Building, 5 fl., Suite 505. Via Brescia 26 – Centro Direzionale Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Kav. X-2 No. 4, Summit Palazzo C1, 20063 Cernusco Kuningan, Jakarta 12950 sul Naviglio – Milano – Italy Tel. +6221 5228364 Tel. +39-02-92140175 Fax. +6221 5228364 Fax. +39-02-92471980 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.crint.it Web: www.crint.it Mr. Alberto Pititu, Operational Manager FILIALE COSTRUZIONE CIMINIERE INDUSTRIALI 17. COECLERICI INDONESIA COECLERICI SPA Gedung Adaro, menara karya 20th Piazza Armando Diaz, 7. Milano Floor, Unit D, Kav. 1&2 20123– Italy Jl. Rasuna Said Tel. +39-02-624691 Jakarta Pusat 12950 Fax. +39-02-62469703 Tel. +6221 57851960 Web: www.coeclerici.com Fax. +6221 57851959 Web: www.coeclerici.com FILIALE TRASPORTO MARITTIMO PER COMODITIES 18. COSMIR INDUSTRIAL COSMIR S.r.l. IMPIANTI INDUSTRIALI CONSTRUCTION, PT Via della Brughiera, 5 Kencana Tower, Level 2 23899 Robbiate (LC) ITALIA Kebon Jeruk – Jalan Raya Meruya IIir Tel.+39 039 9281112 No. 88 Fax +39 039 9281828 Jakarta Barat 11620 – INDONESIA Email [email protected] Phone +62 21 29553655 Fax +62 21 29553656 Email [email protected] Italian Trade Commission-Jakarta Trade Promotion Office of the Italian Embassy Contact Person: Stefano Rossi, Managing Director 19. CRIF INDONESIA CRIF Cyber 2 Tower 18th Floor via M.Fantin 1-3, 40131 Jl. HR Rasuna Said Blok X-5 Bologna, Italy Jakarta Tel. +39 051 4176111 Tel. +6221 57998243 Fax + 39 051 4176010 Fax. +6221 57998244 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Website: www.crif.com [email protected] Website: www.crif.com Mr. Leonardo Lapalorcia Managing Director SERVIZI FINANZIARI 20. COLOROBBIA INDONESIA COLOROBBIA SPA Jl. Kruing 2 Blok L-9-03 Via del Lavoro, 65 Delta Silicon Industrial Park Cikarang 50056 MONTELUPO FIORENTINO Selatan (Firenze) Bekasi 17550 Ph.: +39 0571 70 81 Tel. +6221 89901910 Fax: +39 0571 708 800 Fax. +6221 89901912 E-mail: [email protected] Email: Web: www.colorobbia.it [email protected] Website: www.colorobbia.co.id Mr. Stefano Lorenzini VERNICI Managing Director 21. DANIELI DANIELI HEADQUARTERS Office 8 Building 17th Floor Via Nazionale, 41 SCBD Lot 28 33042 Buttrio (UD) Italy Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53 Tel (39) 0432.1958111 Jakarta 12190 Fax (39) 0432.1958289 Tel. +6221 29333750 Website: www.danieli.com Fax.+6221 29333751 Email: Website: www.danieli.com 22. ENEL SpA ENEL SPA M: +62 813 1230 8705 Viale Regina Margherita, 137 - 00198 ROME E: [email protected] Tel. +39 06 83051. Fax +39 800 900 150 Mr. Giandomenico Zappia Website: www.enel.com Business Development ENERGIA 23. ENI INDONESIA ENI SPA Pondok Indah Office Tower 3 Piazzale Mattei, 1. Rome 00144. th nd 19 -22 Floor Tel. +3906 59821 Jl. Sultan Iskandar Muda Kav. V-TA Fax. +3906 59822141 Jakarta 12310 E- Tel. +6221 30404000 mail:segretariasocietaria.azionisti@e Fax. +6221 30404045 ni.it E-mail : Web: www.eni.it [email protected] [email protected] Mr. Fabrizio Trilli Managing Director OIL&GAS 24. EVOLUZIONE TYRES, PT PIRELLI PNEUMATICI SPA Jl. Raya Purwodadi, Kalijati Viale Sarca 222, 20126 Milano (MI), Dusun Kaliangbawang RT 17 RW 08 Italy Wanakerta, Subang, Jawa Barat Tel. +39-02-64421 Email: Fax. +39-02-64429866 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Web: www.pirelli.com m PNEUMATICI Mr. Enrico Verdino President Director 25. FILLATTICE INDAH INDUSTRI PT Jl. Pajajaran 14 No. 62, Jatiuwung Tangerang 15137 – Banten INDONESIA Phone : +62 21 5020 5555 HP : +62 821 1012 1416 Andrea GARBAGNATI President Komisaris 26. GD INDONESIA PT GD SPA Jl. KIG Raya Barat Blok G-12, Gresik Via Battindarno, 91 61121. 40133 Bologna Tel. +6231-3985295 tel. +39 051 6474111 Italian Trade Commission-Jakarta Trade Promotion Office of the Italian Embassy Fax. +6231-3985296 fax +39 051 6474333 E-mail [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Mr. Louis Heng, General Manager Mr. Giancarlo Cortelli, Workshop Manager FILIALE PACKAGING PER SIGARETTE 27. GENERAL ELECTRIC OIL & GAS GE NUOVO PIGNONE th BRI II Building, 27 Floor. Jl. Jl. Jend. Via Felice Matteuci 2, 50127 Firenze Sudirman Kav. 44-46, Jakarta 10210 (FI), Italy Tel. +62215730444, 5730500 Tel. +39-055-4238044 Fax.+6221 5747105 Fax. +39-055-4232800 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.geoilandgas.com Mr.Coddy Surono, Director IMPIANTI PER LA PRODUZIONE DI FILIALE ENERGIA ELETTRICA 28. GENERAL GLOBAL MARKET, PT NUSCO ITALIAN DOORS AND Jl. Sunset Road Barat No. 88 Kav. 4 WINDOW MANUFACTURER Kuta, Badung, Bali Tel. +62361 8947499 Email: [email protected] m Mr. Davide de Reviziis, General Manager 29. GENERALI INDONESIA ASSICURAZIONI GENERALI SPA Cyber 2 Tower-30th fl. Jl. HR Rasuna Piazza Duca degli Abruzzi 2, I - 34132 Said blok X-5 No.13, Jakarta 12950 Trieste Tel.
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