A STUDY OF THE KINETICS OF THE CHLORA MINE-AMMONIA AND CHLORAMIBE-HYDRAZIME REACTIONS IN LIQUID AMMONIA DISSERTATION Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate School of The Ohio State U n iv ersity By FRANCIS NASH COLLIER, Jr. B .S c ., M.Sc. The Ohio State University 195^ Approved by: A dviser Department of Chemistry ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The candidate is grateful for the sympathy and understanding of Dr. Harry H. Sisler, who was so patient during the prolonged interruptions in the work occas­ ioned by the last illness of the candidate’s mother. Dr. Sisler’s encouragement and enthusiasm served as an ever present stimulant to the endeavor from the first. The candidate wishes to express his appreciation of the help of Dr. Jack G. Calvert, who undertook responsibility for the problem late in its development, and who has been so generous w ith time and e f fo r t in the difficult task of interpreting the data. His suggestions and careful attention to details have been of inestimable value in preparing this manuscript. The candidate wishes to acknowledge the assistance of the Davison Chemical Company, d iv is io n of W. R. Grace and Company, which sponsored the resea rch , and to thank the E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, I n c ., which supported the teaching fellowship held by the candidate for the academic year 1955- 56. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ILTiiOL UOXIGH. 1 Industrial b'ignificance of Hydrazine. 1 History of the naschig Synthesis of H ydrazine ............................................................ 2 Studies of the Oxidation of Hydrazine in Aqueous Solution ................................................. 6 Synthesis of Hydrazine in Liquid Ammonia ................................................................. 8 Proposed Mechanisms for the Formation of Hydrazine ........................................... 9 Proposed Mechanisms for the Oxidation of Hydrazine ....................................................-. 11 Statement of the Problem ................................. 13 Hi L. r JUj j. '»1 X i I Cj. L P j. i*0 0 JZi XJ d i l-l.1i S ............ 1 ( P reparations and P u rific a tio n of reagents ....... 17 Ammonia ................................................................. 17 Ammonium Chloride .......... 17 Chloramine . ............................................ 19 hydrazine. ...................... ..... 27 A p p a r a tu s ...................................................................... 36 Conductivity cell ...................................... 36 C onductivity bridge and a u x ilia ry capacitances ................................ 41 Thermostatic bath...................................... 41 Accessory glassw are................................. 47 i i i TA.BLB OF COPiTDhfS (cont'd) Page Calibration of the Conductivity Cell. 48 lurpose of the calibration. ..... 4-8 Calibration procedure ....................................... 49 Calibration data ............................................... 51 Measurements of reaction r.a t e ......................... 64 ■Separation of the two reactions . 64. lie action mixture composed initially of chioramine in liquid ammonia .................................................................. 73 heaction mixture composed initially of clilore,mine and hydrazine or chloramine, hydrazine, and ammonium chloride in liquid ammonia ......................................................... 84 Determination of the Stoichiometry of the Decomposition Reaction .............................. 8 8 heed for the measurement of the stoichiometry of the decomposi­ tion rea c oi on • . .. 88 oummary of methods for ascertaining the stoichiometry of the decom­ position reaction .............................. 89 Procedure for measuring the stoichio­ metry of the decomposition reaction by the method of gas e v o l u t i o n . .............................................. 91 Procedure for measuring the stoichio­ metry of the decomposition reaction by the use of weighed samples of hydrazine. ...... 95 iv T&BLk OF G0FiInI-iT3 (cont'd) rage Procedure for the measurement of the stoichiometry of the decomposition reaction by comparison of pre- break and post break quantities of ammonium c h lo rid e ..................... 97 DkIs& fiiiD m o u ijlt . 98 reduction of the Calibration Data of the Conduc tivity Cells to an qua tion in Two Param eters ................................................ 98 Methods of Calculating concentration in the reaction m ixture .......................................... 99 results of the Stoichiometry .--.ea sure men t . 108 r e s u lts by the method gas e v o l u t i o n ......................................................109 results by the method of weighed samples of hydra sine ...........................112 he suits by the method of comparison of pre-break and post break quantities of ammonium chloriue . 114 Keaction hate measurement Data ....... 11$ Specific keaction hate Constants for the Formation keaction . 276 D erivation of an expression for the specific reaction rate constant for the formation reaction. 276 The values of the specific reaction rate constants of the formation r e a c tio n ........................................................................2 79 Post break values of the formation reaction rate constants ...................... 288 v TABLE OF COhTERTS (c o n t'd ) Fage Order of the Foramtion Reaction .......................................293 Derivation of the expression used to test the order of the formation r e a c t i o n ..................................................................294 Observed order of the formation r e a c t i o n ..................................................................295 Thermodynamic Constants of the Formation Reaction ................................................. 297 The E ffect of Ammonium Chloride on the Rate of the Formation Reaction .... 303 D ISOUEo IQli . ,........................................................................... 310 Mechanism of the Formation Reaction ................................310 The mechanism of the formation reaction as proposed by Audrieth, Colton, and Jones ......................................................311 The mechanism of the formation reaction as proposed by Bodenstein, Oahn and Powell ........................... ..... 312 The mechanism of the formation reaction as proposed by wiberg and ocnm idt ...........................................................312 Effect of fixed base on the formation r e a c t i o n .....................................................313 Effect of ammonium chloride on the formation reaction . 316 The effect of change of solvent on the rate of the formation reaction . 321 The kinetic salt effect................................323 The order of the formation reaction. 325 vi TABLE OF COHTSiiTS (c o n t'd ) Page Quaternary hydrazinium salts, intermediates of the for­ mation reaction ..................................326 Mechanism of the Decomposition Reaction. 329 Evidence of the isolation of the formation reaction from the decomposition reaction in pre-break regions ............................331 Comparison of the temperature coefficient of the formation and decomposition reactions. 335 The effect of concentrations on y i e l d s ................................................ 336 Factors affecting the length of the induction period of the decomposition reaction .... 338 E valuation of r a t e s .......................................344 SUMMARY...........................................................................................................355 BIBLIOGRAPHY............................................................................................■ 358 AUTOBIOGRAPHY ....................................................................................... 362 v ii LIST OF TABLES Table. P a a a 1. Calibration Data of Capillaries for Use in Flow M e t e r s .. ................. 28 2. Calibration Data for Conductivity Cells.... 52 3. Calculation of Slope and Intercept for Conductivity Cell Calibration Grapfis.. 100 4. Calculation of the Corrected Final Reciprocal Resistance and Equivalent Ammonium Chloride Concentration for the Rate Experiments Rl”^5 through R44.-38 ..................................... 104 5. Calculation of Ratios of Ammonium Chloride to Nitrogen in the Reaction Products of the Decomposition R eaction by the Method of Gas Evolution, ................................................................. I l l 6. Calculation of the Ratios of Ammonium C hloride Formed to Hydrazine Con­ sumed in the Decom position R eaction by the Use of Weighed Samples of H ydrazine ............................................................................... 113 7. Calculation of the Ratios of JSmraonium C hloride Formed to Hydrazine Con­ sumed in the Decomposition Reaction by the Comparision of Pre-Break and Post Break Quantities of Ammonium Chloride ............................................................................ 116 8. Rate Measurement Data of Experiment R l- ? 5............. 119 9. Rate Measurement Data of Experiment R2"? 5.......................................................................................... 122 10. Rate Measurement7 1- Data of ExperimentA 5 ................................ 125 v i i i LIST OF TABLES (co n t!d) ^abl e. jPftga 11. Rate Measurement Data of Experiment R4“7 5.................................................................................... 128 1 2 . Rate Measurement Data of Experiment R5”7 5...................................................................................
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