In this issue/Dans ce numero No Rooms p.3 U.K. Report p.7 RG's Alive p.4 Messenjah p.7 Porn Law p.5 Classifieds p.8 Le premier journal etudiant de l'Universite York Glendon's Student Weekly College. Glendon. College Ie, 14 septembre 1987 Volume 27, No.2 Pro Tem2 September 14, 1987 Editorial Victoire pour les liberaux The following Work-Study positions are now available at Pro Tern. Felicitons David Peterson et les Iiberaux pour leur Computer Co-ordinator victoire electorale ce jeudi passe. Jamais n'a-t-on vu wage: $5/ hr for 80 hrs over the academic year. une aussi ecrasante majorite : quatre-vingt-quinze Dark Room Supervisor sieges rouges, dix-neuf pour les Neo-Democrates et wage: $5/ hr for 120 hrs over the academic year. seize pour les Conservateurs. Ce triomphe represente au moins quatre autres Typesetters annees avec un gouvernement juste et populaire a la wage: $5/ hr for a total of 400 hrs over the academic year. tt'he de l'Ontario. Les Liberaux nous ont deja donne deux ans de prosperite et de leadership. Esperons If interested, apply by resume to Patrick Banville, Pro Tern qu'ils continueront leur bon travail. newspaper, Glendon Hall room 117. All students applying for La raison pour laquelle les Conservateurs ont the work-study positions will be interviewed and approved by connu une telle defaite est qu'ils n'ont pas suivi Ie York Financial Aid Office. courant centriste ontarien et ont decide de se tourner vers leur base originale qui est celie de la droite. Les positions remunerees suivantes sont presentement a Meme si quelques conservateurs (tels Phil Gillies et compler au journal Pro Tern. Susan Fish) se tenaient dans Ie centre, la position de leur parti leur a beaucoup nuL Des promesses telle Coordinateur en informatique : que l'Ontario ne serait "jamais" bilingue leur ont Salaire de 5 $/ hre; 80 heures pour I'annee academique detruit leur chance au pouvoir. Qui plus est, les liberaux occupaient toute la place au centre. En resul­ Superviseur en chambre noire: tat, les seuls votes obtenus par les bleus revenaient Salaire de 5 $/ hre; 120 heures pour l'annee academique au deputes droitistes dans les comtes droitistes. Les Neo-Democrates, comme d'habitude, ont Photo-composeur : connu une campagne agressive et pro-travailleurs. Salaire de 5 $/ hre; 400 heures pour l'annee academique Mais ils ne pouvaient pas faire grand-chose contre I'inondation rouge. Heureusement pour Bob Rae, il a Reviseur: Salaire de 5 $/hre; 120 heures pour l'annee academique garde son siege et occupe maintenant Ie role de chef de I'opposition. Interesse? Faites votre demande d'emploi sous forme de Mais, pour en revenir aux Liberaux, une enorme Curriculum Vitae, adresse a Patrick Banville, Journal Pro majorite comme celle-ci peut resulter en un gouver­ Tem, Manoir Glendon Hall, salle 117. Tous les postulants nement trop sur de lui-meme et arrogant. Observons passeront en entrevue avec Ie bureau de I'aide financiere de ce qui est arrive au gouvernement Mulroney. Apres .Yorketdevront etre approvescpar celu.i"l<;i..... ,." seize ans de pourvoir Liberal, promesses sur pro­ messes etaient emises par les conservateurs, pour enfin en arriver a plus d'un scandal et d'une deception. II ne faut donc pas laisser M. Peterson s'envoler avec son enorme majorite. Les Ontariens se doivent de garder I'reil vigilant et I'oreille tendue. Letters/ Lettres Questions The conference will in­ Cover Photo: Chris Reed, African Sculptures clude reports from sev­ ofPeace eral student organiza­ tions. Guest speakers will Dear Editor, be featured, including Volume 27, No.2 The Guelph Commit­ representatives of the Pro Tern tee Against Imperialist People's Front from Glendon College 2275 Baview Ave. Toronto, Ont M4N 3M6 September 14, 1987 War Preparations would Quebec, Ontario, and B.c., like to inform your read­ as well as keynote speaker ers about an important Hardial Bains, a long­ Redacteur en chef Administrative Assistant Typesetters upcoming conference time anti-imperialist Patrick Banville Ross Slater Mike Loop which will be held at the activist. There will also Assistant Editors Directeur de la production Cathy da Costa University ofGuelph from be film and theatre pres­ George Browne Neal Stephenson Steve Roberts Sept. 27 to Oct. 3. The entations, guest musi­ Mike Dentandt Office Manager Collaborateur(trice)s Provincial Conference On cians, and lots of time for Assistante a la redaction Raymond Cheng Gail Brennan Questions of Peace and discussion. If anyone is Claudia Damecour Agent a la publicite Sean Snow War is being organized interested in making a paste vacant Entertainment Editor Chris Reed to provide a forum for presentation or organiz­ Ernie Vlasics Copy Editors Susan Nosov peace activists, students ing a workshop, social Redactrice des divertissements Stefan Caunter Diana Spremo and other concerned event, etc., please get in Jeanne Corriveau Cathy da Costa Althea Queely groups and individuals touch. Registration be­ Sports Editor Steve Roberts Connie ten Bruggenkate gins at noon, Sunday, paste vacant John Sullivan to come together, voice Photography Editor Stefan Caunter their opinions, and ex­ Sept. 27 at the University paste vacant change views on all the Centre. Those who cal' important issues related only attend part of the to the danger of war and conference are also wel­ Pro Tem est I'hebdomadaire bilingue et independant du College Glendon. Lorsque fonde.en 1962. il etait Ie journal etudiant de the struggle for peace. come. For more infor­ I'Universite York. Tous les textes sont la responsabilite de la redaction, sauf indication contra ire. Toutes les lettres signees sont acceptees par la redaction. Le nom de I'auteur sera confidentiel s'il (elle) en fait la demande. Les lettres sont suceptibles Anyone is invited to par­ mation, contact the d'i'Hres condensees. Pro Tem est distribue sur Ie campus York, au College Ryerson, a la Iibrairie Champlain, au Centre tici pate in the confeerence Guelph Committee Rm. francophone (C.O.FTM.) et au College Glendon. La date limite pour les soumissions est Ie vendredi a 17 h 00. Nos bureaux with the exception of 216 U.C.. University of sont situes dans Ie Manoir Glendon, salle 117. Telephone: 487-6736. Tirage : 4000. these who support the Guelph. NIG 2W I, or Pro Tem is the weekly bilingual and independent newspaper of Glendon College. founded in 1962 as the student weekly foreign policy. war prep­ phone (519) 824-4120 publication of York University. All copy is the sole reponsiblity of the editorial staff unless otherwise indicated. Letters to the arations and aggressions ext. 6750. Editor are welcome for publication provided that authorship can be verified. Names may be withheld upon request The Editor reserves the right to condense letters. Pro Tem is distributed to York Campus. Ryerson Institute. Champlain Bookstore. of either of the two super­ Sincerely. C.O.FTM. and Glendon College. The deadline for submissions is Friday at 5:00 p.m. Our offices are located in Glendon Hall. powers, the U.S. and the Chris Bohme, Room 117. Telephone: 487-6736. Circulation: 4000. Soviet Union. Spokesperson. GCAIWP Ie 14 septembre 1987 Pro Tern 3 Forum Whose Dorm Is It ? Une annee aMontreal by Stefan Caunter ing room allocation are exclud­ deposit. There are approximately 35 ing deserving Glendon and York, Ifthe element ofcompassion avec la collaboration de Connie friendly. After a while, when Glendon students on the wait­ students from Wood and Hil­ is lost in dealing with Glendon ten Bruggenkate et Althea they realized that we were trying ing list for rooms in the two liard, policies largely determined residents, then it cannot be said Queeley to improve our French and residences here, and a propor­ by York Housing, which is not that Glendon is "different" be­ Nous avons, ici a Glendon, when we didn't throw a fit tionately large number ofYork particularly interested in who cause it is small. If"smallness" l'opportunite de pouvoir etudier when they laughed at our students (about 500) are wait­ lives in its buildings as long as is supposed to mean that a dans une autre universite lors mistakes, we started to make ing for residence rooms at the they pay rent, and by Glen­ human face is put on affairs, de la troisieme annee. friends. I attracted other anglo­ Downsview campus. The quan­ don's administration, which has then that is being lost. If Glen­ Pour les anglophones, cette phones like a magnet. Slowly tity ofaffordable housing being to ensure office space for the don students' names are being experience represente l'oppor­ but surely we met the Quebe­ demanded in Toronto at the professoriate. arbitrarily crossed offthe list of tunite ideaIe de voyager soit au cois-francophones and others moment is large, with the supply Although Dean Szmidt is students eligible to return to Quebec soit en France et de se from all over the world. of housing suitable for univer­ not herself responsible for the residence and put on a waiting submerger dans la francopho­ sity students relatively limited, historical background to the list, then that is no different me. Connie: Nous avons decide and the price level of approp­ present situation, she is re­ than the actions of the most Connie et Althea ont etudie de changer nos noms pour etre riate dwellings high. sponsible for the actions of her impersonal bureaucracies. aI'Universite de Montreall'an ' plus franl;ais. Tous nos devoirs i This situation has put the office, which are not at all reas­ Next year will be the first dernier et, revenues aGlendon, etaient signes Constance au lieu Dean's Office, under the auspi­ suring to students.
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