Bio-data NAME: DIPAK KUMAR GOSWAMI, Professor Department of Physics, IIT Kharagpur, Kharagpur – 721302, WB. Date of birth: December 28, 1974 Email: [email protected] [email protected] ACADEMIC POSITIONS: [7] 16 Mar 2018 – Present: Professor Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Department of Physics, Kharagpur, India [6] 13 Dec 2013 – 16 Mar 2018: Associate Professor Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Department of Physics, Kharagpur, India [5] 28 July 2012- 12 Dec 2013: Associate Professor Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (IITG), Department of Physics, Guwahati, India [4] July 2007 – July 2012: Assistant Professor Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (IITG), Department of Physics, Guwahati, India [3] June 2006 – May 2007: Post Doctoral Research Fellow (with Prof. Helmut Dosch). Max Planck Institute for Metals Research, Stuttgart, Germany. [2] May 2004 – March 2006: Post Doctoral Research Fellow (with Prof. Michael. Bedzyk). Northwestern University, Materials Science and Engineering Department, USA. [1] 10 April – 10 June, 2003: Visiting Scientist (with Prof. Jorg Zegenhagen). European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) at beamline ID32 and surface characterization laboratory, Grenoble, France. Ph.D: Growth of self-assembled nanostructures by molecular beam epitaxy system and their characterization. Supervisor: Prof. Bhupendra Nath Dev Institute: Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar RESEARCH GUIDANCE: Degree Guidance Number Completed Number in Progress Doctoral Single 02 03 Doctoral Joint 01 07 M.Sc / M.Tech Single 16 03 B.Tech (Eng. Physics) Single 04 0 Details of doctoral students: Ph.D. Supervision [ Total : 13 ] Sl. No. Name of the Thesis Title / Area Period Joint/Single Student Supervisor From To Ph.D degree awarded 1. Dr. Arindam Pal Growth of self-assembled July, 2008 Feb, 2013 Single structures of perelyne and naphthalene derivatives by thermal evaporation and their characterizations 2. Dr. Gedda Murali Fabrication of CoPc and PTCDI- July, 2010 Dec, 2014 Single Ph based low-operating voltage organic field-effect transistors 3 Dr. N. V. V. Subbarao Fabrication and July, 2010 July, 2015 Joint Characterization of Highly Environmental Sustainable Page: 1/8 Organic Field-Effect Transistors with Tri-layer Gate Dielectrics Ph.D Work Continuing (10) 4 Suman Mandal Flexible electronic devices for Jun 2014 till date Single health care application 5 Satyajit Roy Organic inorganic photo Jul 2014 till date Single detectors 6 Ajay Mandal Organic field-effect transistors July 2015 till date Single based biosensors 7 Sourabh Pal ZnO hybrid nanostructures Jul 2016 till date Joint / ATDC 8 Suvani Subhadarshini Polymer nanocomposites for Jul 2016 till date Joint / SNST flexible electronics 9 Sudarshan Singh SiGe nanostructures for Jun 2016 till date Joint / Physics photovoltaic devices 10 Priyanka Rani 2D Materials for solar energy Jan 2017 till date Joint / SNST harvesting and storage 11 Monojit Mondal Nano scale devices for energy July 2017 till date Joint / E&ECE storage and harvesting 12 Santanab Majumder Nano scale sensors July 2017 till date Joint / E&ECE 13 Samik Mallik Flexible sensors for Jan 2018 till date Joint / SNST environmental monitoring LIST OF PUBLICATIONS: A. Articles in International Journals (published): SL Authors Title Journal/Patent # No Citation 37 Suman Mandal, Dipak K. Ultra-precision, flexible Patent (2018) – Goswami temperature sensors with low operating voltage organic field- Application No: effect transistors for measuring 201831004408 temperature of living beings over a wide range. 36 Nimmakayala V.V. Subbarao, Effect of temperature on Sensor and – Suman Mandal, Murali Gedda, hysteresis of dipolar dielectric Actuators A: Parameswar Krishnan Iyer, layer based organic field-effect Physical, Dipak K. Goswami transistors: A temperature 269, 491–499 sensing mechanism (2018) 35 Suresh Vasimalla, Effects of Dielectric Material, ACS Omega, – Nimmakayala V. V. Subbarao, HMDS Layer, and Channel 2, 2552−2560 Murali Gedda, Dipak K. Length on the Performance of (2017) Goswami, the Perylenediimide-Based and Parameswar Krishnan Organic Field-Effect Transistors Iyer 34 Nimmakayala V.V. Subbarao, Organic field-effect transistors Organic 06 Murali Gedda, Parameswar as high performance humidity Electronics, 32, Krishnan Iyer, Dipak K. sensors with rapid response, 169–178 (2016) Goswami recovery time and remarkable ambient stability 33 Nimmakayala V V Subbarao , Enhanced environmental ACS Appl. Mater. 15 Murali Gedda , Parameswar stability induced by effective Interfaces, Krishnan Iyer and Dipak K. polarization of a polar dielectric 7, 1915−1924 Goswami layer in tri-layer dielectric (2015) system of organic field-effect Page: 2/8 transistors: a quantitative study. 31 Dipak K. Goswami Organic Semiconductor Invertis Journal of – Materials for Future Electronics Renewable Energy 5 (1), 41-46 (2015) 30 Nimmakayala V. V. Subbarao, Growth and Characterization of AIP Conf. Proc. – Murali Gedda, V. Suresh, D. N, N’-Dioctadecyl -1, 7- 1576, 42–45 (2014) Anamika, Parameswar K. Iyer, Dibromo-3, 4, 9, 10- and Dipak K. Goswami, Perylenetetracarboxylic-Diimide Micron/Nano Wires for Organic Field Effect Transistors. 29 Murali Gedda, Nimmakayala Growth Mechanism of Cobalt(II) AIP Conf. Proc. 01 V. V. Subbarao and Dipak K. Phthalocyanine (CoPc) Thin 1576, 152–154 Goswami, Films on SiO2 and Muscovite (2014) Substrates 28 Murali Gedda, Nimmakayala V Local Diffusion Induced Langmuir, 03 V Subbarao, and Dipak K. Roughening in Cobalt 30, 8735-8740 Goswami Phthalocyanine Thin Film (2014) Growth 27 Nimmakayala V. V. Subbarao, Effect of thickness of bilayer Phys. Status Solidi 05 Murali Gedda, Suresh dielectric on 1,7-dibromo-N,N 0 A, 211, 2403–2411 Vasimalla, Parameswar K. -dioctadecyl -3,4,9,10- (2014) Iyer and Dipak K. Goswami perylenetetracarboxylic diimide based organic field-effect transistors 26 Pal, A., Mahato, J. C., Dev, B. Roughening in Electronic ACS Appl. Mater. 01 N., Goswami, D. K. Growth of Ag on Si(111)-(7×7) and Interfaces, Surfaces 5, 9517−9521 (2013) 25 Gedda, M., Subbarao, N. V. V, High carrier mobility of CoPc AIP Advances, 06 Obaidulla, Sk. Md., and wires based field-effect 3, 112123 (2013) Goswami, D. K. transistors using bilayer gate dielectric 24 Goswami, D. K. and Pal, Growth of percolated Ag Int. J. Nanoscience 01 Arindam nanostructures on Si(111)- 10, (2011) 123-127 (7×7) Surfaces 23 Goswami, D. K. Effect of interface structures on Asian. J. Physics – the growth of Ag on Si(111) 19, (2010) 215- 220 surfaces 22 Zhang, X., Barrena, E., Evidence for layer-dependent Phys. Rev. Lett. 40 Goswami, D. K., Oteyza, D. Ehrlich-Schwöbel barrier in 103, (2009) G. de , Weis, C. and Dosch, H. organic thin film growth 136101-4 21 Giri, P. K., Kumari, S., Low energy oxygen Appl. Surf. Sci. 03 Goswami, D. K. implantation induced improved 256 (2009) 384–388 crystallinity and optical properties of surface modified ZnO single crystals. 20. Weitz, R. T., Amsharov, K., Film morphology, performance J. Am. Chem. Soc. 216 Zschieschang, U., Barrena, E. and stability of n-channel 130 (2008) 4637- V., Goswami, D. K., organic transistors based on 4645. Burghard, M., Dosch, H., novel perylene carboxylic Jansen, M. and Klauk, H. diimide derivatives. 19. M. Sofos, D. Stone, D. K. Nanoscale Structure of Self- J. Phys. Chem. C 19 Goswami, J. Okasanski, J. Assembling Hybrid Materials of 112 (2008) 2881- Hua, M. J. Bedzyk, and S. Inorganic and Electronically 2887. Stupp Active Organic Phases 18. Goswami, D. K., Coexistent compressive and Appl. Surf. Sci. 253 07 Bhattacharjee, K., Satpati, B., tensile strain in Ag islands on Si (2007) 9142-9147 Kuri, G., Satyam, P. V., Dev, (111) – (7x7) surfaces. B. N. 17. Goswami, D. K., Preferential heights on growth Surf. Sci. 601 37 Bhattacharjee, K., Satpati, B., of Ag island on Si(111)-(7x7) (2007) 603-608. Roy, S., Satyam, P. V. and surfaces. Dev, B. N. Page: 3/8 16. Kim, C.-Y., Elam, J. W., Pellin, Imaging of atomic layer J. Phys. Chem. B 28 M.J., Goswami, D. K., deposition (ALD) tungsten 110 (2006) 12616- Cristensen, S. T., Hersam, M. monolayer on a-TiO2(110) by 12620. C., Stair, P. C. and Bedzyk, M. X-ray standing wave Fourier inversion. 15. Dev, B.N., Bera, S., Satpati, Nonmagnetic to magnetic Microelectronic 12 B., Goswami, D. K., nanostructures via ion Engineering, 83, Bhattacharjee, K., Satyam, irradiation. (2006) 1721-1725. P.V., Yamashita, K., Liedke, O. M., Potzger, K., Fassbender, J., Eichhorn, F., Groetzschel, R. 14. Bera, S., Satpati, B., Ion-beam induced J. Appl. Phys. 99, 15 Goswami, D. K., transformations in nanoscale (2006) 074301-5 Bhattacharjee, K., Satyam, P. multilayers: Evolution of V. and Dev, B. N.: clusters with preferred length scales . 13. Liu, X., Zhang, Y., Goswami, The controlled evolution of a Science, 307, 101 D. K., Okasinski, J. S., polymer single crystal. (2005) 1763-1766. Salaita, K., Sun, P., Bedzyk, M. J., Mirkin, C. A. 12. Bhattacharjee, K., Bera, S., Nanoscale self-affine surface Nucl. Instr. Methd. 04 Goswami, D. K. and Dev, B. smoothing by ion bombardment B230, (2005) 524– N. and the morphology of 532. nanostructures grown on ion bombarded surfaces. 11. Goswami, D. K., Ge growth on ion-irradiated Si Surf. Sci. 564, 06 Bhattacharjee, K. and Dev, B. surfaces: Self-affine fractal (2004) 149-155. N. structure. 10. Bera, S., Goswami, D. K., Ion irradiation induced impurity Nucl. Inst. and 08 Bhattacherjee, K., Dev, B. N., redistribution in Pt/C Meth. B212, (2003) Kuri, G., Nomoto, K., and multilayers. 530-534. Yamashita 9. Satpati, B., Goswami, D. K., Energy spike induced effects in Nucl. Inst. and 15 Vaishnav, U. D., Som, T., MeV ion-implanted nanoislands. Meth. B212, (2003) Dev, B. N. and Satyam, P. V. 157-163. 8 Satpati, B., Goswami, D. K., Study of sputtered particles Nucl. Inst. and 21 Kamila, J., Som, T., Dev, B. under thermal spike Meth., B212, (2003) N. and Satyam, P. V. confinement effects. 332-338. 7. Kamila, J., Satpati, B., Low current MeV Au ion- Nucl. Inst. and 14 Goswami, D. K., Rundhe, M., induced amorphization in Meth.
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