/) \: / • PO BOX 100, GLEBE NSW 2037 AUSTRALIA Print Post Approved - No: 234093/000 10 No 6 of 1997 July Annual General Social Activities Meeting After further discussion, we agreed that we had given ourselves too short a time to or- NOTICE is hereby given that the AN- ganise a Yulefest in July for our annual NUAL GENERAL MEET.ING of THE birthday party and decided instead to have a GLEBE SOCIETY INCORPORATED belated birthday in September, on Saturday, will be held at l1am on Sunday 31 Au- 20th. This will be close to the Solstice and gust, at 4 Boyce Street. we can celebrate the return of Spring too! Details and booking form are enclosed with The business to be dealt with at the meet- this Bulletin. ing is as follows: 1 To confirm the minutes of the last We also discovered that the Friends of Ben- annual general meeting of the So- ledi were arranging a Yulefest on 15th July, ciety held on 25 August, 1996 which would have meant rather an oversup- 2 To. receive from the management ply of turkey if we had also gone ahead! committee a report upon the activi- ties of the Societyduring the period from 25 August, 1996 3 To elect the new management Join other members of committee. A form of nomination the Glebe Society for is enclosed for this purpose. the AGM, at the home 4 To receive and consider the state- of Mavis and Bill ment which is required to be sub- McCarthy, 5 Boyce mitted to members pursuant to sub- Street, Glebe section 26(6) of the Associations Incorporation Act. 5 To resolve that two members of the committee be authorised to sign the certificate in clause 10 of the said statement. Jeanette Knox - Hon Secretary Sunday lunch Inside This Issue The next Sunday lunch will be held at BJ's Eatery on Sunday 10 August at 12:3Opm.Please contact John Hoddinott, 9692 0071, to make a booking. Page 2 The Glebe Society Bulletin The John Fletcher site, Ferry Rd/ Taylor Planning Report St! Forsyth St I attended a meeting at Glebe Town Hall, The former Children's Hospital Site, chaired by Cr Macindoe, where the owner's Bridge Road representative and the Leichhardt Council's I made a four page submission to South consultant had a hard time from some of the Sydney City Council (SSCC) noting the Blackwattle residents. Society's views about the future development of the site, with a copy to My impression is that the planning matters Leichhardt Council. for this roughly 2 hectare site still require an LEP and draft DEP to be approved. The concerns mentioned in the submission Hence again many of the decisions about were listed in the previous Bulletin, namely the density and aesthetics of the site are floor-space ratio, building heights, on-site months away. It was suggested at the parking and traffic issues. While the meeting that a smaller number of large projected car spaces per unit are reasonable units be proposed for the site, because this and within SSCC's regulations, there is concept would reduce the number of traffic very little off-site parking and I expressed movements in the final development - my concern that the car population could whatever it may be. perhaps increase over the next couple of decades, putting pressure on on-site space. My argument against the "rich" approach is that such people would be less likely to use Another traffic issue is turning from Bridge public transport and would tend to own Road across oncoming traffic. When more cars than in a "medium-rich" ambulances and cars carrying sick children development. A rough calculation for a two had to undertake this manoeuvre, there was hectare site would be about one hundred a matter of urgency involved and traffic units, so let's say about 150 to 200 cars, lights controlled the entrance. I suggested spread over a couple of hours morning and that Booth Street, rather than Bridge Road, evening. be the major ingress/egress. While I agree that the area is very difficult As the development is not under the control for traffic management, if on-site parking of Leichhardt Council, we have reduced can be properly provided for, I believe that influence on its final outcome, as I said last the streets can cope. The streets mentioned Bulletin. I did, however, make the point that above are low-key compared to the major the decision will influence the local thoroughfares in Glebe. community for many years to come. Local issues Sandra Nori, our local State member, has I have spoken to Jeanette Knox about the asked me to be her representative on bus frequency in Glebe, mainly the 431 & SSCC's Traffic Committee when issues 433 routes. Jeanette and I will try to plan a concerning the site arise. I was happy to strategy for this issue. My theory is that accept the position. Sandra's electorate buses travel in tandem because this includes this small local area under SSCC's decreases the chances of bushrangers control, and I will only attend committee holding them up. meetings when the former Hospital site's traffic management is under discussion. I Another local issue is cleanliness in Glebe would estimate this to be some months streets. This is a very much discussed away, after the LEP (rezoning matters) and matter, and is also almost intractable. Back the draft DCP (floor-space ratio, heights, lanes are used as garbage dumps, the small etc) have been approved by SSCc. number of litter bins are often used not for litter, but by some residents as garbage bins. Both these matters, buses and garbage, could perhaps be discussed at a public meeting. I would like Society members to think about this, and to talk to us. John Hoddinott Page 3 The Glebe Society Bulletin Creek. However he became noticeably more Aircraft and Glebe fluent and enthused when talking about the KSA - Sydney (Kingsford Smith) Airport Holdsworthy site. It is my understanding Aircraft Noise and Other Complaints: new that the Badgerys Creek airport site is more phone number 1800818017 elevated than its surrounding areas which would mean aircraft would achieve greater he Transport Minister has fast- height before passing over heavily tracked moving the third runway populated areas. What height will they be? T I was interested to know the height of a threshold, where aircraft can touch down from a point further south on particular aircraft movement north west of the runway to a point one quarter of a Glebe because its noise was almost kilometre northwards, closer to us. Aircraft imperceptible. If the track provided by will now be at a height of only 115 metres Airservices Australia correctly identified on their landing approach in the vicinity of the movement it was at an altitude of 7 900 the airport's domestic terminals and a feet with a possible error margin of 300 feet. nearby hotel. We are advised that no procedures are implemented at the airport The location and impact of Sydney's second until they have safety clearance from the airport have become much tougher issues. Civil Aviation Safety Authority. We are The Federal government's failure to advised also that the third runway proceed with Badgerys Creek airport environment impact statement no longer development in 1989 (aided by the applies to KSA with regard to aircraft noise. Opposition, the NSW government and It follows that the EIS has ceased to apply at airlines) is reflected in KSA's over all. development and has resulted in greater western Sydneybeing less prepared to shape Aircraft noise is to be shared but there will its future. The compromises that will need be more noise to be shared. The Federal to be made are becoming larger. government is likely to legislate a cap of 80 movements per hour on KSA. So if the Where does the argument that the airport airport became very busy with 80 should be outside the Sydney region place movements per hour and if only the north- us? If a single, replacement airport were to south flight paths were in use there would be built outside Sydney, John Hoddinott be an aircraft every one and a half minutes calculated it would need four fast-rail tracks over the suburbs north of the airport. If (300 passengers per train according to landings from the north were the operating Speedrail's information) to service airport mode it would mean an aircraft landing on passengers, most of whom would require the third runway every three minutes, a Sydney as their origin or destination condition that would particularly affect (workers' access, cargo and luggage Glebe and Forest Lodge. The Society has requirements were not included in the written to ask the Minister if 80 movements guess). How would such a major corridor as per hour would be shared with the east-west this be achieved in the Sydney area? We do runway. We really want to know whether not know of any studies being undertaken to the airport's operations would result in solid address the issues (these points have been use of north-south flight paths, returning raised in earlier articles). Municipal suburbs north of the airport to the Councils who are calling for an airport 'Benelong Funnel' conditions of 1994/95. outside Sydney do not appear to have The Society has called in the past for created a joint initiative to gather facts in legislation with a sunset clause on the support of their call. The issue of air number of aircraft movements - that aircraft pollution resulting from operating a western movements per hour would be reduced Sydney airport was earlier addressed by the when the second Sydneyairport commences community opposing the third runway.
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