i The 1st International Virtual Conference on Psychological Studies Strengthening family roles to improve human functioning and mental health in educational, work, and community settings Oktober 20th - 21st, 2020 ii TABLE OF CONTENT Table of Content ...................................................................................................... ii ABSTRACTS OF ROOM 1 ..................................................................................... 1 The Effect Size of Forgiveness on Hope and Life Satisfaction among Adolescents Living with Imperfect Family Structure: Taking Anxiety Levels and Sex into Consideration Amalia Rahmandani, Yohanis Franz La Kahija, Lusi Nur Ardhiani.. .......................... 2 Self-Harm Behavior: Relation to Personality and Parental Separation Janice Valencia, Frikson Christian Sinambela ........................................................... 3 An Initial Development of SMILE: A Self-Regulation Based Mobile Mental Health‟s Application for Adolescents D. V.S. Kaloeti, A. Ediati, W. A. Syafei, A. B. Prasetijo ……..………………………. 4 Blood Pressure Control and Heart Rate: Effectiveness Brief Hypnotic Induction Methods on Adults Ayu Kurnia S, Dian Veronika Sakti Kaloeti, Kwartarini Wahyu Yuniarti …...………. 5 Online Cognitive-Behavioral Group Therapy to Enhance Self-esteem in Romantic Relationship for Emerging Adulthood Women Diajeng Tri Padya, Lathifah Hanum …………………………………………..……… 6 The Effectiveness of Online Group Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy on Self- Esteem and Forgiveness in Emerging Adult Women After Romantic Relationship Break Up Prawestri Bayu Utari Krisnamurthi, Lathifah Hanum ………………………….…….. 7 Catcalling in Women a Sexual Harassment or Only as Jokes? (Research Case Study) Dewani Dama Shinta, Taufik Akbar Rizqi Yunanto …………………………..……... 8 The Impact of Self -Affirmation Toward Stress and Anxiety Levels of Pregnant Women Runjati, Annisa Septy Nurcahyani ………………………………………...…………... 9 iii ABSTRACTS OF ROOM 2 ..................................................................................... 10 The Effectiveness of Wellness Counseling Provision to Improve Students‟ Psychological Well Being Lucia Hernawati ........................................................................................................ 11 Psychological Distress among Freshmen University Students Alvin Alfiyan, Ishma Najya Zafira P,Wyke Youlanda, Dian Veronika Sakti Kaloeti, Hastaning Sakti ......................................................................................................... 12 Measuring Acculturative Stress and General Self-Rated Health of Internal Migrant Students in Indonesia: Considering Social Identity Theory Nugraha Arif Karyanta, Suryanto, Andik Matulessy ……………………………… …. 13 Self-efficacy, Emotional Regulation, Communication Competence and Public Speaking Anxiety towards Students Zefanya Relita Trisnaningati, Frikson Christian Sinambela ……………………..….. 14 Public Speaking Anxiety from The Perspective of Self Efficacy and Audience Response to Students: A Systematic Review Bawin Sri Lestari, Joniarto Parung, Frikson C. Sinambela ………………..……....... 15 Effects of Neurofeedback Training on Anxiety Symptoms among University Students Jasmine Adela Mutang, Chua Bee Seok, Guan Teik Ee …………………………........ 16 Preliminary Study on Student's Learning Satisfaction Using Online-Based Learning in The Covid-19 Era Diana Rusmawati …………………………………………………………..…………. 17 Character Strengths of Student and College Student in Undergoing Learning Activities during The Covid-19 Pandemic Hetti Sari Ramadhani, Jatie K. Pudjibudojo, Lena N. Panjaitan ………….………… 18 Model of Career Maturity in Adolescents Novi Qonitatin, Erin Ratna Kustanti ………………………………………………….. 19 ABSTRACTS OF ROOM 3 ..................................................................................... 20 Adaptation and Validation of Indonesian Version of Offence-Related Feelings of Guilt and Shame: A Rasch Model Analysis iv Salma Salma, Dian Veronika Sakti Kaloeti, Yohanis Franz La Kahija ………..…..... 21 Parent Marital Quality Scale: Development, Validation, and Reliability Hepi Wahyuningsih, Resnia Novitasari, Fitri Ayu Kusumaningrum …………………. 22 Surviving Marital Relationship During The COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review on Marital Conflict Shinta Wisyaningrum, Ignasia Epifani, Annastasia Ediati …………………………… 23 Marital Distress and Satisfaction During COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review Ignasia Epifani, Shinta Wisyaningrum, Annastasia Ediati …………………………… 24 Risk Factors of Domestic Violence Reported Before and During The Covid-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review Fawwaz Mishbah Syibulhuda, Annastasia Ediati …………………………………….. 25 Divorce Decision-Making in Javanese Women: A Review from Social, Cultural, and Gender Perspective Devi Puspitasari, Jatie Pudjibudojo, Hartanti ……………………………………….. 26 Marital Satisfaction of Individuals Who Remarried After Experiencing Divorce Dewi Widiastuti ………………………………………………………………………. 27 The Implementation of Life-Review Intervention to Increase The Quality of Life on Elderly Widows Venty Ratnasari Telaumbanua, Srisiuni Sugoto ………………………………………. 28 ABSTRACTS OF ROOM 4 ..................................................................................... 29 Engaged Teachers Scale for Special Educational Needs Teachers in Indonesia: A Rasch Model Approach Ika Febrian Kristiana, Ermida Simanjuntak ………………………………………….. 30 Work-Family Conflict, Perceived Stress and Intention to Commit Traffic Violations: A Model Guided by The Theory of Planned Behavior Madihah Shukri ……………………………………………………………………….. 31 Family Support on Working Mother‟s Work-Family Conflict: Role of Communal Sharing Social Relations T N E D Soeharto, M W Kuncoro, S A Prahara ……………………………….…… 32 v The Role of Psychological Capital in Predicting Work-Family Conflict Rusmalia Dewi, Joniarto Parung, Artiawati …………………………………..……… 33 The Role of Hindrance Stressor and Distress in Teachers‟ Work-Life Balance Pan Lee Ching, Chua Bee Seok, Rosnah Ismail ……………………………….……… 34 The Influence of Work-Family Interface and Emotional Exhaustion on Turnover Intentions among Doctors in Malaysian Public Hospitals: Affective Commitment as Moderator Ifrah Harun, Rosli Mahmood ……………………………………………………….... 35 Subjective Career Success: How to Get It Fendy Suhariadi, Fajrianthi, Tri Muji Ingarianti …………………………………….. 36 ABSTRACTS OF ROOM 5 ..................................................................................... 37 The Role of Parents in Teaching Community Engagement to The Children: An Exploration Study among Balinese Family Wyke Youlanda, Dian Veronika Sakti Kaloeti, Ayu Kurnia S ………………….…..... 38 Self-Efficacy for Technology Mediation and Parental Mediation of Technology Use on Parents of Primary School Children Enjang Wahyuningrum, Suryanto, Dewi Retno Suminar …………………….……..... 39 The Role of Perceived Parenting Style and Academic Self-Efficacy on Self- Regulated Learning in the Context of Distance Learning (PJJ) in Jabodetabek Junior High School Students Ardiningrum, S. A., Chrissandi, N. T., Dumbi, K. F., Dumbi, K. S., Juaninda, C. P., Indrasari, S.Y. …………………………………………………………………………. 40 Relationship between Strength Based Parenting and Subjective Well Being among High School Students Nida Khairunnisaa, Fitri Ayu Kusumaningrum ………………………………………. 41 Adolescent Sexual Behavior at SMPN 3 Arjasa: Relationship between Motivation to Avoid Premarital Sex with Religiosity, Self-Esteem, and Parenting Style Siti Nur Khodijah, Abdurrazzaq Fathur Rahman Luthan, Rizky Maharani Nugroho …………………………………………………………….. 42 vi The Effect of Parental Social Support on Career Decision Making Self-Efficacy Ferdi Sapan Alextian, Sri Muliati Abdullah …………………..……………………… 43 Does Hovering Matter? The Effect of Helicopter Parenting on Adolescents Suicidal Ideation Samita Karunaharan, Charles Ganaprakasam, Tinagaran Selvarajah ……………… 44 The Effect of Personal Growth Initiative (PGI) on Self Regulated Learning (SRL) of Bullying Victims and The Difference by Parent Education Putri Saraswati …………………………………………………………………..……. 45 The Dynamics of Transgender Families: Adoption and Parenting Diah Dinar Utami ……………………………………………………………….……. 46 ABSTRACTS OF ROOM 6 ..................................................................................... 47 Global Trend in Work-Family Research from 2015 to 2019: A Bibliometric Analysis Ika Zenita Ratnaningsih ……………………………………………………..………… 48 Strengthening Family Resilience in Pandemic of COVID-19: Resources in Minangkabau‟s Families Amatul Firdausa Nasa, Diny Amenike, Dwi Puspasari ………………………….….. 49 Family and Social Enviromental Factors in Their Effects on Family Resilience: A Systematic Review Yosika Pramangara Admadeli, Pascalis Muritegar Embu-Worho ………………..….. 50 Unearthing The Role of Female Breadwinners in Family Resilience during a Crisis: A Case Study in Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining Community in Tewang Pajangan, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia Safura Intan Herlusia, Tannia Paramita, Vovia Witni, Budi Susilorini …………..….. 51 Toward an Understanding of a Step-sibling Relationship through Bibliometric- visualization and Narrative Analysis Devina Ratna Anggita, Costrie Ganes Widayanti, Kartika Sari Dewi …………..…… 52 “I Consider Him as a Threat To My Family”: Extended Family Differences in Attitudes Towards People with Schizophrenia Ni Luh Kade Nadia Rastafary, Yohanes K. Herdiyanto, David Hizkia Tobing ………. 53 vii Family Relationship in the Era of Disruption: A Study of Communication Strategy between Parents and Millennial Children Afifah Chusna Az Zahra, Jainul Mukhaimin Nurofik, Mochammad Sa’id
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